Forums > General Industry > A weird phone call....


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

A lady with a Spanish dialect called me asking about shooting a starter model portfolio for her 15 year old daughter.....she had been referred by another client of mine which I was very happy about.....I asked her some questions about her and what their goals were, and her height, complexion, etc. Then I told her about a package I offer that I thought would suit her best......she then asked if I did TFP.....

I didn't know what to say, there was dead slience for a second....I was just wondering how anyone not assiciated with a web modeling community would know about that.....All I could do was politely tell her.....well Mrs. S., in some very occasional instances I do if there is anything I need or can use from a model with a specific look, with experience.....but in this case, your daughter is brand new at this and isn't at the desired agency level height. it wouldn;t be fair to me or my other clients if I did TFP for you, and then charge the next person. And on top of that I would have to coach. I'm sorry, but if you want to schedule an appointment, I will do my best to provide the images that she needs and give you the best price possible.

Thank you Mr. Farrell, CLICK.

Do you think it was a practical joke or is it really leaking into the mainstream? hmm I mean, why would you call a business and ask for something free? No one has let me off the hook yet if it was a joke smile

Oct 08 06 11:31 am Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

And these are people who would never go into a restaurant, be seated and get menus and when the waitstaff asks for their order ask them, "Can I have some -free- food?"

Oct 08 06 11:48 am Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

PapaVic Photography wrote:
And these are people who would never go into a restaurant, be seated and get menus and when the waitstaff asks for their order ask them, "Can I have some -free- food?"

Only if it were a true Utopian society..... smile

Oct 08 06 11:57 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Hm... I can see the terminology and concept of TFP having leaked into the non-digital world; sure - the exchange of services is the same, whether its arranged online or otherwise. I first heard of this method of portfolio building from an agency, who recommend I start out that way if I have no money.

What's puzzling about this lady's request, though, is that she expected you to agree without even having seen her daughter - I think if TFP arrangements work over the 'net, it's because both parties' work is laid out for evaluation, before they even communicate.

Also puzzling is the sudden hanging up. Well, no; that's just rude and bitchy.


Oct 08 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
A lady with a Spanish dialect called me asking about shooting a starter model portfolio for her 15 year old daughter.....she had been referred by another client of mine which I was very happy about.....I asked her some questions about her and what their goals were, and her height, complexion, etc. Then I told her about a package I offer that I thought would suit her best . . .

"your daughter is brand new at this and isn't at the desired agency level height."

It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?

Oct 08 06 12:04 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

It is leeking slowly,
A few agency models are on the websites and they are working with agency photographers and convincing them to be on the web sites and muas who do both as well.
Then agency photographers find a new group of models to test with and and them  internet model give agancy model credit and other internet modles start calling up agency photographer demanding tfcd and to bring an escort.
Or new mua gets a test with agency model and photographer and demands contact info to guy at agency so she can show her book.
Or internet model sees images of the wall and demands phone number of rock stars on the wall for a reference...

Oct 08 06 12:05 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

So TX so what is the best way to let someone know that they are not model material???

If they are just a friend and want to test of if they actually want to pay although I am not to sure about how I feel about taking money and telling them that my images will get them work if they just don't have anything marketable...

Oct 08 06 12:08 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

She might still be growing, or received some agency interest for local work or any type of work, or perhaps her mom just wanted a shoot for her  - and happened to term it a "starter portfolio," not knowing specifics of the business...

But it's still the photographer's job to respond to a potential client's need, and he did let the mother know she wasn't at agency height - so probably wouldn't be suitable as a fashion model in particular - before offering a paid shoot.


Oct 08 06 12:10 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

someone in another thread wondered if tfp was screwing things up..

you might have said,

"tfp is for when a model and a photographer have equal experience and want to collaborate, sometimes i do tfp, but not without seeing your child first, when i do tfp it is all my shoot, if you want decide what she will wear then you'll have to hire me, other photographers do tfp because they need the experience, they know what they are worth"

got them into your studio and then tried to upsell her, while she would of course, would have been trying to down sell you..

Oct 08 06 12:10 pm Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:

It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?

I think you are misconstruing what he said - the girl has no modeling experience. She would be using him to get a portfolio to start out with.  His time is worth money, and as such he is charging a fee for services rendered.

The girl would be getting experience as well as images for a portfolio. He did not say she wasn't model material - just that at this time he can't use her for any of his TFP shoots...

Oct 08 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:

It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?

Nothing. It is not a photographer's place to decide who can and cannot pay to get a modeling portfolio. If my hairdresses said, no you can't have long hair I am cutting it short I would throw a fit! If they suggested it, I would politely decline.

Would you let a resteraunt tell you you are too fat to eat there, they worry that the cholesteral content would make you sick, and so sorry but they can't serve you?

Oct 08 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I agree that they're asking for something unreasonable, but I just want to point out that I knew about TFP before I ever heard of an on-line modeling community.  The first time I can remember hearing the term was around 1983 or 1984 in Colorado Springs.  It was a pretty common term among members of a local camera club there. 

The internet isn't responsible for everything that irritates people.

Oct 08 06 12:16 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

TXPhotog wrote:

It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?

Nothing wrong with what I told her at all was you who provided a link about new model guidelines that I have saved and showed to aspiring models (so, thank you for that) This girl is 5 feet tall.....I didn't tell her she couldn't model, neither did your article. It will just limit her opportunities, but it doesn't shut the door on her. Besides I am not the agent, I am the photographer who helps give them something to show....whether it just stays in picture frames of her family members, images go here, shown to any agents, whatever. So I am in business to shoot portraits and model portfolios, why are you thinking it is unethical for me to want their business? I may need the money more than you do, but I see nothing wrong with this picture at all.

Oct 08 06 12:37 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
So TX so what is the best way to let someone know that they are not model material???

If they are just a friend and want to test of if they actually want to pay although I am not to sure about how I feel about taking money and telling them that my images will get them work if they just don't have anything marketable...

It's not really up to us to make the final call is it? Besides all you can do is give them what you feel are the best images for them, there is no guarantee of anyone's marketability, or that they will put the work into it.

Oct 08 06 12:41 pm Link


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
Do you think it was a practical joke or is it really leaking into the mainstream? hmm I mean, why would you call a business and ask for something free? No one has let me off the hook yet if it was a joke smile

If you do on occasion shoot TFP, then I can't understand why you'd be offended or puzzled by a mother asking if her child qualifies.

Oct 08 06 12:42 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Saryn Angel wrote:

I think you are misconstruing what he said - the girl has no modeling experience. She would be using him to get a portfolio to start out with.  His time is worth money, and as such he is charging a fee for services rendered.

The girl would be getting experience as well as images for a portfolio. He did not say she wasn't model material - just that at this time he can't use her for any of his TFP shoots...

Exactly, thank you for understanding!

Oct 08 06 12:43 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Frank McAdam wrote:

If you do on occasion shoot TFP, then I can't understand why you'd be offended or puzzled by a mother asking if her child qualifies.

Not really a matter of being offended Frank, I just didn't expect it.....if she contacted me from here, I would expect that......she contacted me as a business, not an individual, and it doesn't say on my main site any reference about TFP.....just really caught me off guard that's all.

Oct 08 06 12:44 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Star wrote:

Nothing. It is not a photographer's place to decide who can and cannot pay to get a modeling portfolio. If my hairdresses said, no you can't have long hair I am cutting it short I would throw a fit! If they suggested it, I would politely decline.

Would you let a resteraunt tell you you are too fat to eat there, they worry that the cholesteral content would make you sick, and so sorry but they can't serve you?

Thank you.

Oct 08 06 12:46 pm Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

I am not saying your reaction was wrong,you are in business to make money.However the fact that someone should ask for such a trade is not surpriseing.The mom probably used the internet to research modeling for her daughter and learned about tfp and some other useful facts.
    First of all there is nothing new about tfp,trade for time,barter,test shooting however you want to call it.Nor is there anything wrong with it ,it is just a tool.So If you think that it is some trade secret  that only you and a few other know about simply because of the web,I am afraid your mistaken.It was here long before computors were even concieved of and alot of people who don't have any connection with this business are aware of it and have used it.
    i hope you  remembered to get the woman's name and phone number and her daughters name,because you now have a solid lead for a  potenial customer if you apply it right.Tfp in my opinion does not hurt anyone in the long run,finding customers and wooing them is 99% of this or any other business.All those tfp shooters out there are just spreading the word and building interest in the service you can provide and all cost free.

Oct 08 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Good God man, TFP is not a secret!

....and (as if it was really relevant), what was the Spanish dialect?? Or did ya mean accent?

Oct 08 06 01:23 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Jay, your reaction and approach are right on. If I am approached to shoot with someone, I expect either to be paid or a TRULY beneficial exchange for both parties involved. Then it would have to be clear that the model is at least as accomplished in her craft as I am.

Oct 08 06 01:26 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
A lady with a Spanish dialect called me asking about shooting a starter model portfolio for her 15 year old daughter.....she had been referred by another client of mine which I was very happy about.....I asked her some questions about her and what their goals were, and her height, complexion, etc. Then I told her about a package I offer that I thought would suit her best......she then asked if I did TFP.....

I didn't know what to say, there was dead slience for a second....I was just wondering how anyone not assiciated with a web modeling community would know about that.....All I could do was politely tell her.....well Mrs. S., in some very occasional instances I do if there is anything I need or can use from a model with a specific look, with experience.....but in this case, your daughter is brand new at this and isn't at the desired agency level height. it wouldn;t be fair to me or my other clients if I did TFP for you, and then charge the next person. And on top of that I would have to coach. I'm sorry, but if you want to schedule an appointment, I will do my best to provide the images that she needs and give you the best price possible.

Thank you Mr. Farrell, CLICK.

Do you think it was a practical joke or is it really leaking into the mainstream? hmm I mean, why would you call a business and ask for something free? No one has let me off the hook yet if it was a joke smile

A simple 'NO' would've sufficed. It sounds like you let your mouth get in the way. This persone called you...remember? She's not your friend, at least not until AFTER the initial shoot AND the check clears. This is business as usual.

TXPhotog wrote:
It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?

There's nothing 'wrong' with this picture. The potential client is coming to the photographer and asking the photographer to do a job. Period. What the hell do we care that the model is not actual model material? We are not her manager or therapist, we are simply doing a job. I don't care if the model is 4 feet tall and wants a high fashion looking shoot for her/his portfolio. It's nothing I will put in my book and long as the check clears...

Or are you above that?

Oct 08 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 268

Dublin, Georgia, US

TXPhotog wrote:

It seems to me there is a built-in disconnect here.  The girl isn't model material, but wants a "model portfolio".  The photographer tells her she isn't model material, but will charge her for a "model portfolio" anyway.

What's wrong with this picture?


Oct 08 06 01:35 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

INever wrote:
Good God man, TFP is not a secret!

....and (as if it was really relevant), what was the Spanish dialect?? Or did ya mean accent?

No but you hear more about it here and OMP....I guess me mentioning her Spanish accent or dialect makes me racist then....hmm I actually liked her voice....

Oct 08 06 01:48 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Jay Farrell wrote:

No but you hear more about it here and OMP....I guess me mentioning her Spanish accent or dialect makes me racist then....hmm I actually liked her voice....

Jay, I think you need sensitivity training and should give away all your work for free now.


Oct 08 06 02:08 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Vegas Alien wrote:

Jay, I think you need sensitivity training and should give away all your work for free now.


Sounds good.....where do I sign? smile

Oct 08 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

It's nothing I will put in my book and long as the check clears...

Or are you above that?

Hmmmm....above, beyond or sideways... I only shoot with passion.

Oct 08 06 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Jay Farrell wrote:

No but you hear more about it here and OMP....I guess me mentioning her Spanish accent or dialect makes me racist then....hmm I actually liked her voice....

accents are tonality.............dialects are language variations

Oct 08 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

PapaVic Photography wrote:
And these are people who would never go into a restaurant, be seated and get menus and when the waitstaff asks for their order ask them, "Can I have some -free- food?"

No, I think they're the people who say, "Oh, well it won't scan, then it's free!" (Such as at the grocery store.)  Maybe it's not scanning, because the barcode was scratched?  Conveniently, that can be fixed wink

Oct 08 06 03:11 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

i agree with tex on this one.  upon hearing the stats it was immediately concluded the model wasn't agency level so what would be the point other than taking money from the unqualified?  would taking a sitting fee change that?  no, not any more than doing tfp.

part of the best practice onus on a photographer isn't to simply make money with the lens, but to be a respected arbiter in helping guide those from spending foolishly.

--face reality

Oct 08 06 03:13 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

FaceReality wrote:
upon hearing the stats it was immediately concluded the model wasn't agency level so what would be the point other than taking money from the unqualified?

Unqualified for what? To have their picture taken? The point might just be to provide a service to someone who is asking for it.

Confucious say: Elitism = empty wallet

Oct 08 06 03:24 pm Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

I'm having a hard time seeing where Jay did anything wrong.

He told a potential client that he wasn't interested in a trade shoot and explained why.

He then offered to shoot for a fee.

I personally would hate to live in a world where people that were not model material, couldn't find anyone to shoot their portrait.  Likewise, I would hate to be in in environment, where a qualified model or photographer could not find work that paid.

The only real problem I see here is that this interaction appears to have been traumatic for Jay.  My advice, let it go.

Oct 08 06 03:27 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Unqualified for what? To have their picture taken? The point might just be to provide a service to someone who is asking for it.

Confucious say: Elitism = empty wallet

Totally.....even if the family kept them for themselves, that is something they can keep for a lifetime, and I was honest with her from the start.....however that should not keep her from trying, in other genres besides runway / fashion. If they want to proceed, it's only smart for me to as well. Many of us don't have millions to be that stuffy.....face reality smile

Oct 08 06 03:30 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

ArtisticDigitalImages wrote:
I'm having a hard time seeing where Jay did anything wrong.

He told a potential client that he wasn't interested in a trade shoot and explained why.

He then offered to shoot for a fee.

I personally would hate to live in a world where people that were not model material, couldn't find anyone to shoot their portrait.  Likewise, I would hate to be in in environment, where a qualified model or photographer could not find work that paid.

The only real problem I see here is that this interaction appears to have been traumatic for Jay.  My advice, let it go.

Pretty much....well I wouldn't say it was traumatic, but it strikes me as odd......

Oct 08 06 03:34 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
Unqualified for what? To have their picture taken? The point might just be to provide a service to someone who is asking for it.

no, the request was for a model portfolio.  the op did nothing wrong by not accepting tfp. that would be his investment and he saw it as unworthy.  i would probably feel the same. 

i'll also take it at face value the op has a sense that after hearing her stats it wouldn't be a good investment for her either by pointing out she isn't agency level (otherwise, why invest in a model portfolio?).

the question becomes, "would it be right to take payment from one that when in all likelihood the service would not bring return on that investment?"  i say no, and i've rejected payment based on similar circumstances.

call it elitist if you must.  i call it not being hard up to make a buck at someone else inexperienced expense.

Jay Farrell wrote:
Totally.....even if the family kept them for themselves, that is something they can keep for a lifetime, and I was honest with her from the start.....

were you?  then why didn't you say they were asking for keepsakes rather than a modeling portfolio?  maybe i was wrong about your understanding as stated previously.

--face reality

Oct 08 06 03:50 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

FaceReality wrote:
no, the request was for a model portfolio.  the op did nothing wrong by not accepting tfp. that would be his investment and he saw it as unworthy.  i would probably feel the same. 

i'll also take it at face value the op has a sense that after hearing her stats it wouldn't be a good investment for her either by pointing out she isn't agency level (otherwise, why invest in a model portfolio?).

the question becomes, "would it be right to take payment from one that when in all likelihood the service would not bring return on that investment?"  i say no, and i've rejected payment based on similar circumstances.

call it elitist if you must.  i call it not being hard up to make a buck at someone else inexperienced expense.

were you?  then why didn't you say they were asking for keepsakes rather than a modeling portfolio?  maybe i was wrong about your understanding as stated previously.

--face reality

Yes, the request was for a modeling portfolio......just because many agencies may not look at her, that doesn't mean she should give up.....there are models even here or those represented by smaller agencies who do glamour and swimwear work, etc. who also wouldn't qualify to be a major agency's target market. They may not make fat bank, but if they make something and come as close as they can to living a dream, and doing what they enjoy, why not try? Same thing with me attending Greg Gorman's workshop next March....even after that class, I won't be and maybe will never be as great as he is......but that doesn't mean I should sell my gear and bury my head in the sand. Nor would he want me to. I gave them the guideline but I am not an yes i was honest.....if they want to proceed, the worst that can happen is they have family pictures which someone would have done for them anyhow.

Bottom line, I can only advise what I know to advise, I can't decide for them, I am not an would have been unethical for me to blow smoke up their ass just to get them to spend money with me.....i never did that. The customer is still the customer, if you don't shoot the images they want, someone else will. That person has friends too.

Oct 08 06 04:07 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Besides, we are veering off topic.....they called a registered business and asked for a free service after saying they liked my work.....I wasn't prepared for that call at the time smile

Oct 08 06 04:11 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

FaceReality wrote:
no, the request was for a model portfolio.  the op did nothing wrong by not accepting tfp. that would be his investment and he saw it as unworthy.  i would probably feel the same.

The request could've been for a shot of her big toe. What's the difference? Again, who are we to judge who get's their picture taken and for what reason? If I told most of my clients that I didn't think thier product stood a chance and therefor chose not to shoot the job, I may as well be shooting myself in the foot.

As far as an 'investment'. What, you never take pictures of anyone where the 'investment' isn't 'worthy'. Free or otherwise? You don't take pictures of family or friends ever?

The Unrealistic Person then wrote:
call it elitist if you must.  i call it not being hard up to make a buck at someone else inexperienced expense.

It's not being hard up as you put it to take on a paying job. If you knew what I made with photography and with what clients, you would laugh at your last remark. Oh, and in the end, you might just be helping out the 'inexperienced' become a little more experienced in your efforts. So yes, I would call it 'elitism' of the tallest order when you have to deem people/projects 'worthy' before you actually decide to shoot them. Now if you don't want to shoot them just because you don't feel like it, well then, I would have more respect for you.

God man, imagine walking into a Bar and the bartender saying..."I'm sorry, after looking at you, I don't think I will serve you because the investment is not worthy."


Oct 08 06 04:12 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

MrHotShot wrote:
The request could've been for a shot of her big toe. What's the difference?

you really miss the point.  you're grasping at big toes holding straws.

but let's bring this into some sort of perspective.  knowing what you know and taking yourself out of consideration to do the photography, if you had a 15 year old daughter what advice would be given toward investing in a modeling portfolio if you thought there might not be a chance to return that investment?  i'm sure you would advise to go find someone that would relish in laughing all the way to the bank instead of seeking honest valued opinion by one that understands the requirements.

Jay Farrell wrote:
Yes, the request was for a modeling portfolio......just because many agencies may not look at her, that doesn't mean she should give up.....there are models even here or those represented by smaller agencies who do glamour and swimwear work, etc. who also wouldn't qualify to be a major agency's target market.

looks like you lost out in more ways than one.  no payment and no opportunity to bring a 15 year old without agency level stats to your next swimwear and glammer clients.

oh well.  better luck next time.

--face reality

Oct 08 06 04:42 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
A lady with a Spanish dialect called me asking about shooting a starter model portfolio for her 15 year old daughter.....she had been referred by another client of mine which I was very happy about.....I asked her some questions about her and what their goals were, and her height, complexion, etc. Then I told her about a package I offer that I thought would suit her best......she then asked if I did TFP.....

I didn't know what to say, there was dead slience for a second....I was just wondering how anyone not assiciated with a web modeling community would know about that.....All I could do was politely tell her.....well Mrs. S., in some very occasional instances I do if there is anything I need or can use from a model with a specific look, with experience.....but in this case, your daughter is brand new at this and isn't at the desired agency level height. it wouldn;t be fair to me or my other clients if I did TFP for you, and then charge the next person. And on top of that I would have to coach. I'm sorry, but if you want to schedule an appointment, I will do my best to provide the images that she needs and give you the best price possible.

Thank you Mr. Farrell, CLICK.

Do you think it was a practical joke or is it really leaking into the mainstream? hmm I mean, why would you call a business and ask for something free? No one has let me off the hook yet if it was a joke smile

I full well expect at some point some of these newbies and or their stage moms will want to charge the photographer for having the privilege of being the first to photograph this "undiscovered talent".

Let the bidding begin!

Oct 08 06 04:47 pm Link