Forums > General Industry > where did we go wrong?



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

Sep 02 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US


We are doomed and we will all die!!! sad

Sep 02 06 07:20 pm Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

OnePixArt wrote:
is mankind Doomed?


OnePixArt wrote:
where did we go wrong?


Sep 02 06 07:21 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

OnePixArt wrote:
where did we go wrong?


Sep 02 06 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 116

yes we doomed!!
i should admit that i am one of those...
looking for dark images!

Sep 02 06 07:28 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

I couldn't agree more!

It's a desperate cry for attention!

Sep 02 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 6129

doomed the moment one starts thinking of oneself as an artist or implies cultural relevance. God, if such exists, has its plan. If it does not exist, then I'll be damned if I want my fate in the hands of self-proclaimed artists!

Sep 02 06 07:33 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

Mankind has ALWAYS had an undercurrent of "doom"...while you were picking flowers and listening and watching "Yellow Submerine" others were holding rifles, flame throwers, and the like while another part of the population were enjoying the golden age of gothic horror and swingin' (as well as violent) sexploitation films, looking at arists like Eric Stanton, R. Crumb, Guido Crepax, Andy Warhol, and listening to the Velvet Undergound, The Stooges, Can, early Kluster, and the's always been just were not looking.

Sep 02 06 07:35 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Have you seen the Suicide Girls site?  It's just softcore porn for non-Playboy types.  The girls have some piercings and tatoos.  It's not like they're actually committing suicide.

Their business practices aside, I'd call SG a healthier form of sexual exploration than FHM or Maxim.

Sep 02 06 07:36 pm Link


Glenn Francis

Posts: 347

Los Angeles, California, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

"Flower Child"

"Make Love Not War"

"Yellow Submarine" - I hated that song and the album.  How about Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young's "4 Way Street"?

supervising = surprising?

AGREE about the fashion and self-mutilation of "Alternative Lifestyle".  VERY sad!

Somehow, we'll survive it all.


Sep 02 06 07:37 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

If you want to see a doomed mankind, study some Hieronymus Bosch.

Sep 02 06 07:38 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Glenn Francis wrote:

"Flower Child"

"Make Love Not War"

"Yellow Submarine" - I hated that song and the album.  How about Crosby Stills, Nash, and Young's "4 Way Street"?

supervising = surprising?

AGREE about the fashion and self-mutulation of "Alternative Lifestyle".  VERY sad!

Somehow, we'll survive it all.


Nicely stated!

Sep 02 06 07:40 pm Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

one thing i know about mankind is that self annihilation is always waiting to occur by our hands or by natures  but for some reason it hasn't happened yet.  zombie burger anyone?

Sep 02 06 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 571

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

OnePixArt wrote:
where did we go wrong?


Sep 02 06 07:46 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

aenux wrote:


But didn't the Teletubbies kinda redeem us?? = )

Sep 02 06 07:48 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

where did we go wrong?

Seriously?  When you had children and raised them according to DR. Spock.
When you forgot about the kids when you were high.
When you and your spouse went to work and left the kids at home(latchkey). 
Where?  Come on!
When you kept all the jobs because your peers that were smarter, stole from your portfolios and and left your 401K worthless.
When we realized that it was not about free love, but greed and selfishness now reflected through eyes of hatred and discontent.

Sep 02 06 07:52 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

When we allowed our rights to be traded for a false sense of security.

Sep 02 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I am a tad bit confused here....

when refering to art and it's reflection on society 1960's versus contempory; you seem to have the view that dark images, mutilation et al is something new.... something that has been a recent bent in art.

You must have never seen meathouse or witkin... both whose work was very dark, very subversive, very cruel in their vision... Both of this golden age of flowers and peace seekers that you so sublimely reflect on.

Humanity has always been tortured by it's own mortality; it is something that you can see reflected in art going back thousands of years. The dark images that you feel are new.... and reflective of some impending doom.... similar ones can be found in centuries old catholic churches in europe.

I myself choose to focus on dispair, sorrow, haunting images.... for a few reasons... one being that I feel too often that our society likes to paint over these things... to white wash them... to shove them under the carpet so that wont be seen. I want to highlight the truth of our small time here, because I think too many people rush through their lives ignoring the fact that their end is sweeping towards them.

Sobering thoughts yes... fatalism? Never. My work says take life by the cheekfuls, to enjoy both the sweet parts and the bitter. To enjoy every ragged breath... every pain, every sorrow, every laugh... to accept life in everything that it is.

The models that I work with are not people looking for dark images... they are looking for outlets that are reflective of the truth that is in them. Not everything is sunshine and butterflies and yellowsubmaries.....

To tell yourself such is to live a life only half way.

Sep 02 06 08:14 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

Have you ever truly looked at a photo of something grisly? Something horrible? Have you ever tried to see the beauty of the rich red of blood and tried to really appreciate it? The emotion that something extreme pulls forth from deep in your soul? Have you ever really appreciated sadness? Just appreciated the fact that you can feel anything at all? It's easy to find the beauty in pretty's right there on the surface. Some of us want to find the beauty that's hidden below the surface. The deeper beauty. The beauty in everything. That's why I like darker themed's harder to find the you don't take it for granted when you find it. Read The Giver...if you take away all the bad you have nothing to compare the good to anymore and it all ceases to exist. It's all sameness. I'd rather have good and bad. I want both. You can't ignore one and expect the other to stick around.

Sep 02 06 08:24 pm Link


Glenn Francis

Posts: 347

Los Angeles, California, US

Image K

Barney for sure!  big_smile

McKenzie Bros Photo

CareLyn Anita
Spot On!

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY."

-commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin but most likely authored by Richard Jackson in a book 'published' by Ben Franklin.


Sep 02 06 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

To "go wrong" would be to presume that things had ordinarily "gone right". Documentation would refute it.

Sep 02 06 08:39 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US


Sep 02 06 08:56 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

UdoR wrote:

We are doomed and we will all die!!! sad

Did you have to remind me?

Sep 02 06 08:58 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

good point...

on another note , I am fond of darker imagery and art... and find it visually soothing.

Sep 02 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 5216


OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

Dark Imagery?
Ever been in a catholic church?
Ever looked at a painting by Dali?
Perhaps the sixties were very good to you.
Did you miss that little thing over in South East Asia?
The whole civil rights movement?
Or are you just upset by your disillusionment?

Sep 02 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 7840


they have it too easy..?
or expected it easier...?

they hate themsleves and everyone else and want to validate or make it Art?

they are into what their elders weren't (or hoped to transform?)

it's all nonsense anyway!

Sep 02 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

Sep 03 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Collin J. Rae wrote:
But didn't the Teletubbies kinda redeem us?? = )

Don't kid yourself. They are the Teletubbies of the apocolypse!

Sep 03 06 12:28 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

thank you all for your passionate and humorous replies.
mostly unexpected and quite educational.

1. the idea that “something has gone wrong” comes from my heart:
you work hard in your life hoping to leave the planet a better place for next generation. well looking at all the pain, fear and … apparently not so.
don’t make mistake we had expressions of  body mutilation/deformation but it was rather expressed in very abstract: one of the best sample is Picasso cubism (my favorites was the “Abstract Expressionist”: Jackson Pollack and…).
2. also consider the sixties flower children and use of drags and… were all a reaction to its times.
3. I do believe that: this was a golden age of consciousness resulting to art like “yellow submarine”.

and some questions if you will:
which one was more effective: the “Beatle’s Yellow Submarine” or “Picasso’s  Guernica” ?
how aware are you for the effects your work has on psychic of your viewer?

and finally why I have started this tread:

if politics & economy affects art, and changes it;
can this be reversed; art changing the life? by being conscious in what we do?


Sep 04 06 12:13 pm Link


Voodoo Howyacall

Posts: 409

Austin, Texas, US

I think in generally it's the result of a "no stress" society -

Stress suddenly became a bad word. No one's expected to push themselves harder or achieve anything really worthwhile. Mommy and Daddy are quick to say, "Well, sweety, if it's too hard, don't worry about it".

So, we're suddenly faced with all of this idle time on our hands to find out our own way of garnining attention. Since in general the physical and mental standards for finding a mate have decreased vastly, it just makes it easier to put yourself out there, barking that you're hot because you're "pained" and "different", and be quick to mock people who actually have potential.


Sep 04 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

We took reason, fault, and accountability from ourselves.

If the McDonald's Coffee incident didn't make it clear enough... I'll say it right out:  Think.

Sep 04 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 7840


David's response is a good point, i think

too easy!

not enough to get teeth into?

or too disappointed....

Sep 04 06 01:29 pm Link


Nekkid Girl

Posts: 855

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sorry for this post but somebody has to say it:
                            I blame Bush.

Sep 04 06 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

David Lucas wrote:
I think in generally it's the result of a "no stress" society -

Stress suddenly became a bad word. No one's ....

not sure if I understand?

Sep 04 06 01:34 pm Link


Nekkid Girl

Posts: 855

Chicago, Illinois, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:
When we allowed our rights to be traded for a false sense of security.

Right on Girl!

Sep 04 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

The Beatles, actually.  They pretty much ruined everything.

Sep 04 06 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 7840


no stress?
i know exactly what he means

effort is frowned upon
or never needed to get by

especially, v bright young people, thinking they are superior
"is this all there is?"

kids see others being given everything or are spoilt themseves
they grow up some -  expect the world
and either are not willing to work for it & are pissed off they havent got all they want
work for it and get knocked back - then they are shocked
miserable and self pitying
cant deal with it

Actually I'd say this is the other side of the EGO
kids who are sooooo 'panderred to' they think they are the BOM etc
'' i deserve more ''
if others are not respected
ultimately, they cant respect themselves either

or they never get enough, feel hard done by
get depressed
get into the vibe of it

think ''They are all despicable people''
&  only relate to others as 'anti life; as themselves

its a fashion

Sep 04 06 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 1327

New York, New York, US

Teletubbies of the apocalypse!  HA HA HA!  That reminds me of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man coming to destroy Manhattan.  Such an indignant way to go... like being run over by a Smart Car.

Anyway.  The person who posted Guernica had it exactly right.  Fascination with the elements of destruction is simply reflecting the human interest in what's around us, and there has always been death and decay and mutilation.  SO much art has depicted it throughout history.

Furthermore, I think this need we have to say that things right now are so much worse than they've ever been, or that we're heading for some inexorable doom, is really just an impulse we have as insignificant human beings on this tiny little planet spinning thru infinite space to make ourselves feel like we are the LAST ones, and we MATTER.  The whole of history has culminated in US.

No apocalypse here, alas.  Not even from purple plush children's characters.

Sep 04 06 01:47 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Did you stop to think that maybe the promotion and use of drugs in the 60's and 70's was an internal expression of ''annihilation and self mutilation''?

Sep 04 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

MsChris wrote:
Sorry for this post but somebody has to say it:
                            I blame Bush.

in this tread  I will not blame anyone else.   

"this is about what we do… who we are..."

Sep 04 06 01:51 pm Link