Forums > General Industry > Found stolen images on this site. Are yours here?


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Lew of Vividere wrote:
If he is representing the models and the models provided the pictures, then they aren't stolen?  Depends on what rights the models were given with the pictures.

I doubt that Melyssa Ford paid him the $125 processing fee he asks for to do TFP with him so that he could use her pictures.

Oct 06 06 11:54 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Well... All I'm seeing is the front page with just a couple photos. Where are all the other ones, and are any of my shots on there (I seriously doubt it)?

  Just having one of my dumb moments...


Oct 06 06 11:54 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Alerting Mary to alert her photographer: … 1232073007

Oct 06 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Star wrote:
TFCD Package - $125 Processing Fee
    4 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (160 photos)
    All Photos On CD-Rom
    Make Up Not Included (additional cost)
    Studio or On Location
    High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Not Included (additional cost at $20/print)
        Please read policies below regarding this package.

Can we say "having your cake and eating it too"? Sure, I knew you could.

And what about watermarks on paid-for images.

Boy was ol' PT right!

Everyone always talks about "outing" flakes, but it would seem sites like this better deserve such treatment. Look's like we're off to good start.

Oct 06 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Well... All I'm seeing is the front page with just a couple photos. Where are all the other ones, and are any of my shots on there (I seriously doubt it)?

  Just having one of my dumb moments...


Oct 06 06 11:58 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Lora wrote:

Thanks -- Damn, that's probably the most annoying slide show I've ever seen. No wonder I didn't look at it. Didn't see any of my stuff there but I don't think I shoot anything sites like that would be interested in stealing anyway. Or I suck. Either way I think I'm safe.

  I recommend legal action. I really hate these a-holes that steal peoples' work to try to make themselves look good. And what happens when a client hands over $1,300.00 and all they get is crap?

  It seems this sort of thing is on the increase; I helped get rid of a guy on Modelplace who was stealing images but then he came back a short time later under a different name. They're like cockroaches...


Oct 06 06 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Thanks -- Damn, that's probably the most annoying slide show I've ever seen. No wonder I didn't look at it. Didn't see any of my stuff there but I don't think I shoot anything sites like that would be interested in stealing anyway. Or I suck. Either way I think I'm safe.

  I recommend legal action. I really hate these a-holes that steal peoples' work to try to make themselves look good. And what happens when a client hands over $1,300.00 and all they get is crap?

  It seems this sort of thing is on the increase; I helped get rid of a guy on Modelplace who was stealing images but then he came back a short time later under a different name. They're like cockroaches...


I would hope other potential models looking at his site would see the red flags. From the comments on his Myspace site, though, they don't. They're sending crotch shots for his attention!

Oct 06 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Well Janet Jackson & Kate Moss are their clients too, damn , these guys must be good.
   Anybody know how to give their managers a heads up?
somebody with clout's gotta exterminate/expose these vermin.

Oct 06 06 12:19 pm Link


Eric Krauss

Posts: 3

New York, New York, US

losers... it's patetic

Oct 06 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Well he removed his images from his pic page on Myspace I think. When you click on the picture you are redirected to another site.

Oct 06 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I blasted theand had them kicked off MM last month. They've been trolling myspace and craigslist for months now.

They had only supermodelson their main page in August. And then a cheesy promo page with 'no one knows me' hip hop artists trying to promote a celebrity model and talent conference. (Don't remember how much they were trying to charge)

two emails for them
[email protected]
[email protected]

That number AlloyOne gave has been in their castings along with another local Atlanta number.

These guys don't have a clue...

Oct 06 06 12:30 pm Link


eric krumm

Posts: 46

Athens, Georgia, US

i just emailed google to let them know they are asking for charge backs by giving these losers a check out cart....

Oct 06 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Well if anyone plans on taking any action I would probably take some screen shots or something before he gets a clue and removes the pictures like he is on Myspace.

edit: Nevermind. He's not that smart. They're still there.

Oct 06 06 12:35 pm Link


Hayley KC

Posts: 24

Buffalo, Illinois, US

I just posted a blog about it on my MySpace page to warn people (  I can send emails to everyone on his page (my friend has an auto-emailer/commenter, she she'll do it for me).

Oct 06 06 12:37 pm Link


Hayley KC

Posts: 24

Buffalo, Illinois, US

I wonder if he's authorized to use that song on his page too, lol...

Oct 06 06 12:47 pm Link


TC Studios

Posts: 85

New York, New York, US

The pics are bad to steal, but do you think he has rights to use the music on a commercial site either?

If you want to get him on the run, email the RIAA.

Oct 06 06 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 496

New York, New York, US

i see kimora lee simmons on his myspace. yet the photo is blurry.

Oct 06 06 01:17 pm Link


From the Mind of Mystic

Posts: 128

Spartanburg, South Carolina, US

his page/site skills suck. "his" pictures.. where are THEY? I've only seen stolen work and shots I know "his" photographers didn't take! Can you say "GWC"? Bashing internet models, then using internet to scam wannabes?! As far as legal goes, he is representing that "his" photographers took the images that are in the slide show... wish he'd been dumb enough to crop off the logos/watermarks! this is listed right under the slide show...

Moving Reality Modeling Management Group's photographers use the latest in digital photography equipment to produce quality images for the web.  With the use of some of the best studio lighting available, they are capable of giving our clients quality images to use online as well as printed versions.

hmmmm... "to produce quality images for the web" isn't that "internet modeling?! DUH!

Oct 06 06 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US scam is sorta old news.
For more about the Movingreality scam and comments from some of the copyright victims check out:

Oct 06 06 02:03 pm Link


Photos by Gary

Posts: 398

Redford, Michigan, US

Is this possibly the peaple that put up the eyecandy site last year?

Oct 06 06 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 461

Salisbury, Maryland, US

get a hold of the FTC ( file I Have A website Rip Off .It Was off the Air In Two hours

Oct 06 06 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 272

Albany, New York, US

THANKS MM'ers.... i have been emailed by 4 MM'ers today about this guy stealing one of my images taken of model shauna faith... i emailed him thru myspace... , he emailed me back in reply... with a story.... i said take down my pics regardless. PERIOD..... now i looked tonight, and like 7 hours after we disucssed this , he still has my pic on his myspace page....
gotta tell ya i am getting pissed...
this SAME guy in atlanta had another site about 8-10 months ago  where he had like 6 of my images..(all for his financial gain!!!!!). he must have canned it, and started this new one... UN freaken believable.....thanks to all yu guys for getting your fellow MM'ers backs! Dan smile

Oct 06 06 07:27 pm Link


LightLab Studios

Posts: 755

Seattle, Washington, US

Everyone should know about Pic Scout. It's an image tracking service for photographers concerned about copyright violations on the internet.

Oct 06 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Lora wrote:

Too bad none of that stuff is his, except for the cheesy MovingReality banners.  wink 

What'd he do that presentation with...? 

Looked to me like he stole a couple of images from Virgin, including, if I'm not wrong, one of Janet Jackson! 

-- rick

Oct 06 06 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

LightLab Studios wrote:
Everyone should know about Pic Scout. It's an image tracking service for photographers concerned about copyright violations on the internet.

It's a good idea, but I'd like to know how accurate they are before paying them $180. (The fact that they advertise "monthly subscription" in the banner but have "one-year commitment required" in the fine print does not make me feel good about them.)

Are you a satisfied customer?

Oct 06 06 07:46 pm Link


emkay media design

Posts: 81

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

who is this tool (moving reality)?

How can anyone sleep at night that fleeces people like this guy?
I don't understand people one bit sometimes.

Internet Photographers?

That's like calling Google "internet search" and the only authentic search is through an encyclopedia or dictionary for information. WTF.

Are there people dumb enough to listen to tools like this?

I've been doing design/photography/print primarily through the internet for about 6yrs. Does that make me an internet designer? Even though I network at events I attend like socials, parties, seminars, lectures etc.

I prefer to never meet some of my clients in design. It works out perfectly. Oh and I contact my printers through email............Does that mean they aren't real printers either?


Oct 06 06 08:10 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

ohh neato slide show thingy I found a much better one on the slideshow website.
no silly stars, and just  simple slide code.
gues whos website has a spiffy new slidshow on the home page in responce to the comments about my page needed more focus onthe images???

So good things do come from thievery err well maybe try contacting the and let them know they are hosting images without permission???

Oct 06 06 08:26 pm Link


LightLab Studios

Posts: 755

Seattle, Washington, US

QuaeVide wrote:

It's a good idea, but I'd like to know how accurate they are before paying them $180. (The fact that they advertise "monthly subscription" in the banner but have "one-year commitment required" in the fine print does not make me feel good about them.)

Are you a satisfied customer?

I have not used them. They partnered up with the SSA (Stock Shooters Assoc) to check abuses of Getty stock imagery and found tons. They seem quite legit. $15/month for 500 images seems pretty reasonable if you have a lot of licensed imagery on the net. I really don't think they're a scam or a poor service.

They must be able to provide references to photogs using their service. Contact them.

Oct 06 06 08:30 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Also...Google the phone number. 678-791-9230. One of the results is a housing rental company in Atlanta.  A man of many hats.

Psst.  Bumping this.  Top Atlanta Rentals shares this phone number . Oddly, no address.  I bet if someone emailed saying they were moving there and would like to come in for an appointment they might give that up. They also have a silver and gold plan...

Oct 06 06 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Geeze, they didn't take any of my images..I'm gonna sue those up an comming entrepoormorons for lack of taste.

Oct 07 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I recognize about 3 or 4 peoples work on the slideshowat the webpage that Lora mentioned (, except for one piece by Michael Rosen, and another that I beleive might be Adrianne Aurora,  but I don't remember the other peoples names.

Everyone should check it out to see if your work is stolen and posted there.

*** Addendum****
It seems as though they changed their slideshow to a presentation since yesterday, so the peoples photos that were seen may not be there anymore.

Oct 07 06 12:15 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Star wrote:
also, I think the photogs with stolen photos may want to sue over this:

Select From The Multiple Packages
TFCD Package - $125 Processing Fee
    4 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (160 photos)
    All Photos On CD-Rom
    Make Up Not Included (additional cost)
    Studio or On Location
    High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Not Included (additional cost at $20/print)
        Please read policies below regarding this package.
Starter Package - $300*   
    3 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (120 photos)
    All Photos On CD-Rom (watermarked in lower left corner)
    Make Up Not Included (additional cost)
    Studio or On Location
    High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Not Included (additional cost at $20/print)
Silver Package - $475* 
    5 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (200 photos)
    All Photos On CD-Rom (watermarked in lower left corner)
    Make Up Included
    Studio or On Location
    3 High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Included (additional prints at $20/print)
Gold Package - $865* 
    8 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (320 photos - Two sizes)
- Printable Size
- Viewable Size
    All Photos On CD-Rom (watermarked in lower left corner)
    2-Day Shoot If Needed
    Make Up Included Only On First Day
    Studio and/or On Location
    11 x 14 - 24 Page Portfolio Book (black padded)
    8 High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Included (additional prints at $20/print)
    Image Editing For 5 Images Placed on Composite Card Only
    Composite Card Design Only Put On CD-Rom
- Prints Additional Cost According To Number Printed
Platinum Package - $1350* 
    10 - Looks (wardrobe changes)
    40 Photos Per Look (400 photos - Two sizes)
- Printable Size
- Viewable Size
    All Photos On CD-Rom (watermarked in lower left corner)
    2-Day Shoot If Needed
    Make Up Included Both Days
    Studio and/or On Location
    11 x 14 - 24 Page Portfolio Book (black padded)
    24 High Quality 8 x 11 Prints Included (additional prints at $20/print)
    Image Editing For 5 Images Placed on Composite Card Only
    Composite Card Design Only
    150 Professional Quality Composite Cards Printed
* Non-Refundable 50% Deposit For All Packages Required

General Policies and Information
    Shoot pricing does not include make up artist and/or wardrobe unless otherwise indicated.
    All images acquired during photo shoots are subject to display on
    All models must sign a model release at the time of shoot.
    All shoots require up to a one week processing time from date of completion of shooting. (Does not include shipping/delivery time)
TFCD Policies and Information
    TFCD stands for Time For CD-ROM. We will require a $125 processing fee for all TFCD shoots, which includes the CD-ROM of the logo-free images.  The model must be willing to shoot for Black Men Swimsuit Extra (SSX), Smooth Girl and KING style shots including bikinis and lingerie. We will release your images to you with limited copyrights to be used for promotional, comp card or portfolio use only. TFCD images cannot be sold or used by the model for bartering without compensation.  In addition, cannot be submitted to subscription type websites as an gallery exchange without approval prior to the exchange.

Wow, I didn't know having a manager was so expensive!  Good thing I dn't have to worry about that.....

Thanks for posting this.  I'm sure they'll get what they deserve [which is not chocolate cake.]

Oct 07 06 05:05 am Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Moving Reality Modeling Management Group, 678 791-9230, 1221 Lenox Rd, Atlanta, GA 3033
The dummy posted his address.

Oct 07 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Nope! Here's an instance where my non-edgyness keeps my pics outta the wrong hands. *whew* So far, anyway...but I don't do lingerie, so they wouldn't rip me off.

Oct 07 06 10:46 am Link


Paul Zimmerman

Posts: 106

Plainfield, New Jersey, US

Can someone help me PLEASE....

Seems like this person   has stolen some of my celebrity photos..... I just called the phone number and got no answer...... Can anyone direct me to either his MM site or a website that he has were images are posted...... I already checked out the link above

I appreciate the help.

Oct 08 06 11:21 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Looks like he removed the slideshow and opted for a bad video of some chick with a great booty.

Oct 09 06 12:47 am Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

What a crappy site, the rap music is annoying all on its own. The comment that maybe he should steal some code since he's stealing pix is probably not bad advice.

Oct 09 06 12:54 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Besides theft of images he is involved in fraud.

Oct 09 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

Saint John wrote:
"Yours Truly - Don Faciane - Director of Talent Management"

Uh... yeah, he's totally wearing the wrong shade of foundation.  And his elbows are ashy.  Yuck!  Maybe that's why he has a picture of Shamar Moore as his main image on myspace.  LOSER!!  THanks for the laughs guys...

Oct 09 06 03:03 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Seems like the website registration company has removed the  website! website

This site is currently unavailable.

If you are the owner of this site, please contact us at 1-480-505-8855 at your earliest convenience.

Oct 10 06 10:10 pm Link