Forums > General Industry > Photo shoot in 2 hrs - models coming?


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

Jim Ball wrote:
Location: A beautiful Bed & Breakfast Victorian home rented out for our exclusive use for 24 hours.

Models committed to come  and expected as of a week ago:  7, and possibly more. (see below)

1 cancelled with car trouble. She's a friend and the car trouble is real.

another also had car trouble - tried to work out a shared ride, but couldn't get the logistics right.  Cancelled late last night.  No blame - lots of MSN messaging trying to solve the problem.  Sincere try on her part.

1 cancelled 3 days ago to take a paid shoot instead.

1 evaporated - no response to email in over a week. (history of this behaviour it seems, I learned.)

A MM photographer/"manager" offered several girls he has "signed."  Discussed details with him for two weeks.  3 days ago, I said "send models."  Now communication with him has evaporated and he doesn't reply to emails.  Anyone want to bet if those models show up or not? :-)

So, I'm hoping the remaining three actually make it.

Sadly, this seems pretty typical for this type of event. :-)

Now, what am I gonna do with all the damn food and drink I bought to feed them? :^)

Refrigerate it and eat it yourself!

Aug 27 06 07:27 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Doing just that! :-)

Aug 27 06 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Mayanlee wrote:
1 outta 7..... ouch.

Ouch is right. I normally would get like 3 out of 7.

Aug 27 06 08:34 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Here's a couple of Alyssa from the shoot:

This is actually a second shot and not just a b&w of the above:

Aug 27 06 09:02 pm Link


ML Weston

Posts: 879

Seneca, Missouri, US

Boom...Boom... Boom... Boom...
Eveready Marvin ? LOL

I had a blast Jim, even while no models were there.
The location is worth its weight in gold in history and nostalgia.
Honestly there is a photo op in just about every nook and cranny both inside and out.
I consider the day a success if I get at least one great photograph, in this case it was a very, very successful outing.  Thanks for inviting me!

The only regret is we didn't have the opportunity to pose beautiful girls with the fantastic ambient light during the day. Lucky for us the sun will rise again and we know where some awe-inspiring photographs can be produced. Next time I think I'll hold a model or two hostage like I have before... (all right everybody, there's a reasonable explanation about this, don't assume the worst!)

Alyssa was a joy to work with and I would recommend her to any photographer that enjoys working with creative people. Her friend was a great sport, jumping in to fill the void left by the no shows! Even though she's not into modeling for the time being, I would work with her again at the drop of a hat. Both did a beautiful job!


Aug 27 06 09:35 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

I just got off the phone with the one model that was an unexpected no show Saturday.  We had a long, friendly conversation and she explained what happened.  Briefly, it involved a bank deposit that wasn't creditied in time, a seriously overdrawn bank account, and all the problems that sort of thing can cause.  It sounded like her Saturday went a lot worse than mine, and continued through today.  She also missed a paid shoot with another photographer today.  We will keep in touch and try to set up another shoot together.

Aug 27 06 10:05 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Jim Ball wrote:


You are definitely invited to our next shoot.  It might be a little while before we do it again here, but we will try again.  The location is just too good to abandon.

Cool! Thank you! I have to admit that school puts the kibosch on me ansering a lot of castings right now, but I'm a senior and volleyball will be over in mid Oct! I have several photgraphers waiting for me to have a free weekend!
I would love to come to a shoot with you!   BTW looked at the pics you posted and I can see what you were going for and why you were "distressed" over missing a really good phot op!!

Aug 29 06 02:45 pm Link