Forums > General Industry > Where do you see what you do in Five/ten years?


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Industry, photography, modeling, photoshop, editing, makeup, fashion styling, hairstyling,

It would be great if you could just post what you see and not have it so much of a debate as just a listing of where you see the life of photography.

I have questions.  I just do not want this to be a debate so much as everyone having some real industry related fun looking into our crystal balls(someone took mine) and  guessing where this is all going.

Try not to make this a big debate and encourage especially the newbies or the lurkers to post.   Try,  you likely will anyway sooner or later.

So where do you see the industry in general in five/ten years?  or twenty even?
Where do you see what you do in five/ten years?  Or Fifty?

Sep 20 06 10:05 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Jack D Trute wrote:
So where do you see the industry in general in five/ten years?  or twenty even Or Fifty?

In 10 years 22 mpxl will be on the low-end of digital images and Mel Gibson will still hate Jews.

In 20 years 50 mpxl will be on every eye sensor and every camera phone and Mel Gibson will still hate Jews.

In 50 years 250+ mpxl chips will be installed in every human life form occupying Planet Earth recording life as it happens in front of them with direct feeds to news wires and government agencies and Mel Gibson will be forced marry a Jewish American Princess who smells like cabbage big_smile

Jack D Trute wrote:
Where do you see what you do in five/ten years?  Or Fifty?

Investing every dime in camera company stock and avoiding Mel Gibson wink

Sep 20 06 10:27 am Link


Kevin Stenhouse

Posts: 2660

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

in twenty years I see myself working in a darkroom at the local heritage theme park. right beside the blacksmith.

in 10 years I'll have decided to do a series of images 2"x3" images using a 65 megapixel camera with ridiculously large RAW files that require a 6 thz processor and 6 tb of RAM.

in 6 years I'll be in the zone.

in two years I'll be financially stable

Sep 20 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

Mel Gibson will be president ... and CR will be his advisor.. LOL

I will have more gallery work, cause a good controversy with my shots, will have learned the art of opening the soul up by then for the deeper shots.. maybe?

Sep 20 06 11:38 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

HokNok wrote:
Mel Gibson will be president ... and CR will be his advisor.. LOL

I will have more gallery work, cause a good controversy with my shots, will have learned the art of opening the soul up by then for the deeper shots.. maybe?

na robin williams will

Sep 20 06 11:44 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

I'll just be me...a little older tongue

Sep 20 06 11:51 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Koray wrote:
I'll just be me...a little older tongue

Thankyou,  Short answer.
One I can see.

But will not try to put words into your mouth.

Sep 20 06 11:54 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

I still have my doggie image ready if you try to big_smile

Sep 20 06 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 6129

5-10 years from now...

there will be no print magazines. internet magazines will pay nothing for their content. it will be virtually impossible to tell the difference between e-zines and myspace in terms of 'quality'. advertising will be all buyout, with the price roughly the value of a current family photographer portrait sitting.

noone will remember film let alone use it. film companies will all be out of that business. casio will re-define the professional level camera. fixed zoom lenses will become the norm. 3mp the norm (why more as nothing will be printed).

galleries will have been replaced by ebay.

iran will be the center of fashion... the burka being required garb

5 years from now...

i will be happily pushing up the new-world equivalent of daisies.

Sep 20 06 11:59 pm Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
5-10 years from now...

there will be no print magazines. internet magazines will pay nothing for their content. it will be virtually impossible to tell the difference between e-zines and myspace in terms of 'quality'. advertising will be all buyout, with the price roughly the value of a current family photographer portrait sitting.

Interesting. What do you see happening with the big named photographers in this situation? Guys like Meisel, Mert and and Marcus, and the rest? I doubt those same e-zines will shell out that kind of money. In this case, only two things can happen. Without money how can any industry survive? I guess this is why you say the quality won't be any different than myspace. Aside from that one of two things. The lack of money will prevent many from picking up a camera for professional reasons in the future and this will either open up the market or have it immersed with GWCs, doing the myspace quality work your mentioned.

Sep 21 06 12:13 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Please add something,   do not just debate what has been written,
I cannot stop it but this thread is more about seeing the different views of what the future will be than argueing over it.

Sometimes you learn more by just listening and if everyone is screaming noone hears the smart quiet ones in the back of the room.

Sep 21 06 12:23 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

Jack D Trute wrote:
Please add something,   do not just debate what has been written,
I cannot stop it but this thread is more about seeing the different views of what the future will be than argueing over it.

No one is arguing. OldGuysRule brought up some very interesting views about the industry in the future and I'd like to get more of his opinion on these things.

Sep 21 06 12:27 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


I see myself enjoying modeling even more so than I do now. I will know more, be more comfortable, and have the luxury of only taking shoots I really want to do. In all walks of life I see myself blooming into an intensified version of my current self.

Sep 21 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 6129

LiliOPhoto wrote:
Interesting. What do you see happening with the big named photographers in this situation? Guys like Meisel, Mert and and Marcus, and the rest? I doubt those same e-zines will shell out that kind of money. In this case, only two things can happen. Without money how can any industry survive? I guess this is why you say the quality won't be any different than myspace. Aside from that one of two things. The lack of money will prevent many from picking up a camera for professional reasons in the future and this will either open up the market or have it immersed with GWCs, doing the myspace quality work your mentioned.



remember that GWC's are not hobbyists, amateurs, crappy pros... they are not interested in photography rather are interested in assuming the guise of photographer with other motives in mind, so no i wouldn't say GWC rather think the whole world basically goes pro-sumer

Sep 21 06 12:48 am Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

Well geez.

My dream just got shot to shit by Oldguysrule. ha.
There goes me working for a magazine....since they'll be non exsistent.

Either way.
Modeling is fun, I can see myself doing it as a hobby for a few years. Maybe even make a tiny sum of money here and there.....but that's not necessary.
But within the next 5-10 years hopefully i'll be graduated college with a good internship under my belt working in atleast the mailroom of a great fashion or teen magazine. smile

Sep 21 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 6129

hey now... don't just adopt my rather cynical personal view... geeez i didn't mean to shut down the thread *sigh* Sorry jack!

Sep 21 06 12:55 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


P.S. oldguysrule, your port is beautiful!

Sep 21 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

In 5 years - I'd expect to still be taking photos and doing themes, that please both myself and the model.  I'll still lay awake nights, worrying if I can capture the ideas that are so easy to visualize in my head.

In 10 years, I'd hope to be able to look back with pride, at the 3 images of mine that were ever published, or seen by a wider audience.  (Much like the writing that I have done in the past, for magazines)

And In 50 years, I can see the box of negatives and images of mine, being found in a disused storage unit by an antique dealer - and some guy looking thru them and thinking to himself - "Hey, some of these are pretty good . . .  I wonder who took them?"

Some of us dream pretty small - but realistically.


Sep 21 06 01:08 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

The 10-15 years, globalization will have done to photography as a profession what it's doing to everything else.  Microstock (and video and animation and music) will have taken over and probably micro micro stock will sprout up. 

Increased miniaturization will allow for digital inputing devices to be extremely small and worn 24/7.  Operation will be voice and eye controlled,files will be input wirelessly to retrival centers, everyone will be and consider themselves a photographer.  Filters as we know them will become all encompassing, allowing "photographers" to morph their shots into compositions that emulate styles of previous Masters.  For instance, there might be the The HCB-- a magical all-in-one-filter, that miraculously turns any photo of folks at a McDonalds or other fast food restaurant into a BW scene at a 1940's-50's Parisian cafe.

2-d photography will be passe, the rage, the cutting edge, the way to keep up with the Jones's will be 3-d holographic imaging mixed with virtual reality.  Pornography will begin to usurp the need for prostitutes.

Real life models will be less used as sophisticated holographic and animated entities will be available to create any composition and reality you want.  Plus they show up on time and will get naked without complaining or charging huge fees.

Megacorporations will control all the airwaves and communication, and the internet, once hoped to be the bastion of independent communication and control will have effectively been reigned in under the guise of global security.

Sep 21 06 01:41 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Styling Predictions

Makeup artists won't be needed in 10-15 years.  There will be computerized makeup stations that every one will own which will be able to do a computer analysis of your face, and based on what look you wish, apply it to your face via pigments, dyes, etc.

Advances in being able to grow and replicate body parts means that hairstyling will be revolutionized as it pertains to male pattern baldness.  It will become non-existant.

Major advances will be made as genetic codes continue to be cracked and understood.  Less of chemical processes and more of using human growth and hormonal commands will mean that things such as fuller lips, bigger breasts, spot fat reduction will allow for even greater ability to alter the body.

Depending on how fast and vast the climatology shifts are, fashion will become more practical.  Hats or fabric that serve to cutdown on Uv exposure, fashionable waders for those who live in coastal regions that are slowly becoming immersed in water as the poles continue to melt.

All fashion and design houses will effectively be owned by megacorporations and "designer names" will be nothing more than slick marketing tools to help brand the items for consumers.  The notion of actual designers creating owning and running their own business will be considered "so last century."

Sep 21 06 02:04 am Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

anti depressants are your friend, embrace them smile

Sep 21 06 02:08 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Phil Edelstein wrote:
anti depressants are your friend, embrace them smile

anti-depressants as we know them will become non-existant as mood enhancing aerosols, designed to keep people happy and thus order within populations, will be sprayed in various public gathering locations.

Sep 21 06 02:13 am Link



Posts: 6129

Phil Edelstein wrote:
anti depressants are your friend, embrace them smile

KM von Seidl wrote:
anti-depressants as we know them will become non-existant as mood enhancing aersols, designed to keep people happy and thus order within populations, will be sprayed in various public gathering locations.

such gathering locations will be known for the precise medicant dispensed -- ranging from sedative to mood elevator/anti-depressant to hallucinogens (most often found at political rallies and the routine gatherings of government)

Sep 21 06 02:38 am Link


Uber Dami

Posts: 5551

New Haven, Connecticut, US

ill be a bitter old lady living by myself and being a recluse

Sep 21 06 02:41 am Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:

Phil Edelstein wrote:
anti depressants are your friend, embrace them smile

such gathering locations will be known for the precise medicant dispensed -- ranging from sedative to mood elevator/anti-depressant to hallucinogens (most often found at political rallies and the routine gatherings of government)

so it'd be a more modern version of the 60's?

Sep 21 06 02:45 am Link



Posts: 6129

Cristina Ashley wrote:
so it'd be a more modern version of the 60's?

lol cute

Sep 21 06 02:53 am Link



Posts: 6129

double post

Sep 21 06 02:53 am Link



Posts: 152

Jack D Trute wrote:
Industry, photography, modeling, photoshop, editing, makeup, fashion styling, hairstyling,

It would be great if you could just post what you see and not have it so much of a debate as just a listing of where you see the life of photography.

I have questions.  I just do not want this to be a debate so much as everyone having some real industry related fun looking into our crystal balls(someone took mine) and  guessing where this is all going.

Try not to make this a big debate and encourage especially the newbies or the lurkers to post.   Try,  you likely will anyway sooner or later.

So where do you see the industry in general in five/ten years?  or twenty even?
Where do you see what you do in five/ten years?  Or Fifty?

interesting thought....for a dawg of your stature... the kibbles must have had the extra bits in this bag. smile  Looking back over the past 5 years and I am not seeing a big change in the next 5 or so, in 10 years.... well in the last 10, the digital camera came to be widely accepted (very reluctantly by some more so than others), the future... direct from reflected light off of a subject to a flashdrive memory core still though some sort of lens maybe? The lens has changed relitively little over the past many years, maybe a good artifical version of the human eye as a lens with a direct interface to the storage media eliminating the pesky need of megapixel cameras...who the hell knows for sure, someone you can be sure will find a way to make the new gigapixel camera you just bought so obsolete you couldn't even show it off as the latest in door stops.

in 20 years I hope to die in bed, shot dead, by a very upset 20 year old spouse of the model who thinks that sleeping with the photographer will get them that 'big break' tongue (isn't this the GWC creed?)

Sep 21 06 07:30 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

I see myslef under the knife for major plastic surgery so I still look good pushing my walker. LOL

Getting old is a bitch!

Sep 21 06 07:36 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

I will be in a galaxy far, far away!

Sep 21 06 07:50 am Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

5 yrs-I see cosplay coming into the mainstream, possibly Vogue. (Was already on ANTM.)  Fetish/pin-up becoming more mainstream.  (Again, latex was in Vogue already.)  Internet booking becoming the norm.  And internet modeling (paysites) becoming more promenient.

10 yrs-Probably a backlash, and everyone will go back to shooting landscapes, puppy dogs, and churches.  And pretend like none of the above ever happened.

And maybe somewhere in here we'll set up a penal colony on Mars where they'll be terra farming (or forming, which ever you prefer) using hydroponics to slowly convert the carbon dixoide rich environment into an oxygen rich environment within the next 50/100 yrs. and ultimate make it sustainable to life.

Or we can put bedrock in southern Louisiana & silt in California and possibly get rid of the problem of hurricanes for one state, and earthquakes for the other, but that would all be silly ^_^

Sep 21 06 02:17 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I used to romantically see my work in magazine print 5 to 10 years from now.  Editorial and advertising.  I used to see myself still shooting film and billing it out because real clients care more about the images you produce than the method of capture.  I used to foresee myself living in another market, perhaps overseas.  I even quaintly envisioned myself travelling occasionally as work demanded it.

I used to see all that... until Oldguysrule infected me with his apocalyptic view of the industry's future, that is.  Nice.  Reeeaal nice.  Crotchety old coot...

Instead... 50 years from now I see myself talking to a couple of my grandkids...

"Look here, ya little ingrates, see those pictures on the wall there?  Yer old pappy took 'em.  Yep, I coulda been something with a profession that used to be called photography but yer ol' pap wasn't a soulless ass-kissin bastid who'd give his firstborn to Sony... Nevermind what that means... Yeahyeah, I'm sure they talked about it in yer history class now shaddup, mind yer ps & qs and mebbe I'll leave some of my pictures to one a' yous when my pacemaker gives out.  Might be worth a shit by then.  Now go get me another bottle of rum and be quick about it afore I start chippin, ya lil' shit..."

Sep 21 06 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
I used to romantically see my work in magazine print 5 to 10 years from now.  Editorial and advertising.  I used to see myself still shooting film and billing it out because real clients care more about the images you produce than the method of capture.  I used to foresee myself living in another market, perhaps overseas.  I even quaintly envisioned myself travelling occasionally as work demanded it.

I used to see all that... until Oldguysrule infected me with his apocalyptic view of the industry's future, that is.  Nice.  Reeeaal nice.  Crotchety old coot...

Instead... 50 years from now I see myself talking to a couple of my grandkids...

"Look here, ya little ingrates, see those pictures on the wall there?  Yer old pappy took 'em.  Yep, I coulda been something with a profession that used to be called photography but yer ol' pap wasn't a soulless ass-kissin bastid who'd give his firstborn to Sony... Nevermind what that means... Yeahyeah, I'm sure they talked about it in yer history class now shaddup, mind yer ps & qs and mebbe I'll leave some of my pictures to one a' yous when my pacemaker gives out.  Might be worth a shit by then.  Now go get me another bottle of rum and be quick about it afore I start chippin, ya lil' shit..."

You just trumped your whole quotable MM thread.. smile

Sep 21 06 03:04 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

anti-depressants as we know them will become non-existant as mood enhancing aerosols, designed to keep people happy and thus order within populations, will be sprayed in various public gathering locations.

You've been reading anything by Philip K. Dick and
"The Space Merchants"
    By Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth

C. M. Kornbluth was the Husband of Leigh Brackett who wrote the screenplay for "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"!!!

Sep 21 06 03:14 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
You just trumped your whole quotable MM thread.. smile

I do what I can...

Sep 21 06 04:32 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Le Beck Photography wrote:

You've been reading anything by Philip K. Dick and
"The Space Merchants"
    By Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth

C. M. Kornbluth was the Husband of Leigh Brackett who wrote the screenplay for "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre"!!!

Actually, the only Dick I've touched (smirk) was "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Three Stigmata."  But I live in the Bay area and take lots of herbal meds when I get migraines, so it's pretty easy to see into the future that way. smile

Sep 21 06 05:05 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

in ten years ...

there will be a photographic renewal ...  digital will be so high in res , and cameras will have so many features that everyone wlll have the ability to capture great images ... digital will be deemed worthless by anyone with talent ...

film will be the saving grace ... only those who know how to truley use the medium will be condidered photographers ...

Sep 21 06 07:42 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
"Look here, ya little ingrates, see those pictures on the wall there?  Yer old pappy took 'em.  Yep, I coulda been something with a profession that used to be called photography but yer ol' pap wasn't a soulless ass-kissin bastid who'd give his firstborn to Sony... Nevermind what that means... Yeahyeah, I'm sure they talked about it in yer history class now shaddup, mind yer ps & qs and mebbe I'll leave some of my pictures to one a' yous when my pacemaker gives out.  Might be worth a shit by then.  Now go get me another bottle of rum and be quick about it afore I start chippin, ya lil' shit..."

LMAO... I can seeya now... on the porch in your rocking chair... talkin the max amount of story shit and barkin out fetch'me orders to those little crumbsnatchers... wink

Sep 21 06 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

I'll be wondering why models have to bring escorts to a shoot.

Why models won't sign a release.

How many images I should give for a TFMS (Time For Memory Stick)

and why I didn't get a job because, after all, Audrey failed me.

Sep 21 06 08:23 pm Link


Keith Goodman

Posts: 775

Sarasota, Florida, US

Five years---Still a day job but collecting images for future use.  Some gallery work perhaps as Nikon and Canon both announce a 32mpix camera with a 22 stop dynamic range making exposure control a thing of the past.

Ten years---Retired from my day job with full time shooting and creating as my retirement vocation.  Back to sliver since digital is a medium of the masses.  Art will require something different and still "traditional" like silver or plat.  Nikon and Canon announce they are leaving the digital market for a more lucrative less mature technology.  A three dimension live action recording device is announced.

Fifty years---Long after I am dust, a cure ageing is discovered and life expectancy is approaching 200 years.  Silver prints and archival glicee prints are in museums and old family storage only.  Nikon and Canon have merged with Damler to make high speed transportion capsules.

I gotta stop drinking caffine..

Sep 21 06 08:35 pm Link