Forums > General Industry > Model wants pay plus free pictures for her port!!!


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

photographer56 wrote:

I'm surprised that this thread has gotten so much attention from so many people.  Usually I think it would be a  good topic to be discussing. 

After reading so many replies from members, it is apparent there are different views.  However, I read the OP's profile.  He obviously spent a lot of time thinking about the way he wants to operate his business from the look of his profile.  He clearly states his willingness to work to develope portfolios and how much his rates are for those services!  This is where things become confusing to me.  Why does he want to change all his own rules for this particular model.  Is he falling for her ploy to play him?  She must have read his profile. What part of his rates does she not understand?   Why would she then come to him knowing he charges for his services and then try to grossly change the tabels by charging him for her photo shoot.  Sounds like she is a student of politics or funding her law degree!

I think his comment in resonce to an earlier suggestion is the best way to handel the situation.  Simply be polite, but bow out and say he can't afford her.  Both will be able to save face, but at least this OP will be able to avert a potentialy bigger problem.  Who knows what is on this models mind.  Who knows how she will attempt to try and turn the tables once they have shot together. 

It sounds to me like "the risks out weigh to benefits"!

Good post!  Sometimes its best to avoid a possible train wreck if you see it
coming and this would be a wreck for sure.

Sep 25 06 08:48 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Hope Parr wrote:
show me one photo that I took of a blowjob?
Thats not what I shoot, what I shoot is whats in my portfolio and on my site...
nothing more.

No.  That's not true.  I went to your "other" site, the landofvenus site, the one that probably allows you to fly models in and pay $6k for a weekend, and a number of photos on your port are there, so quit trying to fool people.

The registrant of landofvenus is a Jeff Parr, so I assume you may know him since you have the same last name.  But maybe you don't know that he snuck your shots and put some  on his "adult" site.  In case you didn't know, your photoset "the Desert" appears right underneath a Video described as "watch fit girl Veronika take it up the ass."

I don't know why you're being so dodgy about this.  You have on your bio that you have an "adult" site.  Now, you're trying to claim that your work isn't showing up on your adult site????

Are you embarassed about this?  Then take it out of your bio.   Or maybe it's that you don't want the models on MM to know where their shots might appear?  I don't know, you seem to be the one with two heads here, boasting about one thing and then trying to claim another.

Hope Parr wrote:
I also dont shoot video, if I wanted good video I would hire someone to do it, someone that does it for a living.

Dont act like you know me or anything about me.

I don't really care to know about you other than on 2 threads you've boasted how much you can spend to fly models in, pay for hotels and pay per hourly rate, taking swipes at other photographers for not doing the same, and then suggesting that using the method of "testing" or "tfp" is ripping the model off.

If I ran a successful "adult" site, I probably could do what you're doing.   But I don't.

Moreover, I'm puzzled why you are saying that you work only appears on your personal webiste, when in fact, it doesn't. 

So now, I gotta wonder, if the models you're using from MM are even aware where their photos are ending up?  Does the model lying nude on the rocks in your portfolio know that her photoset is appearing  underneath a video described as Veronika taking it up the ass???

Sep 25 06 10:25 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

"watch fit girl Veronika take it up the ass."


Oh shit...! I can't wait to read the response to that one! This site is so entertaining! LMAO!!!

Sep 25 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

KM von Seidl wrote:
No.  That's not true.  I went to your "other" site, the landofvenus site, the one that probably allows you to fly models in and pay $6k for a weekend, and a number of photos on your port are there, so quit trying to fool people.

The registrant of landofvenus is a Jeff Parr, so I assume you may know him since you have the same last name.  But maybe you don't know that he snuck your shots and put some  on his "adult" site.  In case you didn't know, your photoset "the Desert" appears right underneath a Video described as "watch fit girl Veronika take it up the ass."

Not to mention some of the other tasty bits available there:

* Video - Angela
Several hours of videos featuring muscle girl Angela having sex and giving blow jobs

* Video - Angelique
Angelique having some good ole fashion sex

* Video - Karen
Tight 18 yr old Karen getting it from behind

I frankly don't care what she shoots personally, or not, the sum total of it, however, is that LoV is an out and out porn site and one wee peak at the 2257 page says that they also buy in stuff from all over the place. The custodian of [2257] records is Jeff Parr.


Sep 25 06 12:41 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Hope Parr wrote:
You do not know the difference because you have a closed mind. But its real simple, if there is ANY nudiety then its for adults only, thats why there is a 18+ check box on portfolios for images with nudiety, that means "adult only", it does not mean its porn, it means its for adults. Is that clear enough for you?
Nudes = adults only
clothed = kid friendly
porn = porn
its simple.

So do we have to call you "Venus" now?  So is this description of a video for an "adult" or "porn" video?  " Sample video clip of me posing nude, playing with myself and flexing (My hardcore videos are for members only)."

Sep 25 06 01:13 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
No.  That's not true.  I :::ChIPpiTy cHipPITy ChIPPitY:::

...In case you didn't know, your photoset "the Desert" appears right underneath a Video described as "watch fit girl Veronika take it up the :::chiPPiTy CHipPitY chi-cHIpiTTy:::

I don't :::cHiP-KAchIp chIPPitY ChiPPiTy::: taking it up the ass???

Jeez, was that ever gruesome...

Sep 25 06 02:46 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Hope Parr wrote:
show me one photo that I took of a blowjob?
Thats not what I shoot, what I shoot is whats in my portfolio and on my site...
nothing more.

KM von Seidl wrote:
No.  That's not true.  I went to your "other" site, the landofvenus site, the one that probably allows you to fly models in and pay $6k for a weekend, and a number of photos on your port are there, so quit trying to fool people.

Found another site to go with it.  Also uses John Parr to hold the records.

Just for the record (as if it matters) I don't have a problem with people who shoot adult/erotic/porn.  I just think you should admit it.   I dare say there aren't many photographers paying $6,000 for a one-day shoot unless they're making money off the pics somehow.

Sep 25 06 04:55 pm Link


donald vance

Posts: 67

New York, New York, US

Jael Miller wrote: that is baaad! I am queen of bloopers and have been known to give crossed eyed/tongue sticking out images really quick just to loosen me and everyone up...but in my defense I consider that a strong pose (lol), would I owe money then???!


Sep 25 06 04:58 pm Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

If you pay her that rate....

I do websites.



Sep 25 06 05:12 pm Link


Eris Discordia

Posts: 10

KM von Seidl wrote:
Can someone make an "Insanity" with a slash through it icon, so we can just flash these at the beginning of insane threads?

Seriously, the mental breaks with reality are fun, but it feels like the inmates are starting to run the asylum.

It's not great, but I made one...

Sep 25 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 436

Brooklyn, New York, US

Glamour Makeover Studio wrote:
is new to modeling.


Sep 25 06 05:47 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Are you sure it's not BCG posing as Thuggette?

Sep 25 06 05:49 pm Link


Kris Perry Photography

Posts: 872

Placentia, California, US

Glamour Makeover Studio wrote:

Thanks Melissa:

I do not have a paying client. I will only be using the pictures for my port. As you also being a very beautiful model, I appreciate your advice, and wish you the very best!!


WHAT!!!! Just using the pics for your port, and YOU paying for that? Man you better have that woman do a trade or something. All that money and wants pics! She better be the next Ana beatriz Barros or something...

Sep 25 06 05:57 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Take e-string up on her offer.  In the end, you'll be happier.  Trust me.

Sep 25 06 06:01 pm Link


Jasmine Ballier

Posts: 8

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I'll take the $300. You can keep the hotel stay and the prints. Provide hair, make-up, wardrobe and lunch.

Sep 25 06 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

LarryB wrote:
Found another site to go with it.  Also uses John Parr to hold the records.

Just for the record (as if it matters) I don't have a problem with people who shoot adult/erotic/porn.  I just think you should admit it.   I dare say there aren't many photographers paying $6,000 for a one-day shoot unless they're making money off the pics somehow.

There aren't many porn producers spending that in a day either... outside of video producers.


Sep 25 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

I had the 14 year old kid next door come to me and want to mow my lawn.  He wanted twice what a professional lawn service wanted to do the job, and he wanted me to provide the mower and tools.

He's about 26 years old now, and is getting out of prison in a few months.  Shall I arrange an introduction to this "model"?

Sounds like they might hit it off.

Sep 25 06 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mikes Images wrote:
Take e-string up on her offer.  In the end, you'll be happier.  Trust me.

Awww. smile  Thanks Mike!

Sep 25 06 06:15 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

e-string wrote:

Awww. smile  Thanks Mike!

Ooooh, is E-String making offers?? I'll have to go back and find that. ;-) On all of the rates discussed-- I dunno. I have had a lot of happy models lately getting paid with my oh so famous bourbon-soaked chocolate truffles.....

Sep 25 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Renee Photography wrote:
Ooooh, is E-String making offers?? I'll have to go back and find that. ;-) On all of the rates discussed-- I dunno. I have had a lot of happy models lately getting paid with my oh so famous bourbon-soaked chocolate truffles.....

I didn't mean it as an offer.. I was trying to say that for a shoot of that nature, I'd be plenty happy to have an entire styling team provided and wouldn't ask for anything beyond TFP. But if you want to take it as an offer, you certainly may! wink  But if the styling team is provided, what do I have to do to get the truffles? heehee

Sep 25 06 06:34 pm Link


Ryoga Vee

Posts: 148

Sunnyvale, California, US

Kris Perry Photography wrote:

WHAT!!!! Just using the pics for your port, and YOU paying for that? Man you better have that woman do a trade or something. All that money and wants pics! She better be the next Ana beatriz Barros or something...

Id like to again bring up that this model is driving 4 hours. A distance that seems likely that photographer has requested her to do. I personally would NEVER drive 4 hours unless there was money waiting, not to mention a room to sleep.
While most of you see this as crazy, I see nothing wrong for the model asking for this form of compensation. Because, in this unique case, the majority of the expense is on her.

Now, I know I'm assuming, but let me give you my take on what “might have happen”

Photographer: wow, you look amazing, id love to shoot you.
Model: Thank you, but you are really far away
Photographer: that ok, you can come here to my studio
Model: it’s a 4 hour drive
Photographer: well what would it take to get you to make the drive?
Model: Money, Success, Fame, Glamour!
Photographer: hold on; let me ask the MM community if this is ok.

Point is, you CANT ask someone to travel that far and not provide reasonable accommodations. Money, Photos, and a place to sleep is not unreasonable.

~ Ryoga

Sep 25 06 06:41 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Ryoga Vee wrote:

Id like to again bring up that this model is driving 4 hours. A distance that seems likely that photographer has requested her to do. I personally would NEVER drive 4 hours unless there was money waiting, not to mention a room to sleep.
While most of you see this as crazy, I see nothing wrong for the model asking for this form of compensation. Because, in this unique case, the majority of the expense is on her.

Now, I know I'm assuming, but let me give you my take on what “might have happen”

Photographer: wow, you look amazing, id love to shoot you.
Model: Thank you, but you are really far away
Photographer: that ok, you can come here to my studio
Model: it’s a 4 hour drive
Photographer: well what would it take to get you to make the drive?
Model: Money, Success, Fame, Glamour!
Photographer: hold on; let me ask the MM community if this is ok.

Point is, you CANT ask someone to travel that far and not provide reasonable accommodations. Money, Photos, and a place to sleep is not unreasonable.

~ Ryoga

You are not nearly as amusing as Hope Parr. Try again.

Sep 25 06 06:52 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

It's very simple.  If she wants photos, no money (though paying for her hotel room might be a decent gesture).  If she wants money, no photos.  That's how I'd do it.

A few months ago I had a model who traveled five+ hours to get to me for a shoot.  I put her up in a room (which I paid for) and paid her $75 an hour for the topless shoot that we did.  She did not get any photos, just the money.

Sep 25 06 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Run, don't walk away from this!
A dead raw model at that rate, and her demands...LOL.
If you do shoot her..I've got this bridge in brooklyn you might like to own.


Sep 26 06 01:16 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

If you want her pay her.  Otherwise, find another model. 

It's not rocket SURGERY.


Glamour Makeover Studio wrote:
Model wants pay plus free pictures for her port!!!!!

I am talking with a model now on who is new to modeling. She lives about a 4 hour drive from me. She wants 300.00 plus hotel expense, plus a make up and hair team, plus the pictures for her port for a days shoot. The shoot will consist of fashion, swimsuit and lingerie. I have never paid a model before and want to get an opinion from someone as to whether this is a fair offer to me and the model. I will be the first paying client the model has. She first wanted 125.00 per hour but has since dropped her price to 500.00 per day to 300.00 per day.

She has email me again stating that she feels I can add to her port and that she needs better pictures. I think she is very pretty but I am not sure about the price and requirements she is asking of me.

Sep 26 06 01:18 am Link


Marsh-Bogan Photography

Posts: 1048

Columbia, South Carolina, US

On September 24, 2006 I posted to the forum "Model wants pay plus free pictures for her port!!!"

Everyone gave me some good advice and I wanted to give you an update. I got the model to agree for me to pay her gas expenses for a 3 hour drive to the Beach and her meals for the weekend. I rented a condo at the beach for myself, the model, MUA, and hairstylist for the weekend. It turned out to be a great shoot.

Again thank you for your advice


Nov 10 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 2100

Dallas, Georgia, US

Glamour Makeover Studio wrote:
Model wants pay plus free pictures for her port!!!!!

I am talking with a model now on who is new to modeling. She lives about a 4 hour drive from me. She wants 300.00 plus hotel expense, plus a make up and hair team, plus the pictures for her port for a days shoot. The shoot will consist of fashion, swimsuit and lingerie. I have never paid a model before and want to get an opinion from someone as to whether this is a fair offer to me and the model. I will be the first paying client the model has. She first wanted 125.00 per hour but has since dropped her price to 500.00 per day to 300.00 per day.

She has email me again stating that she feels I can add to her port and that she needs better pictures. I think she is very pretty but I am not sure about the price and requirements she is asking of me.

why are you asking... i have never paid a model... my thought is:

you seek out her, you pay or tfp, and not too much unless it is commercial

if she seeks out you... she wants your talent... she pays you.

i stay soo busy i dont ever have time to look for models i would want for a personal shoot

Nov 10 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Kick her to the curb.

Nov 10 06 08:43 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I can't believe the OP even had to ask then question...

Nov 11 06 12:09 pm Link