Forums > General Industry > Have you paid for a MM model or photogrpher?


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

Okay, you see a photographer or a model on MM and you love their style.. you'd love to have them as a model or their photography in your portfolio. You'd probably ask them for a TFP first off, but what if they're pay to play only? How much would you, or have you spent on a shoot for a picture to add to your portfolio?

And in the end, did you feel like you got something more than if you would have moved on to the next person who would have done a TFP?


Oct 09 06 01:34 am Link



Posts: 2166

San Francisco, California, US

I have worked with several model from Model Mayhem and have paid between $50 to $100 per hour on average.

Oct 09 06 01:35 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

I just hired a MUA

Oct 09 06 01:41 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

yes, Ive hired models from MM, Ive hired mua's from MM, Ive been hired by models from MM and Ive done tfp with Models and MUAs from MM. 

Ive also assisted shooters from MM and got assistants from MM.

Re do I feel like it would have been better to tfp- no I dont.  You should always be willing to invest in yourself- if its a smart investment.

Oct 09 06 01:53 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US


Oct 09 06 01:54 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Technically yes, but I'd known of her for a few years prior to joining MM.  We did negotiate the shoot entirely through the PM system though.

Oct 09 06 01:56 am Link


Aanu Photography

Posts: 60

Carthago, Tunis, Tunisia

As a model I have paid anywhere from $50 to $200 (including MUA) an hour. I much prefer to pay for my updates as paid shoots tend to come out much better. Almost every TFP I have done the photographer just does a half a&&ed job and I get crappy results.

As a photographer I have paid anywhere from $25 to $250 hr. / day. If I were rich I would much prefer to pay models. TFP is great but sometimes I would like to have 100% say in what I'm trying to produce.

Oct 09 06 03:19 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Your post makes it sound like it is an unusual thing to hire a model.

Oct 09 06 03:25 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Your post makes it sound like it is an unusual thing to hire a model.

Sounds (reads) more like a sounding board for "is it ok if I..." or "What if I was to offer..."

Oct 09 06 03:30 am Link



Posts: 1176

West Hollywood, California, US

Yeah, I pay for my MM photographer sometimes. But sometimes he pays for me too. Sometimes we go in on paying together. And get twice as much!

Oct 09 06 03:49 am Link


Lotus Love

Posts: 87

San Diego, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Your post makes it sound like it is an unusual thing to hire a model.

No actually i can see where the OP is coming from because I think that it's easy to get a sense that this is only MM...therefore most people seem to only want tests and do not want to pay. MM is a open site, FREE for ANYONE to join, so yes many people wants services for free...
It's a good place to find people to test with I guess!

Take Care,

Oct 09 06 04:02 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I've paid for four different models from this site and have done one for TFP.

Oct 09 06 04:18 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

I pay models; models pay me; sometimes we work TFCD.  It depends who wants what and what the model can bring to the session.

Oct 09 06 04:19 am Link


Blakberi Photography

Posts: 1647

Quebec, Quebec, Canada

I've paid for one model thru MM and another through Net Model to add to my 'folio.  It was the best money I'd spent and I would gladly do it again.  Altogether spent £120 on one and £55 on the other.  Both gave more value than the money spent

Oct 09 06 05:15 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


I pay my MUA

Oct 09 06 07:34 am Link



Posts: 1466


Daniela V wrote:
I pay my MUA

I never had most of these internet issue, but I think this would be offensive,  why would you pay a MUA and not the photographer doing the work pre and post?  its just weird, its less offensive if everyone in volunteering to produce good images.  Again I have never been in the situation so maybe I am a bad one to judge its just whe I her that it makes me wonder why?

Stephen Eastwood

Oct 09 06 11:23 am Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US


I never had most of these internet issue, but I think this would be offensive,  why would you pay a MUA and not the photographer doing the work pre and post?  its just weird, its less offensive if everyone in volunteering to produce good images.  Again I have never been in the situation so maybe I am a bad one to judge its just whe I her that it makes me wonder why?

Stephen Eastwood

so is to say that the MUA shouldnt be paid at all for making sure the model looks great for the shoot?

Oct 09 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 1466


Chuck Holliday wrote:
so is to say that the MUA shouldnt be paid at all for making sure the model looks great for the shoot?

not if the photographer and retoucher is not. 
check this  tell me who deserves the pay make up or photographer/retoucher? … 2d8241.htm and then this … 2d8241.htm

Why is the make up artist getting paid when no one else is thats my question?  do they not get the use of any pictures? will they have to pay if they want to include them in there portfolio?  are they of greater value than the photographer and model?

Oct 09 06 11:54 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US


paid for models
paid for muas
paid for photographers
been paid by photographers

Oct 09 06 01:33 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Just a kit fee about a year ago.

Oct 09 06 01:36 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Yes, have paid models, and MUA's then also have been paid by models depending on the project.  Also still do "TFP" ... anything to keep busy enough that I don't need to read the threads about "no show/no calls!"  LOL

The money from the work is coming from the websites I own though, and not directly from this one.

Oct 09 06 01:37 pm Link


Jordan Hamilton May

Posts: 276

Lake Forest, California, US

I pay models based on what assignments I am getting from my clients. If I am looking for a specific photograph for my portfolio and cannot find it under TFP/CD terms then I would pay the model. I choose a model that has the right images in her portfolio and the look I require. If your portfolio is filled with camera phone images and overall crap, I am not going to pay for your time.

Oct 09 06 01:40 pm Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I get that sometimes, whereas the model wants to HIRE a mua but shoot tfp with me. It's to the point where tfp really isn't an option anymore unless an extreme case where it's a model who's look I MUST HAVE or a project or equipment I need to invest my time in.

Oct 09 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US


I never had most of these internet issue, but I think this would be offensive,  why would you pay a MUA and not the photographer doing the work pre and post?  its just weird, its less offensive if everyone in volunteering to produce good images.  Again I have never been in the situation so maybe I am a bad one to judge its just whe I her that it makes me wonder why?

Stephen Eastwood

Photographers pay me because I'm experienced.

I pay MUA's (or the photographer does instead of paying me) because I can't do mu to save my life.

Oct 09 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

Yes,I have paid models on mm

Oct 09 06 01:44 pm Link


international model

Posts: 39

Brooklyn, New York, US

Yes I have paid for a photographer, and I have done tfp/tfcd. I think this site should be more that just that (tfp/tfcd) because we are all here because we love to do what we do, but we would also like to make money doing it. So I would appreciate it if I not only be used for tfp and I would get paid every now and then.

I belevie that if the photographer is using the photo for his own portfolio, then tfp is ok but if this is for a photographer's job then why shouldn't they pay the model?

Oct 09 06 01:45 pm Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I have done many shoots with MM models and have never exchanged money either way.  I have so many ongoing projects that I usually either use the models that have been faithful to my work, or solicit new faces for TFP ONLY.  I have worked with many models who say they ONLY will work for pay and NO TFP.  But, that's what I do is TFP.  That's the way I like to shoot though...I like to keep the money out of it and this way it becomes less of a stress and more of an artistic endeavor.  I am fortunate enough to not have to do my model photography for money...and I am very pleased with where I am right now.

The person who said that the shoots "turn out better if they are paid for" is just dead wrong.  A shoot turns out or doesn't both with paid and nonpaid shoots.  I had to laugh at that comment!  wink

Oct 09 06 01:48 pm Link


Lyndzi Joy

Posts: 171

Waterford, Michigan, US

I've paid photographers (the most so far was $250.00)
I've also paid for MUA's..

And..i've never been paid.

Oct 09 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

If you are in demand and the other is not then you get paid.
Applies to both roles.
I have never paid on MM.


Oct 09 06 01:58 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108



I never had most of these internet issue, but I think this would be offensive,  why would you pay a MUA and not the photographer doing the work pre and post?  its just weird, its less offensive if everyone in volunteering to produce good images.  Again I have never been in the situation so maybe I am a bad one to judge its just whe I her that it makes me wonder why?

Stephen Eastwood

I pay my MUA because she's good, and, in my opinion, the best in the area. She charges, and does not do TFP.

I don't pay photographers (put away the pitchforks) because I work with some incredibly talented people that will shoot TFP with me.

My MUA has no need for TFP.

It may sound offensive..and maybe it is offensive..but I think the amount of talented photographers on here v. the amount of talented MUAs on here is 3:1 at least...and I'm speaking for the area in which I live. NYC is overflowing with talent, and some of that talent doesn't charge.

There's really no way to sugarcoat it.

Oct 09 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 3410

Seattle, Washington, US

I have paid MUAs when the model has agreed to TFP/CD. This is not because I value the model less, but as a courtesy to the model to help them to look their best. I have also found that MUA and Wardrobe personel are in much higher demand than models or photographers and therefor do not have to work TFP nearly so much. There are probably 20 models to every 1 photographer and 20 photographers to every 1 MUA and even fewer Wardrobe designers. No real facts to back that up, but it is my impression. I have also offered paying work to models on MM, but have yet to have any of them work out for various reasons. I would always prefer to compensate others for their time, but like most I do not always have the budget for it.

Just noticed Daniela V's last post, sound like she has had similar experience with MUA.

Oct 09 06 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 1466


guess I am lucky I have maku up artists calling me everyday to shoot, so I have never run into the issue really.  I am still trying to justify it in my head since I see so many MUA's with bad images that can and do need good photography and models that they can't be that hard to find if one looks around.  But what do I know? I mainly only deal with the agencies models and artsists.  makes life easier, so I will shut up now.

Oct 09 06 02:31 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


guess I am lucky I have maku up artists calling me everyday to shoot, so I have never run into the issue really.  I am still trying to justify it in my head since I see so many MUA's with bad images that can and do need good photography and models that they can't be that hard to find if one looks around.  But what do I know? I mainly only deal with the agencies models and artsists.  makes life easier, so I will shut up now.

Guess you are just lucky....

There are plenty of MUA's with bad images...I have yet to find one with really good images that does TFP. There are plenty of talented photographers with killer images, that will do TFP.

Oct 09 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

I've never paid a photographer. I usually do TFP shoots but my travel expenses must be paid or a MUA hired. I've never gotten a paid job on MM. All of the offers are always TFP.

Oct 09 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Yes, one has, and another one will! wink

Oct 09 06 07:48 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I pay all my models, no matter where they come from.

Oct 09 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

It is always funny how some photographers start out complaining about nobody doing trades with them, then they turn around, once they think they deserve to be working for Vogue or Maxim, and think it sucks that they aren't getting hired smile

I love the guys who pay for models for their portfolio and nothing else as well, what is the point really? I mean if youre so talented then you shouldn't need a hot girl to make you look better, it is your work that should separate you from others, not how hot the girl is in the photo.

Oct 09 06 07:55 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

( ANT ) Mgaphoto wrote:
It is always funny how some photographers start out complaining about nobody doing trades with them, then they turn around, once they think they deserve to be working for Vogue or Maxim, and think it sucks that they aren't getting hired smile

I love the guys who pay for models for their portfolio and nothing else as well, what is the point really? I mean if youre so talented then you shouldn't need a hot girl to make you look better, it is your work that should separate you from others, not how hot the girl is in the photo.

This is really another non issue for people to rant about on Model Mayhem.  Sometimes photographers like to pay models, sometimes they don't. Sometimes the models pay the photographers, and sometimes they don't .. remind you of a candy bar commercial ".. sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!"  Then there are those who do "TFP" with hopes that it will benefit both parties concerned.

I pay the models when I'm going to use their images on my paysites.  Otherwise some pay me or in some cases I might TFP.  Not everyone here is shooting for portfolio work!  Also I believe any models who pose nude should be paid or pay for the work ... "No TFP's" in that case!  It makes the ownership issues much cleaner.

Oct 09 06 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I pay all the models as I am shooting content for a site where I expect to make money.  I do offer the models a choice of going 50-50 on sales (I do 100% Pay Per View, so I can track sales) or an upfront fee.  Most models take the up-front money, but almost all of them would come out ahead taking the 50-50 deal in the long run, since I can keep their photos up for sale as long as I want (and I rarely, if ever take anything down...)

Oct 09 06 09:06 pm Link


Thorn Hill Studios

Posts: 379

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

You lucky bastards should be happy you've paid a model to work with you.  I can't even get a model to reply to my postings looking for a model.  I'm looking for a model; how hard is that?

Oct 09 06 09:11 pm Link