Forums > General Industry > Men's Magazines Personal Vent


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

Kylie Burke wrote:
I know exactly what you mean lauren.. someone once told me though, its not really what you look like or what you know.. its WHO you know..

I am not so sure it's who you know. I think alot has to do with promoting the model. Some models think they can submit pictures and there pictures will do all the work. Other models that have a very big fan base promote the contest and get everyone to vote for them. I think they need to change the name of the contests because most of the time the models with the best looks never win.


Aug 30 06 05:23 pm Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

Also I'm not trying to insult the girls character some things can be taken to literally about the whole "who you know/blow " I'm just saying they dont pick the better females I've always said it long before I ever submitted myself which brings me to another theory Why did I submitt at all?

Aug 30 06 05:23 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

Nikki Herrington wrote:
The same goes for other magazines as well... but I think thats more about who you know.

Who is this that the winners know ? I think they promote the fact they are in a contest all the time day and night until they win.


Aug 30 06 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 321

Dallas, Texas, US

It was a better world before Maxim, FHM, Stuff contests...

Aug 30 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 973

Houston, Texas, US

Lauren F. wrote:
Ok so heres my question..Why does it seem like that in every Mens magazine contest such as Maxim hometown hotties they pick some of the worst girls as finalists..I don't get it ..I was in the semi finals this year and If I was going to get kept out of the top ten (which I did) I wish it would of been of some deserving hotties..Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder but can we please start looking from the neck up on some of these ?? I know I may catch some slack for this post but please keep in mind I'm not saying that I deserve to be the head of the pack I'm just saying there were alot of girls that were much better, myself included IMHO..I mean they had 100 to pick from...And I see two that seem deserving..whats the deal?!


Of course it's "Who You Know".....
     Photographers book (or at least sometimes have a say so in who they want booked or who they want to work with) all the time.  An example is the company I work with, sometimes I have a say so in who I feel would work well for a certain shot or who would go well with a certain outfit.  Sometimes, I'll meet a model just out and about, not knowing she's a model, but I start to pick up on a good vibe.....and then, "BAAM".....she's in the studio the next week doing some Catalog work with us.  Also, the Art Director, the Stylist.....all of these people have their favorites, and we'll sit down and pick out who "WE" want to use.  Not necessarily who's the better looking.  A lot is based on "TRUE" talent, some is based on the model's personality, attitude, character, expressions.....just an overall general attribute.  And once you work with us, we'll continue to use you because we know exactly what we'll get, it's like a sure bet.....IT'S SAFE!  Also, usually, once your in and make a good impression.....the rest is history (or at least a steady source of income.....LOL).
     So you just have to keep "Beating The Streets" and knocking on doors.  99 out of 100 times you'll walk away disappointed, but all it usually takes is 1 or 2 steady clients or oppotunities.

Keep Your Head Up.....

Aug 30 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 1271

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Hamza wrote:

Just because you can have 20 or so pics posted on MM that are nice does not mean that someone is going to pay you tons of money much less invest in you for such a high priced shoot as Sports Illustrated.  They go for the PRO's that have built a CONSISTENT body of work that they are well known.  Personality too plays a part in this.  So to say that 1/2 the photogs on MM are as good as the ones on Sports Illustrated is LUDICROUS!!!

Umm but all the contestants are amateurs. Pros are not supposed to be in the hometown hotties contests...

Aug 30 06 06:12 pm Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

One guy just wrote me, said it didn't want to say it pubicly but that one of the reasons in his view has that I had the same expression in every pose...I really don't see this what do yall think?

Aug 30 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 973

Houston, Texas, US

Lauren F. wrote:
One guy just wrote me, said it didn't want to say it pubicly but that one of the reasons in his view has that I had the same expression in every pose...I really don't see this what do yall think?

He's Right!
Looking at your Portfolio everyone (except 2) of your images has that same "SEXY" slight Part-of-the-Lips look.  Although, that look is very appealing and you pull it off very well (most girls look like their pouting), it's the same expression in all of your pics.  Now, I don't know what that has to do with not going to the Finals in the Contest.  Well, actually I do.....but that's for a different thread.  But, I as a potental Client, may think, "Damn, is this the only expression she has?"  But, then again, after seeing your radiant smile.....I would reconsider.  If i had to critique your Portfolio, I would say that it's only missing a more variety of styles.....maybe some Athletic wear, some Lifestyle images, but most of all......a diversity of "EXPRESSIONS".  Expressions is the key to any photograph.  Especially Playboy/Maxim/FHM type of shots.  You feature excellent Headshots so a client knows that you're attractive.  You have Full and Three-Quarter Body Shots, both is Fashion and Swimwear/Lingerie, so he knows your Physique is definitely in the "HardBody" catagory.  But he may be unsure on how you can pull off "The Shot".....the one that will be seen by Millions and Millions of readers.  Again, keep up the great work.  I think you have Great more on that Portfolio as for as variety and expressions.


Aug 30 06 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 157

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I think you guys are missing the boat on this topic!
Having worked in the publishing biz, I can guarentee you that Maxum researched what kind of girls were getting the most responses from their target readership, and are tayloring their finalists to meet that response.
Maybe the readers like girls that aren't perfect 10's! I mean I've been told that amature porn out sells the glossy pro stuff.....Not that I'm comparing apples to apples.

Aug 31 06 09:47 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Um, for the most part they're pretty unsophisticated magazines in almost every sense of the word anyway? Why wouldn't they have an unsophisticated eye for hometown hotties (a lame idea to begin with) as well?

But few people ever seem to lose money underestimating the public. Sigh.

Aug 31 06 09:55 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Thomas Carson wrote:
I think you guys are missing the boat on this topic!
Having worked in the publishing biz, I can guarentee you that Maxum researched what kind of girls were getting the most responses from their target readership, and are tayloring their finalists to meet that response.
Maybe the readers like girls that aren't perfect 10's! I mean I've been told that amature porn out sells the glossy pro stuff.....Not that I'm comparing apples to apples.


Aug 31 06 10:07 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Idaho Edokpayi wrote:

Umm but all the contestants are amateurs. Pros are not supposed to be in the hometown hotties contests...

You're taking him out of context.  He was referring to a side issue in that someone said that half the photographers on MM seemingly have more talent and can produce better photos than the photographers SI uses.

Aug 31 06 10:11 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kylie Burke wrote:
its not really what you look like or what you know.. its WHO you know..

Or who you take it up the butt from. Either or.

Aug 31 06 10:14 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Thomas Carson wrote:
I think you guys are missing the boat on this topic!
Having worked in the publishing biz, I can guarentee you that Maxum researched what kind of girls were getting the most responses from their target readership, and are tayloring their finalists to meet that response.
Maybe the readers like girls that aren't perfect 10's! I mean I've been told that amature porn out sells the glossy pro stuff.....Not that I'm comparing apples to apples.

I'm SHOCKED that Maxumed Boobs would  do marketing and skew results.  Udderly surprised!
Next you're going to tell me the advertisers focus their ads on their target audience as well!

Aug 31 06 10:26 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Ok, now this is becoming a pretty fun thread. Thanks Kaitlin, KM, etc. ;-)

Aug 31 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 157

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

I'm SHOCKED that Maxumed Boobs would  do marketing and skew results.  Udderly surprised!
Next you're going to tell me the advertisers focus their ads on their target audience as well!

I Know it really surprised me too!!!!

Aug 31 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Lauren F. wrote:
I know I may catch some slack for this post but please keep in mind I'm not saying that I deserve to be the head of the pack

was that your problem..some contestants give more he..below the head and win.

Aug 31 06 10:54 am Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

LOL don't see myself wanting to be part of hometown hoochies that bad!

Aug 31 06 11:14 am Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

LOL don't see myself wanting to be part of hometown hoochies that bad!

Aug 31 06 11:14 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
I agree with the idea that the OP stated...I'm often surprised with the girls that don't make it...I think they have great bodies, but...we'll, I would call them butterfaces. I trust everyone knows what that means, and if you don't....maybe it's addressed on the newbie forum.

I think the hometown hotties, girls chosen for fhm, etc. are pretty, but I do not think that those chosing the winners are looking at a girl's face. ever.


I'd make similar complaints, but an easier solution is JUST DON'T LOOK AT THE MAGAZINES.......(and I don't look at them) is determined by what sells the magazine not by what is "correct;" the content of all magazines is determined by the advertisers and the advertisers are determined by who buys the magazine, thus those who buy the magazine (in a round about way) determine who wins the contest; unless I am way off base here, I'm sure there are many magazine publishers/editors who have come to the point where they say to themselves, "man this is horrible......but the people like we'll give them horrible....tempered with a little bit of what we want to try to elevate their standards...."

Honestly, it's like complaining that the breasts on the Playboy models are too big, or that the women in photos in Scientific American look too intelligent, or that the kids in Vogue Babini look too wealthy........THAT'S THE POINT OF THE MAGAZINE!

Ryan Entwistle - Photographer
re: photography

Aug 31 06 11:31 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Lauren F. wrote:
LOL don't see myself wanting to be part of hometown hoochies that bad!

Now they are hoochies?  Maybe you didn't get votes because people sensed bitterness?

Aug 31 06 11:32 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
I agree with the idea that the OP stated...I'm often surprised with the girls that don't make it...I think they have great bodies, but...we'll, I would call them butterfaces. I trust everyone knows what that means, and if you don't....maybe it's addressed on the newbie forum.

I think the hometown hotties, girls chosen for fhm, etc. are pretty, but I do not think that those chosing the winners are looking at a girl's face. ever.


I have the solution to the above-stated problem in this photo from my profile (LOL, honestly it was mainly just because I wanted a square format and I thought it made it more about the lines/lighting this way.........nothing against the models in this shot if they find this post)

Ryan Entwistle - Photographer
re: photography

Aug 31 06 11:41 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I don't have the answer for that, but I'd just say don't compete in the contest. Not all men read those magazines or gauge a woman/model by their standards. In fact, I feel a model that doesn't wish to be a home town hottie is an easier model to work with.
It’s like the photographers that say they shoot Maxim style images, but don’t do the extra hours of editing, is that really Maxim style?

I maintain that it is. There's a distinction between "Maxim Style" and "Maxim Production." Yes, it's a fine line, and yes, I'm going to agree that it's subjective, but that's my opinion.

I shoot Maxim-style, but most of my output doesn't have their production. Doing three sets a week for a client, I don't have the time, and the client is perfectly happy with the output.

Now, when I choose to portfolio one of the pieces, I will often do the production on it. Spot-retouching skin instead of applying a glamour layer, for example, which is still a departure from Maxim-production.

Your mileage may (will) vary, as does mine. But that's how I see it.

Aug 31 06 11:47 am Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

Now they are hoochies?  Maybe you didn't get votes because people sensed bitterness?

Wow you think they can since bitterness in three photos? ...damn their good dude it was off the cuff remark made jokeingly its called a sense of humor..some folks take things way to literally..this is not a life changing event just wanted some input that was the point of the post..and I got that from most everyone thanks guys :-)

Aug 31 06 11:58 am Link