Forums > General Industry > 9/11 Themed Shoots.


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
what possible reason would one have for a 9-11 themed shoot if not to capitalize on the event? there is no possible purpose served other than the generation of $$.

Closure? Emotionial release? Showing another side to a story?

Sep 04 06 04:25 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
what possible reason would one have for a 9-11 themed shoot if not to capitalize on the event? there is no possible purpose served other than the generation of $$.

Closure? Emotional release? Showing another side to the story...?

Sep 04 06 04:26 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Nihilus wrote:

Curious question. Honestly not intending to bait, I'm just curious about the thoughts with those who would claim to be offended by attempts of this kind:

If the image is created/taken/birthed by someone who has/had personal loss/emotional-investment in the tragedies, would you be more prone to consider the beauty/moral/intent/artistry behind it? For instance, let's say someone who lost an immediate family member due to the events.

This is what I was alluding to in my second example. I have a suspicion that the very emotive reasons that people are getting initially bothered by these potential attempts would empathize with someone who would do it in an expressive form of personal therapy.

The other situation, however, I don't think would be met with such leniency...although I personally would find it more true to the reality of it. Then again, though...there is no real way to gauge which (or other) would be the case just by the image alone...

It really depends on what the sole purpose of the creation was, if it were for say personal emotional healing or as a memorial for a family member/friend of one of the victims, and no commercial purpose, then I wouldnt have an issue with it.

I might even be okay with a commercial purpose, if the sole purpose was to help raise money for family memebers of the victims, and no money went to anything other than that purpose. . . Keep in mind, I said " MIGHT be okay with it"

However, most of these creations are to draw attention to the creator and possible commercial purposes, even if their is no financial gain directly, it still says "look at me, look what I did, aint i such a great person".

I just have an issue with people playing on tragedies for personal gain, which can come in many forms

Sep 04 06 04:32 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

With all due respect, I think it depends on the project. Like many, I lost several friends that day who worked at Cantor Fitz. I visit the site every year, and make sure I photograph the lights every year. We all have our way of dealing with the memory and finding ways of keeping the good memories of our loved ones alive.

This print below I have donated to several firehouses, and its one of my best selling prints - all proceeds to 9/11 charities of course. Feel free to make a purchase.


Sep 04 06 06:31 am Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

I lost people and almost lost people that day.
I feel shoot can be done to represent that day in a respectful manner.

When I thought about it after reading the OP's post the Windows on the World workers and the people that cleaned up the pile came to mind.

More so the clean up crew.  There were many there working that should not have been. They were mis-informed and possibly mis-lead now they are paying and dying for the job that was done.  In my mind these people are in line for tribute and awareness of the conditions these people worked under.  That EPA mouthpiece Christy Whitman said all was safe.  Fuck no  just knowing the basic ingredients of building materials that was not a safe demo/clean up

Emotional topic...yes.  Does it make you grieve?   Does it motivate you to do something? You tell me.

Sep 04 06 06:47 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Okay, let me clarify something here.

I am not talking about going and taking pictures of the lights.

I am not saying that a memorial should not be made.

Hell, even doing a portrait peice with the workers that are now dying may be able to be pulled off with some class.

Nobody that is doing projects like those are going to advertise here. That would not make even the slightest bit of sense.

Sep 04 06 08:01 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

J n X Photography wrote:
Oldguy:  How do you feel about the recent "9/11" themed movies?  I think they were done in good taste and to honor those who sacrificed their lives to save others and those innocently lost.

Lots of "art" has been created to honor/commerate tragic events or human loss.

The Black wall (Vietnam War memorial) comes to mind, as does the reflection pool.  I have seen lots of tattoos to the same effect.  Since when was it taboo to help ease the pain of suffering thru art?   As long as it is done in good taste, their is nothing wrong with it.  In fact, the two towers of light was an artistic homage, was it not?

Are you seriuosly dumb enough to equate the Viet Nam War Memorial with any piece of shit that Nicholas Cage finds himself in exploiting a national tragedy. Also, the two towers of light, while using artistic means of design to implement them, were simply a metaphor of the two towers. They aren't art, they are symbols of what was once there. All the things you mention required art and craft and skill to design and implement and they are certainly beautiful to look at, but they are in essence just symbols. The purpose of their creation is symbolic. Anyone that argues this point is a dunce and will not be treated as an equal.

Sep 04 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

WHY?! I'm in the middle of the midwest and I've HAD it!

Sep 04 06 10:54 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:

Beautiful photograph!!!  Very tasteful homage honoring a horrible tragedy.  Well done.  I'm glad to see the proceeds are going to charity.

Sep 04 06 11:14 am Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Are you seriuosly dumb enough to equate the Viet Nam War Memorial with any piece of shit that Nicholas Cage finds himself in exploiting a national tragedy. Also, the two towers of light, while using artistic means of design to implement them, were simply a metaphor of the two towers. They aren't art, they are symbols of what was once there. All the things you mention required art and craft and skill to design and implement and they are certainly beautiful to look at, but they are in essence just symbols. The purpose of their creation is symbolic. Anyone that argues this point is a dunce and will not be treated as an equal.

If they required art and craft to design and implement then it is by definition ART.  And yes, they are symbols, too.  The beauty in art is that it takes many forms and it SYMBOLIZES many things...the interpretation in the eye of the beholder.  What is crass exploitation to one viewer might be an honest attempt at a tribute for someone else.

Sep 04 06 11:19 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

I have to disagree. It's a historical event, and there will be poems, essay,songs, and paintings done about it, i don't see why you can't have a photoshoot on the subject. That's like saying "all other branches of art(artists) can express there feelings on the event..but photogs can't. It's cheesy". Even thought i can't think of how that's possible( i mean it'd have to be terribly obvious) but I've shot police officers and fightfighter for a photo project.

Sep 04 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 5216


J n X Photography wrote:

Oldguy:  How do you feel about the recent "9/11" themed movies?  I think they were done in good taste and to honor those who sacrificed their lives to save others and those innocently lost.

You didn't just say that did you?
Good taste? Honor?
What a vulture does is in good taste. What you are talking about is more akin to stealing the gold from your dead neighbors fillings before his body has cooled.

Sep 04 06 11:58 am Link



Posts: 8

Nashville, Arkansas, US

I was in college when it all happened, and like a day after when everyone started bringing out the American flag and plastering it on their trucks, cars, buildings...etc. I thought about taking photos of all the various flags, but this was way before I thought about being a photographer.... so it never happened. And I kick myself for not doing it. It could've been a good series, had I done it right. But like I said, at the time I din't have the concepts and skills I have now.


Sep 04 06 12:05 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Electra T wrote:
I have to disagree. It's a historical event, and there will be poems, essay,songs, and paintings done about it, i don't see why you can't have a photoshoot on the subject. That's like saying "all other branches of art(artists) can express there feelings on the event..but photogs can't. It's cheesy". Even thought i can't think of how that's possible( i mean it'd have to be terribly obvious) but I've shot police officers and fightfighter for a photo project.

E.T., well said!  I like to see that we can agree on something wink

Sep 04 06 12:30 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

J n X Photography wrote:

If they required art and craft to design and implement then it is by definition ART.  And yes, they are symbols, too.  The beauty in art is that it takes many forms and it SYMBOLIZES many things...the interpretation in the eye of the beholder.  What is crass exploitation to one viewer might be an honest attempt at a tribute for someone else.

So you say, and on and on and on and on........  Bullshit.

Sep 04 06 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

This inappropriate?      Was washing my truck a day or so after 9/11,. looked up, and saw this, HAD to go get the camera.

[img][/ img]

Sep 04 06 12:50 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Steve  Cottrill wrote:
This inappropriate?      Was washing my truck a day or so after 9/11,. looked up, and saw this, HAD to go get the camera.

While the only thing that came up in your post referencing a picture was a question mark, I just had to go look at your site simply because of the question you posed, wherein I saw lovely young ladies with little if any clothing surrounding a guy with a shit eating grin next to a picture of a cemetery. Now this is just a guess based on what I've seen so far, but I believe inappropriate is coming, don't know it for sure, but I've got a good idea based on what I've seen.

Sep 04 06 12:57 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

Tried to post the photo using the dayumned [img][/img] things.......grrrr

Sep 04 06 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 1920

Lancaster, Ohio, US

Steve  Cottrill wrote:
Tried to post the photo using the dayumned [img][/img] things.......grrrr

Sep 04 06 01:01 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

Nemi Bea wrote:
Okay, let me clarify something here.

Hell, even doing a portrait peice with the workers that are now dying may be able to be pulled off with some class.

Nobody that is doing projects like those are going to advertise here. That would not make even the slightest bit of sense.

Explain yourself Miss. 
My old age is increasing my daftness therefore I don't get your point.


Sep 04 06 02:54 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Alot of the people disagreeing with the original post seem to be under the impression that 9/11 themed shoots are all going to be done in a thoughtful way.

The only shoot I've seen advertised on here advised models to bring I love NY t-shirts and hats and stated that it would be fashion/urban/casual "with a twist". Take from that what you will.

I'm interested in seeing how the photos will be executed but right now, it sounds pretty cheesy. Exploitative? I doubt that anybody involved is making any money from the shoot. But cheesy, yes.

Sep 04 06 03:04 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

KitaPanda wrote:
Alot of the people disagreeing with the original post seem to be under the impression that 9/11 themed shoots are all going to be done in a thoughtful way.

The only shoot I've seen advertised on here advised models to bring I love NY t-shirts and hats and stated that it would be fashion/urban/casual "with a twist". Take from that what you will.

I'm interested in seeing how the photos will be executed but right now, it sounds pretty cheesy. Exploitative? I doubt that anybody involved is making any money from the shoot. But cheesy, yes.

Never said every shoot would be thoughtful......I simply proposed looking at creating a piece that would pay tribute and provoke thought.  For some my creation would piss them off for sure.  For the ones I would be paying trubute to ... they would be appreciative I would hope.

Sep 04 06 03:39 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

When you say 911 Themed shoot I don't quite know what you mean.  If someone can pull it off why not?  Just because it was a tragedy?  So?  WW2 was a tragedy, people make WW2 Themed pics all the time.  What's the difference?

As for drapping the US flag over a naked body, I don't think anything is wrong with it.  I personally don't like it because I think it's tacky, but if someone wants to do it who cares?

I realize you are a NY'er, I was there at Ground Zero when it happened and worked there for the first 5 weeks 24/7.  It was a tragedy, but no different than any other tragedy that has happened in the world to date. 

How is 911 different from Kansas City?  It's not.

Don't judge the views of others BEFORE you see what they have in mind... they may surprise you.  Maybe not in a good way but surprised you will be non the less...

Sep 04 06 04:19 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Hamza wrote:
When you say 911 Themed shoot I don't quite know what you mean.  If someone can pull it off why not?  Just because it was a tragedy?  So?  WW2 was a tragedy, people make WW2 Themed pics all the time.  What's the difference?

Shindlers list is one of the best movies that honors an absolutely horrible event in the history of mankind.  If anybody could pull off a great 9/11 movie it would have to be Spielberg.

Sep 05 06 12:55 pm Link


removed member

Posts: 249

like someone else said...there are no cants and donts in art.

shoot whatever you want.  but be prepared to "hear it" if people think its in bad taste.

it sucks people are so opinionated here....."dont...just dont" please.

my father in law was in viet nam.  fighting for democracy.  as much as he hates some of the things he sees, he appreciates THE ABILITY to see them.... then looks away, or doesnt pay attention.

i suggest you do the same.

heres a 9/11 theme shoot id love to see.  how two weeks after every huge gas guzzling suv polluting the earth had a bullshit ra-ra american flag (made in fucking china) mounted to the window.  then 3 weeks after 9/11 all those flags were tattered...looking like shit.  or broken off laying on the side of the road clogging the sewers.  yay..go usa. 

remember it was trendy to be "american" after 9/11? 

or how about how it was so easy to roll FEMA into the dept. of homeland security after 9/11.  and you see how dope of an idea that was right? 

or how all the post 9/11 anti-terror money had to be distributed evenly accross the country.  so cops in south dakota now have night vision!!! and cops in nyc got, new belt buckles.

stop bitching about photographs.  spend the time reading up on who you are allowed to vote for. 

no subject is off limits.  some are just harder to swallow.

Sep 05 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 1

Massillon, Ohio, US

I totally agree with Nemi, camo suits, are ok, when 9/11 isnt the theme, military and camo are hot, but 9/11 isnt a cute theme at all, I know people who have been lost that day, and I know people fighting in Iraq, now go take a picture of them on 9/11 or the families, thats a photo worth taking, they are worth it....thats a theme, then say thank you and give them a huge hug!

Sep 05 06 07:01 pm Link