Forums > General Industry > 9/11 Themed Shoots.



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

I have seen several requests floating about for 9/11 themed shots.

Just don't.

It is near impossible to pull off something that isn't trashy,cheesy or otherwise repugnant, I have yet to hear a concept that doesn't make me cringe.

The American flag is not a pretty colored toga.

Nobody wants to see your trampy ass wrapped in the flag, with some combat boots on, biting your nail with the words " NEVAR FORGET 9/11" etched in with MS paint. Nobody.

Seriously, was the movie not enough for you guys?
Give it a rest.

Sep 03 06 11:31 pm Link


Roxy Ellenwood

Posts: 11

Snohomish, Washington, US

you could wear jeans and a t shirt (with a bra i might add haha) and look sad. but other than that uh no.

Sep 03 06 11:34 pm Link



Posts: 6129

awful notion. thank you Ms Bea for pointing that out.
if i see it, you have my word i will hunt the culprit down and roast the pig in jet fuel.

Sep 03 06 11:34 pm Link



Posts: 5446

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
I have seen several requests floating about for 9/11 themed shots.

Just don't.

It is near impossible to pull off something that isn't trashy,cheesy or otherwise repugnant, I have yet to hear a concept that doesn't make me cringe.

The American flag is not a pretty colored toga.

Nobody wants to see your trampy ass wrapped in the flag, with some combat boots on, biting your nail with the words " NEVAR FORGET 9/11" etched in with MS paint. Nobody.

Seriously, was the movie not enough for you guys?
Give it a rest.

WTF is a 9/11 themed shoot. 

I here ya Nemi.

Sep 03 06 11:34 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

What concept on this topic would not make you cringe? 
Perhaps you can give some insight on a way to make a 9/11 themed shoot less cheesey?

I personally would like to see it tackled but i will agree please leave the flag and attemps to bring sexualtiy to the shoot alone.

Sep 03 06 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 1327

New York, New York, US

A June 9th themed shoot, however, is more than welcome.

Think about it.

Sep 03 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

swhnyc wrote:
A June 9th themed shoot, however, is more than welcome.

Think about it.

Not sure what I'm supposed to be thinking about...but yes, a June 9th shoot is more than welcome.

Sep 03 06 11:43 pm Link



Posts: 5216


I saw the original, refuse to see the movie
Don’t …just don’t

Sep 03 06 11:43 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
Just don't.

Thank you.  Thank you.

Sep 04 06 12:30 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

leave it alone.

Sep 04 06 12:34 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

swhnyc wrote:
A June 9th themed shoot, however, is more than welcome.

Think about it.

Or a November 9 themed shoot.

Don't think about it.

Sep 04 06 12:34 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

I'm with you on don't do it, step away from the idea.

Unless you can make an earthshattering picture around it, not a half naked chick with a flag and some high heels(if I see it, you will be slapped), then do not even try. I'm not kidding though, if I see you using it to get a girl half naked or to try and cash in on it, I will slap you.

Sep 04 06 12:37 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

as a artist , i really think we have to touch even the touchiest subjects esp 9-11.  why should we censor ourselves? seriously a 9-11 theme shoot can be done but ya its gonna get you tons of flak, perhaps a death threat or more and you might have to go into hiding.  but all done in the name of creative freedom.  i have some ideas for a shoot but ill prob get tons of shit for it so ill keep it to myself.

Sep 04 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 255

Valencia, California, US

Soon after 9/11 I had a dream and this is the result....

So it is possible...


Sep 04 06 12:43 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
I have seen several requests floating about for 9/11 themed shots.

Just don't.

This is the patch my squadron designed during OEF.  As you can see on the date, my airwing (Carrier Air Wing 11) participated in the first 3 months of OEF back in the fall of 2001.  USS Carl Vinson flew the first airstrikes against the Taliban on 7th October, 2001.  I still wear this patch on my flight jacket today.

Sep 04 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

This thread makes it's own gravy... (I mean "point"..)  Bad notion.

Sep 04 06 01:01 am Link



Posts: 6129

missing fingers product wrote:
as a artist , i really think we have to touch even the touchiest subjects esp 9-11.  why should we censor ourselves? seriously a 9-11 theme shoot can be done but ya its gonna get you tons of flak, perhaps a death threat or more and you might have to go into hiding.  but all done in the name of creative freedom.  i have some ideas for a shoot but ill prob get tons of shit for it so ill keep it to myself.

you shouldn't do it cause i might have to kill you for doing so. no, i dont need the memory of family and friends to become fodder for some faux art garbage. if you had images of the event itself thats a completely other story. but 9-11 themed shoot? its called exploitive.

Sep 04 06 01:04 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

oldguysrule wrote:

you shouldn't do it cause i might have to kill you for doing so. no, i dont need the memory of family and friends to become fodder for some faux art garbage. if you had images of the event itself thats a completely other story. but 9-11 themed shoot? its called exploitive.

Oldguy:  How do you feel about the recent "9/11" themed movies?  I think they were done in good taste and to honor those who sacrificed their lives to save others and those innocently lost.

Lots of "art" has been created to honor/commerate tragic events or human loss.

The Black wall (Vietnam War memorial) comes to mind, as does the reflection pool.  I have seen lots of tattoos to the same effect.  Since when was it taboo to help ease the pain of suffering thru art?   As long as it is done in good taste, their is nothing wrong with it.  In fact, the two towers of light was an artistic homage, was it not?

Sep 04 06 01:14 am Link



Posts: 6129

honestly, they are exploitive... inevitable, but exploitive.
there are thousands of photographs and some beautiful books of those photographs. what possible reason would one have for a 9-11 themed shoot if not to capitalize on the event? there is no possible purpose served other than the generation of $$.

hiroshima-themed shoot anyone? chernobyl-themed shoot? etc...

you would have to work hard to convince me that anything can be learned, and even harder if the 'art' card was played.

Sep 04 06 01:29 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

terrrably sorry the threads was gone adn this was the one that had to be bumped.

*wanders back out*

Sep 04 06 01:29 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Don't quite agree with OGR this time around..

These things well have their place, historically..

But not while people are still propagandizing off the event. 

But, regardless.. As long as I'm not required to see it....  The nice thing about propoganda in the modern age is, with the #1 concern being for the almighty dollar, they won't force me to see any propoganda because they would then lose the opportunity to charge me for it.

Sep 04 06 01:33 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Much agreed , although as glitterguru has done , that shot is not directly related in imagery or title to 9/11 really (Unless I didn't look hard enough and I missed something) some one can look at it and not directly relate it to 9/11. I do feel that tact should be used in cases where the pain and suffering of others will be explioted. Unless images are photojoranlistic and educational , it is a touchy subject...

I still have a Nat. Geo. with  Chernobyl images from years after and the physical implications of the whole situation on people and thier children , some of whom at the time were not even conceived. The images were educational but very exploitative of the health problems these people had ... this was straight photojournalism though.

Sep 04 06 01:46 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

While sympathising with the OP, why not 9/11?  We have holocaust movies, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea, massacre of indigenous people movies.  Telling stories of atrocities is a way of ensuring that the lessons learned from them endure.

Sep 04 06 01:51 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Personally , I also believe that a lot of propaganda and B.S. shows up in movies and even art based on wars, terrorism, disasters and really wont pay to see them .... nor do i even care to view them for free.

Sep 04 06 01:58 am Link



Posts: 6129

W.G. Rowland wrote:
The nice thing about propoganda in the modern age is, with the #1 concern being for the almighty dollar, they won't force me to see any propoganda because they would then lose the opportunity to charge me for it.

brilliant ... cynical and brilliant

Sep 04 06 02:03 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Applause smile

Sep 04 06 02:05 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Bah Humbug!! I think anything is grist for the mill as long as it's done tastefuly and gracefully. On the other hand doing things just for shock value is a poor excuse for not having talent.

Interestingly enough, I have been editing stuff both old and new for the last few day's. This is a pic I took while visiting NY, it was only meant to be a personal snapshot, but who would have guessed it would all come tumbling down a few years later!?

Still I think it would have been a much more succesfull photo if there had been a naked woman standing between the towers. Then again, my perverse way of thinking... any photo is more interesting with a naked woman in it.


Sep 04 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 6129

gdsandy wrote:
Telling stories of atrocities is a way of ensuring that the lessons learned from them endure.

and the lesson here is? bodies tend to splatter when falling 100 stories? flesh kinda stinks when it's burnt? ... please don't tell me that the lesson to be learned is vigilence against terrorism... or is the lesson learned that we shouldn't fly planes in buildings?

no... the enduring lesson here is life sucks. its not fair. and i miss my nephew and i miss my friends. there is no enduring lesson of the heroics of so many who will ultimately succumb to the illnesses acquired there. its good politics, but what is it we will learn?

Sep 04 06 02:10 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

lets not also forget that the media ie. newspapers, politicians , celibrities, magazines,  radio , tv , cable exploited the heck out of 9-11 as well to earn a quick buck , i mean look at all the american flags sold and then left to fill up space on the side of run down high ways or faux charitable drives to help survivors families  .  if americans really wanted to keep 9-11 a scared day they should pass a bill that says no one may exploit the 9-11 situation for their own profit.
then soon we will  be suppressing ourselves the freedom to convey our feelings , emotions of any tragic events this country goes through  with our art so we wont insult or disrespect others.

Sep 04 06 02:34 am Link



Posts: 6129

spitting on the sidewalk is already illegal

Sep 04 06 02:36 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

AMAZING! All one has to do is think of the children and images that would honor those lost on 9/11 in a senstive and respectful manner are plentiful. Profit? How many artists throughout history have created somthing and charged nothing for it? Guess the "artistic" community here is . . . . . . . .  fuck it. What's the point? At the end of the day it all comes down to money in this country . . . . even among the the so-called "artists"!

Sep 04 06 02:54 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I've no real objection to someone wanting to do  9/11 theme shoot. However I can't imagine it not being tastless, cheap and tacky. Maybe a nude in high heel stripper shoes standing in a pile of rubble? Maybe past a falling nude in high heels as though she's falling 100 stories? Maybe a roasted nude in high heels? Maybe a nude in high hels and a thong, smeared with ashes stumbling down a street in shock? 

There were more than enough actual 9/11 theme shots done on and after 9/11 to  last a lifetime.

Sep 04 06 03:17 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
I have seen several requests floating about for 9/11 themed shots.

Just don't.

It is near impossible to pull off something that isn't trashy,cheesy or otherwise repugnant, I have yet to hear a concept that doesn't make me cringe.

The American flag is not a pretty colored toga.

Nobody wants to see your trampy ass wrapped in the flag, with some combat boots on, biting your nail with the words " NEVAR FORGET 9/11" etched in with MS paint. Nobody.

Seriously, was the movie not enough for you guys?
Give it a rest.

Thank you, nothing irritates me more than someone playing off tragedies like that.

Sep 04 06 03:18 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

oldguysrule wrote:

and the lesson here is? bodies tend to splatter when falling 100 stories? flesh kinda stinks when it's burnt? ... please don't tell me that the lesson to be learned is vigilence against terrorism... or is the lesson learned that we shouldn't fly planes in buildings?

They may be the lessons that you take from that day but many others will have different slants on it.  For me personally it is that a countries actions overseas has domestic impact.  Rightly or wrongly, there is a part of the world that thinks terrorism is the only weapon of the disenfranchised.  When you have a government intervening accross the globe and a nation of people with cheap air tickets but no passports, one lesson to be learned from that day is in the subject of geopolitics.

Sep 04 06 03:24 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Leo Howard wrote:
Thank you, nothing irritates me more than someone playing off tragedies like that.

What about the movie Pearl Harbor? Made over $200 million in the US alone.

What about the movie Titanic? Made over $600 million in the US alone.

As an ex-lover once said to me, "One generations tragedy is another generations entertainment."

Seems she was right...

Sep 04 06 03:43 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

More knee-jerk, emotive responses in here than I had expected to see.

There will be those that aim to capture the events objectively and devoid from emotion (in the eyes of a aptly hinted at by EMB's post). From such a detached eye, IMO, would come the purest symbolism (based on the quality of the creator/creatrix's craft). This should not be slapped with an automatic censor sticker with an appeal to emotion as the sole basis for the reaction.

Then, there will be those who aim to create visual symbology of the events to express their feelings (whatever they may be) about the traumas of those days. To that extent, it is a personal catharsis to a sense of his/her own seeking of a sense of closure. Will you be the hypocrite that robs that from them?

Nobody would bat an eyelash if the means of expression about these events were in the medium of poetry...but should someone seek to bring life to those words with visuals, then we raise the red flag?

'Freedom of expression' does not equal 'freedom of expression so long as it does not offend me'.

Artists (if we would call ourselves that) should know this better than anyone.

Sep 04 06 04:05 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

E|||B wrote:

What about the movie Pearl Harbor? Made over $200 million in the US alone.

What about the movie Titanic? Made over $600 million in the US alone.

As an ex-lover once said to me, "One generations tragedy is another generations entertainment."

Seems she was right...

I didnt go see either movie, and I never would.

Sep 04 06 04:05 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Nihilus wrote:
More knee-jerk, emotive responses in here than I had expected to see.

There will be those that aim to capture the events objectively and devoid from emotion (in the eyes of a aptly hinted at by EMB's post). From such a detached eye, IMO, would come the purest symbolism (based on the quality of the creator/creatrix's craft). This should not be slapped with an automatic censor sticker with an appeal to emotion as the sole basis for the reaction.

Then, there will be those who aim to create visual symbology of the events to express their feelings (whatever they may be) about the traumas of those days. To that extent, it is a personal catharsis to a sense of his/her own seeking of a sense of closure. Will you be the hypocrite that robs that from them?

Nobody would bat an eyelash if the means of expression about these events were in the medium of poetry...but should someone seek to bring life to those words with visuals, then we raise the red flag?

'Freedom of expression' does not equal 'freedom of expression so long as it does not offend me'.

Artists (if we would call ourselves that) should know this better than anyone.

I would never, ever move to try and take away their right to free speach in whatever form it takes, but that doesnt mean I have to like what they are doing, this is America, they have the right to make a statement, I have the right to not like it, but my right to not like it does not hold more power than their right to free speach, but I too have the right to free speach, to speak out against that which I feel is wrong, as long as both sides are civil about it, we can agree to disagree.

Sep 04 06 04:12 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Leo Howard wrote:
I would never, ever move to try and take away their right to free speach in whatever form it takes, but that doesnt mean I have to like what they are doing, this is America, they have the right to make a statement, I have the right to not like it, but my right to not like it does not hold more power than their right to free speach, but I too have the right to free speach, to speak out against that which I feel is wrong, as long as both sides are civil about it, we can agree to disagree.

Curious question. Honestly not intending to bait, I'm just curious about the thoughts with those who would claim to be offended by attempts of this kind:

If the image is created/taken/birthed by someone who has had personal loss/emotional-investment in the tragedies, would you be more prone to consider the beauty/moral/intent/artistry behind it? For instance, let's say someone who lost an immediate family member due to the events.

This is what I was alluding to in my second example. I have a suspicion that the very emotive reasons that people are getting initially bothered by due to these potential attempts would empathize with someone who would do it in an expressive form of personal therapy.

The other situation, however, I don't think would be met with such leniency...although I personally would find it more true to the reality of it. Then again, though...there is no real way to gauge which (or other) would be the case just by the image alone...

Sep 04 06 04:19 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

There are no cants or donts in art...

Sep 04 06 04:22 am Link