Forums > General Industry > Portfolios that are ALL snapshots.


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US


So I know that this site is more for fun than really finding a professional connection.


I'd like to think that it is more than myspace....

I've been browsing portfolios and see a lot of great looking models.  However, there are a number of portfolios that consist of snapshots, camera phone pix and not a single professional quality image.

I want to know why these get approved for membership?  I've been doing photography for a very long time - well before MM came around. I understand the need for models to get out there - but why would you set up an account here and not even have ONE professional (looking) photo in your port? 

How many times do you run into a person and start chatting only to find out that they are a "photographer" too!

This is not exclusively towards models - I've seen photographer ports that are almost as bad - ie. gwc's... tongue

I think that the ports should have at least quality looking images to be approved... ie, not pixelated,  not shots done by club photographers at the local night club, etc.

Oct 08 06 10:17 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Why do you care?

Oct 08 06 10:20 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Many that are new don't have any ideal of whats good or may not have the
money to pay for better images.  They post what they have and hopefully
improve as time goes.  Some do, some don't.  MM is a mix of pro, hobbyists
and those in between.

Oct 08 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Well, new people have to start somewhere. So how do you draw the line between those with snapshots to show people what they look like so they can get a first shoot, and those who are just crappy GWC's or models who shoot with GWC's?

Oct 08 06 10:25 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

I can kinda sorta see why a model would start with snapshots. If she is just starting out and wants to meet photographers I'd be inclined to let her slide on that until she can get a few pro images for her portfolio.

However it would seem to me that a photographer must have photos other than snapshots. Why would he be considered a photographer if he didn't?

Oct 08 06 10:25 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Lens N Light wrote:
Why do you care?

Cause I'd like to see more professional looking imagery.  It isn't that these girls/guys can't get the images to improve their portfolios - Look at how many photographers are on here.  And how many, myself included work for TFP/CD.

And how many people comment on GWC's or all of the girls with cameraphone, lo-res pics who are thinking they can charge money?  Granted, time will weed them out.. but, still.

I guess, my question should have been why bother having an approval system in place if the quality that is being accepted is so bad to begin with?

Oct 08 06 10:27 am Link


Rick Jolly

Posts: 281

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Saryn Angel wrote:
So I know that this site is more for fun than really finding a professional connection.

I believe you just answered your own question

Oct 08 06 10:27 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

And how many people comment on GWC's or all of the girls with cameraphone, lo-res pics who are thinking they can charge money?  Granted, time will weed them out.. but, still.

That's valid.

Oct 08 06 10:30 am Link


Ms. Natasha

Posts: 6

Chandler, Arizona, US

Speaking on a personal note... a lot of models trying to get in the game can't due to low funds.. As myself.... I started on here with 20 at home photos.... once everyone saw I needed help establishing professional pictures I started getting TFP offers... now I'm on my 4th shoot and thankfully have "professional" pictures to post in my port.... I think ur right as far as saying this place should b more than myspace is,but I don't see how u can question at home photos.... its common sense... they're new... once someone takes an interest in their at home pics,they'll start hopefully getting opportunities to upgrade the photos they already have....

Oct 08 06 10:30 am Link


Rick Jolly

Posts: 281

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

I also see many, many photographers leaving comments on how great these awful cell phone pics in the mirror are.

Oct 08 06 10:32 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Yes, they do have to start somewhere. But like I said - photographers who do fairly good quality work are a dime a dozen. That doesn't mean that they are great photographers - just that they have abilities and can do better than snapshots.

Hell, students who are studying are always looking for subjects.

I would never put a photo up that I didn't feel was a quality image - all the way around - lighting, background, crop, etc.   Even when I first started..

There are tons of places to get a start.   I work with people I meet at clubs, sometimes on the street, friends and places like Myspace..

Who is to decide?  Well - the quality should be better than fuzzy/grainy/out of focus.  Even if it is just a snap shot of the model's face, profile and body shots...

I guess that what I'm saying is that there are several ports on here that look like a myspace profile gone bad.... and this seems to be a place where the quality should be much better.

Oct 08 06 10:33 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Saryn Angel wrote:
Yes, they do have to start somewhere. But like I said - photographers who do fairly good quality work are a dime a dozen. That doesn't mean that they are great photographers - just that they have abilities and can do better than snapshots.

Hell, students who are studying are always looking for subjects.

I would never put a photo up that I didn't feel was a quality image - all the way around - lighting, background, crop, etc.   Even when I first started..

There are tons of places to get a start.   I work with people I meet at clubs, sometimes on the street, friends and places like Myspace..

Who is to decide?  Well - the quality should be better than fuzzy/grainy/out of focus.  Even if it is just a snap shot of the model's face, profile and body shots...

I guess that what I'm saying is that there are several ports on here that look like a myspace profile gone bad.... and this seems to be a place where the quality should be much better.

I agree with your sentiment, but as you say, where is the line drawn? What about people such as myself who joined this site to gain some perspective and tips to improve their photography skills? Would I have to meet a certain threshold in order to be able to interact with the people here?

While it may seem unbalanced, I think my original stance works best. Models could start with a few snapshots but photographers should not be able to get away with them. I don't think any cell phone shots should be accepted.

Oct 08 06 10:41 am Link


Maxim V

Posts: 224

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

As a photographer, I'd much rather see a clear, raw snapshot of a model rather than a glossed up image. It gives me a better idea of a model's versatility. I ask for a snapshot like that, whether or not the model has professional images. Lack of them does not bother me at all and it should not bother you either -- you are not the client, you are the photographer.

What does bother me, however, is if the snapshots are some family pictures with boyfriends in them and not actually single images of the model purposed for her promotion.

Now the model's attitude and character presentation is a whole different story.

Oct 08 06 10:42 am Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

I've had the same thoughts as you on this subject. But how high would you set the bar? Who would be considered the best critic, the one who is worthy to judge everyone elses art? Would everyone have to be a Bruce Talbot to get accepted on the site? There would only be like 4 photographers on here......

Oct 08 06 11:09 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Rick Jolly wrote:
I also see many, many photographers leaving comments on how great these awful cell phone pics in the mirror are.

True, but I've made some compliments similar to that, but the compliment was directed at the model, not the quality of the photo. I was judging their modeling potential as best I could, not the quality of the image. It's not much different than an agency or magazine making an initial recruiting decision based on a couple polaroids.

However, to compliment the photograph itself would be poor form.

take care,

Oct 08 06 11:14 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

Saryn -

A model with great potential and bad pictures?

Isn't that an opportunity for both of you?

Oct 08 06 12:18 pm Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Maxim wrote:
As a photographer, I'd much rather see a clear, raw snapshot of a model rather than a glossed up image. It gives me a better idea of a model's versatility. I ask for a snapshot like that, whether or not the model has professional images. Lack of them does not bother me at all and it should not bother you either -- you are not the client, you are the photographer.

What does bother me, however, is if the snapshots are some family pictures with boyfriends in them and not actually single images of the model purposed for her promotion.

Now the model's attitude and character presentation is a whole different story.

I agree with what you are saying... And understand what many are responding to with this... which is why I posted in the first place - conversation to clarify in my head what others thought.


I think if the photos are used here they need to show a genuine desire to begin modeling and should SHOW that - not just "oh, that picture is cute of me... I'll post it..."

I'm not sure what the criteria should be - I know there are a lot of people out there who think my work is horrible because my lighting isn't traditional...

I know it comes across that I'm judging ports - but, I'm not really. I'm just questioning what the criteria for ports are here.

Overall, the majority of the ports that I see are high quality. And very enjoyable.

Oct 08 06 12:21 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

We're hoping they improve. If the pictures are bad we look at the bio for intentions.

We normally demand that we at least be able to see what a model looks like.

Ideally new users with a weak portfolio would have a re-review after 4 months or something, but we're running close to the bone on resources as it is, and Tyler and Ken already have enough other issues to worry about (like getting the new credit card system in place so we can have more servers and upgrading the internal messaging system).


Oct 08 06 12:25 pm Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Awesome, Ched! smile  Thanks for responding.

I can completely understand the lack of resources considering... and the idea that you are looking at potential rather than quality.

To be honest, I rarely ever revisit those ports so I'm not sure how many actually improve after my initial viewing.


*side note - If I like someones look regardless of the quality of their photos - I do contact them if they are in my area for shoots... tongue

Oct 08 06 12:29 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I do know that if after a year with no activity mods can delete ports as well.
So that helps to weed out the dead wood.

Oct 08 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Ched wrote:
We're hoping they improve. If the pictures are bad we look at the bio for intentions.

We normally demand that we at least be able to see what a model looks like.

Ideally new users with a weak portfolio would have a re-review after 4 months or something, but we're running close to the bone on resources as it is, and Tyler and Ken already have enough other issues to worry about (like getting the new credit card system in place so we can have more servers and upgrading the internal messaging system).


What if members could volunteer to be the ones to do the reviewing, thus taking the work off your hands? Obviously you would approve or reject those who want to do it based on their objectivity, knowledge of the field, etc.

Oct 08 06 12:35 pm Link


Ashley N Spicer

Posts: 69

Orlando, Florida, US

Personally, I have snap shots just so people know what I look like now. I went from brunette to blonde so all of my pro shots are now outdated. I'm busy scheduling shoots currently. I see nothing wrong with that.

Why should I be denied access to photographers at MM just because I have snaps for the time being? I wouldn't have a way of getting to know various photog's in my area....

Oct 08 06 12:41 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

e-string wrote:
What if members could volunteer to be the ones to do the reviewing, thus taking the work off your hands? Obviously you would approve or reject those who want to do it based on their objectivity, knowledge of the field, etc.

Well, that's what moderators do. All unpaid volunteers, we're regular members with the web site equivalent of gardening tools. We can't change major things, we just pull, clean, and move.

Oct 08 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i prefer to see snapshots or polaroids when casting

Oct 08 06 03:46 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

But there is a big difference between a snapshot and a 'myspace shot'...

Girls who start their profile with 20 images that would make them famous on myspace  that are used to make them look 'hot' or 'creative' don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Girls need to realize that putting up 20 pictures and not having even one professional one, makes them look like a joke. Or even having 20 'okay' professional pictures from the same shoot just shouldn't happen either.

My port isn't great. I only have I think 2 strong shots, plus my snapshot. I've done more  shoots than I have shown on here. But I don't think it was my best work so i'm not going to put it up 'just because'. Girls should learn its quality, not quantity. And that should be drilled into them when they are trying to get into the 'business' (which i'm really not by the way, its just fun for me).

You're right though, everyone has to start someone needs to tell the girls with no professional pics, to be as PROFESSIONAL looking as they can, by taking SIMPLE clear snapshots. And you really only need 4-6....Headshot, profile, Full length, 3/4 straight on + profile...and so on.

Oct 08 06 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Gotta start somewhere...... i wouldn't dare put up photos that I took 6 yrs ago, but at that time..that's all I had to show to people.......glad I got to tear them up to shreds, and right into the trash can!

So hopefully, the new model, will discard their cell phone pics after their first real shoot, and replace them with the new  smile

Oct 08 06 04:15 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Saryn Angel wrote:

So I know that this site is more for fun than really finding a professional connection.


I'd like to think that it is more than myspace....

I've been browsing portfolios and see a lot of great looking models.  However, there are a number of portfolios that consist of snapshots, camera phone pix and not a single professional quality image.

I want to know why these get approved for membership?  I've been doing photography for a very long time - well before MM came around. I understand the need for models to get out there - but why would you set up an account here and not even have ONE professional (looking) photo in your port? 

How many times do you run into a person and start chatting only to find out that they are a "photographer" too!

This is not exclusively towards models - I've seen photographer ports that are almost as bad - ie. gwc's... tongue

I think that the ports should have at least quality looking images to be approved... ie, not pixelated,  not shots done by club photographers at the local night club, etc.

So what constitutes "professional" looking photographs?  Would you define it as those inwhich both the subject matter and the quality is of commercial use level (one you would see in a major publication or ad campaign)?  Or would it be one that you could see hanging in a respected gallery being sold to collectors?  Or would it simply be one inwhich the photographer has a basic understanding of exposure where, let's say, when taking a picture of a couple in the outdoors, both the couple and the grass behind them are properly exposed?

If you want to be a member of a internet community which approves members images prior to publishing, there are plenty of "professional" organizations out there for you to join.  Just remember, they will be just as hard on your portfolio as you seem to want MM to be on it's members.

Oct 08 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Saryn Angel wrote:
I've been browsing portfolios and see a lot of great looking models.  However, there are a number of portfolios that consist of snapshots, camera phone pix and not a single professional quality image.

I think that the ports should have at least quality looking images to be approved... ie, not pixelated,  not shots done by club photographers at the local night club, etc.

I don't have a problem with snapshots!

I consider it even an artform if you can make a fully staged shot look like a snapshot.

Oct 08 06 04:44 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think its really cool that MM exists.  A place where hobbyists, pros and everyone
can meet, greet and be merry or at each others throats.  Depending on the
thread.  I'm sure glad I don't get to decide whats good vs. what isn't. 
Bruce T. is excellent but to me his style is unique to him.  Same goes for guys
like Bob R. and others talented but unique to themselves.  Artists are different
as they should be.  A snapshot isn't always just a snapshot.  I think we can
all agree on that.

Oct 08 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

I think I half agree with you and half disagree.  On the one hand, the girls and guys have to start somewhere, and like you said, this site is somewhat more for fun than hardcore business networking with all professionals.  But then again, maybe it would be beneficial for these girls to even go to the Walmart or JC Penny photo studios to get a headshot that's a little more professional and makes it easier to see what they look like without breaking the bank.  It's still not like the startup cost is rivalling an agency with a full 4 look shoot, and it might look like they're a little more serious that they were willing to put in the $20 or whatever to get, if not a GREAT headshot at least a professional one.  Plus, I think a lot of the girls signing up are in the 18 y.o. category.  So why not post senior portraits or prom photos?  It looks a lot better than a fuzzy camera phone shot and a lot more professional than something snapped while out getting hammered with friends.

Meh.  Don't mind me.  Like I said: mostly on the fence.

Oct 08 06 05:13 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Speaking on a personal note... a lot of models trying to get in the game can't due to low funds.. As myself.... I started on here with 20 at home photos.... once everyone saw I needed help establishing professional pictures I started getting TFP offers... now I'm on my 4th shoot and thankfully have "professional" pictures to post in my port.... I think ur right as far as saying this place should b more than myspace is,but I don't see how u can question at home photos.... its common sense... they're new... once someone takes an interest in their at home pics,they'll start hopefully getting opportunities to upgrade the photos they already have....

a perfect answer to a very snobby question.

Oct 08 06 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 796

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Many that are new don't have any ideal of whats good or may not have the
money to pay for better images.  They post what they have and hopefully
improve as time goes.  Some do, some don't.  MM is a mix of pro, hobbyists
and those in between.

I totally agree...

Oct 08 06 05:20 pm Link


Photo Designs

Posts: 39

Beaumont, Texas, US

digital Artform wrote:
Saryn -

A model with great potential and bad pictures?

Isn't that an opportunity for both of you?


Oct 08 06 05:26 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

Cristina Ashley wrote:
But there is a big difference between a snapshot and a 'myspace shot'...

Girls who start their profile with 20 images that would make them famous on myspace  that are used to make them look 'hot' or 'creative' don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Girls need to realize that putting up 20 pictures and not having even one professional one, makes them look like a joke. Or even having 20 'okay' professional pictures from the same shoot just shouldn't happen either.

My port isn't great. I only have I think 2 strong shots, plus my snapshot. I've done more  shoots than I have shown on here. But I don't think it was my best work so i'm not going to put it up 'just because'. Girls should learn its quality, not quantity. And that should be drilled into them when they are trying to get into the 'business' (which i'm really not by the way, its just fun for me).

You're right though, everyone has to start someone needs to tell the girls with no professional pics, to be as PROFESSIONAL looking as they can, by taking SIMPLE clear snapshots. And you really only need 4-6....Headshot, profile, Full length, 3/4 straight on + profile...and so on.

Here's examples of what my previous post was implying....

This shot is what I would consider a 'myspace' shot....sure it shows what I look like, I have only mascara and some eyeliner on...but would I put it on as a start up pic for MM? NO. Even though I see shots like this all the time.

This is what I used when I started up on MM and yes I still have it in my port (although my hair has changed so I do need a new one). This is what I think models should put in their ports when there first starting as opposed to the first picture showed. Sure I have some blemishes and you can see my imperfections, but I have no makeup on so it's only expected that I don't look perfect. (And I even think this isn't the best example because my arm is in it)

Sure...both show what I look like. But if someone can sit there and take all of these different angled shots and have all these different snap shots in their 'port' why can't they just take the simple shots that any agency/photograher would look for in the first place?

Sometimes I think keeping it simple would benefit these girls more! I don't know everything but sometimes I just have to laugh at the approach some girls take.

Oct 08 06 05:36 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

One thing I can't stand is the new models....pretty much around the age 18, they "over pucker" their lips..they trying to look like thugs or gangstas are something.... I stay away from the over puckered models..they just look silly.  LOL

Oct 08 06 05:40 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

FosbreStudios wrote:
One thing I can't stand is the new models....pretty much around the age 18, they "over pucker" their lips..they trying to look like thugs or gangstas are something.... I stay away from the over puckered models..they just look silly.  LOL

Didn't you know puckered lips are sexy?


Oct 08 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Cristina Ashley wrote:

Didn't you know puckered lips are sexy?


It is , if the model looks sexy doing it..i've seen some really bad pucker jobs...LOL
The look, llike they "think they're bad" look.

Oct 08 06 05:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

I think that snapshots are good, just simple polaroids. At least you know what the model looks like and there are no photoshop "suprises". I think it is important to build a stong portfolio too, but I personally LOVE to see snapshots/polaroids, like photogenics has: … e=polaroid

just no make-up, what they really look like shots.

Oct 08 06 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 1176

West Hollywood, California, US

The portfolio critique of a fool:

Snapshot portfolio = WTF is he/she doing here?
Boring portfolio = WTF is he/she still doing here?
Amazing portfolio = WTF is he/she doing here?!

Oct 08 06 06:25 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:

I agree with your sentiment, but as you say, where is the line drawn? What about people such as myself who joined this site to gain some perspective and tips to improve their photography skills? Would I have to meet a certain threshold in order to be able to interact with the people here?

While it may seem unbalanced, I think my original stance works best. Models could start with a few snapshots but photographers should not be able to get away with them. I don't think any cell phone shots should be accepted.

I draw the line at 60 days..

If you cant get some decent images done in two months you are not serious and should not have joined.

IMH "nobody cares" O


Oct 08 06 07:06 pm Link