Forums > General Industry > just to end some speculation


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

InnerGlow Studios wrote:

Electra T's stats list her as 6'0" and 10 lbs., but it looks like to me that she's got to be at least 30 - 35 lbs. :-)

lol. 150 last time i checked. smile

Sep 23 06 02:39 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

YaY lol, :: will work for food ::

I just looked at your port... We have pretty much the same body. Your body looks like mine (only I bought boobs. Lol...). Lol...

Sep 23 06 02:48 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
I just looked at your port... We have pretty much the same body. Your body looks like mine (only I bought boobs. Lol...). Lol...

LOL, i've considered buying boobs....... although, i'd probably only go up a cup size to give me a more "girlish" physique

Sep 23 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

YaY lol, :: will work for food ::

That's the best attitude.

Caitie, if you aren't doing anything you shouldn't be (and only you would know that), then you shouldn't worry or feel anything other than happy about it.

For those who look at height and weight, and attempt to calculate a BMI from that, it is very unscientific, and very wrong.  It is a guide only.  Almost 20% of the population will not fit the height/weight guide, yet will still have a healthy BMI.

As for the term "normal".... it has no application here.  With all the various body types:  endo, ecto, mesomorph and more - it just doesn't work.

So stop creating a new prejudice.  Some people are naturally skinny, some people are naturally beefy.  Trying to feed a skinny to make them "normal" is as bad as trying to starve a more normal body type down to "heroin chic" style.

For the record, I don't think Spain and where-ever should be placing a presumption of guilt on skinny models and banning them.  It's fashion.  The fashion comes and goes.  Should plus size models be banned as a poor role model?  (Answer:  no.  Body type should be a criteria for a role model.)

And Caitie, you look very healthy.  Georgeous in fact.

Sep 23 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

LOL, i've considered buying boobs....... although, i'd probably only go up a cup size to give me a more "girlish" physique

I buy you boobs, I get to shoot them? LOL!

Sep 23 06 02:53 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

thanks guys for all your support! i feel so much better

now if you'll exuse me, i better go throw up the carrot i just ate before i gain another ounce!

Sep 23 06 02:59 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

when i went for my draft physical in 68 or 69 i was 6 ft, 124... 3 lbs under the minimum for my height..

skinnier than the beegees...

Sep 23 06 03:01 pm Link


Del Anthony

Posts: 37

New York, New York, US

I just checked out your port and you are perfectly fine the way you are...I actually think you have a very GOOD look and wouldn't have noticed the 84 lbs unless you listed it wink.

Just keep doing your thing and ignore the crap. Some folks just have way too much time on their hands...

Sep 23 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 455

Clearwater, Florida, US

Caitie Lee wrote:
LOL, i've considered buying boobs....... although, i'd probably only go up a cup size to give me a more "girlish" physique

Caitie ,please do not think of getting fake boobs you look just fine the way you are , and to all the others who may not relize she comes from an ASIAN background they are small people

Sep 23 06 03:09 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

photographybyfrank wrote:
Caitie ,please do not think of getting fake boobs you look just fine the way you are , and to all the others who may not relise she comes from an ASIAN backgroung they are small people

lol thanks, i'm not asian though :-/, i'm 100% irish, my last name throws people off though haha

Sep 23 06 03:11 pm Link



Posts: 455

Clearwater, Florida, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

lol thanks, i'm not asian though :-/, i'm 100% irish, my last name throws people off though haha

Wow was i wrong, i was going by your looks n in the photo with your mom there was an asian looking person or she isn't asian either? i better take my foot out of my mouth

Sep 23 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

lol thanks, i'm not asian though :-/, i'm 100% irish, my last name throws people off though haha

Hahaha....don't just guess she comes from asian background next time LOL!!!!!
ONe of them things that goes..."foot in the mouth".   LOL

Sep 23 06 03:16 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

photographybyfrank wrote:
Wow was i wrong, i was going by your looks n in the photo with your mom there was an asian looking person or she isn't asian either? i better take my foot out of my mouth

lmao , in that case, easy mistake... that aisan person is my adopted korean sister... very confusing i know, her last name is schultz though because she was adopted by my hispanic step father (no this isn't a joke, just complicated)

Sep 23 06 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Now im confused  wink

Sep 23 06 03:24 pm Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

Frank McAdam wrote:
I think you have a right to feel hurt.  It's very insensitive of others to criticize if you're naturally petite.  What's wrong with that.  And who are they to determine what's normal and what's not?  If you're happy with your look and in good health, then that's all that matters.  If someone else doesn't like it, just tell them where to go.

Totally agree. People always want to place their own values and what is "right" "normal" onto other people - like if anyone asked. Let her be.

Sep 23 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 455

Clearwater, Florida, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

lmao , in that case, easy mistake... that aisan person is my adopted korean sister... very confusing i know, her last name is schultz though because she was adopted by my hispanic step father (no this isn't a joke, just complicated)

Ok i understand now , and it sounds like fun rather than complicated ,lol

Sep 23 06 03:25 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Caitie Lee wrote:
LOL, i've considered buying boobs....... although, i'd probably only go up a cup size to give me a more "girlish" physique

I was hesitant of getting them, because I am so tiny. I changed my mind so many times. Then I finally decided to do it and I love 'em. I love my big fake boobs! Lol..

I went to a size C. After surgery they were HUGE. I freaked, thinking, OMG... what did I do!'... But once the swelling went down and they started taking better shape, they fit my body.

But the main reason why I did it... Cuz I just wanted more of a figure, rather than just to have big boobs. Even my doctor told me my shape looks better. Lol...

Sep 23 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 548

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I would the first to critisize you if I thought you had an eating problem. I don't think you do but the looks of your face and body you're are just tiny. I kinda like that, and you still have curves reletives to your own size.
So don't listen to anyone eat healthy do your thing. you'll fill out a little as you get older.
Love your face, would shoot you anytime you're in Toronto Canada

Sep 23 06 03:39 pm Link



Posts: 52

Palo Alto, California, US

Hi Caitie,
I completely understand how frustrating an experience it can be to be naturally thin and have others question it.  I had a lot of trouble getting medical insurance this past year because I am about 10 lbs under weight.  Everyone in my family is built the way I am and I have always been this way...but I have always been questioned about eating problems by school nurses and such. 
I think you are beautiful and look great...and it looks like you have a lot of support here too.  Good luck with everything!
Take Care,

Sep 23 06 03:43 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

I watch a lot of sports and I am always amazed when they read an athletes stats.  Some of these guys look like muscled monsters and yet they weigh 40 lbs less than me.  I am 5'10 and 230 pounds and though I am not chiseled, it is possible that the muscle I do have is quite dense.
I asked my doctor about this and she told me that muscle density plays a part.  Since muscle weighs more than fat, it may be that you just don't have a whole lot of muscle on your body. 
In any event you look fine to me.

Sep 23 06 05:05 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Curt Burgess wrote:
Exactly.  Some of the people do not understand what a mean is or the implications of it. A mean weight is the average weight. Lots of weights go into calculating an average. All these weights are referred to as a distribution of weights. So lots of people's weights will be above the mean and others below the mean.  Some of the people with weights below the mean will have low weights because they have taken unhealthy routes to that goal. But many are there simply because they are just tiny (as you said).  It's just how biological characteristics are distributed. So if the OP is just tiny, which she says she is, then everyone needs to stop giving her advice about how to correct her weight! There's nothing to correct.

Yup. I'd been going to mention the bell curve ("normal distribution") when she was labeled "not normal", and cite women who are 5'9" as 'not normal' either. "Normal" isn't inherently best: it's either the mean, mode, or some other thing kinda-sorta in the middle.

Some people are just mean. smile

Sep 23 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 214

Laguna Beach, California, US

I think you are beautiful..........just the way God made you.

Go Girl..........

Sep 23 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

That other thread was as stupid as the Madrid BMI-based model ban.  And those who write things like this have no understanding of modeling.  Models are not normal, nor average.  In fact, they are wanted because they are abnormal, unique, and can hold up clothes well (talking about the commercial, fashion industry here).

For those who chastised the OP, it's beyond idiocy.  And particular for the one who started the other stupid thread, get a life, live your own and let others be different, and in some other ways, superior.

Sep 23 06 11:19 pm Link


Elizabeth Tuzzio

Posts: 116

Bellevue, Nebraska, US

John Hough Photographer wrote:
If the stats on your page are correct, 5'4" and the weight is 84 pounds, that is not normal. I would say for that height, the weight should be at least 100 pounds.

100 at 5'4"?  I'm 5'10" and I barely weight 110...

I feel for you Caitie.  I get so much crap for my weight, people accuse me of being anorexic or bulemic..  And it's so demeaning.  You know some people just have a high matabalism, and to accuse us of having an eating disorder, or as having something wrong with us, IS hurtful.

It's just how our bodies are, and we can't help it.

It's funny how people talk about overweight girls who get depressed because of their weight.  And then everyone turns around and assumes underweight girls who are that way naturally are happy.  Not true!  I've been trying to gain weight for YEARS.  And when I finally got up to 120 lbs, I got sick and lost all the weight again.

It's not easy, and no one has a right to say anything is wrong with you Caitie.  Personally?  I think you're gorgeous.

Sep 23 06 11:34 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Like I said in the other thread, from one skinny bitch to another, you are fine just the way you are. As long as you are healthy and aren't using unhealthy means of keeping your weight off, I say more power to you!!! You are gorgeous... people are always picking other people apart to make themselves feel better.


Sep 23 06 11:36 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

If you go to the doc regularly and the doc thinks you are fine .... you are fine. Actually, you are Phat too (yeah, old guys like me are allowed to say that!) so the hell with all of them!

Sep 24 06 12:21 am Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

This recent trend to apply a models BMI with getting jobs on a catwalk is all just hype to attract attention to fashion weeks. In gets exposure in the media and creates a totally false impression that all slim models are underweight. The opposite is also true, according to a chart in my doctors office I should be about 160lbs, I am in fact 220lbs and although disabled I am fit with very little fat on my body. Muscle weighs more than fat anyway. At 220lbs and 6' 2"tall I am the same weight as I was in the army over 30 years ago.

Sep 24 06 12:44 am Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

you guys have brought me to my senses... for a moment there i considered trying to pack on a few... but for what?  I'm HEALTHy, my doctor says so herself!  is this 2nd grade? do i need a dr's note to participate in gym activities!?  as for modeling, i think i can get more work from being different than i ever will being the norm, so why even waste my time trying to be something i'm not... thank you all for your support

Sep 24 06 12:52 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


Okay, I'm slightly upset because a lot of people who have posted are saying things like don't pay attention to all those people in that other thread they don't know what they're talking about. You should read the thread first the only person who said anything different than what's being said here was the OP everyone who replied said she looked fine. Just to clear up some speculation...

Sep 24 06 12:52 am Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

little apple blossom wrote:
Okay, I'm slightly upset because a lot of people who have posted are saying things like don't pay attention to all those people in that other thread they don't know what they're talking about. You should read the thread first the only person who said anything different than what's being said here was the OP everyone who replied said she looked fine. Just to clear up some speculation...

i was only hurt by what the person who started the other thread said, i saw what you wrote and just want to say thanks for supporting me,  i was more upset about the fact that a thread was started about me without me knowing about it

Sep 24 06 12:54 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


I'm not talking about you, You had every right to feel upset. I was just talking about the people on here who assumed everyone in the original thread was saying that you were anorexic. You are beautiful.

Sep 24 06 12:58 am Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

My problem as a male is on the other end of the scale and I feel for you.  My "normal weight" on the chart is supposed to be about 155-160 with my 5'-6" height.  When I was down to 170 lbs. everyone was going around telling me to quit sucking in my stomach.  In gym in school I was graded as overweight because I didn't fit into the profile of "normal".  In the Navy, same thing on my fitness reports, I was overweight!  They just don't take into consideration that I was wearing 29" to 30" pants and had to get a suit coat size 44-46 Short so it would fit me in the shoulders.

"Normal" is for the birds.  I almost became anorexic to try and stay between 170-175 lbs. let alone get down to my "normal" weight. 

Try not to let it get you down and stay at the weight you are comfortable with and looks good for you...and by the way, you look MARVELOUS!!!!  I'd shoot you anyday!

Sep 24 06 12:58 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

At your age, I was in the same weight condition. I felt fine, a little anemic, but ok. After 21, I went up to 145, then at 27, 165. Now 200-210 with 1% body fat...
Still anemic...with a seriously high metabolism and very sensitive skin...
Be yourself...

Sep 24 06 01:02 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If the original OP's topic had been about a fat model, imagine the backlash (edits in bold:

"I just visited the port of a model who lists herslef as being 5'4" and 242 lbs, and the tags from photogs were praising her look...her LOOK?  She's on the verge of exploding...People, you've got to be kidding.  I hope some of you took the time to drop her a personal note encouraging her to get right...her life is absolutely on the line.  Doesn't this register with all of you?  There is nothing appealing about a 19-year-old weighing 242 lbs...unless he/she is 7 ft tall.  Individually, we need to exhibit responsibility and a sense of humanity."

I am a thin person, and I cringe everytime someone eyeballs me and says "you lose some weight?", as casually as if asking about a new haircut.  Best response: "No, did you gain some?"

Sep 24 06 01:05 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

Richard Dubois wrote:
"I just visited the port of a model who lists herslef as being 5'4" and 242 lbs, and the tags from photogs were praising her look...her LOOK?  She's on the verge of exploding...People, you've got to be kidding.  I hope some of you took the time to drop her a personal note encouraging her to get right...her life is absolutely on the line.  Doesn't this register with all of you?  There is nothing appealing about a 19-year-old weighing 242 lbs...unless he/she is 7 ft tall.  Individually, we need to exhibit responsibility and a sense of humanity."

I said the same thing earlier in this post. Well put, Richard.

Sep 24 06 01:12 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

LiliOPhoto wrote:

I said the same thing earlier in this post. Well put, Richard.

Got lazy
Healthy thin people of the world UNITE (in a rather modestly-sized convention hall somewhere since we don't take up that much room).

Sep 24 06 01:20 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Richard Dubois wrote:

Got lazy
Healthy thin people of the world UNITE (in a rather modestly-sized convention hall somewhere since we don't take up that much room).

Sign me up, I'm always down for a good party...And since we never eat, there's no need to spend money on food!! wink

Sep 24 06 10:40 pm Link


The Wendy Variety

Posts: 371

Tempe, Arizona, US

I am tiny, too. I wish I could gain weight.

You should talk to a doctor if people are concerned about you.

Sep 24 06 10:45 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

aww, alot of people just don't understand that some people have very fast metabolisms and are naturally thin. im 6 ft and only 137, which is pretty thin for a guy, but i eat TONS of food. doesn't stop everyone from telling me i need to eat. i even had someone offer me money to buy food, how is that for offensive. if someone is honestly concerned for someone's safety, a public forum is not the right place to help them.

Sep 25 06 11:41 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

I'm 5'5" and 110-112 (depending on the day!) but that wasn't so a year ago. I was around 100-105. I'm surprised! As soon as I turned around 20 I started gaining weight! When I was 16 I was 5'5" and weighed 94 pounds so in 4 years I only gained 6 pounds and then in the last year I've gained almost 5-10 pounds. It's exciting! I need to work out though to tone everything up.

My dad is 6'4" (yea I got my short stature from my mother) and only weighs like 180 or 190. It's ridiculous but HE never got made fun of. Of course I spent all of high school being called anorexic etc but my doctor knew it wasn't true because 1) I had a full face - no gauntness, and 2) none of my bones were sticking out. Just like you!

I'm sorry someone felt it necessary to start a thread about your weight and I'm glad that moderator jumped on it and closed it. Instead of posting to the world what a jerk they were being that member could have messaged you with his concern. I don't know how he thought that making a forum posting about it would do any good if he thought you needed "saved".

Sep 25 06 11:54 am Link