Forums > General Industry > An idea to reduce flaking likelyhood on TFP?


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Out of all my TFP requests, there are 3 that I would really like to shoot with, but due to retail demands this month, I wouldn't have time to do each of them here is what I am doing.

There's a makeup artist who wants TFP, I don't want to turn that down because she seems creative and very businesslike. Where in normal circumstances we all split it 3 ways for the stylist....I have a local photographer friend join us as well.....get 2 or 3 models. Take turns shooting in the studio, or one model do location with the other photographer.....or we all go on location together and stay near but not in the same place....That way we all get what we need from all the different people thing. Also, that reduces the risk of one model flaking and killing that time slot. Even with 2 models, if one doesn't show, the worst that can happen is we have one model to work with between us and we keep it a short least even then the time isn't wasted, as it would be if she no showed on a dedicated shoot.....thoughts?

Sep 06 06 06:40 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I have done that same thing last week as a photographer, it worked great. We didn't get a mua though but I want one for next time.

we had 5 commit 1 drop out last min and one super late, but shot 4 models and had a lot of fun, and there was overlap so we all got to chat and learn.

Sep 06 06 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Why not pay the models a few bucks? I have never had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks. Nothing free has any value.

Sep 06 06 06:48 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Group type shoots are always fun for me.  And adding a MUA makes it better.

Sep 06 06 06:48 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Public Chipperings...

Ok..close thread...


Sep 06 06 06:49 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
Why not pay the models a few bucks? I have never had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks. Nothing free has any value.

I agree with you in theory....but even if you are paying that doesn't guarantee smooth sailing. If I needed them for a specific project, I would. I'm not desperate for models to shoot, I just want to keep the time productive....and it would benefit us all. That will probably be the only TFP shoot I will do for a month or so.

Sep 06 06 06:52 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Vance wrote:
Public Chipperings...

Ok..close thread...


Uh, yea. hmm

Sep 06 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
Why not pay the models a few bucks? I have never had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks. Nothing free has any value.

My time isn't free, and neither is that of the models I work with.  We all consider the images to which we're contributing valuable compensation for our un-free time.  If they weren't, we wouldn't do them.

It's the whole concept of "free"ness that bugs me in this equation.  Collaborative efforts are hardly free; time, effort, skill, training, and often incidental expenses are involved.  How is that free?

Sep 06 06 07:02 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I agree that time is money and I don't do many TFP's at all.....but an occasional one is beneficial....The system abuse is from the sharks that write every new warm body that signs up for TFP, not those keeping it productive.....everything has it's time and purpose.

Sep 06 06 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

so you are doing PhotoShoots for free. many photographers pay money to go to Photoshoots with  several  models and other photograpohers.
there are Glamour Photoshoots, Fashion Photoshoots..

The host gets paid , the model get paid, the photographers pay to be there.

BARTER is NOT an economy  !

Sep 06 06 07:11 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

As a photographer I'm not going to pay to shoot some model with someone elses set up, someone elses outfits, someone elses lights,

Everything has it's place and haveing three models do tfp in one day instead of  three diffrent days is just saving time and effort.

In my case no one running any of these glamour shoots, groups shoots, shootouts wuld have paid these models I worked with they were too green and didn't have the right look.

Diffret standards for diffrent levels.

Oh that TFP I did a while back for free traded time and effort for images to "models" some other person saw the images and is going to HIRE me to photograph an event...

Sep 06 06 07:30 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
Why not pay the models a few bucks? I have never had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks. Nothing free has any value.

1. You've been lucky then. Flakes come in all sizes & shapes & pay & non-pay.

2. TFP is free?! Please tell me as a photographer you didn't say that.

Sep 06 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
My time isn't free, and neither is that of the models I work with.

Yet does any money change hands?

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
We all consider the images to which we're contributing valuable compensation for our un-free time.  If they weren't, we wouldn't do them.

It's the whole concept of "free"ness that bugs me in this equation.  Collaborative efforts are hardly free; time, effort, skill, training, and often incidental expenses are involved.  How is that free?

When you shoot TFP you are saying that your time is free from a models perspective. The reality of Internet Modeling is that any pretty young girl can post some webcam/cell phone pics on a site like this and get as many TFP shoots as they want. If they flake and blow you off who cares there are plenty more where you came from.

The whole idea of TFP is lame, as many photogs do not even give prints anymore, all they give is a CD that costs 15 cents. If you were 18 years old would you find value in that when you could get it from dozens more just like you.

I have NEVER had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks, I have had plenty of models flake when all I was offering was a CD.

I am not talking about paying huge money either. A tank of gas is all they get, but they are very happy, don't flake, and show up on time ready to go.

Sep 06 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
2. TFP is free?! Please tell me as a photographer you didn't say that.

as a Photographer I would never say that, but from a models perspective it sure is.

Sep 06 06 07:34 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

not according to the 40.00 I just spend on getting my nails done.
ot he 10.00 eyebrow waxing.
or the 10.00 is till take in gas.
many jobs in SF I also have to pay for parking as well.

I know several photographers who are paying upwards of 75.00 hour and they still get flakes.

Yes I do work for old school prints as well.

The key to weeding out flakes is getting refrences not using newbies who just put there profile up yesterday.

Sep 06 06 07:42 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

AGFA Guy wrote:

Yet does any money change hands?

When you shoot TFP you are saying that your time is free from a models perspective. The reality of Internet Modeling is that any pretty young girl can post some webcam/cell phone pics on a site like this and get as many TFP shoots as they want. If they flake and blow you off who cares there are plenty more where you came from.

The whole idea of TFP is lame, as many photogs do not even give prints anymore, all they give is a CD that costs 15 cents. If you were 18 years old would you find value in that when you could get it from dozens more just like you.

I have NEVER had a model flake when I pay them a few bucks, I have had plenty of models flake when all I was offering was a CD.

I am not talking about paying huge money either. A tank of gas is all they get, but they are very happy, don't flake, and show up on time ready to go.

That's bullshit. Yes for you personally it's lame and is free to the model.

Each situation is different. Models have it harder than the photographers. Many get less shoots than we get photoshoots. Point? A model is looking to get her portfolio established. For the models who are looking to do this, is getting a trade. A deal for her service to the photographer and the photographer is getting a deal because the model has posed for him to add to his or her portfolio. It goes both ways.

The money thing comes in if the model is in demand is already established and don't have to do free shoots. Call it what you want, but every image on my portfolio is a tfcd. Lame? Nope. Business, you better believe it. If your work is good, they'll come, but this doesn't mean that all that like and ask to work with you will come. Pay isn't always the solution. Proof. There have been plenty of models who have flaked on a paid jobs on MM. It's more about a lack of courtersy and ethics.

Sep 06 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
Yet does any money change hands?

I don't think money is the only measure of value.  In the past three weeks alone, four of the models I've photographed have gotten paying gigs as a direct result of working with me, and of the images I took of them.  That's a valuable return on their initial time investment.

AGFA Guy wrote:
When you shoot TFP you are saying that your time is free from a models perspective. The reality of Internet Modeling is that any pretty young girl can post some webcam/cell phone pics on a site like this and get as many TFP shoots as they want. If they flake and blow you off who cares there are plenty more where you came from.

I've actually only had one model bail on me, and she vanished from MM entirely.  I'm a little bit worried that something bad happened to her.  It's really not an ongoing problem for me, so I'm not entering this discussion with rancor or resentment.  Just concern at the pervasive notion that a photographer's time is essentially worthless.  Mine certainly isn't.

Anyway, I don't want to get sucked into yet another TFP debate, I just really wanted to say that I think it's a shame that we're furthering the idea that a photographer's time, skill, training, and love of the craft is without value.  In my world, everyone who contributes to the final image, whether model or photographer or hair stylist or makeup artist or wardrobe stylist or retoucher, they're all valuable parts of the process, and the final image wouldn't be what it is without any of them.

All of their experience, training, and passion is valuable.

Including mine.  smile

Sep 06 06 07:46 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
so you are doing PhotoShoots for free. many photographers pay money to go to Photoshoots with  several  models and other photograpohers.
there are Glamour Photoshoots, Fashion Photoshoots..

The host gets paid , the model get paid, the photographers pay to be there.

BARTER is NOT an economy  !

Read. This is not a regular thing for Is every shoot you do paid? I prefer most of mine to be too, but in a roundabout way, even what you call "free" shoots have gotten me paid work.

Sep 06 06 07:49 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
As a photographer I'm not going to pay to shoot some model with someone elses set up, someone elses outfits, someone elses lights,

Everything has it's place and haveing three models do tfp in one day instead of  three diffrent days is just saving time and effort.

In my case no one running any of these glamour shoots, groups shoots, shootouts wuld have paid these models I worked with they were too green and didn't have the right look.

Diffret standards for diffrent levels.

Oh that TFP I did a while back for free traded time and effort for images to "models" some other person saw the images and is going to HIRE me to photograph an event...

Thank you, that was my point exactly! smile

Sep 06 06 07:52 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
as a Photographer I would never say that, but from a models perspective it sure is.

So a model isn't sacrifacing money in buying the clothes she brings to a shoot? She isn't sacrifacing money into her makeup supplies? She isn't sacrifacing her time or gas money into getting to where you guys are shooting? She isn't sacrifacing her time in actually modeling for you?

Sep 06 06 07:56 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
My time isn't free, and neither is that of the models I work with.  We all consider the images to which we're contributing valuable compensation for our un-free time.  If they weren't, we wouldn't do them.

It's the whole concept of "free"ness that bugs me in this equation.  Collaborative efforts are hardly free; time, effort, skill, training, and often incidental expenses are involved.  How is that free?

I agree with this completely.

People should get away from this "If it's not for money, then it's for free" mentality.  Just make sure that what you get from the shoot is worth your time...

Sep 06 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

So a model isn't sacrifacing money in buying the clothes she brings to a shoot? She isn't sacrifacing money into her makeup supplies? She isn't sacrifacing her time or gas money into getting to where you guys are shooting? She isn't sacrifacing her time in actually modeling for you?

Actually we agree here and I think you are missing my point. As a photgrapher I have tens of thousands of dollars invested in cameras, lenses, lighting, computers, darkroom, chemicals, software etc. Not to mention years of experience, classes, training, reading, etc. I am sure you do also. SO we feel that we bring a lot to the shoot and of course we do.

A model also feels like she also has a lot invested, all the things you mentioned above. So she feels like she is giving all of that away for free. In her world photographers are all the same, as she does not understand photography. I have never heard a model on one of these boards say, "He said we were going shoot 120 Medium Format Tri-X with his 'Blad, but instead he used his 5D"

The internet modeling world has created a sense of entitlement in a lot of models. If they are hot, and do not live in the middle of nowhere they will get TONS of TFP offers, so if they blow you off who cares, there are plenty more of you who will work with them.

So what you have is a situation where on the one hand Photogs feel they are bringing a lot to the table and the model should be happy to work with them, and we are doing them a favor by shooting TFP. On the other hand you have Models who feel they are bringing a lot to the table, and are doing you the photog a favor by shooting TFP.

So we get thread after thread on sites like this from Photogs about models that "flake", don't show up, show up late, agreed to shoot topless then wouldn't etc., etc., etc,

And thread after thread from models, about Photogs that were creeps, tried to get them naked, would not allow escorts, were "mean", etc., etc., etc.

Sep 06 06 08:21 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

My portfoliio has a ton of TFP..Those land me gigs all the time. TFP is a great tool.No argument can be had there.....

Plus many of these TFP's turn into paying gigs...THEY DO return and they all know they cant get it free all the time. AND YES>.many come back just becasue they liked you and your work. It is an opportunity to provide customer service and perhaps pick up a new client.

PLus all the other cool social things that come from collaborating...NEW opportunities.

Pick one..pick em all..

Sep 06 06 08:25 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

AGFAGUY is missing many points here because he is trying to sum everything into one category. The world doesn't work like that.

Let's start with the model. You say gas, purchasing clothes and other things that she is looking at is time and money etc. Not every model think like this.Nor do every model provide their own clothing and some model have clothing already.

When a model approach a photographer for a shoot, the photographer is putting time and effort spending money for gas, equiptment etc. It goes both ways.

We are talking about flakes who flake and not because they aren't getting paid. There are more tfcd/tfp models on here than there are paid models. I have had a model who is very well known on this website said that she wants to work with me. I chose no for two reasons. She is a Paid Only model and I don't want to be the several photographers who have worked with her.

Like I said, paid isn't always the solution.  A flake will flake with or without money.

Sep 06 06 09:06 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
I have done that same thing last week as a photographer, it worked great. We didn't get a mua though but I want one for next time.

we had 5 commit 1 drop out last min and one super late, but shot 4 models and had a lot of fun, and there was overlap so we all got to chat and learn.

Hm, that sounds familiar.... Let's do it again.

Sep 06 06 09:25 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have a friend who only pays models.  He's a published art photographer and
he also dabbles in fashion and glamour.  He pays when he has extra money
to avoid some of what we deal with as in flakes, etc.  If he has a project he
wants to shoot or a ideal he wants the models he wants not always the models
that are available to shoot.  He also doesn't want have to work on giving a
model some Photoshoped images that often takes hours to produce.  I feel the
same way.  If I could I'd pay every model I'd like to work with.  My friend almost
never has any no shows.  Many of the models he shoots want to even shoot
for TFP but he never does.  He also doesn't give models prints or cd's.

Sep 06 06 09:30 pm Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Yep... a club and a length of rope.

Sep 06 06 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Legacys 7 wrote:
AGFAGUY is missing many points here because he is trying to sum everything into one category. The world doesn't work like that.

Actually no I am not. I am posting in a thread called "An idea to reduce flaking likelihood on TFP? " I am not trying to sum the entire world of photography and modeling into one category, and I am not trying to do anything but talk about how to reduce flaking likelihood with TFP shoots. My idea is to pay the models a little bit of cash, because when you do that you separate yourself from the dozens of other requests they get for TFP shoots every week.

I have come to this conclusion after talking with many models from this site and from other sites like OMP.

Like I said, paid isn't always the solution.  A flake will flake with or without money.

When did I say it was always the solution? All I have said is that it works for me, like anything in life your mileage may vary.

Again anything free has no value, and TFP is free. On any given day a photog could shoot a wedding, shoot portraits, pets, news, models, etc, etc, etc, and get paid, or they could do the exact same things and shoot a model for TFP and not get paid. (work for free)

On any given day a model could be working somewhere doing something and making money. Or they could shoot TFP with any of a hundred photogs and not get paid (work for free), except to get a CD that costs 15 cents.

Nothing wrong with TFP, if it works for you great! If you are having fun with it great! Keep on doing it, more power to you. I played that game for a long time, I tried EVERYTHING including group shoots, and in the end I found it was much easier to drop a few bucks and hire the model I wanted to shoot with.

Sep 06 06 10:28 pm Link



Posts: 53

Chattanooga, Oklahoma, US

I've done a few TFP/CD it all depends on either the distance or the quality of the photographers work I'd rather not give away my time but most photographers aren't willing to pay ........ I wish I could find and offer like this one to be part of !

Sep 06 06 10:34 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

AGFA Guy wrote:
And thread after thread from models, about Photogs that were creeps, tried to get them naked, would not allow escorts, were "mean", etc., etc., etc.

I THINK I get what you're trying to saying in the admittedly heavily edited quote (basically to condense it). Maybe I'm just being an idealist when I say this, but for every posting I see from a model/photographer venting about something, I take it just as that...that they are blowing off steam. Just think about how many times people vent throughout the day. I don't take it that the person feels like that 24-7....well of 95% of the people anyway. I just happened to catch them at that particular time that they felt they needed to do it. I try to take into account that a lot of it could have been solved by just communicating CLEARLY w/ each other &/or just want the attaboy attention or need the boo-hoo need.

But for the value of the negotiation process that hard? This is what I'm initially offering. Can you live to this particular negioated modified deal? If the "price" (however that's defined) is to rich for either of our bloods, a simple "No thank you" will suffice & we move on to the next customer. That's business in pretty much any bartering economy (which in my opinion is exactly what a TFP shoot is).

AGFA Guy wrote:
My idea is to pay the models a little bit of cash, because when you do that you separate yourself from the dozens of other requests they get for TFP shoots every week.

Although I can understand your reasoning behind doing so. However what you're proposing is paying the very type of model (in the condensed quote), those that don't see the benefit in doing TFP to expand their portfolio, to work w/ you where they otherwise wouldn't.

Why would I want to do that if my portfolio doesn't have any redemtion that is triggering in their heads, "It would be wise if I worked w/ this person." Or to take a different approach, is shelling a few bucks on an untested, inexperienced model the wisest investment that one can make? I can't speak for you but I'm sure as heck am not in a position to throw away money on such people. I've got bills up the wazoo that take priority.

One the one hand, you say this in reference to my "TFP's aren't free for models"

AGFA Guy wrote:
Actually we agree here and I think you are missing my point

but then you reassert this again:

AGFA Guy wrote:
Again anything free has no value, and TFP is free. is TFP free or not free? Or is it somewhere in between like most of life's big issues?

I just don't subscribe to your assertation that TFP's are "free." People will see those images, maybe not here on MM or OMP or whatever, & will be like I want to hire you for such & such an idea. If I'm able to weasle my way into doing so, THAT is when I hardcore push for the people that have taken the time to work w/ me "when it was free." That is their payment. I scratch their back & you scratch mine. Some models are ok w/ that & some aren't. But the ones that are ok w/ it, THOSE are the relationships that I try & cultivate.

In the grand scheme of things, if paying is something that you find that works. Go for it, man. Who am I to tell you that my way is law? Well...I unless I finally ascend to the dictator of the world position that I've been trying to undermine. But that's only in my warped, overactive imagination. smile

Sep 07 06 12:39 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

My time isn't free, and neither is that of the models I work with.  We all consider the images to which we're contributing valuable compensation for our un-free time.  If they weren't, we wouldn't do them.

It's the whole concept of "free"ness that bugs me in this equation.  Collaborative efforts are hardly free; time, effort, skill, training, and often incidental expenses are involved.  How is that free?

Absolutely agree here as both a model and beginning photographer...  I do love the idea of group shots smile

Sep 07 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

For sale: 1 dead horse. Soundly beaten.

Make offer.

Sep 07 06 12:46 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

1. 3 hours before the shoot cover your naked body in uncooked bacon strips, 5-6 pounds should do an adequate job

2. chant while having your right hand on red, your left on yellow and both feet on green:
"The little piggy went to market
this little piggy stayed home
this little piggy ate roast beef
this little piggy ate none
and this little piggy is shooting TFP so don't stay home!"

3. Than roll a 12 sided die, and turn in westward circles with your feet on a north (right foot)-south(left foot, or peg leg whichever you have) axis the number of times on the die

4. take the discarded bacon and stuff them into a doll, sewn by the light of the 1/2 moon in an abandoned Wallmart parking lot using only dental floss and discarded birthday wrapping paper. Make sure you have used a Russian Red lip liner to print with the model's MM number on said doll.

5. bury the doll in no more than 3, but no less than 1.5 cubic feet of unsprouted dried lima beans

6. Do not take a shower

7. say goodbye to no-shows and flakes!

Sep 07 06 12:50 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Can I used thin sliced ham instead of bacon?

(I'm about ready to try anything)

Sep 07 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

only if Jupiter is rising

Sep 07 06 12:55 am Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I didn't start this thread to have a discussion about peoples' opinions about TFP.....this is a pretty sound idea to maximize time for people who want to do them selectively or sparingly, and save your appointment space.....I wanted thoughts about this particular idea, but as usual someone had to go off topic....and there are plenty of comedians out of work as it stands wink If it keeps going the wrong direction, may as well close it.

Sep 07 06 06:37 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
I didn't start this thread to have a discussion about peoples' opinions about TFP.....this is a pretty sound idea to maximize time for people who want to do them selectively or sparingly, and save your appointment space.....I wanted thoughts about this particular idea, but as usual someone had to go off topic....and there are plenty of comedians out of work as it stands wink If it keeps going the wrong direction, may as well close it.

Hang on here.

You post a thread about 1 alternative to reducing flakey models then you ask for our thoughts? Someone replied w/ basically why don't you just pay them some money. Then you counter that w/ your own legitimate views as to why you'd rather not.

The tangent was legitimate because it stemmed from your initial counterresponse.

Sep 07 06 02:09 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Have the models put down $25 to $50 on the first meeting and contract it out so that they will be given their money back as soon as they show up to the shoot. I have done this several times on people who I thought had a high "flake factor" and each time they showed up not only to shoot but also to  collect THEIR money.

Sep 07 06 02:14 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

AGFA Guy wrote:

Legacys 7 wrote:
AGFAGUY is missing many points here because he is trying to sum everything into one category. The world doesn't work like that.

Actually no I am not. I am posting in a thread called "An idea to reduce flaking likelihood on TFP? " I am not trying to sum the entire world of photography and modeling into one category, and I am not trying to do anything but talk about how to reduce flaking likelihood with TFP shoots. My idea is to pay the models a little bit of cash, because when you do that you separate yourself from the dozens of other requests they get for TFP shoots every week.

I have come to this conclusion after talking with many models from this site and from other sites like OMP.

When did I say it was always the solution? All I have said is that it works for me, like anything in life your mileage may vary.

Again anything free has no value, and TFP is free. On any given day a photog could shoot a wedding, shoot portraits, pets, news, models, etc, etc, etc, and get paid, or they could do the exact same things and shoot a model for TFP and not get paid. (work for free)

On any given day a model could be working somewhere doing something and making money. Or they could shoot TFP with any of a hundred photogs and not get paid (work for free), except to get a CD that costs 15 cents.

Nothing wrong with TFP, if it works for you great! If you are having fun with it great! Keep on doing it, more power to you. I played that game for a long time, I tried EVERYTHING including group shoots, and in the end I found it was much easier to drop a few bucks and hire the model I wanted to shoot with.


actually you did but in a indirect way. What you had addressed is that tfp or tfcd is lame. Ok, your point is that pay will resolve these issues here. My point is that many photographers have had models bail out on them even with pay.

Vance had made a valid point on anoither forum about bait and switch that he has expereinced on here. They are very clear what he is asking for on his profile, but once they get things going, suddenly the model drops the pay bomb on him.

The flake thing really isn't about paying. Yeah a suggestion has come up on here. Like you have gave your suggerstion and feel that this is the fact to why models flake, it isn't really but just another alternative that hasn't worked with many models who still flake. This is why I addressed the flake is a flake no matter what.

All of my models that I have worked with aren't a pay thing. Yeap, I'd like to pay them too, but can't just yet until I get my portfolio to I want it first. Once I do this then I can get paid jobs that the models can and will get paid for. But many models are aware of the tfcd/tfp deal because many of us do address this with the models before hand via phone, and the models state that they are familar and agree to it.

The flake issue is a more complex thing that isn't solely about pay. Lately for my first time ever in 1 week had some of the craziest ass excuses on the same day that we are suppose to shoot. They are fine that day that we are suppose to shioot, suddenly I have had two models in 2 days have car acciddents, a model who car first breaks down 3 times and the last time past out on her job because of a prescription, including a mua who passed out on her job too only to have her have a friend email me from her email and to top that off, was suppose to work on a make up job recently, spoke to both I and the model only to never show up at the model's house like we all agreed to do and haven't heard from her to this day.

The sad part is, these models, except for one asked to work with me.

Sep 07 06 03:06 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
I didn't start this thread to have a discussion about peoples' opinions about TFP.....this is a pretty sound idea to maximize time for people who want to do them selectively or sparingly, and save your appointment space.....I wanted thoughts about this particular idea, but as usual someone had to go off topic....and there are plenty of comedians out of work as it stands wink If it keeps going the wrong direction, may as well close it.

Thank you Jay. And that is why I said what I said to AGFAGUY.

Sep 07 06 03:10 pm Link