Forums > General Industry > Am I being overly sensitive?



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Amy Rose wrote:
Ok, now maybe i'm reading into things wrong, but ouch..  That was harsh.. lol..

And completely tongue in cheek.

I'm just scared to comment on both of you [compliment deleted] ladies now for fear you might think I'm stalking you... sad

Sep 29 06 02:25 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US


Sep 29 06 02:25 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Here's the simplies answer, no she wasnt being rude because she took the time to answer you.

Sep 29 06 02:28 am Link


Amy Rose

Posts: 13

Chicago, Illinois, US

lol..  Don't worry, I don't take to much seriously, or atleast i don't take it to heart..  Don't worry I don't really think you are a stalker..  I actually think you are a very talented photographer, and maybe someday writer.. smile

Sep 29 06 02:31 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Amy Rose wrote:
Ok, now maybe i'm reading into things wrong, but ouch..  That was harsh.. lol..

I apologize if it came off harsh, I'm used to editing documents and papers(helped pay my way through college doing it). He asked for an honest opinion, I'm used to not glossing over things. Sorry if I came off harsh, figured it was better to be blunt then to be fluff.

Sep 29 06 02:33 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

[quote her]You take very lovely photographs. You may want to join www."someadultsite".com and find some alt. models there. It's an adult community site.The company I work for owns xpeeps and a ton of other sites. Do you have a webmaster affiliate program for [/quote her]

i don't think you blew it with her, she's playing hard to get, write her back

maybe something like this:

dearest gothchic d'blood,

i am not stalking you, a chicken is arriving forthwith in ups overnight, i found out where you live, but i am not stalking you, mostly i just fool around on my computer til my mom yells down for me to come up and eat, she doesn't let me eat in the basement anymore because of the mice..

have you ever worked with mice? i caught a few with those live trap glue things and saved them in the freezer, we could make some cool jewelry with them..

anyways, i know that at first it sounded like i had undying love for you, and that you might think that having rejected me i might be stalking you, but there is this bracelet on my ankle that prevents me from going outside after 6pm, so you see, you are quite safe

my brother said your house is blue, that's a nice color

ps: i used google earth to see your house, your roof is a lot like mine, at least from a hundred miles up


trust me, this will work

Sep 29 06 02:35 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
But I dont get the whole goth culture.  As far as I know you should have sent her a dead chicken.

Ha, ha...that is funny as hell. I think if it was a dead bat, he would have gotten laid as well.

Sep 29 06 02:35 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:

I apologize if it came off harsh, I'm used to editing documents and papers(helped pay my way through college doing it). He asked for an honest opinion, I'm used to not glossing over things. Sorry if I came off harsh, figured it was better to be blunt then to be fluff.

I think she meant my joke response with "excrutiatingly average". smile

Thanks for trying to take the heat for me, though!

Sep 29 06 02:35 am Link


Amy Rose

Posts: 13

Chicago, Illinois, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
I apologize if it came off harsh, I'm used to editing documents and papers(helped pay my way through college doing it). He asked for an honest opinion, I'm used to not glossing over things. Sorry if I came off harsh, figured it was better to be blunt then to be fluff.

Sorry, I didn't mean what you said was harsh.. smile  I was talking about the excrutiatingly average comment..

Sep 29 06 02:35 am Link


Amy Rose

Posts: 13

Chicago, Illinois, US

No heat to be taken..  Was just jokin..  As I said, I don't take much to heart..  You can't if you want to survive in this biz ya know..

Sep 29 06 02:37 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

lotusphoto wrote:
trust me, this will work

Dean Solo wrote:
Ha, ha...that is funny as hell. I think if it was a dead bat, he would have gotten laid as well.

Great stuff...even at my expense. tongue

Wait.....did I read something about getting laid up there??

Sep 29 06 02:37 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Amy Rose wrote:
No heat to be taken..  Was just jokin..  As I said, I don't take much to heart..  You can't if you want to survive in this biz ya know..

So...if I DO compliment a model, it won't be taken to heart? This is all so confusing...

Sep 29 06 02:41 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I don't think I'd ever use the phrase 'excrutiatingly intoxicating' and expect a reply.

Sep 29 06 02:42 am Link


Amy Rose

Posts: 13

Chicago, Illinois, US

Nihilus wrote:
So...if I DO compliment a model, it won't be taken to heart? This is all so confusing...

lol..  now that was funny.. smile

Sep 29 06 02:44 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

RED Photographic wrote:
I don't think I'd ever use the phrase 'excrutiatingly intoxicating' and expect a reply.

Noted. It would appear that was the primary culprit.

Sep 29 06 02:48 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Sep 29 06 02:48 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

I think any first contact with the phrase "I find your features excrutiatingly intoxicating" in it is likely to receive a negative response from a model.

Keep it simple, professional, and don't use language that suggests you are a potential stalker. I'm not saying every model would take such language as a warning sign, but clearly at least one did, and I personally can see why!


Sep 29 06 02:50 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

I understand how you feel.

Today I received an email from a model, I contacted her to shoot, she replied she was interested and asked by email what is next?

So I replied well I'll check my schedule for next week and you should give me a call, I shoot about 10 am and we'll be done by one and the day we might shoot, so check your schedule and give me a call.

Then she wrote back "if" her agents can find a reference for me, then she will call and she would like to shoot at night so she can bring someone.

I wrote that I don't shoot at night I work during the day but bringing someone is fine.

Here's the punch,
She wrote back that I was trying to put her out of her comfort zone, by suggesting shooting during the day and why would she call me at all since she didn't know me.  Also that she would never give me her number unless she worked with me before.

I never asked for her number
I gave her a phone number of a designer I worked with, if she couldn't call her or give the numbers to her "agents" to call, then it's not my fault.

And why would she be afraid to shoot during the day and not night? 

I just went on about emailing for five years and not calling the photographer usually means the model won't show up.

Then she wrote that she will pass on this shoot, I should have written her back saying thank God.

Sep 29 06 02:50 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

Nihilus wrote:

Scribe of Souls wrote:
Not to be rude, but get a life guy.

Are you intentionally idiotic and of the mentality to rub people like sandpaper, or is it a subconscious character flaw of yours? This has nothing to do with the topic. How you conclude I lack a "life" (whatever that means in your world) from the delineated sequence of events above, I do not know.

And you can't read either, smart ass. Check the replies. Everyone has voiced the opinion that I probably overreacted. Nowhere have I whined at the responses or demanded confirmation of my fact I've agreed with the comments and thanked people for their input.

At least I am aware enough when my "paranoid ideas" may be my own misinterpretation...unlike some folks...

He's right... you sound like a stalker. Accept it and move on.  Change your approach. Your work is gothic and very sexual and dark. who could blame her for her response if she does not relate to that type of imagery? You are defensive and paranoid (not to mention insecure). Get used to denial... it is part of the business as you should know. You should also get used to the critisism... especially if you ask for it. When someone makes such a straight forward comment as "get a life" maybe you should interperet that as "you're all wrong" and just simply move on. Good luck.

Sep 29 06 02:51 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

bang bang photo wrote:
I think any first contact with the phrase "I find your features excrutiatingly intoxicating" in it is likely to receive a negative response from a model.

Keep it simple, professional, and don't use language that suggests you are a potential stalker. I'm not saying every model would take such language as a warning sign, but clearly at least one did, and I personally can see why!


Yep. I think we've narrowed down where the whole thing went downhill. I think I'll reserve the use of those two words for very specific occasions from now on.

Thanks for your 2 cents.

Sep 29 06 02:54 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

one for cutting off a finger and one for drinking beer I hope

Sep 29 06 03:00 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
He's right... you sound like a stalker. Accept it and move on.  Change your approach.

I don't recall arguing with the "sounding like a stalker" part...could you point out where I did? The "get a life" thing, however...

Your work is gothic and very sexual and dark. who could blame her for her response if she does not relate to that type of imagery?

Does not relate to that type of imagery?????

You are defensive and paranoid (not to mention insecure).

I would be if I had assumed I was absolutely right from the get go. Please show me where this was the case.

Get used to denial... it is part of the business as you should know. You should also get used to the critisism... especially if you ask for it.

You haven't really read the rest of the thread aside from just a few posts...have you? Go on...admit it. It's okay. No one will laugh at you.

When someone makes such a straight forward comment as "get a life" maybe you should interperet that as "you're all wrong" and just simply move on. Good luck.

"You're all wrong" would make perfect sense. I'm glad you're here to translate the incendiary comments into well meaning critiques for me. smile

Sep 29 06 03:00 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

You know what we all failed to consider

We are all saying "he sounded like a stalker" and are giving him pointers.  What if he really is a stalker and we're writing all his best stuff.

Sep 29 06 03:03 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
You know what we all failed to consider

We are all saying "he sounded like a stalker" and are giving him pointers.  What if he really is a stalker and we're writing all his best stuff.

Look over there! Elvis!!!!

*scampers off*

Sep 29 06 03:06 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

I love how everyone pussy foots around you! "Oh, you sound like a perv but I don't think you really are". I don't know you... maybe you are (you really sound like one). It's this whole overly sensitive approach that annoys me. If you just accepted the critisism that you asked for no one would need to over explain themselves (a whole page of "oh... i didn't mean to sound like that" and "sorry"). Plain and simple: you were over reacting... you came across as a perv, weather you intended to or not, and you were turned down. Get over it like a grown up.When someone responds to you in a way that you don't agree with you appear to move into attack mode. Let people respond to your post. You asked for it and frankly I don't really understand your problem. CLEARLY you were picking up on her and it made her uncomfortable and angry so she fired back. Whatever. What I'm saying is, you may not like someones response to your situation but don't become defensive and condescending. Ignore it, laugh at it, accept it, really listen to what's behind it.

Sep 29 06 03:21 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
I love how everyone pussy foots around you! "Oh, you sound like a perv but I don't think you really are".

That's because it takes a leap of illogic to assume I am. Feel free to do so, however. Fortunately, I'm quite confident my previous co-collaborators are sufficient reference for any future models who might be concerned.

You see...the thing at hand here is that I've actually opened up a thread at the risk of making a mistake of mine visible. The horror. Now the world knows that, in this instance, I was indeed overly sensitive. That's enough of a vulnerability without having vicarious offendees throwing insults and unfounded garbage into the arena.

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
I don't know you... maybe you are (you really sound like one). It's this whole overly sensitive approach that annoys me.

Are you blind? Aside from the initial discourse with model (during which I've already admitted to being sensitive), where else has it been present? You mean where some dude told me to "get a life"? How about I tell you to get a life, and we both smile and shake hands understanding that no one should be getting "sensitive" about that comment? smile

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
If you just accepted the critisism that you asked for no one would need to over explain themselves (a whole page of "oh... i didn't mean to sound like that" and "sorry")

No, no. You see...I never requested any backtracking or clarification from the posters who did that. They did so on their own, and I responded with appreciation. It's called courtesy and tact. Do acquaint yourself with them sometime.

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
Plain and simple: you were over reacting... you came across as a perv, weather you intended to or not, and you were turned down.

Thank you for the post hoc revision of what has already transpired.

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
Get over it like a grown up.

I'm really having trouble following your logic...

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
When someone responds to you in a way that you don't agree with you appear to move into attack mode. Let people respond to your post. You asked for it and frankly I don't really understand your problem.

And I think you're a bitter woman projecting your fears of frigidity onto my topic of conversation. But don't go into "attack mode" because I said that! Let people respond to your post!

(And for crying out loud... "disclaimer": No i'm not really insinuating that aside from its use as a metaphor...)

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
CLEARLY you were picking up on her and it made her uncomfortable and angry so she fired back. Whatever.

Clearly...or course. Presumption is the mother of all idiocy.

Katie Russell Photo wrote:
What I'm saying is, you may not like someones response to your situation but don't become defensive and condescending. Ignore it, laugh at it, accept it, really listen to what's behind it.

You misunderstand the response for the tone and manner used to convey it. No...I take that back. Actually, that would be the case if you "CLEARLY" weren't more fixated on the epiphany your amateur psychoanalysis has supposedly yielded about my secret personal life.


Sep 29 06 03:37 am Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

You shouldn't have posted a link to her photo. I understand why you did but a lot of people wouldn't want their photos on or linked on a forum somewhere that they didn't know about.

Edit, to take out quote.

Sep 29 06 03:46 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Meg 784 wrote:
You shouldn't have posted a link to her photo. I understand why you did but a lot of people wouldn't want their photos on or linked on a forum somewhere that they didn't know about.

Edit, to take out quote.

Understood, but it IS hosted publicly...thereby making it open for such. I'm not hotlinking it either. Plus, I took care to make sure it was just the image url linked, and not any page of hers.

The other option was to copy the image myself, alter it to make the face non-distinguishable and host it myself somewhere...which, IMO, would be quite a bit worse.

Sep 29 06 03:50 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
Your letter to her sounds too much like a pick up line.  I never ask someone who isnt a model to pose directly, I tell them what I have in mind, and ask them if they are willing to discuss it with me.  Most can say yes to that, and it gives you a chance to deal with questions easier.

But I dont get the whole goth culture.  As far as I know you should have sent her a dead chicken.

please do not steal my model enticement ideas,lol.

Sep 29 06 03:52 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
please do not steal my model enticement ideas,lol.

Sep 29 06 03:53 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

Nihilus wrote:

You pick up models too?


Did I just give myself away?

your fast, i changed it within 60 seconds, now we are both done for.

Sep 29 06 03:54 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
your fast, i changed it within 60 seconds, now we are both done for.

What is this "done for" you speak of?


Sep 29 06 03:57 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

Nihilus wrote:
smart ass.


Sep 29 06 03:58 am Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Nihilus wrote:

Understood, but it IS hosted publicly...thereby making it open for such. I'm not hotlinking it either. Plus, I took care to make sure it was just the image url linked, and not any page of hers.

The other option was to copy the image myself, alter it to make the face non-distinguishable and host it myself somewhere...which, IMO, would be quite a bit worse.

Just because it is hosted publicly doesn't mean it is ok. You had another option which would've been better in my opinion. That option was just to explain the type of images you saw on her page.

Sep 29 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Meg 784 wrote:
Just because it is hosted publicly doesn't mean it is ok. You had another option which would've been better in my opinion. That option was just to explain the type of images you saw on her page.

No good. It's no different than you telling people they should go see this cool profile on some site. then tell them to go the pics section, and tell them which one to focus on.

In this case, though...that would have attributed a personality with the image. Much more intrusive. I'd be interested in seeing where you argue the legality of linking to said image. Or are you just talking about "morally" right?

Sep 29 06 04:07 am Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Nihilus wrote:

No good. It's no different than you telling people they should go see this cool profile on some site. then tell them to go the pics section, and tell them which one to focus on.

In this case, though...that would have attributed a personality with the image. Much more intrusive. I'd be interested in seeing where you argue the legality of linking to said image. Or are you just talking about "morally" right?

It is good, especially since you mention finding her on a goth site. Even though it is just word it is better then posting a link to her photograph.

I never mentioned anything about legal issues. I am talking morally and out of respect for this woman.  .

Sep 29 06 04:20 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

Nihilus wrote:

I don't recall arguing with the "sounding like a stalker" part...could you point out where I did? The "get a life" thing, however...

I was refering to the "get a life" comment, which in turn refers to the stalker subject. ACCEPT IT.

Your work is gothic and very sexual and dark. who could blame her for her response if she does not relate to that type of imagery?

Nihilus wrote:
Does not relate to that type of imagery?????

would you like me to spell it out? S-H-E--D-O-E-S-N-T--L-I-K-E--Y-O-U-R--W-O-R-K. ohhhh. it's okay honey. you'll get through this.

You are defensive and paranoid (not to mention insecure).

Nihilus wrote:
I would be if I had assumed I was absolutely right from the get go. Please show me where this was the case.

Again... I am specifically refering to the "get a life" comment. It does not seem to fit in to your idea of "feedback". You were defensive and VERY condescending towards that guy. You responded in a way that I saw as arrogant and belittling. He did not choose a language that you agreed with so you decided to make him look/feel like a fool? That is ignorant.

Get used to denial... it is part of the business as you should know. You should also get used to the critisism... especially if you ask for it.

Nihilus wrote:
You haven't really read the rest of the thread aside from just a few posts...have you? Go on...admit it. It's okay. No one will laugh at you.

If this is an attemp to make me feel stupid, you have failed miserably. In fact... I think this statement only makes you look stupid. I read the thread and and I think that you are naive and unconditioned for the business. In fact, the people that you will work with and deal with are much harder than a single petty statement made by a stranger on an amature photography site.

When someone makes such a straight forward comment as "get a life" maybe you should interperet that as "you're all wrong" and just simply move on. Good luck.

Nihilus wrote:
"You're all wrong" would make perfect sense. I'm glad you're here to translate the incendiary comments into well meaning critiques for me. smile

no problem buddy. I just think that you still don't get it. ITS YOUR ATTITUDE.

Sep 29 06 04:37 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Katie Russell Photo wrote:

Nihilus wrote:
I don't recall arguing with the "sounding like a stalker" part...could you point out where I did? The "get a life" thing, however...

I was refering to the "get a life" comment, which in turn refers to the stalker subject. ACCEPT IT.

Your work is gothic and very sexual and dark. who could blame her for her response if she does not relate to that type of imagery?

Nihilus wrote:
Does not relate to that type of imagery?????

would you like me to spell it out? S-H-E--D-O-E-S-N-T--L-I-K-E--Y-O-U-R--W-O-R-K. ohhhh. it's okay honey. you'll get through this.

You are defensive and paranoid (not to mention insecure).

Nihilus wrote:
I would be if I had assumed I was absolutely right from the get go. Please show me where this was the case.

Again... I am specifically refering to the "get a life" comment. It does not seem to fit in to your idea of "feedback". You were defensive and VERY condescending towards that guy. You responded in a way that I saw as arrogant and belittling. He did not choose a language that you agreed with so you decided to make him look/feel like a fool? That is ignorant.

Get used to denial... it is part of the business as you should know. You should also get used to the critisism... especially if you ask for it.

Nihilus wrote:
You haven't really read the rest of the thread aside from just a few posts...have you? Go on...admit it. It's okay. No one will laugh at you.

If this is an attemp to make me feel stupid, you have failed miserably. In fact... I think this statement only makes you look stupid. I read the thread and and I think that you are naive and unconditioned for the business. In fact, the people that you will work with and deal with are much harder than a single petty statement made by a stranger on an amature photography site.

When someone makes such a straight forward comment as "get a life" maybe you should interperet that as "you're all wrong" and just simply move on. Good luck.

no problem buddy. I just think that you still don't get it. ITS YOUR ATTITUDE.

I think his attitude is fine, he accepts his faults with humour and grace. Now for somone who is just starting out in this line of work yours sucks. Who the hell are you? Nobody.
Get a life, dont give up your day job.

Sep 29 06 06:21 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

This always works for me.


Might I prevail upon thee to pose languidly upon a divan of opulent creativity so that we may make, photographically, art. Yes, true art. Art that would, were he alive of course, cause Michelangelo to bow his head in acquiescence. The graceful form and function of your extremities makes the accomplishment of these lofty goals a foregone conclusion. Would that you acquiesce to my desire by post so that we may co-join our aspirations and consummate our creative urges.

(insert name here)

Sep 29 06 07:08 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

MMDesign wrote:
This always works for me.


Might I prevail upon thee to pose languidly upon a divan of opulent creativity so that we may make, photographically, art. Yes, true art. Art that would, were he alive of course, cause Michelangelo to bow his head in acquiescence. The graceful form and function of your extremities makes the accomplishment of these lofty goals a foregone conclusion. Would that you acquiesce to my desire by post so that we may co-join our aspirations and consummate our creative urges.

(insert name here)

Now that has to work. Would you write my Bio for me? please...

Sep 29 06 07:49 am Link