Forums > General Industry > model have right to get photos from paid shoot?



Posts: 57

Miami, Florida, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
It sounds as if the arrangement was that you receive cash compensation.  And that's what you got.  Now, your previous experience was that photographers would give you images at your request, but that is not necessarily standard or even a common practice. 

At any rate, if you were paid for the shoot then just offer to pay the photographer for some prints...

Said what i've been thinking all along.

Sep 15 06 02:15 am Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Depends on what level you are working at. Many commercial shoots where the model is compensated monetarily the photographer or hiring agent gets her a finished image or a tear. However, this is not required or should never be expected as part of the payment. If it is in the agreement in writing, then so be it. However, it shouldn't be a given, more of a added bonus if by chance it does happen.

It seems to happen more for land based, as the internet world is something entirely different and standards are also a bit different (sometimes seems like night compared to daytime lol)

G'nite MM


Sep 15 06 02:18 am Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Seems a little greedy to me..   Paid is Paid,,  if it is money,  or if it is photos,  or if it is a mix..     If photos are expected then the pay is much less..   Prints are not free,  nor is your time...   or you would not expect to be paid..

Sep 20 06 09:45 am Link


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

I usually give models prints from a paid shoot as a courtesy.  But I definitely don't feel I'm obligated to do so.

Sep 20 06 09:56 am Link


Ryoga Vee

Posts: 148

Sunnyvale, California, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
i know of a guy that never gives photos whether its tfcd or paid ,he is an asshole and embarrassment to all photographers, and he is from cali.

how is it TFP then?

Sep 20 06 11:07 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-string is totally right on!
Have your list of things to discuss prior to committing to the shoot. If you want digital images or prints or whatever, discuss it in advance... you have a rockin look and if your politie and work hard during the shoot, I don't know any of us who would not give you at least some digital images to use...

Sep 20 06 11:20 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:
No.  If the quality of photos he takes is good enough that you really want them in your book, then forfeit the cash compensation and take photos as compensation instead.

Just another reason why you are a winner, you use logic, you have many photos, that I would have paid you for.

Sep 20 06 08:16 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Depends on what you both agreed to before the shoot.
What did the contract that you signed say?

Sep 20 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

SLE Photography wrote:
If he's paying you, you have no right to them.  He might be nice and GIVE you some.  I know on some of my paid projects I'll give the model one or two images to help publicize my work, but certainly not all of them.

You might get one or two.  Most photographers who pay would prefer to limit the shots they were not pleased with.

Good luck.

Sep 20 06 09:13 pm Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

RedheadRobyn wrote:
I myself never do a shoot where I do not get both Money AND a data disc of all original images.

Well then your one of the lucky ones!

RedheadRobyn wrote:
I mean, hell, I just use them for keeping my profile fresh anyway..oh, and MAYBE myspace if they aren't nudes. big deal, why would the photographer care?

What would the photographer care?  Did you ever bother to read the Myspace Rules when you signed up?  By sigining up with them you agree that any images you upload you give them the rights to use how and as they like!!  THAT'S WHAT A PHOTOGRPAHER SHOULD CARE!!  A model giving away rights to work she (or he) dosen't own the rights to to start with!

When I give a model images I always explain that they can use them here on MM, on a personal non paying web site and for their print portfolio and that they are not to be used for the likes of Myspace or friendster etc.

I know models always want and need fresh shots for a portfolio but please before you go posting them here there and everywhere remember to read the rules of the site where you're posting them and make sure you're not breaking a law by giving away something that's not yours to start with!

Sep 21 06 07:59 am Link


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

I suppose I am beginning to sound like a broken record (Pre CD for the kids online).... but any shoot must be negotiated up front.  What is expected from the shoot by both sides.  Discussion eliminates everyone being pissed off after the shoot.  Put it in writing and move on.

Best Regards,

Sep 21 06 08:05 am Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

RedheadRobyn wrote:
I myself never do a shoot where I do not get both Money AND a data disc of all original images. I mean, hell, I just use them for keeping my profile fresh anyway..oh, and MAYBE myspace if they aren't nudes. big deal, why would the photographer care? It's not like I'm turning around and making any further profit with them.

I would likely not work with a model with these demands and attitude. I'll give this poster the benefit of the doubt and assume that she is discounting her rates to compensate for the images that she is receiving. I doubt it though. "I do ask for data disc of all original images for archive and profile updating purposes only." That's was TFP is for: updating your portfolio.  That statement screams PITA model/Pass on her, on to the next model.

I had a model contact me about shooting.  If a model contacts me I assume that she wants trade or to pay me.  Of course she wanted to be paid and have images too. I replied that I don't work that way.  She complained "how can I get images from my portfolio if you or other photographers won't give them to me?" After recovering from laughing hysterically, I replied back "You pay for them. You pay with either your time, money, or combination of the two."

To the second part of this post's question as to why should photographer's care: exclucivity and image managment.  If I sell an image and represent that it is exclusive to a client then it should not be showing up on MySpace or other sites.  It's the photographer's perogative to decide what images they want to represent them not the models. If a model can post up any image that I give them then I've ceded control of my image management to the model for that shoot.

Sep 21 06 01:56 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Well if I am getting paid (i.e. commercial shoot), then the model gets paid from the client (via the agency).  In those circumstance using a tearsheet in your portfolio is the smartest thing to do.  Once a client's usage time expires then it's possible I may give a model a copy of a picture I use in my portfolio... but it's not the norm.

If I am doing something artistic (or attempting too), and it's on my own time then I prefer a collaboration of effort.  I work enough under the "Time is money concept" to avoid its application on the artistic side of things.  Then of course I would be more than willing to share usage (with limitations - for instance if you posted images on a site that insists that any posted images on their site become their property) of the images with the person in question.  But for the model to expect to get paid from a photographer (sorry but I am not a model's client - there are a couple of exceptions see below) AND receive copies of images... is an interesting concept.  I would take a pass on any model who requires those conditions.

I do become a model's client when I hire someone to pose in a seminar, or if I am actually doing the interviewing and hiring on an artistic project (say a calendar).  I always try to be fair, if I make $$$ as a result of your efforts then to me is seems proper to also pay $$$.  If you get copies of pictures from a seminar in which you are paid is up to the photographers who participate (I don't make it a requirement... nor do I push it).  They paid to be there, so the pics they have are the result of their time and money.

Sep 21 06 02:24 pm Link