Forums > General Industry > The reasons I'm not a "professional" photographer


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

So, I was thinking about this today.

There's a number of reasons why I don't consider myself a professional photographer. And, I'm happy about that. You know why?


I can do tfcd any time that I want.

I can let models bring escorts if they so choose.

I don't have to have the latest, top of the line equipment. But I can, if I want to.

I don't need to make fun of new models trying to start a career, and smite them in their little hearts.

I can work (work?) on short notice, and not pretend I'm too booked up to bother with you because you're not a "professional" model. (separate topic, I'll leave that one alone.)

I don't have to care too much about whether my photo's are "correct" or not; I can just make images that I like.

O, and horrors: I can share the copyrights of the images with the models. Equally. Because I feel it's a shared creativity. Any profits are shared, too. (though that's an infrequent thing, since as a NON pro, I don't feel the need to sell my stuff.)

So, as a non-pro, I can just sit back, have fun, help people build their portfolios, and have a good time.

And I can ignore all the flames I've just drawn upon myself, too.
(sticks tongue out)

By the way, I class Pro Photographer as someone who's only source of income is from their photographer. And they live in a decent manner.
(and not ALL "Pro, I'm so pro" photographers pick on inexperienced models and make them cry, either. Just some.)

Aug 25 06 10:23 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

There should be one definition for a professional photographer that should be written in stone.

A professional photographer shoots on demand, and will produce one useable photograph with no excuses.

As a magazine photographer, as an example, you might go and see a design director of photo editor with a beautiful portfolio. In the end, you might get a job (it will be based on years of experience by the editor and or director) only after they look at you in the eye and feel that if they assign you to do something you will come back with results.

Aug 25 06 10:32 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Is that a self advertisement for TFCD?

Aug 25 06 10:37 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

I totally agree with everything you said except "I don't need to make fun of new models trying to start a career, and smite them in their little hearts. "  Not sure what that means.

Aug 26 06 12:33 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

you are not a pro photographer cause:

- you take blurry pictures...*edit - oh wait they are not blurry...they are photoshopped tricked me there tongue
- except one image in your port your stuff is boring tongue
- your website looks like its made in early 90's tongue
- many of your images are not or weakly post processed tongue
- you take pictures of new models and just make them look funny tongue

hell yes I hate those big-ego-pro-photogs....

I really do. I'm not a pro either tongue

Aug 26 06 01:02 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

On my last professional gig I was required to provide twelve usable images on demand.  Freelance nightlife coverage for the San Diego Union-Tribune website. 

That said, I'm not a professional photographer because I really didn't like doing exactly what some AD told me to do.  (That was the advertising part.  The rest was OK, but didn't pay as well as advertising.) 

So now I'm an amateur with another way entirely to make a living.


Aug 26 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

J Schumacher wrote:
By the way, I class Pro Photographer as someone who's only source of income is from their photographer. And they live in a decent manner.

So the fact that I've already made as much money as I need and don't NEED a source of income means I can never be a professional photographer, ever?

Man, that sucks.

Aug 26 06 02:02 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Koray wrote:
you are not a pro photographer cause:

- you take blurry pictures...*edit - oh wait they are not blurry...they are photoshopped tricked me there tongue

Nope, no photoshop, that's a soft focus lens.

- your website looks like its made in early 90's tongue

It was. I don't feel any need to change it, cause I'm lazy, and don't need to be a pro web designer either.

- many of your images are not or weakly post processed tongue

Yep yep, I try to do it all with the camera, and you are correct. Almost no post processing.

- you take pictures of new models and just make them look funny tongue
Hm, no complaints yet. And funny is also useful. One of the best things in life.

Aug 26 06 02:44 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

So the fact that I've already made as much money as I need and don't NEED a source of income means I can never be a professional photographer, ever?

Man, that sucks.

You May Have Been a pro photographer once. Now you're a professional bum, if you don't need any money.

And the rest of us are very, very jealous.

Aug 26 06 02:45 am Link


Ivan S Harris

Posts: 96

San Diego, California, US

damn, I guess Im a pro...I don't do anything else but Photography, BUT my moneys not THERE!! LOL

Aug 26 06 02:46 am Link


Jaime Ibarra

Posts: 312

Austin, Texas, US

J Schumacher wrote:
I don't have to care too much about whether my photo's are "correct" or not; I can just make images that I like.

Nor do you care about your abuse of the apostrophe "s".

Allow me to educate you:

1. Plural nouns = NO apostrophe, "s" only. Example: mistakes
2. If you have to add an "es" to make the word plural, then there is STILL NO APOSTROPHE! Example: lenses
3. Possessive = apostrophe before the "s". Example: this photographer's pet peeve
4. Plural AND possessive = apostrophe AFTER the "s" (this one is tricky). Example: those guys' punctuation mistakes
5. If the plural doesn't end in "s," the apostrophe comes before the "s". Example: children's television
6. When conjugating verbs in the third person singular = NO APOSTROPHE. Example: it costs you nothing.
7. An exception to the possessive rule is "it."
    a. With a possessive "it," there is NO APOSTROPHE. Example: the cat licked its balls.
    b. You only use an apostrophe with "it" when you are forming the contraction it is = it's
    c. I will make an exception to my general rule of extreme perturbance in the case of its/it's. Yes, I know, it's hard.
8. Finally, an apostrophe is used to form other contractions: cannot = can't, is not = isn't, etc.

A little lesson that a lot of people here can benefit from smile

Aug 26 06 02:58 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

J Schumacher wrote:
So, I was thinking about this today.

There's a number of reasons why I don't consider myself a professional photographer. And, I'm happy about that. You know why?


I can do tfcd any time that I want.

I can let models bring escorts if they so choose.

I don't have to have the latest, top of the line equipment. But I can, if I want to.

I don't need to make fun of new models trying to start a career, and smite them in their little hearts.

I can work (work?) on short notice, and not pretend I'm too booked up to bother with you because you're not a "professional" model. (separate topic, I'll leave that one alone.)

I don't have to care too much about whether my photo's are "correct" or not; I can just make images that I like.

O, and horrors: I can share the copyrights of the images with the models. Equally. Because I feel it's a shared creativity. Any profits are shared, too. (though that's an infrequent thing, since as a NON pro, I don't feel the need to sell my stuff.)

So, as a non-pro, I can just sit back, have fun, help people build their portfolios, and have a good time.

And I can ignore all the flames I've just drawn upon myself, too.
(sticks tongue out)

By the way, I class Pro Photographer as someone who's only source of income is from their photographer. And they live in a decent manner.
(and not ALL "Pro, I'm so pro" photographers pick on inexperienced models and make them cry, either. Just some.)

Let's see..

I AM A pro Photgrapher and you are not only cracking me up with your blanket statements..but you are proving you are not a PROFESSIONAL minded photgrapher, nor a true loving artist.

Also you are making statements at the expence of others to pump yourself up.  If I were you, I would FOCUS on your images and not starting pointless discussions that are primarily about you. Then again, it's Mayhem and almost anything goes.

As a self proclaimed NON pro, I wonder what it is you were trying to get accross.
I, of course; looked at your portfolio and I agree. You are certainly making images you like.

Keep up the great work..and by all means keep uplifting this wonderful hobby/profesion with your words of wisdom and kindness.


Aug 26 06 03:12 am Link



Posts: 6129

alexwh wrote:
There should be one definition for a professional photographer that should be written in stone.

A professional photographer shoots on demand, and will produce one useable photograph with no excuses.

As a magazine photographer, as an example, you might go and see a design director of photo editor with a beautiful portfolio. In the end, you might get a job (it will be based on years of experience by the editor and or director) only after they look at you in the eye and feel that if they assign you to do something you will come back with results.

God bless a useable definition

Aug 26 06 03:18 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:

God bless a useable definition

What? No wood chipper?  I hate you !

Aug 26 06 03:23 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

alexwh wrote:
There should be one definition for a professional photographer that should be written in stone.

A professional photographer shoots on demand, and will produce one useable photograph with no excuses.

As a magazine photographer, as an example, you might go and see a design director of photo editor with a beautiful portfolio. In the end, you might get a job (it will be based on years of experience by the editor and or director) only after they look at you in the eye and feel that if they assign you to do something you will come back with results.

What about shooting live performances where you don't get a chance to move a light or add a gel or fix the hair.

*smiles* I shoot for the fun of it and am having a great time.

Aug 26 06 03:24 am Link



Posts: 6129

J Schumacher wrote:
I don't need to make fun of new models trying to start a career, and smite them in their little hearts.

I never 'make fun'. If I 'smite them in their little hearts', its because they've been lied to all their lives and I won't jump on the bandwagon. It's a cruel world. I wasn't coddled thank God. I won't coddle others.

Aug 26 06 03:26 am Link



Posts: 375

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

You may not be a professional photographer, but you are sure selling something.

Aug 26 06 03:34 am Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

J Schumacher wrote:
So, I was thinking about this today.

There's a number of reasons why I don't consider myself a professional photographer. And, I'm happy about that. You know why?


I can do tfcd any time that I want.

I can let models bring escorts if they so choose.

I don't have to have the latest, top of the line equipment. But I can, if I want to.

I don't need to make fun of new models trying to start a career, and smite them in their little hearts.

I can work (work?) on short notice, and not pretend I'm too booked up to bother with you because you're not a "professional" model. (separate topic, I'll leave that one alone.)

I don't have to care too much about whether my photo's are "correct" or not; I can just make images that I like.

O, and horrors: I can share the copyrights of the images with the models. Equally. Because I feel it's a shared creativity. Any profits are shared, too. (though that's an infrequent thing, since as a NON pro, I don't feel the need to sell my stuff.)

So, as a non-pro, I can just sit back, have fun, help people build their portfolios, and have a good time.

And I can ignore all the flames I've just drawn upon myself, too.
(sticks tongue out)

By the way, I class Pro Photographer as someone who's only source of income is from their photographer. And they live in a decent manner.
(and not ALL "Pro, I'm so pro" photographers pick on inexperienced models and make them cry, either. Just some.)

You make it sound so hard to be a non-pro. All I got to do is take crappy photos and not get payed. It is so easy that way.

Aug 26 06 03:35 am Link



Posts: 36

Beulaville, North Carolina, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

*smiles* I shoot for the fun of it and am having a great time.[/quote wrote:

Im with you on that one.  Yeah its work, but personally I enjoy it.  Everyone has there opinion sure.  But for me, lets keep it fun.  Ive said it before and Ill say it again--Artists need a sense of humor in their trade in order to be well balanced.  Or they just act like dicks.  {And no Im not speaking of anyone in particular, its a general observation.[this is for the people with no sense of humor]}

Aug 26 06 03:39 am Link


Jamie Baker

Posts: 317

Palo Alto, California, US

Jaime Ibarra wrote:

Nor do you care about your abuse of the apostrophe "s".

Allow me to educate you:

1. Plural nouns = NO apostrophe, "s" only. Example: mistakes
2. If you have to add an "es" to make the word plural, then there is STILL NO APOSTROPHE! Example: lenses
3. Possessive = apostrophe before the "s". Example: this photographer's pet peeve
4. Plural AND possessive = apostrophe AFTER the "s" (this one is tricky). Example: those guys' punctuation mistakes
5. If the plural doesn't end in "s," the apostrophe comes before the "s". Example: children's television
6. When conjugating verbs in the third person singular = NO APOSTROPHE. Example: it costs you nothing.
7. An exception to the possessive rule is "it."
    a. With a possessive "it," there is NO APOSTROPHE. Example: the cat licked its balls.
    b. You only use an apostrophe with "it" when you are forming the contraction it is = it's
    c. I will make an exception to my general rule of extreme perturbance in the case of its/it's. Yes, I know, it's hard.
8. Finally, an apostrophe is used to form other contractions: cannot = can't, is not = isn't, etc.

A little lesson that a lot of people here can benefit from smile


I was in need of review.

Aug 26 06 03:43 am Link


Aurora Natrix

Posts: 458

Miami, Florida, US

Jaime Ibarra wrote:

Nor do you care about your abuse of the apostrophe "s".

Allow me to educate you:

1. Plural nouns = NO apostrophe, "s" only. Example: mistakes
2. If you have to add an "es" to make the word plural, then there is STILL NO APOSTROPHE! Example: lenses
3. Possessive = apostrophe before the "s". Example: this photographer's pet peeve
4. Plural AND possessive = apostrophe AFTER the "s" (this one is tricky). Example: those guys' punctuation mistakes
5. If the plural doesn't end in "s," the apostrophe comes before the "s". Example: children's television
6. When conjugating verbs in the third person singular = NO APOSTROPHE. Example: it costs you nothing.
7. An exception to the possessive rule is "it."
    a. With a possessive "it," there is NO APOSTROPHE. Example: the cat licked its balls.
    b. You only use an apostrophe with "it" when you are forming the contraction it is = it's
    c. I will make an exception to my general rule of extreme perturbance in the case of its/it's. Yes, I know, it's hard.
8. Finally, an apostrophe is used to form other contractions: cannot = can't, is not = isn't, etc.

A little lesson that a lot of people here can benefit from smile

I sincerely hope that you have a sense of humour....

...but you really set yourself up for this one! The last time that I checked an emoticon was not a proper grammatical form of punctuation. I'm aware that exclamation marks, full-stops/periods, and question marks are all used to end sentences, but I've never heard of a smiley face completing a sentence. Please don't bother reviewing my grammar because I know I'm bloody useless in that department!

Don't take me too seriously. It's all in good fun.

Aug 26 06 03:44 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Owen  Albertson wrote:

Craig Thomson wrote:

*smiles* I shoot for the fun of it and am having a great time.[/quote wrote:

Im with you on that one.  Yeah its work, but personally I enjoy it.  Everyone has there opinion sure.  But for me, lets keep it fun.  Ive said it before and Ill say it again--Artists need a sense of humor in their trade in order to be well balanced.  Or they just act like dicks.  {And no Im not speaking of anyone in particular, its a general observation.[this is for the people with no sense of humor]}

sense of humor? OH! Like a Polka Dotted WOOD CHIPPER?  ..Now that's funny!

Aug 26 06 03:52 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Please no more amateur versus pro, "I'm an artist you're are whore" or "I get paid therefore am better than you" posts.

Professionals get paid and good luck to them.  they also get "hobby time" to shoot non-commercial stuff that interests them too.

Amateurs can be as talented as professionals or technically proficient.  It's not a big deal.

Your post reads like an advertisment and as such has attracted some critical comments.  You may not have meant this when you started this thread but when you post here you have to be ready fro critiques on the quality and style of your work.  This is a good thing if you can learn from the constructive ones and not be angered by the plain bitchy ones.

p.s.  I think I got my apostrophes right.

Aug 26 06 04:01 am Link


dodgy photography

Posts: 318

San Francisco, California, US

gdsandy wrote:
Professionals get paid and good luck to them.  they also get "hobby time" to shoot non-commercial stuff that interests them too..

There's no line in the sand. If you demostrate some talent then you may sell some work. You may choose to take it further. I'm a "semi-pro", photography is not not my main source of income, but it is a substantial part of it. And the paying work is either news shots for a weekly newspaper or promo pics for bands. That's cool. I do the best I can in either case and people pay me.

And I also do shoots for fun, or for "art" and don't expect to see a dime from it, though I'll take every shoot as learning experience.

Why get on a high horse? Photography means different things to different people.

Aug 26 06 04:15 am Link



Posts: 36

Beulaville, North Carolina, US

Vance wrote:

Owen  Albertson wrote:

Craig Thomson wrote:

*smiles* I shoot for the fun of it and am having a great time.[/quote wrote:

Im with you on that one.  Yeah its work, but personally I enjoy it.  Everyone has there opinion sure.  But for me, lets keep it fun.  Ive said it before and Ill say it again--Artists need a sense of humor in their trade in order to be well balanced.  Or they just act like dicks.  {And no Im not speaking of anyone in particular, its a general observation.[this is for the people with no sense of humor]}

sense of humor? OH! Like a Polka Dotted WOOD CHIPPER?  ..Now that's funny!

Yes, very.

Aug 26 06 04:22 am Link



Posts: 36

Beulaville, North Carolina, US

I wonder how many of these little windows we can make?
Now thats funny.  Actually its annoying.  Im gonna stop now I promise...nevermind.

Aug 26 06 04:26 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 583

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

oldguysrule wrote:

I never 'make fun'. If I 'smite them in their little hearts', its because they've been lied to all their lives and I won't jump on the bandwagon. It's a cruel world. I wasn't coddled thank God. I won't coddle others.


Aug 26 06 04:32 am Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Questions and Answers most Models ask me.
Hey it's the Magic Man sending out a check list on some of the questions some models I shoot with ask me and some of the answers I would love to give them but can't. So I made up my own answers to those questions. Smile and have a nice day.
And Yes I do think I am a very Pro Photographer.

Q-Where did you learn to do your Photography?

A-I was walking by a photography class after attending my Medical Surjury class and said hey this looks intressting.

Q-How long have you been takeing pictuers.

A-I took my first picture from my aunts house. It was a pictuer of me and my cousin Nancy makeing out and pretending we were married.

Q-How big is your Camera.

A-It's very big and it has a strap and I some times have to use both hands cus of my big zoom lens,

Q-What are you gonna use the pictuers that you are taking of me.

A-I will post them on Model Mayhem and Myspace. Only if I like the way you came out but if you came out Nasty I will post them on One Model Place where no one will ever see them.

Q-Will you have food for me and something to drink?

A-Yes. I have running water fromf my sink. Bring your own glass and I will save some of my lunch scraps for you.

Q-I have never been photographed Nakied will you photograph me nakied.

A-I will have to pass on this one. I am to much of a Gentleman to answer such a childish question. You can go change over in this room. Don't mind all the video cameras they don't work Really. Trust me.

Q-What will I get if we do a photoshoot.

A-You will be lucky if you get out of my place alive hehehehe hoooowa. But yes you will get something from me. Just make sure you let me know what your doctor says when you go visit him or her.

Q-How long will it take for me to get my CD or Prints.

A-Silly girl hehehehe. Check your mail box by the 32nd of this month.

Q-Can I bring a Friend with me.

A-Yes of course. And if she is hotter than you don't get mad if I shoot all my film on her. (I'm still old school, i use film too)

Q-I have always wanted to do a photoshoot with my boyfriend, can you take lots of pictuers of the both of us.

A-Yes in your dreams. Now move on.

Q-I have only lingerie and see through stuff is that OK?

A-Yes i have a few lil items myself. Mainly that's all I have hehehehe. Plus my girlfriend always takes it afterwards.

Q-I'm only 17 years old can we do nudes. I will be 18 in two weeks.

A-Yes I will see you in two weeks.

Q-I want to look like a Movie Star on all of my pictuers. Can you do that.

A-Yes I know how to use Photoshop like a Pro. I can cut off Marilyn Monroes body and add your face or vis versa.

Q-What's a Models Release form.

A-That is a form that allows me to release you after the photoshoot.

Q-Do you provide Make Up and Hair.

A-The only make up I have is Noxzema face lotion for pimples. And a few wigs I got from yard sale.

Q-Do you think I'm to fat to be a model.

A-There is a Market for Plus size Models. It's right around the corner from here. Can you go and get me a few bags of Corn chips and toilet paper.

Q-I lost all of my CD's you gave me can you make me more copies.

A-Yes, of course here is a copie of my bill for Mail, gas and shipping charges CD case and packaging. Plus time spent looking for your images.

Q-I shot with this amazeing photographer last week. He took me out to dinner after our shoot. He gave me lots of outfits to wear and keep. He gave me lots of photographs and CD's of every thing that we shot. Plus he gave me Gas money too. And paid me $100.00 an hour to model for him. What will you give me if I shoot with you.

A-Like the French say. Miert Miert Miert and more Miert.

Q-I can only model on weekends. I have a life and a job durring the week.

A-Call me when you become a real model.

Q-Hey! it's been four weeks since we shoot. When are you gonna give me my CD and Pictuers.

A-As soon as I get my lil ass to download them and put them on a CD for you. How's Next Month on the 32nd sound to you.

Q-What does TFP mean.

A- It means Take For Pills and call me in the morning. Or it could mean That's Franks Pizza but some times it mean Time for Prints.

Q-Have you ever photographed a model while she was on that time of the month.

A-Like the English would say. Bloody right! Good show and all that good stuff. Cheerio. Pipp Pipp, Telly Hoe old girl.

Q-How much longer are we gonna shoot.

A-As soon as I find out how to use this Digital Camera I just bought.

Q-It's getting late can we shoot some other time.

A. Yes, next time when I say come down at 10 am so we can shoot till 3pm. Make sure you don't show up around 2:45pm

Well that's it for now. Take care and hope you all enjoyed it. Please add comments. Come on you can do it. If you read this and took the time, Take a few more seconds and add comments. But if you don't feel like it. It's Kewl,

The Magic Man

Aug 26 06 04:55 am Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

-if people arent pros, its simply coz theyre not good enough at all facets of their job as a photgrapher.

-those who have to 'tell' u they are a pro (ie. using the word 'professional' in their business name  or title), usually know they arent, but they like to think they are, so they say it to try to convince other people.....

-real pros just are.....and the title of 'pro' would only ever be tagged onto them by other people.

Aug 26 06 06:22 am Link



Posts: 1040

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

The art and the business of photography are entirely different animals. Professionals have mastered the business and may have actually mastered the art, too. "Amateur" doesn't have to be a disparaging term. It's possible for a person to be a fine artist without the desire or skill to manage the business.

Aug 26 06 07:14 am Link


Glenn Francis

Posts: 347

Los Angeles, California, US

The reasons I'm not a "professional" Lifeguard

1). I don’t have to actually “know” anything about saving someone’s life. (Those classes are sooooooo boring).

2). I don’t have any set hours – (no sitting in a tower when it’s cold or windy).

3). I don’t have to know how to swim. (since I couldn’t rescue anyone anyway, why bother learning)

4).  I don’t have to know how to tie a bowline (The rabbit comes out of the hole around the tree and then back down his hole – and the rabbit is the running end of the rope -  then tie a figure-eight stopper knot- left handed, right handed, over handed, underhanded…. )   WTF???

5. I can inspect all the chicks to determine if they are using the proper strength sunscreen to protect from sunburn.  I can also assist in applying lotion to areas I see not covered.

6). All I have to know is how to throw one of those round orange floating thingys and remember to hold her nose while I’m kissing her, I mean, giving mouth to mouth resuscitation.

7). With my binoculars, I can safely observe the chicks who untie their bikini
strings in the back, and determine whether anything shows when they rise up to drink their smoothies.

8). When I say I’m a lifeguard, it’s easy to find chicks who’ll volunteer to help me practice my simulated rescue breathing and CPR techniques.


Aug 26 06 08:04 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I'm just a guy who needs to make mortgage payments, car payment, utility payments, buy food, put gas in my car and all the other mundane things we do every day.

I just happen to love photography and get paid for it.

Am I a professional?  Or am I a good businessman who knows how to market what he knows?

Aug 26 06 08:56 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Jaime Ibarra wrote:

Nor do you care about your abuse of the apostrophe "s".

Allow me to educate you:

1. Plural nouns = NO apostrophe, "s" only. Example: mistakes

O, damn. You caught me. (actually that was just a typo, though. and yes, I know "o" is not a word, but I grew up in Montana, so I can type as illiterately as I choose. It's local color.)

Aug 26 06 02:31 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

shotbytim wrote:
The art and the business of photography are entirely different animals. Professionals have mastered the business and may have actually mastered the art, too. "Amateur" doesn't have to be a disparaging term. It's possible for a person to be a fine artist without the desire or skill to manage the business.

Aaaa, pierces to the heart of the matter. Yep, that's the point. And mostly, I was bored, so I poked the hornet nest with a stick.

Although I still feel bad when a new model signs on, puts up her "I'm here" post, and some of you guys tell her to get a job at McDonalds 'cause she'll never be a model. You don't have to kill OR coddle her, just leave her alone if you feel that way; if it's true, she'll find out gradually.

Aug 26 06 02:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

J Schumacher wrote:
So, I was thinking about this today.

There's a number of reasons why I don't consider myself a professional photographer. And, I'm happy about that. You know why?


bla bla bla

You know... everything you describe here is a "wannabe" professional photographer.

Personally, I don't know anybody who is in the real world and media professional who thinks like the people you describe above.

The only thing that is rather true is that most professionals I know won't share copyright... I give reproductions rights to the model I shoot, transfer of copyrights is reserved for buyouts for good money.

Otherwise, you listed so many points that qualifies as unprofessional

Aug 26 06 03:44 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

gavin oneill wrote:
-those who have to 'tell' u they are a pro (ie. using the word 'professional' in their business name  or title), usually know they arent, but they like to think they are, so they say it to try to convince other people.....

-real pros just are.....and the title of 'pro' would only ever be tagged onto them by other people.


Using terns like.. Professonal..Certified..Authenticated...Liscenced....etc..are term Professional people put in Job tittles and such as TERMS used to give potential clients a feeling of confidence.

How many corporations are going to hire a company who promotes themselves as Novice or "just starting out? Not very many...We have these terms and titles in the business world for a reason..It has nothing to do with egos////at least not soely..

My professional .02$

Aug 26 06 03:55 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I'm just a guy who needs to make mortgage payments, car payment, utility payments, buy food, put gas in my car and all the other mundane things we do every day.

I just happen to love photography and get paid for it.

Am I a professional?  Or am I a good businessman who knows how to market what he knows?

Yes. Yes you are. By my (MY, you have your own) definition, if photography is paying all your bills, your a a professional. Your profession is photography.

For the benefit of some of you snarly others, even if you're not posting, just thinking about it:

Aa, never mind. Fire at will. I'm not even gonna finish the statement.

Aug 26 06 07:16 pm Link


Tom Newman

Posts: 8

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

My .02... just because someone gets paid for your photography and may be considered a "pro" still doesn't mean that person takes any good pictures.  I've seen  flat, underexposed, and mis-framed pictures from supposed "pros". 

In my book it comes down to your book for me to consider you a "pro" or not. 


ps.  Wouldn't it be great if they did an "apprentice"-style show with a bunch of amateur photographers?

Aug 26 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 190

West Sacramento, California, US

Koray wrote:
you are not a pro photographer cause:

- you take blurry pictures...*edit - oh wait they are not blurry...they are photoshopped tricked me there tongue
- except one image in your port your stuff is boring tongue
- your website looks like its made in early 90's tongue
- many of your images are not or weakly post processed tongue
- you take pictures of new models and just make them look funny tongue

hell yes I hate those big-ego-pro-photogs....

I really do. I'm not a pro either tongue

Goodness don't you know the difference between a filtered picture vs. a blurry picture?  Even I know the difference.  I suppose that is why you are neither a pro or a non-pro maybe just lame critic.

Aug 27 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 190

West Sacramento, California, US

Jaime Ibarra wrote:

Nor do you care about your abuse of the apostrophe "s".

Allow me to educate you:

1. Plural nouns = NO apostrophe, "s" only. Example: mistakes
2. If you have to add an "es" to make the word plural, then there is STILL NO APOSTROPHE! Example: lenses
3. Possessive = apostrophe before the "s". Example: this photographer's pet peeve
4. Plural AND possessive = apostrophe AFTER the "s" (this one is tricky). Example: those guys' punctuation mistakes
5. If the plural doesn't end in "s," the apostrophe comes before the "s". Example: children's television
6. When conjugating verbs in the third person singular = NO APOSTROPHE. Example: it costs you nothing.
7. An exception to the possessive rule is "it."
    a. With a possessive "it," there is NO APOSTROPHE. Example: the cat licked its balls.
    b. You only use an apostrophe with "it" when you are forming the contraction it is = it's
    c. I will make an exception to my general rule of extreme perturbance in the case of its/it's. Yes, I know, it's hard.
8. Finally, an apostrophe is used to form other contractions: cannot = can't, is not = isn't, etc.

A little lesson that a lot of people here can benefit from smile

WTF is this an English review site?

You have anything else better to say?

Aug 27 06 05:01 pm Link