Forums > General Industry > Rediculous theme of the day:


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28758

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Seems that models who aren't celebrities are worried about us wasting our time to paste their head on a nude body. It's come up twice today in different threads. WTF? Is this really an issue? Or is it just more Model Mayhem stupidity that will soon make the ranks of most frequently discussed items like escorts and no-shows?


Sep 17 06 07:29 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

I'm becoming paranoid that there is a paranoia virus out there being dispensed via Prozac or dairy products or something.

Is fear the new black?

Sep 17 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Seems that models who aren't celebrities are worried about us wasting our time to paste their head on a nude body. It's come up twice today in different threads. WTF? Is this really an issue? Or is it just more Model Mayhem stupidity that will soon make the ranks of most frequently discussed items like escorts and no-shows?


If it becomes an overwhelming theme...I'm gonna do it. Just to spite them.
I really will

Sep 17 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 6129

no shit... i keep lookin for the electric koolaide but i think they have it stashed in the loo. if anyone finds it i want some. i haven't tripped out in years. i wanna play tooooooo

insanity, its too good to waste on chicks!

Sep 17 06 07:32 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
insanity, its too good to waste on chicks!

LMAO.  That's good!

Sep 17 06 07:33 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

1,  John, while I don't disagree with your selection, a casual look at thread titles on this forum could give you plenty of other candidates.

2.  Regardless of the theme you choose, there will be a fair number of both models and photographers who chime in to support it.

Sep 17 06 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 6129

oldguysrule wrote:
insanity, its too good to waste on chicks!

KM von Seidl wrote:
LMAO.  That's good!

ok go check out the loo, steal their drugs and we'll party like its 1999

Sep 17 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Iris Swope wrote:
If it becomes an overwhelming theme...I'm gonna do it. Just to spite them.
I really will

If it wasn't so much work to really do properly, I'd probably join you on that!

Sep 17 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

I've been gone a couple of there any work I need to do? lol

Sep 19 06 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 7840


KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm becoming paranoid that there is a paranoia virus out there being dispensed via Prozac or dairy products or something.

Is fear the new black?


Lord. what paranoia i see here, on every level, compared with England
Honestly - it's bizarre

THESE R the days to make changes!!!!

Sep 20 06 12:00 am Link


Kelly OConnor

Posts: 86

Orlando, Florida, US

Main Entry: ri·dic·u·lous
Pronunciation: r&-'di-ky&-l&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin ridiculosus (from ridiculum jest, from neuter of ridiculus) or ridiculus, literally, laughable, from ridEre to laugh
: arousing or deserving ridicule : ABSURD, PREPOSTEROUS
synonym see LAUGHABLE

Sep 20 06 12:51 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Sep 20 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 6129

The Bizarre reduced to verse.
Robert Frost as butchered by yours truly

Whose heads these are I think I know.
Their houses in reposession though;
They will not see me stopping here
To put this head on these or those.
My little mouse must think it queer
To drag onto this body here
Atop the chic with ripe round tits
and missing pubes where they should grow.
It gives its bluetoothed LED a twist
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of pervy tog and model flake.
These heads are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep

Sep 20 06 03:01 am Link


Clair Loran

Posts: 1468

San Francisco, California, US

..if it is such an overdone topic today, why do you insist on revisiting it in yet ANOTHER post?

Sep 20 06 03:05 am Link


Clair Loran

Posts: 1468

San Francisco, California, US

I do agree, however, that any model worried about such things is being illogical and dumb.

Sep 20 06 03:07 am Link



Posts: 6129

hehe made you look

personally?... cause it's that silly

Sep 20 06 03:08 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

oldguysrule wrote:
insanity, its too good to waste on chicks!

I'm keeping mine, but I have heard if you spend enough time with me it rubs off. However, I am blessed to have gotten mine naturally and for some reason don't really care if that were to happen, nor do i really think it would be worth the effort to paste someone elses naked body onto my already naked body. And, if they did, it would be for personal, nefarioous purposes and my head would be all pixelated anyway. As a photographer, it is just plain boring.

Sep 20 06 07:45 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12995

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

It's not my fault if the models existing body is not nice enough and I have to use a stunt body.
and I'm not sure why they would complain as it's clearly an upgrade.

It's like bitching about being upgraded from an Toyota to a Mercedes.
Sheeesh.... like why both trying to help!

Sep 20 06 08:12 am Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I was speaking to a friend of mine years ago and joked that I was going to paste her head on another woman's nude body.

"Why? Isn't my body good enough?"

We wound up doing nude photos after that. They were excellent.

Sep 20 06 08:58 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:
I was speaking to a friend of mine years ago and joked that I was going to paste her head on another woman's nude body.

"Why? Isn't my body good enough?"

We wound up doing nude photos after that. They were excellent.

I applaud you are a genius. Bravo smile

Sep 20 06 09:13 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I've already had a couple models mention to me that they want some sort of prohibition against this in the release.  Is there somebody actually pasting heads from TFCD shoots onto nude bodies?  Is there seriously a lack of nude models out there?

Personally, I think this is just another tactic used by shady photographers to build their harem of models.  The "always bring a thug with you if you shoot with anybody but me" thing isn't working so well any more so now it's "don't let anybody else shoot you, all these other guys are cutting heads off and sticking them on nude bodies".

I'd also be willing to bet that this hasn't actually happened to any models, but they've heard some story about some guy doing it to some other model they met on a forum somewhere.

I think the photographers should come up with some paranoid BS of our own.  Maybe we can start spreading stories about models coming over and slipping drugs into our drinks, then when we wake up sometime later we find our studio cleaned out, the dog has been killed, and our hard drives formatted.  Or something like that.

Paranoia, it is the new black!

Sep 20 06 09:17 am Link


Kevin Stenhouse

Posts: 2660

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm becoming paranoid that there is a paranoia virus out there being dispensed via Prozac or dairy products or something.

Is fear the new black?

Don't forget the fluoride in our water. It's all good, the PTBs know that there is an asteroid heading towards Earth. Smackdown is in exactly 675 years. They are purposely evolving us at a higher rate so we can handle long periods of space travel. Damn, I've said too much.

Fear is the new black and insecurity is a nice little clutch purse.

Sep 20 06 09:28 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

It's an odd form of egomania.. fake pics are all over the web, but they all have one thing in common- they're of CELEBRITIES. People don't take random unknown models and work for hours sticking their heads on nude bodies.. what possible reason could they have, when there's an infinite number of actual ready-made nudes out there?

Sep 20 06 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Stephen Melvin wrote:
I was speaking to a friend of mine years ago and joked that I was going to paste her head on another woman's nude body.

"Why? Isn't my body good enough?"

We wound up doing nude photos after that. They were excellent.

Jots that line down for future reference...tongue

Sep 20 06 09:01 pm Link