Forums > General Industry > Why won't anyone do fashion with me?


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom


I am wondering why no one seems to be interested in doing any fashion shoots with me? I have had a few photographers wanting to do fashion with me, but when i get there, we do, do some fashion, but then it turns in to them asking me to get my kit off basically, obviously i refuse, because i wasn't booked for doing underwear/topless. Don't get me wrong obviously i do glamour, but only when, i have been told that is what the shoot, will be. Also when i recieved the fashion pics from these certain photographers, they where, well shit, it seemed that they wern't really interested in doing fashion at all. What i would like to know is, why some photographers, lie, and why can't they be honest, obviously if it states that i do glamour, then why not just say that i want to book you for glamour, not lie aboutit and then expect the model to be ok with it. So what is wrong with me? Why can't any photographer genually take fashion shots of me? Let me know coz this kind of behaviour is giving me 2nd thoughts about being in the industry.

Sep 05 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:

I am wondering why no one seems to be interested in doing any fashion shoots with me? I have had a few photographers wanting to do fashion with me, but when i get there, we do, do some fashion, but then it turns in to them asking me to get my kit off basically, obviously i refuse, because i wasn't booked for doing underwear/topless. Don't get me wrong obviously i do glamour, but only when, i have been told that is what the shoot, will be. Also when i recieved the fashion pics from these certain photographers, they where, well shit, it seemed that they wern't really interested in doing fashion at all. What i would like to know is, why some photographers, lie, and why can't they be honest, obviously if it states that i do glamour, then why not just say that i want to book you for glamour, not lie aboutit and then expect the model to be ok with it. So what is wrong with me? Why can't any photographer genually take fashion shots of me? Let me know coz this kind of behaviour is giving me 2nd thoughts about being in the industry.

I think that you need to communicate more clearly when you are booked about the shoot. Even if that means that you tell them straight up, "hey, you are booking me for fashion. I won't be prepared to do glamour." Or, maybe you can ask them if they were thinking that they would shoot some glamour. If they say yes, be honest and let them know that you would like fashion in exchange for the glamour sitting. It's not that hard. SOme may take offense and decide not to shoot, but that's their loss. Otherwise, go ahead and book a photographer, even if you have to pay for it, to get those fashion shots you need for your portfolio. Sometimes, that's the best way to get what you need. To pay for it.

GOod luck!

Sep 05 06 09:40 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


When I looked at your port, it did not scream fashion model. Yes, you are 5'11, and even if you are telling the truth about your weight....36 inch hips....not great for fashion. Much better for glam.

Also, look at your resume, it doesn't scream "interested in fashion".

You should start approaching some fashion photographers (meaning, that's what they shoot...not glam/lingerie/nudes). Tell them what you're interests are and offer to bring a team with you (you can't do fashion without a mua, hairstylist and a fashion stylist...well, you can, but why not get the best shots you can get?) or you will use the one they recommend. I find that when I shoot with fashion photographers I never have to supply my own MUA because they have a ton that they love to work with...and it's because the full team is what makes a fashion shot, not just the tall pale lanky girl in the $30,000.00 dress in the middle of Times Square.

Don't wait for them to come to you-go get them.


Sep 05 06 10:05 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Daniela V wrote:
When I looked at your port, it did not scream fashion model. Yes, you are 5'11, and even if you are telling the truth about your weight....36 inch hips....not great for fashion. Much better for glam.

Also, look at your resume, it doesn't scream "interested in fashion".

You should start approaching some fashion photographers (meaning, that's what they shoot...not glam/lingerie/nudes). Tell them what you're interests are and offer to bring a team with you (you can't do fashion without a mua, hairstylist and a fashion stylist...well, you can, but why not get the best shots you can get?) or you will use the one they recommend. I find that when I shoot with fashion photographers I never have to supply my own MUA because they have a ton that they love to work with...and it's because the full team is what makes a fashion shot, not just the tall pale lanky girl in the $30,000.00 dress in the middle of Times Square.

Don't wait for them to come to you-go get them.


What she said.

Sep 05 06 10:11 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
I am wondering why no one seems to be interested in doing any fashion shoots with me?

If you really want to do fashion work, hire a photographer to do some great fashion work with you and then use it to market yourself, your current work doesn't inspire fashion.

Sep 05 06 10:16 am Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Daniela V wrote:
When I looked at your port, it did not scream fashion model. Yes, you are 5'11, and even if you are telling the truth about your weight....36 inch hips....not great for fashion. Much better for glam.

Also, look at your resume, it doesn't scream "interested in fashion".

You should start approaching some fashion photographers (meaning, that's what they shoot...not glam/lingerie/nudes). Tell them what you're interests are and offer to bring a team with you (you can't do fashion without a mua, hairstylist and a fashion stylist...well, you can, but why not get the best shots you can get?) or you will use the one they recommend. I find that when I shoot with fashion photographers I never have to supply my own MUA because they have a ton that they love to work with...and it's because the full team is what makes a fashion shot, not just the tall pale lanky girl in the $30,000.00 dress in the middle of Times Square.

Don't wait for them to come to you-go get them.


Daniella - You should take a look at your port.Dawn has more of a chance for fashion -she has a great look with her clothes on!!  jh

Sep 05 06 10:17 am Link


Paul Pardue Photography

Posts: 5459

Oakland, California, US

I'd shoot fashion with you, but you'll have to come to California okay?

Sep 05 06 10:19 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


john hill wrote:

Daniella - You should take a look at your port.Dawn has more of a chance for fashion -she has a great look with her clothes on!!  jh

um....I wasn't the OP hun. I was responding to her...

Sep 05 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
I am wondering why no one seems to be interested in doing any fashion shoots with me? I have had a few photographers wanting to do fashion with me, but when i get there, we do, do some fashion, but then it turns in to them asking me to get my kit off basically,

Well, I hate to say it, but I am wildly guessing that you have in other online profiles also mentioned that you are a lap dancer at the Pussy Cat Club.

I think that such a reference invites guys whose real intention is to get you nekkid.

If you streamline the tone of your profile and be stricter on what you display... even a bad fashionphoto maybe sending a more fashiony-signal to other photographers who do fashion, and may think that it's a bad photo, let's help her out with better ones.

Just thinking loud...

Sep 05 06 10:28 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Probably the photographers you are working with don't know what fashion is.  Be more selective with who you work with and you will get fewer shitty pictures.

Sep 05 06 10:30 am Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Daniela V wrote:

um....I wasn't the OP hun. I was responding to her...

Save the HUN for your myspace fans!!  jh

Sep 05 06 10:30 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


john hill wrote:

Save the HUN for your myspace fans!!  jh

wow...take a valium.

Sep 05 06 10:31 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


UdoR wrote:
Well, I hate to say it, but I am wildly guessing that you have in other online profiles also mentioned that you are a lap dancer at the Pussy Cat Club.

I 100% agree- that's the first thing you have does not scream "fashion model". I'm not even sure it screams "model". I would take that out....I don't think it benefits you.


Sep 05 06 10:33 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Daniela V wrote:

wow...take a valium.

You can call me Hun anytime you want, Doll.

Sep 05 06 10:36 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Like most are saying, change the look of your page and what you're putting forth. Also, go chase some photogs down that do do fashion.

Sep 05 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

I agree with everyone

Sep 05 06 10:41 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Dredful Jaymz wrote:

You can call me Hun anytime you want, Doll.

muah ;-)

Sep 05 06 10:41 am Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

I have never understood why some photographers would do this.  A fashion shoot can be just as sexy as a glamour shoot.  Sure most fashion tends to be more about the clothes, but the model is selling a lifestyle, and everybody wants to be sexy, powerful, and unique. 

To the OP, You may need to work more at the fashion goal, even if you have to invest in your career by paying a photographer at least once to kick start your portfolio in the desired direction.  Where are you getting your photographers?  Does their work screem fashion, or at least somthing you desire, if not, then they usually will steer you in the direction they feel most comfortable in or at least to what they really want.

If you were close, I would shoot fashion with you.

Sep 05 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 98

I'll be in Brighton in November, I'll shoot a set at the Pavillion if you want. Contact directly if interested.

Sep 05 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I have to agree with most of the other posters. Leave the avatar as it is a nice start but get rid of the others. STATE in your profile what you want as it is NOT clear. As someone said find a photographer who will shoot fashion and spell it out for him. F-A-S-H-I-O-N ! smile with CLOTHES! smile

NOT trying to be critical at all. I DO love the avatar!!! Good luck to you!

Sep 05 06 10:47 am Link


Andrew Thomas Clifton

Posts: 29



double ha, even.

Sep 05 06 10:55 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

If you don't like the modleing industry you can go back to being a sex worker.

Take down the profile comments where you give lap dances!!!!
make your profile a bit more profesional perhaps state you want to shoot fashion.
then get rid of half the nude work on you images and put up some clothed ones.

Pay a great photographer who does fashion.

Sep 05 06 11:18 am Link


Yasmin Al Tellawy

Posts: 179

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

Iona Lynn wrote:
If you don't like the modleing industry you can go back to being a sex worker.

Take down the profile comments where you give lap dances!!!!
make your profile a bit more profesional perhaps state you want to shoot fashion.
then get rid of half the nude work on you images and put up some clothed ones.

Pay a great photographer who does fashion.

Have to say.. Very well said!
I opened your portfolio.. The top of your credits says lap-dancer? Sorry but that alone without looking at pictures is gonna say she likes to take her clothes off. That is not a modeling credit.. Thats a.. Well I dont know what to put that under..
So then I look at your pictures.. Glamour written all over it! If you dont want to do that sort of work then take that off and get serious.. Write it on your profile what your limits are, get rid of the nudity styled profile and re-vamp it to be proffessional.
Please dont take this as a nasty comment, purely just giving advise from your original question!

                                         Yasmin xx

Sep 05 06 11:24 am Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

It's easy to change your profile, so just change it to say what you want to shoot. Given that you're attractive, it should be easy to get a bunch of editorial style shoots with the right message. 

By removing dancer and erotica festival, you won't need to weed through as much email.

Sep 05 06 11:25 am Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

I just noticed your profile says paid assignments only. I'd remove that part until you build up an awesome fashion/editorial port.

Sep 05 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

john hill wrote:
Daniella - You should take a look at your port.Dawn has more of a chance for fashion -she has a great look with her clothes on!!  jh

Wow wtf? Danielle wasn't asking for a critque, how rude of you john? Both girls have a great look and I'm sure weren't looking to be compared?

Sep 05 06 11:28 am Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Iona Lynn wrote:
If you don't like the modleing industry you can go back to being a sex worker.

Take down the profile comments where you give lap dances!!!!
make your profile a bit more profesional perhaps state you want to shoot fashion.
then get rid of half the nude work on you images and put up some clothed ones.

Pay a great photographer who does fashion.

Sex worker? Erm love, I don't know where you live, but in England, well in Brighton, in England, Lapdancing in Brighton, where i used to work, wasn't sex work, it was dancing around a pole with underwear on, not topless/nude. And the closest we got to nudity was topless when we where doing a actual lap dancer. Sex worker indeed.

Sep 05 06 11:29 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:

Sex worker? Erm love, I don't know where you live, but in England, well in Brighton, in England, Lapdancing in Brighton, where i used to work, wasn't sex work, it was dancing around a pole with underwear on, not topless/nude. And the closest we got to nudity was topless when we where doing a actual lap dancer. Sex worker indeed.

Iona is right. In fact, that seems to be the general consensus. Take that out of your profile.

Ask yourself this...what in my profile benefits me in the modeling industry? What type of work are you hoping to get by informing everyone that you give lap dances?


Sep 05 06 11:30 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Afinity wrote:

Wow wtf? Danielle wasn't asking for a critque, how rude of you john? Both girls have a great look and I'm sure weren't looking to be compared?

I think John just woke up on the wrong side of an ugly girl's bed this morning ;-)

Thanks Afinity...I am in love with your avi!


Sep 05 06 11:32 am Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

I would also like to point out that LAP DANCING doesn't mean nude, My lap Dancing involved:

*Dancing around a pole, with underwear on, not nude/topless.

*Dancing for customers in a crowded room, no private shows, and the closest we got to nudity was topless.

Also Why should i change my glamour shots, as i still like doing glamour, I would just like to do some fashion shoots, so i can build up my portfolio, with various looks.

I know that here in England there is some nude clubs around, but the club that i worked in, was topless.

Sep 05 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Daniela V wrote:

I think John just woke up on the wrong side of an ugly girl's bed this morning ;-)

Thanks Afinity...I am in love with your avi!


Lol thanks

Sep 05 06 11:37 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Sep 05 06 11:37 am Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Showing that i used to be a lap dancer, does not indicate that i give lap dances. It was i job that i did, which helped me get into modelling, working in the lap dancing industry, you get to meet interesting people, and they are not all pervs, most of the men we got where out on a stag doo, and we got groups of women aswell and no they wernt gay, they wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so generally, you get desent people who visit and work in the industry. The only time i gave lap dances was when i was working as a lap dancer in a club, i do not do that work anymore, which means that i do not lap dance anymore. But as i said its where i started. Evereyone has to start somewhere.

Sep 05 06 11:40 am Link


Yasmin Al Tellawy

Posts: 179

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
I would also like to point out that LAP DANCING doesn't mean nude, My lap Dancing involved:

*Dancing around a pole, with underwear on, not nude/topless.

*Dancing for customers in a crowded room, no private shows, and the closest we got to nudity was topless.

Also Why should i change my glamour shots, as i still like doing glamour, I would just like to do some fashion shoots, so i can build up my portfolio, with various looks.

I know that here in England there is some nude clubs around, but the club that i worked in, was topless.

Well im From England, London and I understand what you are saying.
However, Back to the point everyone seems to be making.. What does it do for you with regards to modeling? Nothing.
Glamour and the Fashion industry.. 2 very different things.
You maybe need to focus on what it is that you really want do do. Do you want to be a glamour model or do you want to be a fashion model? You need to decided.
I run a very success model agency, I started it in London and have now moved it to California, And from my proffesional opinion, I would never consider taking on a girl who came to me with a portfolio like yours and resume like urs if she was saying she wanted to be in the fashion industry.
As any company and they will more than likely think the same. you over profile is giving of a glamour girl image only.

As for the everyone has to start somewhere comment you made about lapdancing, lol.. no.. thats not a way to start into modeling, not at all!

I think you maybe just need to actually get serious about the business.

No-one here is tryign to be nasty in what they are saying.. well Im certainly not, you asked a question so Im just giving you a truthful answer with no nastiness intended!
And no-one should be giving one another nasty comments within this!!

                                       Yasmin xx

Sep 05 06 11:42 am Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Also my lap dancing isn't the point i am trying to make, the point is, if photographers want me for glamour then just say so, i don't understand what benifits they get by lying about what they want me to do. Also i am reading all your comments and i appreciate evryone, Thank you for your input. One thing i will say i am not changing my glamour pics, as i would like a variety of stuff on there.

Sep 05 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Showing that i used to be a lap dancer, does not indicate that i give lap dances. It was i job that i did, which helped me get into modelling, working in the lap dancing industry, you get to meet interesting people, and they are not all pervs, most of the men we got where out on a stag doo, and we got groups of women aswell and no they wernt gay, they wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so generally, you get desent people who visit and work in the industry. The only time i gave lap dances was when i was working as a lap dancer in a club, i do not do that work anymore, which means that i do not lap dance anymore. But as i said its where i started. Evereyone has to start somewhere.

Fine, but how is it relevant to modeling? It's not. The only thing it suggests is you took your top off for money and can swing around a pole. Hardly a "craft" worth mentioning in your profile if you wish to be taken seriously as a model.

Sep 05 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 3379

Los Angeles, California, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Showing that i used to be a lap dancer, does not indicate that i give lap dances. It was i job that i did, which helped me get into modelling, working in the lap dancing industry, you get to meet interesting people, and they are not all pervs, most of the men we got where out on a stag doo, and we got groups of women aswell and no they wernt gay, they wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so generally, you get desent people who visit and work in the industry. The only time i gave lap dances was when i was working as a lap dancer in a club, i do not do that work anymore, which means that i do not lap dance anymore. But as i said its where i started. Evereyone has to start somewhere.

When people mentioned you have lap danceer in your port I thought they were kidding. Went back and there it was. I have nothing against lap dancers--your physique suggests you were good at it; however, it doesn't ADD to your request to be considered to do a fashion shot. Neither do most of your photos in your port. I have nothing against your photos or stated previous jobs, but you need to focus on your objective. I have the same problem, but can easily solve it when needed.

Sep 05 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 3379

Los Angeles, California, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Also my lap dancing isn't the point i am trying to make, the point is, if photographers want me for glamour then just say so, i don't understand what benifits they get by lying about what they want me to do. Also i am reading all your comments and i appreciate evryone, Thank you for your input. One thing i will say i am not changing my glamour pics, as i would like a variety of stuff on there.

Well, since you are adament about no changes, then the obvius is you must query the photographer up front about his desires and tell him rather strongly that you want fashion ONLY and you will leave the moment he strays from that. You might compromise and tell them you will do fashion first then glamour after! I will tell you that it is VERY difficult for a photographer to be good at both though! Look closely at their port to see their work. If you see a lot of "nudity" and little fashion--well DUH?

Sep 05 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Showing that i used to be a lap dancer, does not indicate that i give lap dances. It was i job that i did, which helped me get into modelling, working in the lap dancing industry, you get to meet interesting people, and they are not all pervs, most of the men we got where out on a stag doo, and we got groups of women aswell and no they wernt gay, they wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so generally, you get desent people who visit and work in the industry. The only time i gave lap dances was when i was working as a lap dancer in a club, i do not do that work anymore, which means that i do not lap dance anymore. But as i said its where i started. Evereyone has to start somewhere.

It's not actually relivant to your modeling career. If you want to do fashion, only put stuff on your portfolio that has something to do with fashion... You are acting offended to peoples suggestions, they are just trying to help you, you did ask for help. I sent you an PM with other suggestions...

Sep 05 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 3379

Los Angeles, California, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:

Sex worker? Erm love, I don't know where you live, but in England, well in Brighton, in England, Lapdancing in Brighton, where i used to work, wasn't sex work, it was dancing around a pole with underwear on, not topless/nude. And the closest we got to nudity was topless when we where doing a actual lap dancer. Sex worker indeed.


Come on!! Do you think your lap dance customers; while you were gyrating topless on their lap, had no sexual interest?? I had to mention that.
Also due to my port here many models don't consider me for fashion shots even though that is mainly what I am interested in!

Sep 05 06 11:55 am Link