Forums > General Industry > An idea to reduce flaking likelyhood on TFP?


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

DigitalSwede wrote:
Have the models put down $25 to $50 on the first meeting and contract it out so that they will be given their money back as soon as they show up to the shoot. I have done this several times on people who I thought had a high "flake factor" and each time they showed up not only to shoot but also to  collect THEIR money.

Yeap, this is what I'm now doing. I had thought about Tony Lawrence when he had addressed this more than once. Well the idea is now working for me because one model understood my situation and has no problem as long we both have a understanding that she will get it back in the contract. We both agree. But if one doesn't show up, then they loose the money. But we know for the majority that this isn't going to happen. No one wants to lose money that they can't afford to give out.

Sep 07 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

Jay Farrell wrote:
I didn't start this thread to have a discussion about peoples' opinions about TFP.....

yet you said

Jay Farrell wrote:
Out of all my TFP requests, there are 3 that I would really like to shoot with, but due to retail demands this month, I wouldn't have time to do each of them here is what I am doing.............thoughts?

so you ask for thoughts and you got some, then complain about said thoughts? Next time don't ask for thoughts.

Sep 07 06 03:58 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

Hang on here.

You post a thread about 1 alternative to reducing flakey models then you ask for our thoughts? Someone replied w/ basically why don't you just pay them some money. Then you counter that w/ your own legitimate views as to why you'd rather not.

The tangent was legitimate because it stemmed from your initial counterresponse.

I only say that because I didn't want it to turn into a TFP bitch fest....or a model bashing thread......this is to try to help do something about the problems, not to have hecklers come in and give us the dead horse routine....which they have a point, that topic has been used up....that's just not where I hoped it would go.

Sep 07 06 05:51 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

AGFA Guy wrote:

Jay Farrell wrote:
I didn't start this thread to have a discussion about peoples' opinions about TFP.....

yet you said

so you ask for thoughts and you got some, then complain about said thoughts? Next time don't ask for thoughts.

I agree with some of what you are saying.....and I'm glad you posted....I can't say I agree about pay being the root of dependability issues, but if it works for you great....the problem is once the topic sways the least little bit, the emphasis of the whole thread changes, which is why I posted that.....don't feel so offended.

Sep 07 06 06:04 pm Link


Kevin Stenhouse

Posts: 2660

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

To reduce flaking may I suggest a good head on strong shoulders. Nothing like Head&Shoulders to reduce flaking.

Sep 07 06 06:26 pm Link