Forums > General Industry > Who's the biggest jerk here?



Posts: 1237

New York, New York, US

Ive got to stop laughing now and get packing...
Take care Bob! lol...

Oct 01 06 09:43 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US


Oct 01 06 09:47 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Ignore Bob. I am the biggest jerk on here cause I turned him onto MM. And made him an mm forum addict just like us.

Oct 01 06 09:55 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Oh, and I turned my bf into a model just so I could say I do sleep with my models....and I got the garden spider outside my window to be my muse and I have done like 4 photoshoots with it, haven't given it any prints or made it sign any release forums. See how evil I am?

Oct 01 06 09:57 am Link


Carl Snider

Posts: 145

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

I violate the copyright of no-show models who I shoot in both film and digital, JPG vs. RAW, with or without a release, while eschewing everyone's sense of what is cliche in an image, using profoto or alien bee lights, with both canon and nikon gear, combining histograms and light meters, all the while ranting about it here in the forums. I like art and commerce, and love to over/under photoshop my holga images, same for my leica. But I never met a scenario that couldn't be lit with 1-50 lights, or reflectors if I have them or can make them out of foamcore. I don't compress my JPG images, because they are what a "true" photographer shoots because they know how to "get it right in the camera", well I don't compress them unless I open them and save them, at least I think that's how it works. I hate ringlights, they are passe, so I only use them in 70% of my images, the other 50% I use other stuff. I require a deposit from all TEST/TFP/TFCD/TFBJ models unless I have worked with them before, or they are hot looking. I provide ALL images in RAW format while shooting (just give the model the CF card), unless the modified release says otherwise, cause that would be a copyright violation. Otherwise I provide 1 image of my mom's choosing anywhere from 2 hours to 2 years after a shoot. Typically this is in JPG format because nobody really shoots for prints anymore right. Plus if the client/model isn't paying for that shoot I can't really be any good since you get what you pay for and only paid photographers can provide you with quality images, and only photographers who are destitute can provide you with real art. I shoot nudes only in the reportage style when I am feeling artistic, like throw open the bathroom door while the model is changing. I like run-on sentences and no punctuation when I write, and think that newton/penn/lachapelle/demarchelier/adams is a hack depending on what day it is and how shitty I feel like my work really is. I take out my incompetence on others by demeaning their work in the forums regardless of what the actual topic of record is. I think it is the equipment and not the photographer that makes the image, unless he is a "professional" in which case he can get a stellar image smearing his colon with collodion and using his sphincter as a pinhole camera, cause it's all about the image after all. Most of all I LOVE THESE FORUMS and the Internet, they are the best source of true knowledge in the world, or at least the U.S.A. since that's all that really matters anyway.

Oh, and I like beans.

Oct 01 06 10:58 am Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

I had this gorgeous babe standing in front of me  on a mountain top. smokin photo session was in full force! I then noticed some wires hangin out of her shorts. I Thought,  man, without photoshop this shoot is a bust! No razor in site, so I walk up to her and grab those little wires with the hopes that they would gently come out gently.
Was I wrong. the screams as she fell 4000 ft to her ungodly demise!

moral of the story! mo the lawn, before you go on vacation.

Oct 01 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

May I just say that you all suck greatly..

And that your only redeeming quality is that I am worse than each and every one of you.. (Except maybe, GRHorn.. Rib breaking?  Damn..  Assholes are assholes, but hospitalizing them isn't really a lesson in humility as much as it is a lesson in irony..)

Oct 01 06 11:20 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

WhiteBears Visions wrote:
Hmm...dunno-I try not to get into situations.

Had one model that was kinda cute,  Bit heavy and desperatly wanting nudes.   So I go out of the room to get a few things and come back-she's laying on my bed spread eagled and saying "Let's do it on camera!".

Well-she wasn't THAT cute.  Had a bush with more hair than three buffalo-I could hear chimps hollering down there and swear I saw a giraffe pop it's noggin up.

I went to the other room and called the house phone from my computer then made like I was being called into work on an emergency.

Only other thing was shooting two girls that had the hots for each other and were getting carroed away.   I ran out of film and didn't bother telling them for an hour.


Oct 01 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
I held a models photographs extra long because she was a stuck up Biznitch..


Oct 01 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

E|||B wrote:
I'm still working on being unprofessional and offensive. I haven't pissed off NEARLY enough people yet. It's rather unfortunate.

I'm just too affable to even be really creepy. I can be kinda creepy. But not really creepy ... Maybe I need to ask more models to rub Vaseline on my nipples during a shoot.

LMAO!!!!!! Vaseline???

Oct 01 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

I forgot to pick up snacks and drinks, boy did I hear about it.

Oct 01 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Digital Soup wrote:
I had this gorgeous babe standing in front of me  on a mountain top. smokin photo session was in full force! I then noticed some wires hangin out of her shorts. I Thought,  man, without photoshop this shoot is a bust! No razor in site, so I walk up to her and grab those little wires with the hopes that they would gently come out gently.
Was I wrong. the screams as she fell 4000 ft to her ungodly demise!

moral of the story! mo the lawn, before you go on vacation.


Oct 01 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

I've got 2:

When I was first starting out (as in years ago, b&w darkroom experience only and my portrait experience was limited to my mom and a couple friends) I met an actress online and agreed to do some headshots for her on a trade basis.  I'd never seen her picture before and when she showed up, she was just a total troll.  There was no making this girl look good and of course I knew nothing about lighting to possibly help the situation.

Needless to say, the photos were AWFUL and to make matters worse I overdeveloped the film so even with the lowest filter I had there was no softening the blemishes and frizzy hair sticking out everywhere.  After putting the actress off for about 2 months I finally told her I ruined the film in developing and there were no photos.

The other was when I was newly single after a 2 year relationship and had a guy I met online bugging me to go out with him.  He was decent looking in the photos I'd seen so I finally agreed on the condition that he model for one of my school projects.  When he showed up at the studio he was so good looking and made me so nervous that I actually dropped my camera and shattered the lens.  It was the best first impression ever...

Oct 01 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

You broke Shoot Shoot's ribs or some one elses?

Someone else's ribs, I fell against John almost making him fall, he bent his carbon fibre monopod.  I hope this moron I hit, never forgets it.

Oct 01 06 11:49 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
May I just say that you all suck greatly..

And that your only redeeming quality is that I am worse than each and every one of you.. (Except maybe, GRHorn.. Rib breaking?  Damn..  Assholes are assholes, but hospitalizing them isn't really a lesson in humility as much as it is a lesson in irony..)

It was just a reaction, if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Oct 01 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

GRHorn wrote:

It was just a reaction, if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

I know..  And, I can't say that if I weren't in the same spot I might not have done the same..  But, I'm a little guy, and I doubt anyone's ribs would have gone rice crispies, so I can sit here and be a snob..

The truth is people are jerks, because they can get away with being jerks..  Generally the only solution is to be a bigger and meaner jerk..

Except, hey, then you're a jerk, too.. And........

Just because I don't like how things work, doesn't mean I have a better solution..

Knocks 2 people down, bent a carbon fiber mono, and then got pissed at you for being in the way..

Little fucker.

Oct 01 06 12:07 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Digital Soup wrote:
I had this gorgeous babe standing in front of me  on a mountain top. smokin photo session was in full force! I then noticed some wires hangin out of her shorts. I Thought,  man, without photoshop this shoot is a bust! No razor in site, so I walk up to her and grab those little wires with the hopes that they would gently come out gently.
Was I wrong. the screams as she fell 4000 ft to her ungodly demise!

moral of the story! mo the lawn, before you go on vacation.

My god you are an offensive pig, and your avatar scares the shit out of me. Can we hang together some time.

Oct 01 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Seeing as it's Sunday and i'm a family man, it prompted me to look at your site where I noticed you are 18. Eighteen, EIGHTEEN, oh my god I'm going to fry in hell for this one. This was the post the devil was looking for from me where it all came together for him and now he has my soul and oh no what am i gonna do?

I'll be on the next flight out. smile

This caused me to go look at her folio.

My god.  Melissa is a good argument for making the age of consent (and returning the age of majority) to 21.  It should not be legal to look that good at 18.

Oct 01 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 468

Dumont d'Urville - permanent station of France, Sector claimed by France, Antarctica

John Jebbia wrote:
I'm thinking most people here don't have the balls to answer the question.

May he without stones cast the first sin.

Oct 01 06 02:06 pm Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

My god you are an offensive pig, and your avatar scares the shit out of me. Can we hang together some time.

We at the autumn food and wine jubalee right now. lots a red faces round here.

Oct 01 06 03:19 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I shot a model who I could not make look good. I tried. I even offered to have her shoot with a friend I know who does much better photography.

That's not the creepy part. The creepy part is she started spreading nasty rumors using my name on craigslist in the area saying all sorts of lies. So the model was the utter creep.

I've not really done anything creepy like force a model to sleep with my husband (though I've had my husband harassed by gay men actings as escorts which is why I'm fairly against them at this point...straight, gay, boyfriend, husband? Forget it! Either a fellow model or none at all.) though I'm sure some of the models I've shot will have horrible stories about me.

Webspinner probably wins though. She seems like she wants to win... ;-)

Oct 01 06 03:37 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Meehan wrote:

What? I thought you liked my weather updates.

I love to hear how its blowin for you. any hair grow back yet there sporto/ You sure did howl alot for such a large gale.

Oct 01 06 03:42 pm Link


Valerie D

Posts: 82

PapaVic Photography wrote:
Probably the "worst" was pursuing an intimate personal relationship with someone I shot as a model at the beginning of it.

Also guilty... but the other way around (with a photographer that I've worked with).

Oct 01 06 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 982

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

me , yes im the biggest ahole on here.  i get these ( PRO,S ) that leave me private emails.  they tell me how i can be just like them some day and i tell them to g.f.t.   why does everyone assume im here for nude models or glamour  its b.s.

Oct 01 06 06:52 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Years ago???
That was just last month...

Oct 01 06 07:55 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
I once posted honestly about something unprofessional I did, and got ripped to shreds by photographers who took it upon themselves to maintain the high standards of the profession (

Oct 02 06 01:43 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

GRHorn wrote:
Hell, this one is easy, had a patron of a Club push me causing me to fall into another photographer actually Shoot Shoot of MM.  I then proceeded to break a few ribs with my elbow.  I am not so sure I think that is something I am ashamed of.  Discourteous people need to be put in their place.  This guy had the balls to tell me I was in his way.
Oh this was last Friday night.

I knew I loved you for a reason.

Oct 02 06 05:29 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Simple, I nominate myself.
Love me as I am, or walk away.

Oct 02 06 05:32 am Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
I held a models photographs extra long because she was a stuck up Biznitch..

NOOOOOOOooooooooo   say it aint so

and don't repeat it.  Someone might think others of us do that

from time     to time

Oct 05 06 12:34 pm Link


L O N D O N Brown

Posts: 312

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
I started commenting in the forums at MM?


Oct 05 06 01:10 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I tape up models, so can that make me the biggest Asshole here?

Oct 05 06 02:16 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
May I just say that you all suck greatly..

And that your only redeeming quality is that I am worse than each and every one of you.. (Except maybe, GRHorn.. Rib breaking?  Damn..  Assholes are assholes, but hospitalizing them isn't really a lesson in humility as much as it is a lesson in irony..)

GRHorn wrote:
It was just a reaction, if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

I called my lawyer to see if I could sue both of you for battery.

I've broken 4 ribs from ROTFLMAO

and it HURTS

and now my lawyer is ROTFLHAO

but there are more lawyers

give me a day or two.

Until then I've found some duct tape and it feels a bit better

Oct 05 06 06:13 pm Link


Uber Dami

Posts: 5551

New Haven, Connecticut, US

my most unproffesional, but damn amusing to myself at the time, moment at a shoot was either last summer or the summer before, they had all these models and photographers in an old armory to do a meet and greet shoot kind of deal.  well they put all the models in the gym, like a meat market and had you sit there and wait til a photog chose you.  i waited for about 8 hours and only had one girl ask me and it was like a 10 minute shoot.  all the other models were getting picked like own photog who invited me there was ignoring me.  so i found a skateboard and started doing laps and tricks all over the gym.  jumping over models luggage, being a straight up asshole pretty much.  but hey i dont regret it or care what they made have said, at least i know how to have fun in a very dull and annoying situation.

Oct 05 06 06:17 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Uber Dami wrote:
my most unproffesional, but damn amusing to myself at the time, moment at a shoot was either last summer or the summer before, they had all these models and photographers in an old armory to do a meet and greet shoot kind of deal.  well they put all the models in the gym, like a meat market and had you sit there and wait til a photog chose you.  i waited for about 8 hours and only had one girl ask me and it was like a 10 minute shoot.  all the other models were getting picked like own photog who invited me there was ignoring me.  so i found a skateboard and started doing laps and tricks all over the gym.  jumping over models luggage, being a straight up asshole pretty much.  but hey i dont regret it or care what they made have said, at least i know how to have fun in a very dull and annoying situation.

I would have picked you in a heart beat.  As well as the great skateboard shots the fashion type images we would have made could have been great.

Oct 05 06 06:46 pm Link


Robert Sanders

Posts: 905

Los Angeles, California, US

I once was suppose to sweep the studio floor. But I didn't. I said I did, and just went home.

Oct 05 06 07:06 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

I am, ask anybody I worked with

Oct 05 06 07:07 pm Link


emkay media design

Posts: 81

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Probably me, but whoever beats me wins... Here's the question:

Name one unprofessional thing you've done as a photographer, model, slylist, or MUA
NOTE: I said unprofessional, not creepy. But if you wanna tell us your creepy story I think we're all ears

I'll go first.

A few years ago I offered a model a paid shoot. Of course, it was probably after midnight when my judgement wasn't the best. All was well and things were all set when I decided to look at her photos one last time. And DIOS MIO! Upon further inspection of her photos I was like, "What was I thinking?!" So I made up a lie to get out of the shoot.

Your turn. Have fun.

I'm gonna always do whatever the f+ck I want except f+ck people over.

That is unless they deserve it.

Oct 05 06 07:34 pm Link


Uber Dami

Posts: 5551

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
I would have picked you in a heart beat.  As well as the great skateboard shots the fashion type images we would have made could have been great.

well thank you smile glad to know someone else has a sense of fun around here.  they didnt find my flip kicks amusing at all, they all got rather annoyed at me....oh well....if they dont have a sense of fun then i dont want to work with them anyways.

Oct 05 06 11:09 pm Link