Forums > General Industry > where did we go wrong?


Nekkid Girl

Posts: 855

Chicago, Illinois, US

OnePixArt wrote:

in this tread  I will not blame anyone else.   

"this is about what we do… who we are..."

Okay fine,
When the majority of us voted for Bush

Sep 04 06 03:11 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

The Beatles, actually.  They pretty much ruined everything.

hahh naaaa it was ELVIS....= 0 )

Sep 04 06 03:15 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
doomed the moment one starts thinking of oneself as an artist or implies cultural relevance. God, if such exists, has its plan. If it does not exist, then I'll be damned if I want my fate in the hands of self-proclaimed artists!

I could do a good job of imaging some wings on you, they would fool just about everyone.

Sep 04 06 03:15 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

UdoR wrote:

We are doomed and we will all die!!! sad

And pay taxes.  The only 2 guarantees in life.

Sep 04 06 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Where did we ever go right?

Sep 04 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

OnePixArt wrote:
thank you all for your passionate and humorous replies.
mostly unexpected and quite educational.

1. the idea that “something has gone wrong” comes from my heart:
you work hard in your life hoping to leave the planet a better place for next generation. well looking at all the pain, fear and … apparently not so.
don’t make mistake we had expressions of  body mutilation/deformation but it was rather expressed in very abstract: one of the best sample is Picasso cubism (my favorites was the “Abstract Expressionist”: Jackson Pollack and…).
2. also consider the sixties flower children and use of drags and… were all a reaction to its times.
3. I do believe that: this was a golden age of consciousness resulting to art like “yellow submarine”.

and some questions if you will:
which one was more effective: the “Beatle’s Yellow Submarine” or “Picasso’s  Guernica” ?
how aware are you for the effects your work has on psychic of your viewer?

and finally why I have started this tread:

if politics & economy affects art, and changes it;
can this be reversed; art changing the life? by being conscious in what we do?


no answer to my main question?

Sep 04 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

OnePixArt wrote:
I believe art reflects times and artists are the leading edge of the society; a mirror communities.
back when I was young we used to call ourselves children’s of flower.  make love and rally for peace …you know the story.
its very supervising (and disturbing) for me to see many young models have interest in  photos of annihilation and  self mutilation: looking for dark images…
so form age of “yellow Submarine” to age of “Suicide Girls”. is mankind Doomed?
where did we go wrong?

You've got to make wholesomeness and goodness more sexy. Look at my port for an example.

Sep 05 06 03:14 am Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

Our culture pains me more then poking a needle through my flesh does.

It is not mutilation. Mutilation is;
1.    to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
2.    to deprive (a person or animal) of a limb or other essential part.

My flesh heals - meanwhile our "civilization" destroys us. We all have bigger issues to abridge to. Or at least I do.

Sep 05 06 03:42 am Link



Posts: 7840



I'm not into Horror Personally...

THE QUESTION WAS what effect do images have?

When i look at the dark hurt, pain, intentionally blank or sad eyes, power issues and misery of certain images
its not helping MY psyche
I can easily confirm that.

YES it makes a statement
Those kind of images often just trying to shock those who are turned off by them
or outdo the images / styles of someone else, who is turned on by them
niether one really makes the image ART
but if the thought behind it is to move the observer we might say it is
Thats subjective, after all.

Images that say 'I SUFFER'  or merely 'I glamourise sufferring...' 
maybe can still be Art

Images that say ' Look at me intentionally sufferring' or the like
are self indulgent ... That is sometimes the purpose of 'Art' too

Uplifting others is the main purpose I am on Earth
I also find I need others to uplift me.
Thats sometimes very hard
The ''civilisation''' that I have is a crowded threatening and sometimes hurtful or scary one depending upon how individuals (or authorities) choose to treat me....
The civilization I create is an explorative, supportive and respectful one.
Unless you or i am waaay off balance!

I'd say the ''civilization'' we have in CA and in the west generally could do with much improvement - and there are countless individuals and organisations working toward this - why not decide to become one of them?

Merely indulging in self pity or self grandiosement or glamorising horror for example shows a lack of excitement in ones own life and a lack of understanding of human  emotions, one might argue...
Doesn't seem to be helping civilization, as far as I can see!

The images that make one appreciate life or get a reaction from more than just the voyerism in us... Those are the powerful art images I'd say.

As for civilization??
Remember what we have!!
I am extremely grateful for all the efforts of all the people involved in getting stuff, food (and other items) grown transported prepared wrapped or ready for me in  stores and restaurants! They even clean it up for me!
I love valet parking, I love street fairs, concerts, music. I love artists!
I love to shop and have whatever things to buy (yes, that's an area where we cause damage to the planet and we over consume but I appreciate it) What's ther alternative - think post neuclear and hey,let me know if you'd prefer that.
Go out to Somalia Uganda any war torn oppressed nation (or just a place with no computers) and complain about civilization destroying you
That's something no one but yourself can really do
Families can hurt and damage, ex lovers can hurt and damage Drugs damage yes
But what about the places with no transport, phones, hospitals No recreation, no stores, no work options, no opportunity to follow hobbies like photography
or whatever

Civilization is doing great!!!

I went to RED China and they had very little too enjoy in terms of civilization ad a wrose regime. They still had each other and they could still love fight draw sing etc etc

We all have radios, refrifgerator a/c come on!
We even have cameras videos etc and we now have
'What the bleep..'  and 'An inconveient truth' etc to enlighten us
We can pull togther if we choose

What about Bhuddism? what about yoga!
Musical instruments and people who make them orm play them -I appreciate you!
Roads and cars that lead to each other, and beaches, awesome! Sunsets and firepits, freedom to make our own tribes
Lets hear it for civilization

I dont want to till fields all day or walk miles to a bingo hall for fun!

What about Nigeria or anywhere with really corrupted politics and blood stained people....
I saw a local young man's head just left lying in the street while kiddies walked by
There's really no glamour in that.
Plenty of blood though.

We become what we focus on
Please consider this in relation to the OP queation. That is choice.
I think the OP was wonderring why we would choose to focus on cutting, puncturing, pain, darkness...negativity.
Criticism or complaint as a culture just to decry, rather than change

Maybe lack of connection to the positive explains the lack of interest in some of it....
What is uplifting exciting sexy etc doesn't have to be depressing in its effect!!
The effect of thoughts images words actions etc does spread like a ripple
It affects us all, on some level

What is so destructive about Natalie's 'civilization' (for example) one has to ask....& what did we expect on a silver platter?
I just hope we can make something worthwhile out of our opprtunities
(hopes hopes)



Sep 06 06 07:36 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Beatiful Ms. Brit , although i like moody b/w's and darker imagery it is the fantastical aspect of it that hits my subconscious.. on another note ... Boohbah!
Gotta love em , psychedelic and sublime....

i can hear them singing Booooh bahhhh ... oh my how bizarre is that really for kids?

Sep 06 06 07:45 am Link



Posts: 7840


But u got me there Carrie - what is???

Sep 06 06 07:47 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
But u got me there Carrie - what is???

Boohbah is a childrens program , not unlike teletubbies, but much much cooler...super psychedelic.
They play some pretty good music too , think Tangerine Dream or Boards of Canada types of music...
Google boohbah or google video boohbah better yet , and you will see...
they blow my mind ...

Thank you for the inspiration this morning....

Sep 06 06 07:56 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

Boohbah is a childrens program , not unlike teletubbies, but much much cooler...super psychedelic.
They play some pretty good music too , think Tangerine Dream or Boards of Canada types of music...
Google boohbah or google video boohbah better yet , and you will see...
they blow my mind ...

Thank you for the inspiration this morning....

Boohbah are little penis people...creepy as hell.

Sep 06 06 07:59 am Link



Posts: 7840



Go go psychedelic! ( I blame the Beatles too )

Sep 06 06 07:59 am Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

OnePixArt wrote:
thank you all for your passionate and humorous replies.
mostly unexpected and quite educational.

1. the idea that “something has gone wrong” comes from my heart:
you work hard in your life hoping to leave the planet a better place for next generation. well looking at all the pain, fear and … apparently not so.
don’t make mistake we had expressions of  body mutilation/deformation but it was rather expressed in very abstract: one of the best sample is Picasso cubism (my favorites was the “Abstract Expressionist”: Jackson Pollack and…).
2. also consider the sixties flower children and use of drags and… were all a reaction to its times.
3. I do believe that: this was a golden age of consciousness resulting to art like “yellow submarine”.

and some questions if you will:
which one was more effective: the “Beatle’s Yellow Submarine” or “Picasso’s  Guernica” ?
how aware are you for the effects your work has on psychic of your viewer?

and finally why I have started this tread:

if politics & economy affects art, and changes it;
can this be reversed; art changing the life? by being conscious in what we do?


English has quite a few words for art consciously intended to effect change: political cant, polemic, propoganda, satire.

I prefer a more spiritual approach to the encouragement of artists, and that is to promote conscious observaton of the world in frames large and small but to approach one's compositions intuitively and unconsciously and without foregone conclusions.  As theoretical science is to applied, mine is a fine art philosophy, not a commercial one.  It's emphasis is on the artist as a conduit in nature, a signal bearer serving God or nature (take your pick) first and then audience after the fact.  This is not to suggest anyone ignore audience, conventions in performance or publishing, or craft, but rather to let work come through the hands, mouth, ears, eyes, nose (if cooking, lol), and heart.

Sep 06 06 08:04 am Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

What is so destructive you ask? Well; hunger, overpopulation, apathy, suffering of animals, rainforests getting chopped down.... just to name a few.

Uplifting others is definitely important to me too, and so is educating people so they don't continue living in blissful ignorance. And look down on people who have different views -even when their views aren’t so different and are actually rooted in ancient culture.

One of your positives with civilization are having people preparing food - in ancient culture we could just walk up to a tree and grab our own food, not have to work all day to buy a meal that others had to slave for.

It is not "glamorizing suffering..." or any of that crap - its feeling. pain is just one of our many feelings and I embrace all of them. Through pain and suffering one gains strength and knowledge.

It is art; it is raw emotions coming through. Not of just pain but of power - it gives me personally power and strength to make a difference in this world.

Sep 06 06 01:41 pm Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

In a word... selfishness.  When people become more concerned for themselves than others.  Adhering to the Golden Rule would solve much of the world's problems.

Sep 06 06 01:52 pm Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Collin J. Rae wrote:

hahh naaaa it was ELVIS....= 0 )

Elves?  What do elves have to do with it!  :S

Sep 06 06 02:02 pm Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

Sep 06 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 7840


OK how does number four make a difference?

its difference to me is depressing effect
like the OP raised
that young people are posing rather than doing something to better the world perhaps!

Unless your ''selfgrusomating'' image raises money or awareness for a specific probelm you guys are really fooling yoursleves!!
Yes there are many places (I have travelled to so they ARE there still!) where food grows on trees but no one can just GRAB at it regularly for themselves or their families, any more than in the past!
There were sytems for barter of services and goods and this is, thankfully, still possible today
I suggest work with those who support improvement - in the world problems you mentioned of course - rather than spending that energy creating more depressing images that glamourise and promote a state of mind that is really self indulgent nonsense OH THE WORLD HAS PROBLEMS LOOK HOW GHASTLY I LOOK BECAUSE OF IT ALL AND U LIVE IN USA
Anyone your age with your ideas  might get a lot out of working on a kibbituz

Sep 07 06 05:29 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

The Wandering Bohemian wrote:

We are doomed and we will all die!!! sad

Doomed...over!   "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?"

Sep 07 06 05:34 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Ancient_East wrote:
yes we doomed!!
i should admit that i am one of those...
looking for dark images!

I've got a few you can look at. I'd have even more if you were in one or two of them!

Sep 07 06 05:36 am Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

I am creating art and if anyone is too ignorant to see that, then they can F- off.

I spend allot of my time and existence trying to better this world, and benighted people like you who refuse to see a need for change just slow me down. Your "arguement" dosn't even make sense.

You are a waste of my time and energy. Continue to live in apathy.

To answer the main question, yes we are doomed if things contine the way they are, man is destructive by nature. But someone choosing to "harm" themselves should really be a non issue. - It's nothing new.

Sep 07 06 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 7840


there are so many of us working for good
it is my full time thing when im awake
and i am not as energetic as many others
or as influential

there are so many wonderful people
even my 88 year old aunt still builds homes far away for 'habitat for humanity'
i dont think human kind is doomed
what a silly notion!
individuals are sufferring the Earth needs our help and its getting it
lets rally more!
remember to see beyond limited time and space!!

i am very hopeful about the future of ALL spirit
and the people whom  i know and admire who are not at all destructive

Sep 07 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

commart wrote:
English has quite a few words for art consciously intended to effect change: political cant, polemic, propoganda, satire.

I prefer a more spiritual approach to the encouragement of artists, and...

well said. thank you.
like to see your work.

Sep 08 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 884

Los Angeles, California, US

it greatly pains me to see two beautiful woman, living a few miles away, both working to a improve the society…  get at each other like this…

perhaps “misunderstanding” is what got us to where we are to begin with.

once you become “a position” on what you do, then the is no deference between you and a fundamentalist religion freaks.

much love

Sep 08 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 7840


steady on luv! xox

Sep 08 06 12:19 pm Link