Forums > General Industry > lip prints on your buttocks told a tale on you



Posts: 6129

In the interest of promoting honesty here, especially when offering critiques or providing 'expert information'... I offer this instructional game.

In this game, we lie to one another in self serving ways.

list the lie, and the self-serving truth.

i'll start:

L) No no, don't believe them. That wart on your cheek makes you look like Cindy Crawford!

T) I haven't gotten head from Elephant Chick yet. It'll make a good bar story.

L) 5'2" is a perfect height for runway.

T) 5'2" is a perfect height for walking on my back.

Your turn.

Aug 30 06 11:34 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

L) I love working with new photographers.

T) If I have to set up your lights I'm charging double.

Aug 30 06 11:49 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

L: It's really not that see through, the camera doesn't pick it up at all

T: Won't pose nude eh? Not much difference!

Aug 30 06 11:50 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Iona Lynn wrote:
L) I love working with new photographers.

T) If I have to set you your lights I'm charging double.


L) I'd pay you double anyway

T) I'm a sucker for Iona Lynn

Aug 31 06 12:04 am Link



Posts: 6129

Michael L. wrote:
L: It's really not that see through, the camera doesn't pick it up at all

T: Won't pose nude eh? Not much difference!

uh huh along with...

L) I'll delete the oops shots

T) I've got a paysite that just loves a good nipple peek.

Aug 31 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 6129

L) Keep up the good work

T) Mama told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything

Aug 31 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

Aug 31 06 12:33 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

L) I would really like to work with you. Your profile needs some good images.

T) My next email I will be asking if you do nudes, or lingerie.

Aug 31 06 12:34 am Link



Posts: 6129

_Cinnamon_ wrote:

chatty kathy!

Aug 31 06 12:37 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

haha smile

Aug 31 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:

chatty kathy!

Thought better of it. Can't blurt just any nonsense around you.

Aug 31 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 6129

L) I would never trust a photographer who doesn't allow escorts.

T) Maybe by appearing to be concerned with model safety, I can...
(the list is way to large to post)

Aug 31 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 6129

_Cinnamon_ wrote:

Thought better of it. Can't blurt just any nonsense around you.

LMAO... whimp... Let's hear it, girly!

Aug 31 06 12:43 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Haha I was waiting for the escort joke smile

Aug 31 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 6129

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Haha I was waiting for the escort joke smile

shhhhh *blush

Aug 31 06 12:45 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:

LMAO... whimp... Let's hear it, girly!

L: You have potential. Invest in your career by hiring a good photographer.
T: Polaroids and open calls don't make me any money.

Aug 31 06 12:46 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

I wasn't going to be the one to make it, its better coming from the photographer. I didn't want to start a 200 page angry thread. haha

Aug 31 06 12:46 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

L)  I can't show you all the photos until the client makes her decisions.

T)  You came to the shoot with such arrogance and lack of modeling skills, I'm not about to do you any favors.

Aug 31 06 12:46 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:

L: You have potential. Invest in your career by hiring a good photographer.
T: Polaroids and open calls don't make me any money.

Good one!

Aug 31 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 6129

_Cinnamon_ wrote:

L: You have potential. Invest in your career by hiring a good photographer.
T: Polaroids and open calls don't make me any money.

yeahboy. and i gotta remember to tell those agency girls to stop coming by. hehe... *sticks tongue out...

L: You have potential. Invest in your career by hiring a good photographer.
T: I'm tired of hearing ya'll bitch about GWCs

Aug 31 06 12:49 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

L) I'm all booked for the next _____weeks... contact me afterwards to see if my schedule frees up.
T) There's no way I'm shooting with your amatuer ass...

L) I'm booked with paid gigs for the next _____weeks...
T) If you want me to shoot with you Pay Me!!!

Aug 31 06 12:52 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:

yeahboy. and i gotta remember to tell those agency girls to stop coming by. hehe... *sticks tongue out...

L: You have potential. Invest in your career by hiring a good photographer.
T: I'm tired of hearing ya'll bitch about GWCs

Silly question.. Whats a GWC?

Aug 31 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 6129

L) GWC = Guy With Camera
T) GWC = GWUM (Guy With Ulterior Motives)

Aug 31 06 12:54 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

haha perfect explanation thanks

Aug 31 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 6129

Hamza wrote:
L) I'm all booked for the next _____weeks... contact me afterwards to see if my schedule frees up.
T) There's no way I'm shooting with your amatuer ass...

L) I'm booked with paid gigs for the next _____weeks...
T) If you want me to shoot with you Pay Me!!!


Aug 31 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 6129

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
haha perfect explanation thanks

you are very welcome!

Aug 31 06 12:57 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

L) I have an excellent MUA to work with.

T) My sister who wears makeup will be over that night.

Aug 31 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

L) Wow! You look hot!
T) I wanna shoot you Naked!!!

L) Sure you can bring your escort, but he'll have to stay outside the hotel room.
T) I'm going to call Hotel Security to remove the stranger standing outside my room, then I'll have my way with you!

Aug 31 06 01:03 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

oldguysrule wrote:
L) GWC = Guy With Camera
T) GWC = GWUM (Guy With Ulterior Motives)

I don't think there has been anyone to clearly explain this concept so succinctly.  Kudos.

Aug 31 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

L: You don't have to worry about getting stiffed. I'll burn all images onto a disc for you immediately after the shoot!
T: That way you can't complain while I take my sweet time retouching. In fact, I may not even bother.

Aug 31 06 01:10 am Link



Posts: 6129

_Cinnamon_ wrote:
L: You don't have to worry about getting stiffed. I'll burn all images onto a disc for you immediately after the shoot!
T: That way you can't complain while I take my sweet time retouching. In fact, I may not even bother.

ya know, i've always wondered about that. *sigh

Aug 31 06 01:24 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

goodnight. I'd love to joke all night but I have to go work for the state in the morning and that is a joke in itself smile

Aug 31 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 6129

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
goodnight. I'd love to joke all night but I have to go work for the state in the morning and that is a joke in itself smile

dayum the truth is harsh

Aug 31 06 01:27 am Link


Jessica - The Peach

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

L) You know what, I am all booked up for this month.  Why don't you give me a call when I'm back in town, and we'll set something up.

T) My boss called and said I had to work the lunch shift tomorrow - please please please can we reschedule for this weekend???

(this has happened a couple of times... i feel so bad but i need my real job!)

Aug 31 06 01:31 am Link


Merlyn Magic Photo

Posts: 4361

Long Beach, California, US

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
goodnight. I'd love to joke all night but I have to go work for the state in the morning and that is a joke in itself smile

L) Gee what do you do for the state?
T) Wonder what NY hired her to do?

See sometimes they are both the same wink

[From an ol' NY Boy]

Aug 31 06 01:39 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

I couldn't tear myself away from this thing...

haha. I work for the Department of Environmental Conservation smile

Aug 31 06 01:40 am Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

Hamza wrote:
L) Sure you can bring your escort, but he'll have to stay outside the hotel room.
T) I'm going to call Hotel Security to remove the stranger standing outside my room, then I'll have my way with you!


Aug 31 06 01:41 am Link



Posts: 6129

L) what do you do for the State?
T) what kind of excuse is that. i thought we were gonna stay up all night, smoke a coupla doobs, and watch the sunrise.

Aug 31 06 01:42 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Hahaha got to do something when the man of the house passes out at 10pm smile

Aug 31 06 01:44 am Link



Posts: 6129

nite nite Ms. Sass

Aug 31 06 01:46 am Link