Forums > General Industry > What age did you start/how long you been going?


Vatic Perceptions Media

Posts: 676

Swanton, Vermont, US

What age did you start doing photography/modeling/stylist stuff and what age are you now?  There is another thread going on about what age photographers are now and I didnt want to take over that thread with these questions. 

I started getting into photography at 23, and I am now 25.  Took some months off in the middle, so in reality Ive got about 10 months experience.  I know thats not a lot, but I think if you look at my portfolio you can tell.  Ive still got a lot to learn, but for what I have for equipment and the fact that I taught myself everything, I think I have a good start.  Anyone else?

Sep 12 06 10:55 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

I'm 31.  I have shot sports/candid etc. starting in 1989 (17 years ago) for my High School yearbook/newspaper with a manual Minolta SLR and cheapo Tamron lens.  We rolled and developed our own B&W film and did our own print developing...I hated that darkroom!!!.  I took off from photogrpahy for pretty much 6 years between college and flight school other than just the casual touristy snapshot P&S 35mm.

In 2001 I got back into photography with my first digicam...a Canon G1.  I started to do more aviation and lansdscapes. 

I didn't really get into shooting models until about 3 months ago.  I know shoot with a Nikon D200 and yes, believe it or not, a Canon Elph S500.  I like using the Canon P&S because it challenges me to use the camera and get the most out of its few features.  In full manual mode it is actually quite versatile...coupled with a little pocket tripod and the timer, I can delay up to 15sec.  I took both my night time shots in my port with that.  I mainly like the D200 for portraits, events, weddings, and sports.

Sep 12 06 01:30 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Started around age 20 (hard to put an exact date on it, but I got serious fairly quickly, and enrolled in art school at 23). I'm now 33.

Sep 12 06 01:32 pm Link


Jessica B.

Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

I started modeling at age 26 - very old, I know.  I'm still 26 and still getting work and having fun.  I'm in good shape, so why not?  I'm not staking my entire future on this, but I like it for now.

Sep 12 06 01:33 pm Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Sep 12 06 01:35 pm Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Sep 12 06 01:35 pm Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Actually...I´ve just started wink Well...the oldest photo in my port is about 5 months old.

Sep 12 06 01:35 pm Link


Sky Above

Posts: 250

Was with a big agency as a teen. "Fell in love" and decided to get married at 19, and got pregnant right away...quick stop for modeling.

Started again a couple years ago...took awhile to get back in shape...:-)

Sep 12 06 01:38 pm Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

I picked up my first camera at 15 - started shooting for my photo class in highschool and took college courses off and on for about 10 years.  I got serious with my photography and developed my current style and what I am doing now about 7 years ago... smile

I'm 32 now.

Sep 12 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 33

Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, US

Started in 84 with a Canon AE-1 Programer, Vivitar flash and just 2 lenses. Went over to the digital side a few years ago and I shoot everything and anything. Still shoot with Canon but now a 20 D and some Canon and Sigma glass. It is pretty cool to compare a photo from 84 to 06 and see the big differance.

Sep 12 06 01:44 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

started 5 mintues

started when i was 27 im 35 now even though i feel 26. i think took 1 1/2 years off came back with a vengence
self taught .

Sep 12 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I'm 41. I started photography around 11, so I guess that gives me about 30 years of experience.  However I only started seriously photographing people about 8 years ago.

Sep 12 06 01:57 pm Link


Frank Vigil Photography

Posts: 31

Reno, Nevada, US

I'll be 56 in a few weeks.  I first knew I was drawn to photography when I was five years old.  I was rummaging through my older brother's drawer (so much neat stuff that I wasn't allowed to have) when I discovered his Kodak Brownie camera.  I was so keen on it, I stole it and ran around the house and yard for the next few days, "taking pictures" of anything and everything I saw.  Not only did I ruin the role of film (but I kept on "shooting" anyway), I drew the ire of my brother when he discovered I had it!  It was love at first sight though, and I was hooked.  Photography clubs all through Jr. High and High school, majored in photography in college, was a photographer in the Air Force for four years and then bought my first studio (existing business).  I was hooked!

Interestingly, it wasn't until I was 34 that I realized I was getting tired of photography, it had become too much like work.  By then, I was working as a photojournalist and an aerial photographer, had photos published in several, major magazines (Time and Scientific American among them); and was pretty settled.  Tired of the "poor artist" routine though, I abandoned it all in '84 and got involved in something entirely different.  This proved to be quite successful and photography became a serious hobby (and FUN again!).  It wasn't until a few years ago that I once again changed course and became a full time, professional photographer.  Now, at the age of 56, I'm unlikely to change careers again, so I have some large goals for myself.

I love photography, but I also know that there is the danger of losing the fun aspect of it if I'm not careful.  Work should always be fun!



Sep 12 06 01:58 pm Link


Passion Junk

Posts: 28

I'm currently 20 years old and in my second year of college. I started taking photography courses in high school in 2001 and have been addicted ever since. Being a student I still have much to learn, but I have come a long way from day one. Photography is the love of my life. I look forward to a long and happy life full of photos. smile

Sep 12 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 558

Im 41, started when I was 11 did my own darkroom stuff till about 15/16. Took a break at college when eating was more important. Break turned out to be pretty big. Took it up again last year.

Sep 12 06 02:27 pm Link


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

started at photography at 15, now 50!

Sep 12 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

i used to pencil-draw all the time as a kid, before computers. then when we got a computer i'd draw on that. i guess i was always into realistic looking pictures, as well as diagrams and maps, and other kinds of graphics. i'd been playing with photoshop since I was 17 or so, but didn't have my own camera. I'd just use it with photos i got elsewhere and for graphics. I got a digital p&s when I was 23, then my XT when I was 25. Photography is just an extension of what I've always been doing.

Sep 12 06 02:59 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mty first camera was a 35mm Agfa range finder I got from my father when I was 10. My first professional job was as an assistant when I was 20. I opened my first studio when I was 26. It's been open ever since and I am 55.

Sep 12 06 03:19 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I was forced to pick up a camera two years ago to take images of my jewelry I was trying to sell on line, when I was 27.

A friend saw my product work a year later and hired me to shoot her for 125.00 for 5 prints all editing included, it took us 8 hours of shooting to get those 5 images. I was late with the prints and only collected 100.00 for almost 16 hours work.

I just got back from a client meeting and have booked a three hour shoot for 300.00 30 touched up images web sized are included any prints are extra.
I will collect 300 for about 6 hours work.

The photography is out selling the jewelry about 1000.00 to 1 in customer looking at my product and then either buying or not buying.

I am 29.

Sep 12 06 03:38 pm Link


Artistic Fusion Photo

Posts: 138

Oswego, Illinois, US

Started with my first point & shoot at 9.  Bought my first real camera at 17 (Olympus OM1) and took some photography in college.  Was supposed to go into the military for Combat Photography (yes that is a real military occupation) but got screwed by my recruiter (typical story).  Shot any & everything thing while I was in, including training activities, parties and towards the end started shooting weddings.  I was due to re-enlist for public affairs and be a photographer/journalist working on stuff like the base paper and Marine magazine when I got into a disagreement with my command and decided to get out.  After that I shot with a couple of wedding photographers until my first daughter was born and then put the equipment away due to time constraints.  Then shortly there after my twin daughters were born and the equipment waved goodbye as I sold & traded what I had in for a convient point & shoot digital which was easier for the wife to use as well.  Got back into photography full swing about two & a half years ago and it is now my profession, love & living.  I am now 32 with many years of photography ahead.

Sep 12 06 03:48 pm Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

I Started around the age of 16-17 , self study -> courses -> personal assistent ->full school ->freelance assistent for a bit -> gone  solo ... currently age 29

Sep 12 06 03:49 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

I have been a "shutterbug" since I was a kid. My first camera was a Kodak Brownie. My first real camera was an Argus C3 when I was in high school.
I've had a lot of cameras and I always walked around shooting every/anything.
I didn't do much other than snap a few memories during the mid part of my life, but I took it up seriously about 12 yrs ago. I studied and worked as an assistant and finally got to where I could do weddings. After a couple of years of that I decided I didn't want to work that hard (You wedding photographers know what I'm talking about!) and pretty much stopped altogether until the digital age came along. That got me going again, and I'm still at it.

Sep 12 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 130

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Started at the tender age of 12, Im now 20 and going stronger than ever! I really didn't go pro until about 2years ago though. Basically I started pursuing modeling at 12, but things didn't take off until just before my 18th birthday.

Thats my story!

Sep 13 06 01:11 am Link


Alyssa Richard

Posts: 65

Sacramento, California, US

well--I'm sixteen and I started in June

smile new

Sep 13 06 01:13 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Started at 48.
Shooting just about two years as a hobby.
Self taught.
I think I'll get serious soon.

Hahahaha or maybe not. This really is a lot of fun.

Sep 13 06 01:20 am Link



Posts: 6129

started at 22. 61 now.

Sep 13 06 01:23 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

oldguysrule wrote:
started at 22. 61 now.

Dude, I thought you were around when they invented photography!


Sep 13 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 6129

lol dean
yeah well i maintain two sets of books two
*lifts the lid on the coffin and climbs in

Sep 13 06 03:08 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

DJ Larose Photography wrote:
What age did you start/how long you been going?

I'm waiting till I'm married to start....

*finishes reading*

Oh, you're talking about photography!
I remember my dad trying to expain shutter speed & f-stops to me when I was 5....

Sep 13 06 03:11 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

oldguysrule wrote:
lol dean
yeah well i maintain two sets of books two
*lifts the lid on the coffin and climbs in

You gotta get with the times, sleeping in a coffin to stay youthful is a thing of the past. Nowday's a cyberatic oxygen chamber is where it's at.

Btw do you remember the tag I posted on your page when I first sent you a friends request? It was a quote from the Star Lady of Key West: "Your never too old to have a happy childhood" I try to live by that quote.

Anyhoo, 22-61 it's just a number and I am not too far behind you, Lol.

Sep 13 06 03:19 am Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Mty first camera was a 35mm Agfa range finder I got from my father when I was 10. My first professional job was as an assistant when I was 20. I opened my first studio when I was 26. It's been open ever since and I am 55.

Ditto Bob....Ziess Ikon for me, still have it.

9 for me, now 43, but now I rent studios and mostly shoot on location.  Started in a commercial studio in NYC at the age of 17 cleaning the place and the darkroom...I had some hard core photo teachers.  So hard core the cat did coke!  But hey that was the early 80's.

Never looked back..but now I only see a fading profession in relation to the "good ol days" when there were great budgets.  My first break at the age of 26 was a hair campaign...

Bob did you ever advertise in the Blackbook? are starting to sound familar.

Sep 13 06 03:20 am Link


Mary Domingo

Posts: 109

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm 23. It has been exactly 4 weeks... *I'm a newbie into modeling... w/ only 3 shoots under my belt so far... & I'm loving it...

Sep 13 06 03:26 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I Started in a commercial studio in NYC at the age of 17 cleaning the place and the darkroom...I had some hard core photo teachers. So hard core the cat did coke!  But hey that was the early 80's.

Is it true that if you try to feed a peanut to a squirell in Central Park they throw it back at you and ask for crack?

Some of us are lucky to have survived that era, a lot of casualties from that period.

Sep 13 06 03:32 am Link



Posts: 111

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Well I picked up my first series Digtal SLR camera in late 2003. started off shooting sport for a weel known photographer in the area, and shooting landscapes and learing about painting with light. What a cool thing that is to know... If first time I shot a model was in april 2004 at a beach with my canon 10D a 70-200mm 2.8 and a sigma 15-30mm (gulp). I was really just experiementing. Ive always wanted to shoot models and amazing cool photo seens I was young because I used to rip out the ads in the magazines and collect them, only cause the photography was so cool.

Well im 25 this november, Im getting old, but then I see all these men who are in there 50's / 60's that say they have been shooting photography for decades, yet there work in there folios look like something I would put straight into my recycling bin cause I wouldnt want to show anyone, so that sorta makes me feel better.

I really admire the new age photographers, like LaChapelle and Ruiz, cause the way they using lighting and the way they bring the color out really amazes me. Im not overly into all these old school black n white  photographers, I dont mind black n white and I will shoot it now and then, but I way more prefur an image that is saturated with color and all the colors compliment each other. It takes way more talent I reckon to shoot a succesfull color image than it is the shoot a black n white photo.

And I really appriciate photographer that do most of the work, ones who dont use stylists and art directors and so on. I think a really great photographer can see and image in there head before its shot and can make the image come to life. if you can do that, thats when you know your talented.

Sep 13 06 04:07 am Link



Posts: 6129

ah the charm and ignorance of youth

I don't remember ever having that little respect or such a huge disconnect, but no doubt my elders do. Such alot to learn.

Sep 13 06 04:26 am Link


mia vaughn

Posts: 854

Chicago, Illinois, US

i started modeling at 50, just a few months ago

Sep 13 06 04:46 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Started at 22, retired at 44.

Sep 13 06 05:33 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

...first B & W photos shot in early 1970's at Brown University entitled "Balloon Man"
and "Phil Ochs, Last Song" (can be seen at age 24. Phil Ochs, folksinger, had just returned from the mass murders in a stadium in Chile, gave a concert at Brown Spring Weekend and returned to NYC where that evening he took his life. The photo burned in my mind.
I will be 60 October 14th.
...Started photographing my college friend's girlfriends in 1969 -became addicted to creative nudes.
...married 39 years to my childhood sweetheart(we met at ages 12 and 13)with children and grandchildren. and create photographs and art in the enchanted Gold Forest in Rhode Island.

Sep 13 06 05:40 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

digital_susie wrote:
Well I picked up my first series Digtal SLR camera in late 2003. started off shooting sport for a weel known photographer in the area, and shooting landscapes and learing about painting with light. What a cool thing that is to know... If first time I shot a model was in april 2004 at a beach with my canon 10D a 70-200mm 2.8 and a sigma 15-30mm (gulp). I was really just experiementing. Ive always wanted to shoot models and amazing cool photo seens I was young because I used to rip out the ads in the magazines and collect them, only cause the photography was so cool.

Well im 25 this november, Im getting old, but then I see all these men who are in there 50's / 60's that say they have been shooting photography for decades, yet there work in there folios look like something I would put straight into my recycling bin cause I wouldnt want to show anyone, so that sorta makes me feel better.

I really admire the new age photographers, like LaChapelle and Ruiz, cause the way they using lighting and the way they bring the color out really amazes me. Im not overly into all these old school black n white  photographers, I dont mind black n white and I will shoot it now and then, but I way more prefur an image that is saturated with color and all the colors compliment each other. It takes way more talent I reckon to shoot a succesfull color image than it is the shoot a black n white photo.

And I really appriciate photographer that do most of the work, ones who dont use stylists and art directors and so on. I think a really great photographer can see and image in there head before its shot and can make the image come to life. if you can do that, thats when you know your talented.

Holy shit.  I don't even have words for this.

I began shooting when I was 26.  In two weeks I'll be 29. 

I started off with a Canon Eos Rebel.  Added a Seagull TLR.  Then a Kodak Brownie.  Then an Agfa Clack.  Then an Agfa Click.  Then a Mamiya 645.  Shot a lot of that B&W stuff... since, y'know it's so easy and I since I haven't been shooting long I need the easy stuff.  Shot with film, no less (oh, the horror!).

My work is complete shit.  But I'm determined to get halfway decent one of these days.  And when I do, all hell will break loose...

Sep 13 06 02:54 pm Link


Justin Huang

Posts: 1308

Irvine, California, US

my photo career peaked at the age of 7 when i won 3rd place in my elementary school's photo contest. sadly, it all went downhill from there.

but, i still have that historic picture from 2nd grade, maybe i'll scan it and put it in my profile. it's the only photographic accolade i've ever won

and like Jay Bowman, i hate my work as well. but hopefully i'll get better

Sep 13 06 04:34 pm Link