Forums > General Industry > Does nudity help your Profile


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

I was curious what fellow MM'rs think about nudity in your profile. Does having and 18+ photo in your profile help your exposure. do you think a profile requires nudiy to get noticed, or do you think superiour image quality wins, or is more important? Let me  know your thoughts

Oct 05 06 10:31 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

It's a proven fact that nudity involves increased exposure.

Oct 05 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nudity seems to get more views unless you are out-of-this-world good at the other stuff.

Oct 05 06 10:35 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Sure it helps your exposure. To other photogs, maybe. We do like exposure, in four different ways, though.

Oct 05 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

...yes, nudity is a synonymous with art, fashion, glamour, whatever.

Oct 05 06 10:40 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
It's a proven fact that nudity involves increased exposure.

get it "increased exposure"

Oct 05 06 10:40 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I don't know if it helps get more jobs, but nude shots sure seems to get more attention.  Definitely more exposure smile  I stopped showing nudes after another MM member started harassing me over it.

Oct 05 06 10:41 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

dgold wrote:
...yes, nudity is a synonymous with art, fashion, glamour, whatever.

Maybe but do you think it has anything to do with the fact that some people just like to see other naked people.

Oct 05 06 10:42 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

I dont really do any actual nude shots for my own benefit and i get few requests from actual clients that want nude work. should i put a few in my profile anyway just to get noticed?

Oct 05 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 1

Mesa, Arizona, US

I think nudity sure does get you more attention, but doesnt necessarily help your profile. If it isnt done tastefully then it really doesnt help your profile. There are plenty of ways to show skin without getting full out nude.

Oct 05 06 10:46 am Link


mia vaughn

Posts: 854

Chicago, Illinois, US

no, i think (4 what its worth) that your port should represent the ytpe of images that you want to do...

Oct 05 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
I don't know if it helps get more jobs, but nude shots sure seems to get more attention.  Definitely more exposure smile  I stopped showing nudes after another MM member started harassing me over it.

OMG, that does not shock me but is sad nonetheless.  Very typical for this place, IMO/E.

I have nudity on my port here and it is there by personal choice.  I put what I like on my port and what I feel is my best work from several shoots.  I do notice that my nude(s) get more hits than anything else as well. Not sure why and doesn't really matter I suppose.   I'm about to rework my port and pics and I may or may not have nudity included. It is all about what I want to show.

take care

Oct 05 06 10:48 am Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Yes , more attention, and from all the avitars that have nudity in them, other seem to know it aslo!

Oct 05 06 10:49 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Big Smile Studios wrote:

get it "increased exposure"'ve restored my faith in humanity. At least someone got it.

Oct 05 06 10:54 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

i dont really have a problem with nude shots. i just think they should convey more that just nakedness. they can even be erotic but the quality in the production and the lighting and the mood of the shot needs to say something. it should be more than just a shot of a naked person for it to be art. anything else and its pushing "adult". am i wrong?

Oct 05 06 10:58 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US I'll be serious now. I'm going to try to dig a little deeper into the issue. Besides the fact that nudity does garner more attention and males do enjoy nudity, translating to increased page hits, (this isn't the deep part), I'm going to venture out and say there is also a subliminal message being conveyed.

If a model views a photographer's portfolio and sees tastefully and well-crafted nude images, I think the model may feel the photographer is perhaps more trustworthy and/or professional...a feeling that, "hey, these models trusted this person and produced great images..."

Of course it's a fine line. If all the images are nude it could go the other way.

Oct 05 06 11:01 am Link


Chyvonne Amara

Posts: 43

Washington, Arkansas, US

no, shyt's whack

Oct 05 06 11:01 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote: I'll be serious now. I'm going to try to dig a little deeper into the issue. Besides the fact that nudity does garner more attention and males do enjoy nudity, translating to increased page hits, (this isn't the deep part), I'm going to venture out and say there is also a subliminal message being conveyed.

If a model views a photographer's portfolio and sees tastefully and well-crafted nude images, I think the model may feel the photographer is perhaps more trustworthy and/or professional...a feeling that, "hey, these models trusted this person and produced great images..."

Of course it's a fine line. If all the images are nude it could go the other way.

I never thought of that. good Point

Oct 05 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

One example:
I did a shoot with a goth type of girl. She wore all black, covered neck to toe.
The clothing was baggy, she looked good in the naked eye, but on film/digital,
She looked like a straight ironing board. No curves, no sexiness, nothing. I said to her, she needs to be a little more revealing, don't have to be nude, but need to see curves, such as leg shape, hips, you know the deal..the whole "hour glass" thing.
In the photos, there was no curves or nothing. Never used any of her shots for portfolio or online port either. I think nude can be used in a sexy way, and look beautiful, but there is also trashy nude as well. If I work with a model that doesn't do nudes, I'd like them to be revealing and sexy, showing what they got in certain outfits. If "legs" are their high points, wear a very sexy mini-skirt or boy shorts, and let the photo point out that her legs are her key areas. She can be known for having stunning legs.

Ok, now im rambling...i'm done. LOL

Oct 05 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 173

Havre de Grace, Maryland, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
If a model views a photographer's portfolio and sees tastefully and well-crafted nude images, I think the model may feel the photographer is perhaps more trustworthy and/or professional...a feeling that, "hey, these models trusted this person and produced great images..."

Of course it's a fine line. If all the images are nude it could go the other way.

yea that's a good point...

Oct 05 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 772

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Michael Pandolfo wrote: I'll be serious now. I'm going to try to dig a little deeper into the issue. Besides the fact that nudity does garner more attention and males do enjoy nudity, translating to increased page hits, (this isn't the deep part), I'm going to venture out and say there is also a subliminal message being conveyed.

If a model views a photographer's portfolio and sees tastefully and well-crafted nude images, I think the model may feel the photographer is perhaps more trustworthy and/or professional...a feeling that, "hey, these models trusted this person and produced great images..."

Of course it's a fine line. If all the images are nude it could go the other way.

What he said...

Oct 05 06 11:30 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote: I'll be serious now. I'm going to try to dig a little deeper into the issue. Besides the fact that nudity does garner more attention and males do enjoy nudity, translating to increased page hits, (this isn't the deep part), I'm going to venture out and say there is also a subliminal message being conveyed.

If a model views a photographer's portfolio and sees tastefully and well-crafted nude images, I think the model may feel the photographer is perhaps more trustworthy and/or professional...a feeling that, "hey, these models trusted this person and produced great images..."

Of course it's a fine line. If all the images are nude it could go the other way.

This is a really good point and its not something I've thought of before. My experience on Model Mayhem has been that a couple of my non-nude images are the ones that get the most views and comments. I find this very interesting, actually, as on other sites where I have similar photos the nude images always get more views. So, I tend to think that MM is made up of people that can see the art in images more than other websites, which I find rather cool.

  Does this make any sense? Anyway, I don't think you need nude images to create a popular portfolio. I think you need good work to create a popular profile. You should also show in your port what you're interested in creating and showing.

  Right. That's it for me! Now I'm off to save the world... again...


Oct 05 06 11:30 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

And one more thing: I think the best way to get exposure for your work and portfolio is to advertise. The OP has posted less than 20 times in the forums, which means he really isn't getting the word out that he's around. His work is very good, in my opinion, and is deserving of recognition (if people knew about his port he'd be getting many views and comments). So, basically, if people don't know you're here then you're not likely to get a lot of views/comments no matter how good your work is. It really isn't a nudity thing, because how do people know you have nudes (or not) in your port until they actually look at it?

  If getting views and comments is something that's important to you (this is a "generic" you, not aimed at the OP) then you need to let people know you're here. This means posting in the forums, doing an occasional inane announcement or even chatting in the shout box. There's like 100,000 members here; its very difficult to be seen in a crowd that large.


Oct 05 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 108

Albany, New York, US

It's really hard for me to do a shoot without taking off my clothes. But it's a personal preference. Some people think being nude is dirty, I feel like it is beautiful and fun,(done in tasteful ways of course).

Oct 05 06 11:42 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Katherine Phoenix wrote:
It's really hard for me to do a shoot without taking off my clothes. But it's a personal preference. Some people think being nude is dirty, I feel like it is beautiful and fun,(done in tasteful ways of course).

Wow! You just got added to my favorites.

Oct 05 06 11:49 am Link


Taverner Photography

Posts: 228

Pasadena, California, US

An 89% non-nude shot...

Erin - Photo[genics

Oct 05 06 11:53 am Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Katherine Phoenix wrote:
It's really hard for me to do a shoot without taking off my clothes. But it's a personal preference. Some people think being nude is dirty, I feel like it is beautiful and fun,(done in tasteful ways of course).

Good you can be the first nude shot in my profile.

Oct 05 06 03:14 pm Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
And one more thing: I think the best way to get exposure for your work and portfolio is to advertise. The OP has posted less than 20 times in the forums, which means he really isn't getting the word out that he's around. His work is very good, in my opinion, and is deserving of recognition (if people knew about his port he'd be getting many views and comments). So, basically, if people don't know you're here then you're not likely to get a lot of views/comments no matter how good your work is. It really isn't a nudity thing, because how do people know you have nudes (or not) in your port until they actually look at it?

  If getting views and comments is something that's important to you (this is a "generic" you, not aimed at the OP) then you need to let people know you're here. This means posting in the forums, doing an occasional inane announcement or even chatting in the shout box. There's like 100,000 members here; its very difficult to be seen in a crowd that large.


i know I need to get out more. I guess it is good that i am usually working though. better shooting than talking on forums. if the site moved a little quicker i would probably post more. my mommy wont let me.  lets see can i think of any other bad excuses.  You are probably right. i am trying.

Oct 05 06 03:17 pm Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

So that leads me to what do you think of my port. i know this is not critque forum. but do i need different images to round out my port?

Oct 05 06 03:18 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Whether or not it helps my portfolio, it does wonders for my mood. wink

Oct 05 06 03:21 pm Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Whether or not it helps my portfolio, it does wonders for my mood. wink

ha ha. another point goes to the positive emotional effects of nudity

Oct 05 06 03:27 pm Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Whether or not it helps my portfolio, it does wonders for my mood. wink

ha ha. another point goes to the positive emotional effects of nudity

Oct 05 06 03:27 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

I like the model (assuming it's a girl) to look feminine. That's my personal preference. Clothes, no clothes, whatever. :-D

I also don't think nudity improves or increases your port, but it does insure more viewing because people like seeing the naked body.

Oct 05 06 05:37 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

I don't know about nudity on MM, but nudity in highschool sure made me popular.

Jusssst kidding.

Any good picture, nude or not, will help you....just like any bad picture, nude or not will hurt you.

Actually I take that back- a really bad nude picture will hurt you x's 100

Oct 05 06 05:39 pm Link


J Lawson

Posts: 100

Springfield, Missouri, US

Cristina Ashley wrote:
I don't know about nudity on MM, but nudity in highschool sure made me popular.

Jusssst kidding.

Any good picture, nude or not, will help you....just like any bad picture, nude or not will hurt you.

Actually I take that back- a really bad nude picture will hurt you x's 100

i wish you had gone to my

Oct 05 06 06:35 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I should hope so I'm a nude model...

Oct 05 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 185

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Personally, I like your portfolio the way it is.  Sure, I shoot nudes but I think that quality work is just that.  Your portfolio doesn't neeed to have anything but what you want to present and you've presented quality work. 

Nice portfolio indeed.


Oct 05 06 07:25 pm Link


Jerry Avenaim

Posts: 97

Los Angeles, California, US

I prefer shooting in the nude. Although for some models it's a distraction.

Oct 05 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 866

Rochester, New York, US

there's a difference between more exposure (meaning people viewing) on an internet modelling site where the majority of "photographers" are GWC's, and actually getting more real work....I would guess the percentage of actual commercial jobs that come out of MM is really small compared to the amount of "hotel room nakid pics" work...

Oct 06 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Big Smile Studios wrote:

Maybe but do you think it has anything to do with the fact that some people just like to see other naked people.


Oct 06 06 04:39 pm Link