Forums > General Industry > Does nudity help your Profile


Bryce Symonds

Posts: 80

Bradenton, Florida, US

Your all correct.
Its just a personal choice.
I have photographed tons of women naked (men too).  It does generate more work for a model, but, is it the work that the model wants to do?
Kathy Ireland, never did nudes.  She is as popular a model as anyone can be.
Anna Nichol Smith, did lots of nudes, and now has lots of money.
It all just depends on the manner in which you want to achieve your goals.
If your a model and you think being naked is fun and artsy, go for it.
If your a more modest model who wants to stay proper, go for it.
As a photographer, I have nudes in my port most of the time because that is what a lot of models want, they want the fast track to popularity, and getting naked will get you there, although I'm not sure they will like where "there" is once they arrive.
What a lot of models and photographers often don't realize is that the most beautiful image in the world may be artsy, but, if it doesn't sell, it doesn't put food on the table and a roof over our heads.  It the long run, its about the sad fact that we all need money to get by.  If modeling is a hobby you can do artsy, if its a job you need to have something to sell.  If your a photographer, you can do a percentage of artsy work to satisfy the inner self, but you need to do work that sells if your not a GWC.

Oct 06 06 05:05 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:'ve restored my faith in humanity. At least someone got it.

I got it, too.

Oct 06 06 05:10 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

e-string wrote:
Nudity seems to get more views unless you are out-of-this-world good at the other stuff.

I have a non-nude shot that gets more views.

Oct 06 06 05:12 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Taverner Photography wrote:
An 89% non-nude shot...

Erin - Photo[genics

Beautiful shot!!!

Oct 06 06 05:15 pm Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

I feel tons better shooting a model that has done nude before, not because she does nude shots, but because we don't have to worry about her being concerned wether or not her skirt is too high above her knee, or her being overly concerned about whats showing.  Its nice when a woman can let fabric simply flow where ever it may, if its too high on the hip, knee, then leave that up to our team to post process or not use the photo.  I take issue with models who constantly feel they have to check their skirt/dress or feel very self conscious about their body.

A totally relaxed model (for us anyway) is so much easier to work with.

We've been lucky, even though we shoot a lot of models who do not do nudes, they have never been really concerned about what shows either.  Any respectful photographic team will respect a model's wish, and never use a photo showing more than what the model allows by contract.

Oct 06 06 05:20 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Teila K Day Photography wrote:
I feel tons better shooting a model that has done nude before, not because she does nude shots, but because we don't have to worry about her being concerned wether or not her skirt is too high above her knee, or her being overly concerned about whats showing.  Its nice when a woman can let fabric simply flow where ever it may, if its too high on the hip, knee, then leave that up to our team to post process or not use the photo.  I take issue with models who constantly feel they have to check their skirt/dress or feel very self conscious about their body.

A totally relaxed model (for us anyway) is so much easier to work with.

We've been lucky, even though we shoot a lot of models who do not do nudes, they have never been really concerned about what shows either.  Any respectful photographic team will respect a model's wish, and never use a photo showing more than what the model allows by contract.

Some are so relaxed they change clothes in front of you!

Oct 06 06 05:25 pm Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

the best way to get more work is to have a really great portfolio with a variety of styles.  nude shots do generate work because, for models who do not fit the runway mold, there is more paying work out there for nude/artistic shots.

from a photographer standpoint, though, i find that some models assume (incorrectly) that i always shoot models nude.  i find that surprising given that most pics in my on-line portfolios are not nudes.

Oct 06 06 05:28 pm Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Quicksilver Graphics wrote:
Your all correct.
Its just a personal choice.
I have photographed tons of women naked (men too).  It does generate more work for a model, but, is it the work that the model wants to do?
Kathy Ireland, never did nudes.  She is as popular a model as anyone can be.
Anna Nichol Smith, did lots of nudes, and now has lots of money.
It all just depends on the manner in which you want to achieve your goals.
If your a model and you think being naked is fun and artsy, go for it.
If your a more modest model who wants to stay proper, go for it.
As a photographer, I have nudes in my port most of the time because that is what a lot of models want, they want the fast track to popularity, and getting naked will get you there, although I'm not sure they will like where "there" is once they arrive.
What a lot of models and photographers often don't realize is that the most beautiful image in the world may be artsy, but, if it doesn't sell, it doesn't put food on the table and a roof over our heads.  It the long run, its about the sad fact that we all need money to get by.  If modeling is a hobby you can do artsy, if its a job you need to have something to sell.  If your a photographer, you can do a percentage of artsy work to satisfy the inner self, but you need to do work that sells if your not a GWC.

You're right!  When i first started shooting digital back in 1997/98 I was amazed at how much budding internet sites were willing to pay certain models.  I shot this young lady way back then, and HER cut was $1600!  This was for a shoot that took less than an hour and back in 1998. I haven't seen an internet model do that much since, but like I said... a unique looks gets you $$$.  Bottom line, if you're a young woman with a certain look, and are willing to go nude, you can pretty much find nice paying work in less than 24 hours.  (chuckle).

I love many shots of women against walls in various outfits, hats, hosiery, heels, etc..  I think many photographers are very talented and I really enjoy their fashion work.  But when it comes down to the money, unless you're a supermodel, skin sells (in our experience) over fasion about 100 to 1.

Oct 06 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

Big Smile Studios wrote:
I was curious what fellow MM'rs think about nudity in your profile. Does having and 18+ photo in your profile help your exposure. do you think a profile requires nudiy to get noticed, or do you think superiour image quality wins, or is more important? Let me  know your thoughts

I don't have trouble getting noticed . No 18 + photos. However , I would be hesitant on putting any nude photos on a site for fear of having them stolen and apearing on a less desirable site .   
Now My additional Comments:  I would like to see (as a part of a premium service ) of putting a password protected  catagory , if someone requests a look . Its a good way to keep track

Oct 06 06 05:39 pm Link