Forums > General Industry > Why won't anyone do fashion with me?



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I would say here is how to go about it,

1. find an awesome photographer in your area who does fashion work you want in your portfolio. Find out his rates.

2. Do some paid topless glamous shoots to get the money together to pay his rates

3. Get some great fashion shots done.

4. Change your rate to depends on assignment

5. Have your profile state that you will only do TFP for fashion/editorial style photos.

6. Take out the reference to lap dancer, if this site was mainly in England I would tell my burlesque dancer friends to remove that from their ports as burlesque out here is nothing like what the word means in English.

Understand you audience is mostly from America. American photographers will look for models in areas they are travelling to on vactation, but  they will not understand your profile. Because of that you will get offers you don't want, and not ones that you do want.

You are very pretty, with the chance of being someone I would use in a fashion shoot, but the level of your work would make me unable to book you as a TFCD.

Just as you would charge me if I wanted to do art nudes of you, or glamous shots, I would have to charge you to do fashion shoots.

The way to fix that is to get some great fashion shots.


Sep 05 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US
This is a nice fashion shot of you, you should add it to your portfolio. Also more shots with clothes on! Fashion is about clothes!

Also your AVI, why isn't that in your images so people can comment on it?

Sep 05 06 12:04 pm Link


Who Is Tonie

Posts: 85

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I would suggest for you to take a picture of yourself dressed in a high fashion outfit and see the results for yourself. If it looks good, make sure you email the pic to a photographer who is interested in shooting only fashion. I can picture you as a fashion model. Good luck!

Sep 05 06 12:20 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Ok everyone listen up.

I have read all your comments, and i have noticed that lap dancing seems to be an issue, in the fashion world.So i have taken your advise, and changed my porfolio. I have taken off the glamour photos, and taken off the LAP DANCING, and EROTICA FESTIVAL. So thank you for pointing out what was wrong with my port. However i did find some of the comments about the lap danicing industry abit small minded. Unless you have worked or been around the industry then you cannot comment on lap dancing and how it works. Also seeing it on T.V don't count. But thanks. Know let me know what you think of my port.

Sep 05 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Ok everyone listen up.

I have read all your comments, and i have noticed that lap dancing seems to be an issue, in the fashion world.So i have taken your advise, and changed my porfolio. I have taken off the glamour photos, and taken off the LAP DANCING, and EROTICA FESTIVAL. So thank you for pointing out what was wrong with my port. However i did find some of the comments about the lap danicing industry abit small minded. Unless you have worked or been around the industry then you cannot comment on lap dancing and how it works. Also seeing it on T.V don't count. But thanks. Know let me know what you think of my port.

Looks great girl! I left you some comments. You should do well! Also add your picture we see next to your name (Avi or avatar) and I'll leave you a comment on that as well!

Sep 05 06 12:22 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Afinity wrote:
This is a nice fashion shot of you, you should add it to your portfolio. Also more shots with clothes on! Fashion is about clothes!

Also your AVI, why isn't that in your images so people can comment on it?

Erm how did you get this pic, when its not on my port?

Sep 05 06 12:24 pm Link


Yasmin Al Tellawy

Posts: 179

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

Profile looks a lot better! Those shots you put up instead of the other ones are great!

                                             Yasmin xx

Sep 05 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:

Erm how did you get this pic, when its not on my port?

Its on someone elses port who said they worked with you smile

Sep 05 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Ok everyone listen up.

I have read all your comments, and i have noticed that lap dancing seems to be an issue, in the fashion world.So i have taken your advise, and changed my porfolio. I have taken off the glamour photos, and taken off the LAP DANCING, and EROTICA FESTIVAL. So thank you for pointing out what was wrong with my port. However i did find some of the comments about the lap danicing industry abit small minded. Unless you have worked or been around the industry then you cannot comment on lap dancing and how it works. Also seeing it on T.V don't count. But thanks. Know let me know what you think of my port.

I have worked in internet porn (a shooter not a model), and as an extra on American films (so many of the girls are strippers as they try to pay for acting classes) for 3 years. I have many stripper friends. I am guessing I know about the industry,


Sep 05 06 12:28 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Afinity wrote:

Its on someone elses port who said they worked with you smile

Ok thanks for your lovely comments, it really helped. I shall look at your port in a mo, after i look at this guys port, i have a funny feeling i know who it is.

Sep 05 06 12:30 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Hi I’m Emily, I have been doing modeling for 6 years, and still waiting for that big break. I would like for my career to reach new levels such as being more known in the industry, television presenting, or even being an extra in a film. What I do not want is time wasters. I just wish to work with nice professional people willing to take my modeling seriously.

Here is a version 2.3 with spell check and proper capitalization.

No one thinks badly of you for doing lap dancing, it just has no place on this modeling website. I have danced at numerous clubs and venues, If I audition to dance at a new one I'll let them know who I have danced for before, If I audition for a fashion shoot I’ll show them my fashion book, if I test for a nude shoot I'll bring my nude book.

Sep 05 06 12:50 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Iona Lynn wrote:
Hi I’m Emily, I have been doing modeling for 6 years, and still waiting for that big break. I would like for my career to reach new levels such as being more known in the industry, television presenting, or even being an extra in a film. What I do not want is time wasters. I just wish to work with nice professional people willing to take my modeling seriously.

Here is a version 2.3 with spell check and proper capitalization.

No one thinks badly of you for doing lap dancing, it just has no place on this modeling website. I have danced at numerous clubs and venues, If I audition to dance at a new one I'll let them know who I have danced for before, If I audition for a fashion shoot I’ll show them my fashion book, if I test for a nude shoot I'll bring my nude book.

Spelling isn't really my strong point, but hey nobodies perfect.

Sep 05 06 12:59 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Spelling isn't really my strong point, but hey nobodies perfect.

I can't. I just can't.

COME. ON. That is a lame excuse and you can't use excuses in this industry.

So spelling isn't your strong point? Ok, let's hypothetically say that you are up against one other model for a job. You both have the same look, the same experience, the same attitude, etc. Her profile is professional with correct grammar and spelling. Yours, on the other hand, is not.

You won't get the job.

The point is, while no one is perfect, the client/photographer/whatever is looking for as close to perfect as they can get.

Why not just go and make sure your profile looks professional, and yes, that means check for spelling and grammatical errors. Frankly, if you're too lazy to check that, I wonder how lazy of a model you are.

You need to have the mindset and the capability to say "I am doing everything in my power to get ahead, and, what I am not doing, is my choice, and should it interfere with my career, that is a choice that I, and no one else, made." Be the best that you can be. Is the best that you can be a model with horrible grammar? I doubt it.

Someone will always be better than you...but it's up to you if it's 10 somebodies or 100 somebodies. Don't make it easy for everyone else to surpass you.

*gets off soap box*


Sep 05 06 01:09 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

*bangs head*

I can't spell worth a damn either. I used spell check!!
I have writer friends who I make read my written bio and then proofread for me.

You were given a ton of advice and even more advice that what you asked for. Read it, use it, and stop making excuses for yourself.

MM has over 200,000 members how do you make your self stand out?

Sep 05 06 01:15 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:

Sex worker? Erm love, I don't know where you live, but in England, well in Brighton, in England, Lapdancing in Brighton, where i used to work, wasn't sex work, it was dancing around a pole with underwear on, not topless/nude. And the closest we got to nudity was topless when we where doing a actual lap dancer. Sex worker indeed.

Point is that to any man the word Stripper or Lap Dancer only means Woman who like to show off her body. It is true if you want to advertize your work for Fashion only list those style which you want to be concidered for. When i look for ports to see what models want to work for tfp i dont go to their pages if it says Paid only. I don't bother or waist my time or the models. So Photographers who look at your page. No matter how innocent you think being a dancer may be. Photographers are just gonna have one thought in their minds. NUDES and More NUDES.

Sep 05 06 01:19 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Daniela V wrote:

I can't. I just can't.

COME. ON. That is a lame excuse and you can't use excuses in this industry.

So spelling isn't your strong point? Ok, let's hypothetically say that you are up against one other model for a job. You both have the same look, the same experience, the same attitude, etc. Her profile is professional with correct grammar and spelling. Yours, on the other hand, is not.

You won't get the job.

The point is, while no one is perfect, the client/photographer/whatever is looking for as close to perfect as they can get.

Why not just go and make sure your profile looks professional, and yes, that means check for spelling and grammatical errors. Frankly, if you're too lazy to check that, I wonder how lazy of a model you are.

You need to have the mindset and the capability to say "I am doing everything in my power to get ahead, and, what I am not doing, is my choice, and should it interfere with my career, that is a choice that I, and no one else, made." Be the best that you can be. Is the best that you can be a model with horrible grammar? I doubt it.

Someone will always be better than you...but it's up to you if it's 10 somebodies or 100 somebodies. Don't make it easy for everyone else to surpass you.

*gets off soap box*


OK abit to serious. I checked my port and i just had a few error's. This would not make me lose out on a job. As when you go to open castings, the director's are not looking at you and thinking, "hmmm i wonder if she can spell". I said that my spelling wasn't my strong point, doesn't mean that i am compleatly useless at spelling.

Sep 05 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
MM has over 200,000 members how do you make your self stand out?

Uh, with a body like hers?  Put the nudes back in the profile. 

Fashion shooters do nudes too.  The problem is that she has not chosen well (which may be a problem of where she lives - not sure how many good fashion photographers are near her).  "Trade" can mean just that.  Choose a person who shoots what you want, and shoots it well.  Ask them to do some of what you want, and you will do some of what they want.

Or pay for a professional test - I'm sure you can find some good ones available in London.

Sep 05 06 01:23 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Also, for me to Say that "spelling isn't my strong point", dosn't mean that i am making excuses for myself, and if you checked my port again, you will see that i have taken peoples advice and changed it to more of a fashion feel.  I think some people need to chill out abit more, and stop taking things so seriously.

Sep 05 06 01:25 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Also, for me to Say that "spelling isn't my strong point", dosn't mean that i am making excuses for myself, and if you checked my port again, you will see that i have taken peoples advice and changed it to more of a fashion feel.  I think some people need to chill out abit more, and stop taking things so seriously.

No. YOU are the one that needs to START taking the modeling business seriously, or why bother asking for advice at all? Furthermore, if you're not going to take this business seriously, then you will be lumped into the tens of thousands of "models" on here that play with camera phones and post those pictures in their portfolio.

You can't even post a response correctly...see corrections below:

"Also, for me to Say (say) that "spelling isn't my strong point", dosn't (doesn't) mean that i (I) am making excuses for myself, (borderline run-on) and if you checked my port again, you will see that i (I) have taken peoples (peoples?) advice and changed it to more of a fashion feel.  I think some people need to chill out abit (a bit) more, and stop taking things so seriously."

If you want serious advice, then start acting like a serious model instead of a girl that lap dances and wonders why no one will shoot her for fashion. Take the advice of so many people on here. Modeling is serious. If you can't be serious, you will blend into the background. Is that what you want? If it is, you may as well tell everyone to shove their opinions and constructive criticism because they are wasting their breath on someone that apparantly doesn't need it or plan on using it.

*throws soap box out of frustration*


Sep 05 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Also, for me to Say that "spelling isn't my strong point", dosn't mean that i am making excuses for myself, and if you checked my port again, you will see that i have taken peoples advice and changed it to more of a fashion feel.  I think some people need to chill out abit more, and stop taking things so seriously.

They merely mean to say that correct editing marks a professional demeanor and presentation and that's what you're going after, is it not? If you're not going to treat becoming a versatile model as a profession, then no... it's not necessary to take it seriously. If being a professional is important to you, then all aspects of your presentation have to be addressed with the same attention to detail as the shooting.

It's an unfortunate fact that you will be judged by how you present yourself. The level of attention you put forth says something about you and how your prospective photographers or employers will perceive you, at least at the outset. The better the overall presentation, the better the chances for getting your foot in the door. It's meant to do that and nothing more. Everything else is left up to you and how you conduct yourself.

Glad to see you revised your bio to leave out the lap dancing part. Regardless of the differences between the US and UK of how that industry works, it is completely irrelevant to your present modeling aims and has no business being there.

Sep 05 06 01:50 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Daniela V wrote:

No. YOU are the one that needs to START taking the modeling business seriously, or why bother asking for advice at all? Furthermore, if you're not going to take this business seriously, then you will be lumped into the tens of thousands of "models" on here that play with camera phones and post those pictures in their portfolio.

You can't even post a response correctly...see corrections below:

"Also, for me to Say (say) that "spelling isn't my strong point", dosn't (doesn't) mean that i (I) am making excuses for myself, (borderline run-on) and if you checked my port again, you will see that i (I) have taken peoples (peoples?) advice and changed it to more of a fashion feel.  I think some people need to chill out abit (a bit) more, and stop taking things so seriously."

If you want serious advice, then start acting like a serious model instead of a girl that lap dances and wonders why no one will shoot her for fashion. Take the advice of so many people on here. Modeling is serious. If you can't be serious, you will blend into the background. Is that what you want? If it is, you may as well tell everyone to shove their opinions and constructive criticism because they are wasting their breath on someone that apparantly doesn't need it or plan on using it.

*throws soap box out of frustration*


Although you are stunning, and have a very good port, you also have a very high opinion of your self, and come across very patronising. I know i have a spelling problem, and it is something that i need to work at, but i do not need long essays telling me how shit i am. Also i am reading everyone's comments criticising or not, and i value everyone of them, but they are not writing to me thinking that they are better than me, coming across all miss high and mighty. Yes my spelling is a problem, but half the time it's because i am a fast typer, and add letters or make a few mistakes now and again. I have also taken peoples advice, and changed my port, to more of a fashion feel. I will also make it my goal to get noticed, spelling or no spelling (Sarcasam on the spelling part) or do you not get our British sence of humer. I am not being horrible, i just don't like being talked down to. I except all critcism, but not when it feels like i am being patronised. Oh one other thing the way the British spell is sometimes different, to american spelling, so although you may see some mistakes, they may not be. Plus if you can except criticism, you really need to chill out and stop talking down to people, it don't do you any favours.

Sep 05 06 02:04 pm Link


Ivan S Harris

Posts: 96

San Diego, California, US

I would like to do fashion, you have anything in mind?

Sep 05 06 02:07 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
When I looked at your port, it did not scream fashion model. Yes, you are 5'11, and even if you are telling the truth about your weight....36 inch hips....not great for fashion. Much better for glam.

Also, look at your resume, it doesn't scream "interested in fashion".

You should start approaching some fashion photographers (meaning, that's what they shoot...not glam/lingerie/nudes). Tell them what you're interests are and offer to bring a team with you (you can't do fashion without a mua, hairstylist and a fashion stylist...well, you can, but why not get the best shots you can get?) or you will use the one they recommend. I find that when I shoot with fashion photographers I never have to supply my own MUA because they have a ton that they love to work with...and it's because the full team is what makes a fashion shot, not just the tall pale lanky girl in the $30,000.00 dress in the middle of Times Square.

Don't wait for them to come to you-go get them.


Ya know...I think I just fell in love with ya!

That couldn't be said better.
Good for you.
Finally someone gets it.

Sep 05 06 02:16 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

john hill wrote:

Save the HUN for your myspace fans!!  jh

Whoa dude what's with the attitude?
Chill man chill

Sep 05 06 02:20 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Emily Sarcos-Leonard wrote:
Although you are stunning, and have a very good port, you also have a very high opinion of your self, and come across very patronising. I know i have a spelling problem, and it is something that i need to work at, but i do not need long essays telling me how shit i am. Also i am reading everyone's comments criticising or not, and i value everyone of them, but they are not writing to me thinking that they are better than me, coming across all miss high and mighty. Yes my spelling is a problem, but half the time it's because i am a fast typer, and add letters or make a few mistakes now and again. I have also taken peoples advice, and changed my port, to more of a fashion feel. I will also make it my goal to get noticed, spelling or no spelling (Sarcasam on the spelling part) or do you not get our British sence of humer. I am not being horrible, i just don't like being talked down to. I except all critcism, but not when it feels like i am being patronised. Oh one other thing the way the British spell is sometimes different, to american spelling, so although you may see some mistakes, they may not be. Plus if you can except criticism, you really need to chill out and stop talking down to people, it don't do you any favours.

And your ebonics doesn't do you any favors.

Fine. Forget everything I said. Perhaps if I had sugar coated it you would've felt better about yourself.

I wasn't being egotistical and not once did I compare your work to mine and vic/versa. I simply pointed out what you needed to do to improve and told you to stop making excuses. You, are unwilling to listen, and will only listen to those that are complimenting you, or speak to you how you feel you DESERVED to be spoken to. Who thinks highly of herself now?

I'm not the one that came on here looking for help and comments. You did. I never said you were "shit", and all I commented on was your style in your portfolio and your grammar and spelling. If you'll go back to re-read my first post to you, I told you what I thought you could do to shoot with more fashion photographers.

That said, no one on here has to help you. It's one big competition, and no one has to give away any helpful hints, but they do nonetheless. You should be thankful, not argumentative.

But, you do what you want. Let's see where you are in six months.


Sep 05 06 02:21 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Howard Garcia wrote:

Ya know...I think I just fell in love with ya!

That couldn't be said better.
Good for you.
Finally someone gets it.


Sep 05 06 02:24 pm Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Daniela V wrote:

And your ebonics doesn't do you any favors.

Fine. Forget everything I said. Perhaps if I had sugar coated it you would've felt better about yourself.

I wasn't being egotistical and not once did I compare your work to mine and vic/versa. I simply pointed out what you needed to do to improve and told you to stop making excuses. You, are unwilling to listen, and will only listen to those that are complimenting you, or speak to you how you feel you DESERVED to be spoken to. Who thinks highly of herself now?

I'm not the one that came on here looking for help and comments. You did. I never said you were "shit", and all I commented on was your style in your portfolio and your grammar and spelling. If you'll go back to re-read my first post to you, I told you what I thought you could do to shoot with more fashion photographers.

That said, no one on here has to help you. It's one big competition, and no one has to give away any helpful hints, but they do nonetheless. You should be thankful, not argumentative.

But, you do what you want. Let's see where you are in six months.


yes i did come on here looking for a helping hand, and i don't just listen to other people, because they have made a nice comment. if i did that then i would not have changed my port would i, because i do not see anything wrong with lapdancing, but if it helps more not to have it on my port then i won't use it. All i was saying, it seemed as though you were coming across quite patronising, not saying that you are, because i don't even know you, just like you don't know me, and i got angry when you said that i was making excuses, when i am not, i was mearly pointing out my weeknesses, for some usefull inputs. But your comments just came across like they did. I don't know maybe we have got off on the wrong footing, I am sure that you are a lovely girl, no hard feelings. wink

Sep 05 06 02:34 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I have one suggestion for the OP, since you've already taken the advice about removing the lapdancing info & extraneous nudes (tho I agree with Tx that one or 2 high quality fashion nudes like the recent shots of Kate Moss would help draw positive attention)
You almost certainly have a program like MS Word that has a spell check built in
Since you know you have some issues with spelling & typing, when you're posting type your thoughts out in that program first and use the spell & grammar check, then copy & paste it here
It'll only add a few seconds to your time, and it'll make it easy to correct things
This isn't a slam, BTW, just a suggestion on how to make things easier  smile

Sep 05 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

monte hooper photograph wrote:
I'll be in Brighton in November, I'll shoot a set at the Pavillion if you want. Contact directly if interested.

*sigh*  But the OP is looking to shoot fashion.

Sep 05 06 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Afinity wrote:
This is a nice fashion shot of you, you should add it to your portfolio. Also more shots with clothes on! Fashion is about clothes!

The OP looks very pretty in it, but I would respectfully disagree that this is a "fashion" shot.  There is much more than just the clothes to make "fashion".

And what TX said is very true.  You have a great body.

Sep 05 06 05:21 pm Link