Forums > General Industry > What wrong with some people...?



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Imaging i reciving refferam from OMP, from photographer who register there, first email " You look stunning . What your rates" i replay second email " Yes rates to high for me now and i usaly work only 1 hour 1.5 with model, but i can think of something to pull full 3 hours , some of models agree on massage after photo session so if you interesting let me know "
OK i am new i am kind stupid in English ( yes i am my friend helping me, thank you him a lot) but what the hell massage have to do with model business and if he cant pay me for full 3 hours modeling , how he gone pay me fo massage ???
Do i missing something, he just make me mad so i didnt replay nothing yet.

Sep 12 06 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Ok more to this post actualy i just recieve another email when he say massage he meant he will massage me for time i will pose for him smile How about this smile

Sep 12 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Models and photographers alike have to filter out the phonies. That's part of what the exchanged emails and messages are for.

Sep 12 06 08:30 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

um, no. Don't reply to that one.

Sep 12 06 08:31 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

I think he may be asking you to barter time for sexual favors; like he's offering to give you massage in exchange for modeling time. If I were you I would avoid this particular photographer. Because you mention nude and adult areas of interest this may make him think you'd be open to such things. I suggest you only work with good, professional photographers.


Sep 12 06 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Don't shoot with him!!! That's so creepy. You are way too cute to work with jerks like that.

Sep 12 06 08:32 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rabbit86 wrote:
Ok more to this post actualy i just recieve another email when he say massage he meant he will massage me for time i will pose for him smile How about this smile

That could be considered barter- massage for posing- but no, I still think you should say no to that one.

Sep 12 06 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

He's offering to compensate you with a massage?  LOL.  Please forgive me for being blunt, but it sounds like this "photographer" wants to get into something alright, but it ain't a photo session...if ya know what I mean.  This sounds like some of those Craigslist ads...(not to knock Craigslist or anything, because you CAN find some decent gigs on there).

Sep 12 06 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand


Reason #1 why there's block / ban lists in email programs.... 

Awesome work on your portfolio btw...wild... literally.

Sep 12 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Hey thank you all for replay i didnt agree on session from very begining i just tough i share with MM community and see if you my colleges think the same way i do and feel about this kind offers.

Sep 12 06 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

e-string wrote:
Don't shoot with him!!! That's so creepy. You are way too cute to work with jerks like that.

Thank you e-string for too cute comment smile kisses

Sep 12 06 08:37 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Rabbit86 wrote:
Hey thank you all for replay i didnt agree on session from very begining i just tough i share with MM community and see if you my colleges think the same way i do and feel about this kind offers.

Avoid them -- and I'm guessing you'll run into these "offers" again. When working with someone you don't know I suggest you ask for and follow up on references and have a preshoot meeting. At least this guy let you know early on what he's about.

  I wish you luck in your modeling!


Sep 12 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Thank you e-string for too cute comment smile kisses

Where are you from? smile

Sep 12 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

What're you saying, only ugly girls should work with jerks?

e-string wrote:
Don't shoot with him!!! That's so creepy. You are way too cute to work with jerks like that.

Sep 12 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

I would take an offer of massage for pictures, as a photographer.  smile

5 1-hour sessions for one photoshoot (rate works out about right).  Any taker?  smile  LMT rocks!

Sep 12 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

e-string wrote:
Where are you from? smile

Born and grow up In poland was just visiting US ( Boston MA) this year, second time and my very good friend find in me model tallent , find me first photographer and make all humanly possible to avoid some "idiots" and meet best professionals during my 3 months stay in US, and now i dont think i can life without it smile I make a lot of new friends ad photgraphers and also he stay with me on every session no metter where it was happend in Boston or Alaska without no financial interest in it only to help me out.
Most folks say i am lucky i gues i am smile
Love to pose nudes just let some nice music flow and you cant make me put my cloth's on smile
love to pose with another cute girl for art nudes, i wish e-string i would live close by we would make nice shoot toughether i am shure.

Sep 12 06 08:48 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Born and grow up In poland was just visiting US ( Boston MA) this year, second time and my very good friend find in me model tallent , find me first photographer and make all humanly possible to avoid some "idiots" and meet best professionals during my 3 months stay in US, and now i dont think i can life without it smile I make a lot of new friends ad photgraphers and also he stay with me on every session no metter where it was happend in Boston or Alaska without no financial interest in it only to help me out.
Most folks say i am lucky i gues i am smile
Love to pose nudes just let some nice music flow and you cant make me put my cloth's on smile
love to pose with another cute girl for art nudes, i wish e-string i would live close by we would make nice shoot toughether i am shure.

And I'd be very happy to take them wink! And I don't barter for massage either! Again, I wish you the very best for your modeling; I'm sure you'll do well!


Sep 12 06 08:52 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Rabbit86 wrote:
Love to pose nudes just let some nice music flow and you cant make me put my cloth's on smile
love to pose with another cute girl for art nudes, i wish e-string i would live close by we would make nice shoot toughether i am shure.

And likes costumes, too.
O god. She may be the photographer's dream... but of course, wrong side of the country again.

What are you guys putting in the water over there?

Sep 12 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
And I'd be very happy to take them wink! And I don't barter for massage either! Again, I wish you the very best for your modeling; I'm sure you'll do well!


Let's do it! heehee. And I'LL barter for massage with her. No cameras allowed for that part, however. tongue

Sep 12 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 49

Pasadena, California, US

Thats gross, That literally makes me sick that this phtographer would even insinuate that, that is not at ALL professional and there is no need for that to happen at all. I say you save that email in case he ever tries anythign again and DO NOT reply. What a creep..

Sep 12 06 08:56 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:

Let's do it! heehee. And I'LL barter for massage with her. No cameras allowed for that part, however. tongue

Well, you know I'm not really a "glam" photographer anyway. It'd be something interesting and differant. And trust me; no-one wants to get a massage from me. I'm really not very good at that sort of thing.


Sep 12 06 08:59 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Angelica Perry wrote:
Thats gross, That literally makes me sick that this phtographer would even insinuate that, that is not at ALL professional and there is no need for that to happen at all. I say you save that email in case he ever tries anythign again and DO NOT reply. What a creep..

Agreed. People like this makes everyone look bad, and you know he doesn't represent the majority of photographers. Still, it only takes one. And just because the OP has listed her interests as nude and some adult work this in no way implies she's interested in exchanging massage (or whatever else) for her time. Personally I'd love to work with her; she sounds very uninhibited and creative which are awesome qualities for a model to have. It's just very unfortunate some people think that because of this she's also open to "other" forms of barter. This is indeed pathetic...


Sep 12 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

e-string wrote:

Let's do it! heehee. And I'LL barter for massage with her. No cameras allowed for that part, however. tongue

Damn e-string where u been last 3 months smile we would fly to your city for this meeting hehe tough i still lke to take some photos with you, my friend can do this for us , but just and idea of massage hmmmm make me .....welll you know smile

Sep 12 06 09:04 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Damn e-string where u been last 3 months smile we would fly to your city for this meeting hehe tough i still lke to take some photos with you, my friend can do this for us , but just and idea of massage hmmmm make me .....welll you know smile

Can you two take this to off-topic? Some of us really don't need to know about this!


Sep 12 06 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Can you two take this to off-topic? Some of us really don't need to know about this!


lol wink

Sep 12 06 09:08 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Can you two take this to off-topic? Some of us really don't need to know about this!


Um, hold on... speak for yourself...

Sep 12 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Pat Thielen wrote:

Agreed. People like this makes everyone look bad, and you know he doesn't represent the majority of photographers. Still, it only takes one. And just because the OP has listed her interests as nude and some adult work this in no way implies she's interested in exchanging massage (or whatever else) for her time. Personally I'd love to work with her; she sounds very uninhibited and creative which are awesome qualities for a model to have. It's just very unfortunate some people think that because of this she's also open to "other" forms of barter. This is indeed pathetic...


Hehe Pat thank you for very close discription of me, i know it not nice saying good thing about youselfe but it true, when we at photo shoot my friend bring MP3 with my favorites if he see that photographer  strugling to find pose for me, all he do is hook up Mp3 turn it on and then all hell get loose smile when photographer asking me during break to put cloth's he usualy ge answer " why boder we doing nude shoots i am ok with it"
my friend like to add something :
Dmitry: Hehe hello MM comminity, she is amazing imaging this cutie during break walking to photographer who aks her to put cloth on if she like and she just sit right there next to him looking at PC how he uploading images, or  ban over hes shoudler and look on screen just like this "only wearing what she born in" photographers usualy drop what they doing and take some sexy shoot right there smile Or photgrapher ulpoading photos and i trun on music she nude start dancing all over studio , playing with chairs, pols etc ...i dont need to tell what photographers do next smile they garb camera and go for it smile

Sep 12 06 09:11 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

.........................  sigh.

Sep 12 06 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

J Schumacher wrote:
.........................  sigh.

...ditto....that almost got me looking around for my passport.

Sep 12 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Sep 12 06 09:16 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Hehe Pat thank you for very close discription of me, i know it not nice saying good thing about youselfe but it true, when we at photo shoot my friend bring MP3 with my favorites if he see that photographer  strugling to find pose for me, all he do is hook up Mp3 turn it on and then all hell get loose smile when photographer asking me during break to put cloth's he usualy ge answer " why boder we doing nude shoots i am ok with it"
my friend like to add something :
Dmitry: Hehe hello MM comminity, she is amazing imaging this cutie during break walking to photographer who aks her to put cloth on if she like and she just sit right there next to him looking at PC how he uploading images, or  ban over hes shoudler and look on screen just like this "only wearing what she born in" photographers usualy drop what they doing and take some sexy shoot right there smile Or photgrapher ulpoading photos and i trun on music she nude start dancing all over studio , playing with chairs, pols etc ...i dont need to tell what photographers do next smile they garb camera and go for it smile

Actually, most of the time when I work with nude models they don't bother getting dressed when we're taking a break or I'm showing them work on the computer. Usually they are very comfortable with nudity -- or they wouldn't be modeling nude in the first place. These are the people I like working with most as they are the most natural and uninhibited (whether we're shooting clothed photos or not). I don't ask models to adapt "adult" poses or anything like that, but I do prefer them to be natural and uninhibited. I'd encourage you to keep doing what you're doing and be a muse for the people you model for. If ever you find yourself in Minnesota let me (and E-String) know smile!



Sep 12 06 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

J Schumacher wrote:
.........................  sigh.

Hmm is that mean bad or good, forgive me silly alien smile

Sep 12 06 09:18 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:

lol wink

You teeeeeze!


Sep 12 06 09:18 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Many of the photographers here work other jobs.  It is possible that he is a licensed masseuse. 
If he were bartering to paint your house you probably wouldn't bat an eye.

That being said, be cautious and check references.

Sep 12 06 09:19 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Hmm is that mean bad or good, forgive me silly alien smile

That means I'm very sad that you are so far away from me, so we can't shoot.

Sep 12 06 09:20 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

markcomp wrote:
Many of the photographers here work other jobs.  It is possible that he is a licensed masseuse. 
If he were bartering to paint your house you probably wouldn't bat an eye.

That being said, be cautious and check references.

Thanks -- this is actually a very good point. I was very quick to assume the photographer meant "no good" as did a few others. I have to remember to respond to facts and not emotions... Do'h!

  Having said this, I can understand the reaction as offering a massage at a photoshoot is a bit on the odd side. It's not something I'd consider to be professional behavior. If a model were to offer me a massage in exchange for a CD I'd run away just as fast... Really, I would.


Sep 12 06 09:22 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

markcomp wrote:
Many of the photographers here work other jobs.  It is possible that he is a licensed masseuse. 
If he were bartering to paint your house you probably wouldn't bat an eye.

That being said, be cautious and check references.

Perhaps, but I'm up to level II Reikii, but I'd never suggest it to a model.  I'd toss in an offer to build her a website, though - that is what I do as far as my daytime job - but there's something that logic and reasonable behaviour would dictate a massage or something of that personal or intimate nature is inappropriate to bring up as a "in leau of payment".

Sep 12 06 09:24 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Thanks -- this is actually a very good point. I was very quick to assume the photographer meant "no good" as did a few others. I have to remember to respond to facts and not emotions... Do'h!

  Having said this, I can understand the reaction as offering a massage at a photoshoot is a bit on the odd side. It's not something I'd consider to be professional behavior. If a model were to offer me a massage in exchange for a CD I'd run away just as fast... Really, I would.


Well, I guess I respond from the standpoint of having a number of clients who do physical therapy for a living.  I get a massage once a week and it really is an honorable job that is worthy of barter.  lol

Sep 12 06 09:25 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Enter this thread for a Clio Award.

Sep 12 06 09:26 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

RRCPhoto wrote:

Perhaps, but I'm up to level II Reikii, but I'd never suggest it to a model.  I'd toss in an offer to build her a website, though - that is what I do as far as my daytime job - but there's something that logic and reasonable behaviour would dictate a massage or something of that personal or intimate nature is inappropriate to bring up as a "in leau of payment".

Tell my wife that the gal I get the massage from is being intimate with me. lol
It's a job.

Sep 12 06 09:28 pm Link