Forums > General Industry > MM vs MySpace


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

So. to those of you that are on both this site and My Space,,,,,,,many have told me that they actually get more networking off of my  space then they do on industry specific sites like MM.  I am new to Myspace and have only been on here for a short time so I cant say either way as of yet. Those of you that have been around a while can chime in and say what you find good about either or which one is better for work.

BTW, since I am new to myspace, I need some frineds added I guess.

Oct 04 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Mike Haner Photography wrote:
So. to those of you that are on both this site and My Space,,,,,,,many have told me that they actually get more networking off of my  space then they do on industry specific sites like MM.  I am new to Myspace and have only been on here for a short time so I cant say either way as of yet. Those of you that have been around a while can chime in and say what you find good about either or which one is better for work.

Depends on what kind of networking you're talking about. As a model, I don't really attract anyone but 'fans' off Myspace. However, as a photographer, I have acually booked work off of Myspace. It's great being big in Japan......

For me, all these internet sites are for networking purposes only. And if you want to see any real results, you have to be consistent. Stay in touch, keep a good rapor with your peers and don't be petty.


Oct 04 06 09:48 am Link


Tom Holoubek

Posts: 342

Rockford, Illinois, US

How do you get models off My Space?

Oct 04 06 09:50 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

Depends on what kind of networking you're talking about. As a model, I don't really attract anyone but 'fans' off Myspace. However, as a photographer, I have acually booked work off of Myspace. It's great being big in Japan......

For me, all these internet sites are for networking purposes only. And if you want to see any real results, you have to be consistent. Stay in touch, keep a good rapor with your peers and don't be petty.


Is it petty to tell someone not to be petty?

Oct 04 06 09:51 am Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Is it petty to tell someone not to be petty?

I'll pet you BOB!

Oct 04 06 09:53 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Tom Holoubek wrote:
How do you get models off My Space?

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I book bands for promos. It's paying work and I get to be as creative as I wanna be. Cause, well, I'm big in Japan.

And no, it's not petty to tell someone to not be petty. Call it like you see it. They'll thank you later.

Oct 04 06 09:58 am Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

Mike Haner Photography wrote:
So. to those of you that are on both this site and My Space,,,,,,,many have told me that they actually get more networking off of my  space then they do on industry specific sites like MM.  I am new to Myspace and have only been on here for a short time so I cant say either way as of yet. Those of you that have been around a while can chime in and say what you find good about either or which one is better for work.

I can say I've gotten more work from here than on myspace.

Oct 04 06 09:58 am Link


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

I have recieved word of photogs getting more paying jobs from myspace then model specific sites like MM, I think that it was more headshot type stuff then projects, they said they got more TFP (no pay) stuff off of specific sites.

Oct 04 06 10:01 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hmmm, more work from myspace, no.  More perverts sending me weird emails from myspace, yes.

Oct 04 06 10:01 am Link


Tom Holoubek

Posts: 342

Rockford, Illinois, US

Well, I've gotten more interest from MM then OMP. OMP got me nowhere! I'm just trying to generate more models coming to the studio. I can't afford to pay but I often give lots of shots for free.

Oct 04 06 10:12 am Link


Rock-it Photo

Posts: 84

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Susi wrote:
Hmmm, more work from myspace, no.  More perverts sending me weird emails from myspace, yes.


Actually myspace has worked well for me so far, I have had many requests for shoots by models, bands as well as ordinary folk!  Just change your password often tho' and don't click on any bulletins that are for free stuff!

I will tell you this, the more places you network at the busier it will keep you! lol!  I'm on MM, OMP, Myspace, Ky-Models,, Louisville Mojo and Ujena Talent.

Oct 04 06 10:13 am Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US to the sheer numbers of Myspace having over 115 million members to MM's 100,000+

Also on Myspace, since it can be anyone, anywhere, you are not limited to model shoots, like a specific site such as MM.

Flakes are on both sites in a proportional number as well. I still get more business from meeting people offline at business functions, seminars, events, the NEWSPAPER (yes people still place ads in the newspapers) and of course referrals from others.

IF this is a business that you want to make a living out of, like anything else you have to be dillegent in your networking & marketing, in whatever media that you can. Online just SEEMS to be easier.


Oct 04 06 10:18 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Non-flakes are hard to find on myspace, but OTOH, the wannabe models on myspace haven't "learned" that having 4 camera-phone pics qualifies them for $200 an hour for lingerie, plus travel expenses for them and their 3 escorts, photographer-provided hair stylist, MUA, wardrobe stylist, they get to keep all wardrobe from the shoot, and a CD of all images at the end of the shoot, etc.  The diva factor is a lot lower.

Oct 04 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

I've gotten more actual shoots off myspace, but I think that's because I've been on there longer and tend to get wannabe models who've somehow met personal friends of mine who then point them over to my myspace account.  For the most part I don't think myspace is worth it, though.  If you're female you mostly get obnoxious "Hey Baby..." messages and if you're male you mostly get "Come check out my cam whore site.  Only $5/minute." messages.

I guess you could potentially get more PAID work from myspace in that you have a lot of non-model girls and guys with low self esteem who want better myspace photos of themselves.  I've done a few of those.  They're never portfolio quality though.

Oct 04 06 10:23 am Link


Rock-it Photo

Posts: 84

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Some one mentioned new or wannabe models using camera phone pics, this is something that really burns me up about OMP.  It's almost a given that out of the 20 models that come in as new per month, maybe 2 or three of them are actually models interested in working that have made the effort to get a "photographer" to take their photos.  Atleast 10 are minors whom parents have no clue what they are actually doing online.  The rest of them just make you wonder if there really is nothing else they could do other than put up photo's that you wish you never SAW!  LOL!

Oct 04 06 10:31 am Link


Tom Holoubek

Posts: 342

Rockford, Illinois, US where on My Space to you start looking for models?

Oct 04 06 10:49 am Link


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

That all makes sense, I mainly do portrait work and am just starting to get into the beauty / model portfolio type shots. It is a totally different biz for sure. It does seem to be a fun way to fill up my open slots though.  I have found it very funny about the ones with the disposable camera pics stating that they will only do paid work and have been contacted by a model off of here wanting me to do TFP of her and her family..........I thought that sounded alot like my regualr biz of family portraits to me. I am not expecting much from My Space but it looks like fun. I have been having a blast on MM but I do find that it wastes quite a bit of time that I could be spending doing more productive things like editing last nites portrait shoot......mike

Oct 04 06 10:57 am Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

Mike Haner Photography wrote:
I have recieved word of photogs getting more paying jobs from myspace then model specific sites like MM, I think that it was more headshot type stuff then projects, they said they got more TFP (no pay) stuff off of specific sites.

What?  People actually pay for pictures?   Did I miss the memo??

Oct 04 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 2183

Needville, Texas, US

Tom Holoubek wrote: where on My Space to you start looking for models?

I have found models through the Myspace groups feature. There are several groups there for modeling and photography. All of the models and photographers that have helped me with my stylist portfolio were found on Myspace or through Myspace friends who referred them. Most of them have MM accounts as well and some of them were referred here by me. The hairstylist I used for the Geisha shots in my stylist profile (119401 SINched) is Myspace only. I keep trying to get her to start a profile here as well since there are no hairstylists in this area on here. Now, I could not tell you anything about paid work through Myspace. Everything I have worked on so far has been for trade.

Oct 04 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

LarryB wrote:
Non-flakes are hard to find on myspace, but OTOH, the wannabe models on myspace haven't "learned" that having 4 camera-phone pics qualifies them for $200 an hour for lingerie, plus travel expenses for them and their 3 escorts, photographer-provided hair stylist, MUA, wardrobe stylist, they get to keep all wardrobe from the shoot, and a CD of all images at the end of the shoot, etc.  The diva factor is a lot lower.

(snicker)  How right you are!

Kathy Jean
Peoria Area

Oct 04 06 11:19 am Link

Makeup Artist

Loretta Kendall A Salon

Posts: 148

Ohio, Illinois, US

I have only got one job from Myspace. The majority of my online networking has came from here.  I won't mention those "other sites" but they haven't helped at all.

I can't get decent models to answer casting calls on Myspace. There are only kids who want myspace pics.

Oct 04 06 11:19 am Link


Valerie daiquiri

Posts: 6

Milan, Georgia, US

I've gotten a lot of  "ARE YOU A REAL PERSON" OR "HEY BABY GIVE ME CALL" OR "DO YOU WANNA HOOK UP" more than other modeling related things.... But I have been offered to do budoir work and have done some. and I have been on myspace before Tila got famous...

I think MM is better cuz you won't be stuck with with the "WANNABES" i suppose. idk.

Oct 04 06 11:20 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Valeri daiquiri wrote:
I've gotten a lot of  "ARE YOU A REAL PERSON" OR "HEY BABY GIVE ME CALL" OR "DO YOU WANNA HOOK UP" more than other modeling related things.... But I have been offered to do budoir work and have done some. and I have been on myspace before Tila got famous...

I think MM is better cuz you won't be stuck with with the "WANNABES" i suppose. idk.

I KNEW Tila before she became famous(she was actually interested in singing on some music i was writing for one of my many projects)

Oct 04 06 12:17 pm Link


Tom Holoubek

Posts: 342

Rockford, Illinois, US

Thanks for the explainations. It helps. I'm very new to MySpace stuff. I do love MM though.

Oct 04 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 44

Richland, Washington, US

TheStitchWitch wrote:

I have found models through the Myspace groups feature. There are several groups there for modeling and photography. All of the models and photographers that have helped me with my stylist portfolio were found on Myspace or through Myspace friends who referred them. Most of them have MM accounts as well and some of them were referred here by me. The hairstylist I used for the Geisha shots in my stylist profile (119401 SINched) is Myspace only. I keep trying to get her to start a profile here as well since there are no hairstylists in this area on here. Now, I could not tell you anything about paid work through Myspace. Everything I have worked on so far has been for trade.

You can also do a search for models in your area.

Oct 04 06 12:33 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Mike Haner Photography wrote:
So. to those of you that are on both this site and My Space,,,,,,,many have told me that they actually get more networking off of my  space then they do on industry specific sites like MM.  I am new to Myspace and have only been on here for a short time so I cant say either way as of yet. Those of you that have been around a while can chime in and say what you find good about either or which one is better for work.

Hi Mike, I just sent you a friend request.  Mine is and you should take a look at my "friends" list .. from there I have saved 250+ potential models to my favorites list.  Yes, MySpace has been good for networking and locating new models to work with, ... but fragile.  Why I say that is due to the lack of serious security on the site.   For example, you can lose your profile at any time.   It's a free site, so there is less protection that can be provided against hackers, spammers and the general riff raff that has over whelmed the website.  The advertising is obnoxious, and the Admin. can also delete your profile without reason.

I know Nikki Christian, her new profile is at but she had over 56,000 "friends" on her MySpace profile, but right before the launch of her psysite, her profile was deleted.  She told me that she thought it was MySpace admin but I think she was hacked because MySapce admin would usually give some sort of warning first.

Having your own website is the most secure method of making sure you have Internet presence.  I like your website and invite you to check out mine at .. if you would like a photographer profile, contact me and I can tell you how to get one.  These websites like Model Mayhem, OMP and MySpace are all pretty good for promotions and networking.  Have you tried Yahoo groups?  I also use them.

Oct 04 06 12:35 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

cyberstorm wrote:
I KNEW Tila before she became famous(she was actually interested in singing on some music i was writing for one of my many projects)

Tila sure has made a name for herself by using MySpace!  I know the real Snoop dogg and Wang Chung  (remember everyone "Wang chung tonight!" ? )  are on MySpace because I know them personally.  I have a music magazine with a profile on there ... and have found that Music is bigger on MySpace than the modeling.  Nearly every band I shoot has a MySpace profile!   (and I've shot live music for about 20 years!)

After thought:  Yes, I do have extremely diverse taste in music!  LOL

Oct 04 06 12:43 pm Link


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

Great !  I also thought that it may be good for the senior portrait biz as well (myspace) I have senior reps right now that bring in most of that line but who knows....the only problem is that MM is so addicting and myspace looks to be the same....having time to really work might be a problem.

Oct 04 06 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Hi there!

You're on my friends list and I just saw that I'm in your top friend spot on MySpace....Thanks!

I think MM is much better for networking, getting advice, industry specific needs.  I like MySpace for self promotion/publicity, selling merchandise, advertising contests/sites I'm in....that kind of thing. 

MySpace is a good networking tool if you're a promo model, though.  The companies schedule events nationwide, and they're always looking for new "talent" and sometimes post the events and details they're hiring for.

That's my two cents.

Oct 04 06 01:19 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Tila sure has made a name for herself by using MySpace!  I know the real Snoop dogg and Wang Chung  (remember everyone "Wang chung tonight!" ? )  are on MySpace because I know them personally.  I have a music magazine with a profile on there ... and have found that Music is bigger on MySpace than the modeling.  Nearly every band I shoot has a MySpace profile!   (and I've shot live music for about 20 years!)
Hmmmmm.........maybe I need to come out of my musical closet sonner than i had planned around here then(rest assured VERY few people here in the states will know me for my music,but Europe,thats a whole different story,lol)


Oct 04 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I'm on and I think of it as another networking tool. I have gotten to network from both sites and gigs from both sites.

It's what you make of it and how you deal with what's around you...

Oct 04 06 01:35 pm Link


Beauty of Tiferet

Posts: 533

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Susi wrote:
Hmmm, more work from myspace, no.  More perverts sending me weird emails from myspace, yes.

Me too. That's why I removed my profile and started all over again.

Oh. And I guess I should promote mine here: - or even:

Susi, expect a PM from my other profile today... ;-)

Oct 04 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Susi wrote:
Hmmm, more work from myspace, no.  More perverts sending me weird emails from myspace, yes.

For sure.....that's almost all I get!

Are you a real person is one of my favorite messages I've gotten through MySpace

Oct 04 06 01:45 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Cat Platz wrote:

For sure.....that's almost all I get!

Are you a real person is one of my favorite messages I've gotten through MySpace

The last model I did a shoot with(Michelle,from my AV and featured in my profile) got that when we were at her house when she was getting ready for the shoot.
I replied for her"No,I'm a false clone of Michelle,there are 4 of us,which means there is a good chance that this is a false myspace account,with false friends"
I could go on for days about MySpace stupidity(like getting messaged from some goober wanting mem to hook him up with some girl on my favorates list)

Oct 04 06 02:13 pm Link


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

So these pervs think that you are not a person and just a computer or what? I know that there are fan sites of famous people but I dont get the "real person" question.  I am kinda slow tho......

Oct 04 06 02:41 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

I use both MM and MS to network with. Most of all I like surfing them both. I learn a lot from other photographers at both places.


Oct 04 06 02:44 pm Link


Jenn Vee

Posts: 36

Union City, California, US

Hmm... I get more attention here... myspace is just the same people saying the same "you're cute" bla bla... so I like it here a lot better.

MM has a WAY more professional feel to it. Myspace is just fun. smile

Oct 04 06 02:57 pm Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Something else that is useful, is when you shoot a model off of MM or OMP, ask them if they "Myspace" and if they do, have them friend you on there. Then, through word of mouth and the model inevitably posting some of her pictures there, her Myspace friends will see her pics and the great things she says about your shoot, and start talking to you about work, it just grows from there.

Oct 04 06 02:58 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

I've found that most of the models that contact me through Myspace never follow through. I shoot bands, also -- promo, media packets, live, cd covers, etc. and Myspace works well for that type of work. I've gotten a lot of band work from there. Models, no. I've gotten most my model work from here, OMP and word of mouth.

Oct 04 06 03:54 pm Link


Mike Haner Photography

Posts: 42

Tacoma, Washington, US

Even after only being on MS for today I can see that it is more for fun but I do see potential for both the beauty / modeling side as well as my other lines. I do see how it can really grow.

Oh well, I have a client coming in 15 min for senior portraits so I better go and get everything all fired up.

BTW- go ahead and add me to your friend list if you care to, I need more friends both here and on my space

Oct 04 06 04:46 pm Link