Forums > General Industry > Do nude shots scare off other models?


Greg Christensen

Posts: 361

Orange, California, US

Bump just once

Oct 03 06 07:16 pm Link


Casey Brooke

Posts: 134

Reading, Kansas, US

If you have very artistic nudes/implied nudes.. where the model can easily see the thought behind it and the shouldnt scare them off. but if it just some chick in a bikini or totally naked, spread eagle on a bed - no apparent composition or emotion... then we know you are a total scum bag. Unfortunatley.. some girls will do that for any creeper to just get some shots in their port.

it seems like any message i get on here is asking me to take my clothes off though. more and more you read the casting call forums.. and its asking girls to take their clothes off. The more i look at photog's ports on here.. alll i see is tastless borderline porn. Dont get me wrong, i am a fine arts/photography major, i respect and appriciate a lot of art.. i am VERY open minded, but when i just keep saying the same tastless almost vulgar stuff it really turns me off. Lets go outdoors and find some really creative sceneries, pose by some intricate structures, role play, high fashion/industrial shots.. do we really have to take our clothes off all the time to be found beautiful or worth photographing? i just dont understand it...

sorry.. end rant.

Oct 03 06 07:25 pm Link


Charles Rex Arbogast

Posts: 35

Chicago, Illinois, US


Well like in the photojournalism world I believe it boils down to ethics and ethical photographer will respect the models wishes and posess the integrety not to push the issue....You should advertise what you expertise is...nudes included. The models who are comfortable will be there, those who are not will not inquirer. There are plenty of models out there on both sides of the issue looking to get ahead. Show your craft and be proud of what you post. As Ben Franklin once titled a bawdy book he wrote...."Fart Proudly"

Oct 03 06 07:33 pm Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

TooCoolQueeniee wrote:

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

He didn't ask any MODEL feedbacks, he's asking everyones general opinion on

Picky! Picky!

"Why can't we all just get along?"

Oct 03 06 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Mandy McKeating wrote:
exactly when did topless implied become nude?

joe duerr wrote:
Those images are topless but covered.

Right... another example of the completely nonsensical concept of the "covered nude".

If it is covered it's not nude; and if it's nude it's not covered. There is no in-between except in the mind of the semantically challenged.


Oct 03 06 09:34 pm Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I am sure that there are some models that look at my port and say He's got nudes in it, I am not shooting with him...
But on the other hand I have had several models that have never done nudes pick me to be the first to shoot them because of what they saw in my port....
I sent a request to shoot a model in California today  while I am out there for business in 2 weeks and the first words out of her in the reply were you know I don't do nudes.
Just because I have or most other photographers have nudes in our ports doesn't mean that we want every model to get naked for us..

Oct 03 06 09:53 pm Link


Blenus Martin

Posts: 79

Orlando, Florida, US

I make it clear that I don't expect any nudes, and those who choose to do nudes do so at their request...  I will never and have never asked a model to do anything he or she does not feel comfortable doing...  Although I have nudes attached to my profile, I have built a following because they know I appreciate their efforts no matter what type of photos they do...

Oct 03 06 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

YeagerVision wrote:

He didn't ask models, he asked about models.  You're off topic....than again, so am I.

First, I'm amazed to find that there's such a "models against the photographers" or, just to make sure there's no misinterpretation like I'm blaming anyone, a "photographers against the models" attitude on so many threads.  Why is that?  Aren't models useful for photographers who want to build portfolios and/or get work done?  Aren't photographers necessary to models who don't do self-portraits?  Seems to me that a) we both need each other and b) we both have different and useful tasks in all this.

Let's face it, ModelMayhem doesn't exist for *either* group to make a living.  (Those making a living here, I apologize.  My understanding of how the world works is that with so many people around here working TFP/TFCD, most of us when we do get paid are getting paid by actual clients who never heard of MM.  I know the only money I make is from non-MM people.) 

The OP was worried about scaring off models and clients by having nudes on his MM portfolio.  In that sense, his post was confusing -- unless a lot of models are paying him and are his clients.  In that case, models are probably the most able to answer his question.  But photographers who have experience working with models might know something about what scares models, so they might be able to answer, as well.

Does it matter who answers the question? 

As a photographer who has worked with almost no MM models, but with lots of regular people (clients) and non-MM volunteers (call them models if you want), I just think it's a shame that these two groups, who stand to gain a lot from cooperation, so often seem to have these "model vs. photographer" or "photographer vs. model" threads. 

Can't we all just...get along?  wink

- rick

Oct 03 06 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

RStephenT wrote:

Didn't I read somewhere recently where it was reported that the UK has the most surveilence cameras than any other country in the world?

I think that might have been part of his point.  The U.S. has an image in many parts of the world -- at least the parts I've visited -- of having this kind of schizophrenic personality.  We talk about freedom all the time, but we don't actually practice it. 

For more on that, see this.

-- rick

Oct 03 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Art Schotz wrote:

Picky! Picky!

"Why can't we all just get along?"

Whoa...this is scary, man!  I didn't see this until after I posted my note, because I posted in response to something said on the first page! 

Are you my long lost brother?

Oct 03 06 11:10 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

As a photographer I do have nudes in my book. I have nudes on my website. I will work with clients who are ok with knowing I shoot nude people. Shooting nude clients is the market I wish to cater to.

I do know of several profesional full time photographers who do not let it be known that they shoot nudes becasuse of their clients, I have a deal with one of them, if I get a white bread family who needs portraites I recomend them to him, If he gets someone wanting to pay for erotic private nudes he will recomend them to me.

I know that I will lose clients that are offended by my work, but I also know that I will never gain the clients I wish to by showing a book of non nudes trying to get nude jobs.

I work on the edge, I like it here, better than in the middle there is no adrenalin in the safe ground.

Oct 03 06 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 1907

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't mind if there are a couple of nude shots in someone's book.  But if it's over 50% nude photos.. and/or they look cheesey or nasty, then, yeah.. i'll have to say i pass on those photographers.


Oct 04 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I don't know. Honestly, I wouldn't be put off if I saw a nude shot mixed in with other shots. I would see you as a photographer who is experimental and open to different ideas. That's just me, though.

Oct 04 06 12:19 am Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

There's no need to display nudes in your port. It's not right or wrong, but think about how many jobs you get where the model says, I'd like to pay you to shoot nudes of me. 

Does the ends justify the means?

If you get quite a bit of this work paid, leave it. If you;ve never had a model pay you for nudes, feel free to lose 'em ;-P

Oct 04 06 12:21 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

I haven't posted any nudes on MM out of fear of scaring off models, esp. since anybody who's not logged in will just get an 18+ sign. That could mean a beautiful figure study or an awful porn shot is blocked.

Admittedly, I seek potential models here in Cyprus, where on the one hand topless women abound on the beaches, but on the other hand, model photography is not as widely accepted (or a career goal) as in the USA.

Oct 04 06 12:52 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

It scares away girls who wanna look pretty.  It doesnt scare away models.  I keep em up.

Oct 04 06 12:54 am Link



Posts: 275

Detroit, Michigan, US

i post them, sometimes, if someone is too small minded to see the whole port, read a lil' (which everyone should do b4 working with someone) and get scared off, so be it, 99% of photogs have done some type of nude photos at some point, even if it was in college classes.

Oct 04 06 01:06 am Link


S. Stark

Posts: 13614

Los Angeles, California, US

I haven't read the other posts...but:

I don't think posting nudes on model mayhem will hurt your reputation.

However, if you decided to put them on your actual website, I'd consider working with women who aren't shaved.  To me, it takes the raw beauty out of it...makes the photo seem as contrived as a fashion shot.  Not that there is anything wrong with fashion shots.  At all.

Oct 04 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

If seeing a nude in my port stops me from working with a model then good riddance.  not business I would have wanted anyway.

Oct 04 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

This is an odd thread to find myself I realize my port on here reflects the opposite of the problems some people are voicing. No visible nudity (complete 18+ material) is present on any of the images I have here, yet the work I primarily do is replete with it.

Also funny since I've been considering making a predominant switch to more risque images here.

Oct 04 06 01:20 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

When I had 100 Fine Art Nude Images up I'd get models every week saying they wanted to TFP with me, NON-nude. Now that I've put up the rather large banner saying I don't do this I only get one or two ever couple of weeks who still think I will TFP clothing only work with them. So I'd say no, if the work is good, nudes won't scare models off. But to the OP and the second poster who say they make a living at the type of images they shoot...who are you clients? While models won't usually care more coorporate type clients will. No Wallmart for either of you. LOL.

Oct 04 06 01:37 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I do mostly glamour modeling and the occasional art nude shoot so typically, it doesn't bother me at all. I've found it does put off some beginners who don't understand the difference between nude and art. They find it all generally offensive and yes, i think with a few it definitely puts them off working with that photographer. However, if you were to have one or two art photos in a folio of 20 (ensuring they were classy, arty images) I'd be surprised if you still had problems. One of the previous posters commented that it was only when those nude photos dominated the portfolio that it started to put people off. There's been some good responses to this post. You could certainly go both ways and have two separate portfolios but do you think it's enogh of an issue to warrant the extra time? If you're working with professionals, nudity won't faze them in the least, regardless of whether they shoot it themselves.

Oct 04 06 05:23 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fluffytek wrote:
So far, the nudes on my site have found me models.

If you shoot trash it will put them off, if you shoot art it wont, well excpet for those that are anally retentive about nudity.

Yes much agreed ....

Oct 04 06 05:27 am Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

"Do nude shots scare off other models?"

If it's of the photographer, then yes!

If it's of a depends, photographers with ONLY nudes then yes, one or two that aren't vulgar or pointless - then no.

Oct 04 06 06:16 am Link


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

To me it's not about what the model has on or doesn't have on. It's all about the quality and the variety of your images.

Yes you will have models that are 'scared off' by nude images because some of them may think that you will ask them to pose nude or perhaps try and pressure them into posing nude once they are at the shoot. If that is what you are afraid of, then only put one or two nudes up - make sure they are of exceptional quality and easily identified as the highly coveted 'fine art nude'.

State in your profile that you do nudes on request but you are concentrating on fashion and not actively seeking nude models. Make it clear that all nude shoots are agreed on before the day of the shoot - much like models do. You will see many a profile with a note in bold stating that while the model poses nude they will only do so on a prearranged basis.

I'm sure a few friendly, comforting words will help ease the worries of any model with concerns about your nude photography. But I think for the better part, as has been seen in the responses from models on this thread, most of us don't care if there is a nude shot in a profile.

Oct 04 06 06:18 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The majority of my clients come to me for artistic nudes to be taken.   I see nothing wrong with nudity when presented as the client had intended it to be.  My port has about a 70/30 mix of nudes and non nudes.  I can shoot many different types of images (just ask the models, MUAs, and Stylists who have worked with me), but my passion is presenting the human body in a way that shows the beauty in it's form.  Does the fact that I have more nudes than non nudes hurt me, I hope not and I don't think it has, but I guess I'll never know.   If it does, then that's the breaks because I am proud of my work and I completely enjoy seeing the faces of my clients light up when we are viewing the images we have taken (even better is getting a call or a note from a husband thanking me for capturing their wife's beauty).  And I shoot TFP with models for two reasons, first, so I can use the images as samples that clients can identify with (that's why I shoot almost every body type), and second, I can experiment with new ideas and the model and I both get something out of it. 

So bottom line is that I shoot nudes, will continue to shoot nudes, and I won't fill my port with non nudes because I think that someone won't want to shoot with me becasue I have nudes in it.

Oct 04 06 06:51 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Webspinner wrote:
posting the kind of photos that I actually make gets me the models I actually want. No false advertising makes for less bad experiences.

I couldn't have put it better.  The people who are frightened by my work aren't people i want to deal with anyway.

Oct 04 06 06:55 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shandra wrote:
However, if you decided to put them on your actual website, I'd consider working with women who aren't shaved.  To me, it takes the raw beauty out of it...makes the photo seem as contrived as a fashion shot.  Not that there is anything wrong with fashion shots.  At all.

I'm an equal opportunity photographer... wink  hair, no hair, trimmed.  Makes no difference to me.  Like I said in my last post, most of my client work is doing art nudes so it's how the client wants to present themself that matters.

Oct 04 06 07:46 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

If they scare them off their not the ones I want to with shoot anyway.


Oct 04 06 08:20 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

It seems a bit hypocritical to not post what you actually shoot.  Far too many shoot nudes on the side, yet present a nice clean image to others by presenting only their non nudes to preserve their image to the public.  I refer to these kind of photographers as closet nude photographers.  I recently had a fashion photographer in Boston tell one of the models I shoot often (who poses nude) that she needed more fashion/editorial pics in her port.  So what does he shoot with her?  Two sets of swimsuit and one nude, lol!  A classic example of the type of photographer models should be more skeptical of working with then someone who is true to what they really shoot.  I respect a models limitations and I do not prejudice my working with her if she does or doesnt do nudes.  I would hope in turn the quality of my images would be impelling enough for her to want to work with me or clients to hire me regardless of the amount of clothing of the subject matter. 

Oct 04 06 09:23 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

YeagerVision wrote:
Do you really want to work with someone who is so easily scared?

I agree with that!!

Oct 04 06 02:42 pm Link