Forums > General Industry > Smoking in Studios?



Posts: 64

Springfield, Colorado, US

Do many photographers smoke while shooting?  Just laugh at me if this is a ridiculously stupid question.  Thanks!

Aug 23 06 05:24 am Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

Some may.  But, I don't personally know any that do.

Aug 23 06 05:45 am Link


Community Photography

Posts: 138


I never smoke when shooting

Oh wait just remembered I don't smoke opp's

Aug 23 06 06:11 am Link


Maxim V

Posts: 224

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I do not smoke and would not smoke in a studio if I did.
And, I would never photograph a model who is a smoker.

Aug 23 06 06:21 am Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

First it's a bad habit, unless it's for a photographic effect.
Smoke has to settle somewhere and after a period of
time your lenses/equipment will be coated....Have you ever been
in someones house that's a heavy smoker ?
I rest me case....

Aug 23 06 06:21 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Some people do, some people don't.  I don't think it matters either way.  My point is, who cares?

Aug 23 06 06:25 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Not good for the camera.  I dont even let people use hairspray around my rig.  I have enough problems with dust on my sensor in clean air.

Aug 23 06 06:43 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

For defense of the smokers (of which I am one) Yes, I smoke in my studio. It is well ventilated and I only do this during a shoot if the model, and whomever else is in the studio at the time, are smokers also. Filthy habit... yes. Disgusting... yes. Unhealthy... most definatly. Am I going to quit or make some bullshit attempt at quitting just to please the anti-smoker movement... Not a chance. Do I force my smoke on non-smokers... no way. If someone tells me that my smoke is bothering them, I have no problem finding another place to smoke. If a non-smoker comes into the smoking section of my favorite resteraunt and tells me to stop smoking, what can I say but they are invading my space and can therefore go to hell.

Aug 23 06 06:50 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12989

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

I don't but a ridiculous number of my models and their friends do,
So I have lots of ashtrays around and make no effort to discourage their smoking in my studio.
But it's a big space with lots of air movment so a few cigarettes have little effect on the air quality.

Aug 23 06 07:28 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

Maxim wrote:
And, I would never photograph a model who is a smoker.

that would leave out at least half of the world's top models.

Aug 23 06 07:38 am Link


Ken Rieves Photography

Posts: 934

Avon Lake, Ohio, US

I don't allow it. In fact, my lease prohibits smoking in the building.

Aug 23 06 07:41 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
If a non-smoker comes into the smoking section of my favorite resteraunt and tells me to stop smoking, what can I say but they are invading my space and can therefore go to hell.

Someone at another site posted a story about their granny --

She rarely got out of the house, was in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank at a party or some social gathering.  There she is smoking like a chimney.  Someone comes up to her all militant saying something to the effect, why are you smoking, dont you know thats why you're on an oxygen tank?  She says, dont you know if I turn this valve right here I can blow us all to kingdom come?  Now shut the fuck up!

LOL.  Fiesty old gal.  I respect that.

Aug 23 06 07:42 am Link



Posts: 64

Springfield, Colorado, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:

that would leave out at least half of the world's top models.

haha, yeh I bet it would.  I don't and hate the stink it leaves behind on people and things.  I would think it'd coat the cameras too like some of you had mentioned.

Aug 23 06 07:44 am Link



Posts: 13

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

I am just now recently a non-smoker... but I have worked with photographers who do smoke (not while shooting) and some who do... in fact I'VE smoked during a shoot when we were trying to get some smoke rings and old Hollywood portraits.  They came out great, but if it bothers you, ask if they could refrain from smoking until the shoot is over... unfortunately you'll probably only have a 30 minute shoot.  So pose perfectly!  HA!

Aug 23 06 07:46 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I don't smoke in the studio but I've had some "smokin" shoots!

Aug 23 06 07:51 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
For defense of the smokers (of which I am one) Yes, I smoke in my studio. It is well ventilated and I only do this during a shoot if the model, and whomever else is in the studio at the time, are smokers also. Filthy habit... yes. Disgusting... yes. Unhealthy... most definatly. Am I going to quit or make some bullshit attempt at quitting just to please the anti-smoker movement... Not a chance. Do I force my smoke on non-smokers... no way. If someone tells me that my smoke is bothering them, I have no problem finding another place to smoke. If a non-smoker comes into the smoking section of my favorite resteraunt and tells me to stop smoking, what can I say but they are invading my space and can therefore go to hell.

I'll give you the "smoking section of the restaurant" thing, but..

If you don't *know* that someone is a smoker, then assume that it's going to be bothersome to them.  You also say that you don't force your smoke on non-smokers, but.. I bet I could find you smoking in high-traffic areas, and near doorways.. asserting your "right" to do so rather than worrying about being polite to your fellow man.


Aug 23 06 09:22 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Just crack and some opium.

Aug 23 06 09:34 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
If you don't *know* that someone is a smoker, then assume that it's going to be bothersome to them.  You also say that you don't force your smoke on non-smokers, but.. I bet I could find you smoking in high-traffic areas, and near doorways.. asserting your "right" to do so rather than worrying about being polite to your fellow man.


No actually... As a former resident of California I was quite used to there not being ANY smoking section in resteraunts, bars, etc. which did put all of the smokers right out in front of the door coming in. Bad idea. I will admit that there is always the chance that I could be smoking in a public area that is legal to smoke in but not designated as a smoking section, but I believe i mentioned that I have no problem moving to a diferant location if someone says that it is bothering them.

Aug 23 06 10:01 am Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

Cybil wrote:
Do many photographers smoke while shooting?  Just laugh at me if this is a ridiculously stupid question.  Thanks!

I'm a smoker, and most of my work is shot outside, as opposed to in the studio, so it would make sense that I might smoke while shooting.  But I find it difficult to get my face in the viewfinder with a smoke hanging off my lip. wink

Aug 23 06 10:13 am Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

People still smoke?????

Maybe they haven't heard.

Aug 23 06 10:17 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Digital Basement Studio wrote:
People still smoke?????

Maybe they haven't heard.

Actually they print it on every pack... but maybe we can't read.

Aug 23 06 10:22 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

i think most studio owners wouldnt allow it plus cig smoke sucks.

Aug 23 06 10:26 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

I do. Can you believe people will say stupid stuff like: Oh it makes my hair smell bad, Oh, my clothes will smell.

Can you believe how rude some people can be?

Aug 23 06 10:29 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I pay for the building....I will smoke.  If someone doesnt like it....either deal with it, pay the building payment or ask me politely to wait until after the shoot. 
   As for the health concerns and smoking in public....I will quit smoking and parade around the country in defense of non smokers when the bug spray called perfume is banned from public places and when msg and other preservatives are banned from foods.  In the mean time....light up.

Aug 23 06 10:31 am Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

It puts a film on your lens that is hard to get off.  Wouldn't recommend it.  Plus, it's just unpleasant.

Aug 23 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

missing fingers product wrote:
i think most studio owners wouldnt allow it plus cig smoke sucks.

Tobacco smoke is an acquired taste.

Aug 23 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Amy J Jones Photography wrote:
It puts a film on your lens that is hard to get off.  Wouldn't recommend it.  Plus, it's just unpleasant.

You are supposed to smoke cigarettes. You don't rub them on your lens.

Aug 23 06 10:38 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Have people not heard the studies that have come from the U of Miami school of medicene?
1.  A non smoker would have to sit in a 15x15 ft room for 40 hours a week for 16 years to inhale enough 2nd hand smoke to equal one cigarette.  So much for the 2nd hand smoke BS huh?
2.  Smokers are less likely to get colds because they are more likely to take deep breaths this expanding thier lungs and keeping out pockets of lung that hold bacteria that develop colds.
  Tobacco does not cause cancer.  The preservative chemicals American tobacco companies coat tobacco in can do so.  Rather than ban the cigarettes they need to ban the chemicals.  It has worked well and produced better products in Europe

Are the same people who fuss anc complain about cigarette smoke getting in thier hair and clothes the same folks who gather in the back yard and stand around during a cookout?  Those chemicals are must more dangerous to breathe than cigarettes, but they dont say anything about them do they?
I think I will allow cook outs in my studio just to piss people off

Aug 23 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

And... smoking makes you look cool!

Aug 23 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
1.  A non smoker would have to sit in a 15x15 ft room for 40 hours a week for 16 years to inhale enough 2nd hand smoke to equal one cigarette.  So much for the 2nd hand smoke BS huh?

I read somewhere a rant of a person that said she hates when people smoke at a bus stop and that is so unhealthy.

I was like, ok bitch (I didn't really say bitch, I just thought it). You have a choice of being locked in a garage with a smoker and a running bus. Which one would you choose?

Aug 23 06 10:51 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
No actually... As a former resident of California I was quite used to there not being ANY smoking section in resteraunts, bars, etc. which did put all of the smokers right out in front of the door coming in. Bad idea. I will admit that there is always the chance that I could be smoking in a public area that is legal to smoke in but not designated as a smoking section, but I believe i mentioned that I have no problem moving to a diferant location if someone says that it is bothering them.

Smoking outside the door to a restaurant/business in Cali is illegal.  You have to be something like 50 feet away from all main entrances and thoroghfares. Problem is that nobody bothers to enforce or follow anything but the most obvious parts of the law. 

Unless you're in a designated smoking area, then it is safe to assume that smoking anywhere public with other people around is going to be bothersome.  It's kind of like saying.. I'm going to walk the streets with my boombox playing at 120db, and I'll continue to do so unless someone expresses their discomfort.  Problem is.. you knew way before that that your behavoir was going to be a problem for *someone*, and you decided to do it anyway.

It's taking a reactive approach which only remedies the problem after the damage has already been done(because it's your *right* to do so), rather than taking into account the preferences of others and being proactive(and polite) about things.

Aug 23 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

How in the name of Daguerre can you smoke *while* taking pictures???

Seems like you'd have burn marks all over your wrists and/or the back of your camera. Never mind the fact that it must be hard to frame and focus with a cloud of smoke obscuring your vision.

People are amazing.


Aug 23 06 11:21 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
Have people not heard the studies that have come from the U of Miami school of medicene?
1.  A non smoker would have to sit in a 15x15 ft room for 40 hours a week for 16 years to inhale enough 2nd hand smoke to equal one cigarette.  So much for the 2nd hand smoke BS huh?
2.  Smokers are less likely to get colds because they are more likely to take deep breaths this expanding thier lungs and keeping out pockets of lung that hold bacteria that develop colds.
  Tobacco does not cause cancer.  The preservative chemicals American tobacco companies coat tobacco in can do so.  Rather than ban the cigarettes they need to ban the chemicals.  It has worked well and produced better products in Europe

Are the same people who fuss anc complain about cigarette smoke getting in thier hair and clothes the same folks who gather in the back yard and stand around during a cookout?  Those chemicals are must more dangerous to breathe than cigarettes, but they dont say anything about them do they?
I think I will allow cook outs in my studio just to piss people off

Lol, did you get that right off a Lucky Strike packet? smile

Aug 23 06 11:23 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I only light-up after a TFP big_smile

Aug 23 06 11:24 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Lol, did you get that right off a Lucky Strike packet? smile

No...someone on omp told me

Aug 23 06 11:25 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
Smoking outside the door to a restaurant/business in Cali is illegal.  You have to be something like 50 feet away from all main entrances and thoroghfares.

And that is one of the reasons I choose to no longer live in Cali. I admit, there are some rude smokers. There are also polite smokers. There are are polite non-smokers and there are rude non-smokers. The rude non-smoker is the one I have little sympathy for. The ones that go out of their way to approach a smoker smoking in an area it is legal to smoke in and then bitch about the smoke. I didn't ask them to join me and they were not there when I lit up. They made the choice to approach a smoker (and I'm not referring to me standing in the doorway of the entrance to a public building) and then complain.

Besides, you and I have gotten away from the topic of smoking during photoshoots.

Aug 23 06 11:36 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

And if the model in my avitar can smoke during the shoot, damn it, so can I.

Aug 23 06 11:39 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:
I do. Can you believe people will say stupid stuff like: Oh it makes my hair smell bad, Oh, my clothes will smell.

Can you believe how rude some people can be?

*raises hand*  That would be me.

I'll add to that:
- the smoke is acrid
- it makes me cough
- it burns my nose
- it stinks

To put it into perspective:
You may not think that a fart is harmful, but you'd be up in arms if a stranger put his ass in your face and let one go.  Now just think how pissed you'd be if that smell(you hate) was going to stick to you and your clothes for the next few hours.  How about if somebody with the worst BO you've ever smelled sat down next to you on a plane and it wasn't his seat?  Would you take offense and complain, or would you endure it simply because it's his right to stink?

Cigarette smoke is acrid, funky, and offensive just like many, many of the other odors in this world.  I for one, would prefer to never have to deal with any of them ever again.  I'll make you deal just cus I like you.  You keep your offensive odors to yourself, and I won't fart in your face and rub my BO on your forehead. smile

Aug 23 06 11:41 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
I pay for the building....I will smoke.  If someone doesnt like it....either deal with it, pay the building payment or ask me politely to wait until after the shoot. 
   As for the health concerns and smoking in public....I will quit smoking and parade around the country in defense of non smokers when the bug spray called perfume is banned from public places and when msg and other preservatives are banned from foods.  In the mean time....light up.

You're right.  There are alot of bitter self-centered assholes out there who are more interested in their own rights than what they could do to improve things for their fellow man.  Furthermore, we should all hold off on doing anything polite and/or productive until everyone else is, because personal responsibilty and morality don't apply to the individual unless the world around us is perfect.

It's why we live in the utopia that we do.  Yay.

Aug 23 06 11:49 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
No...someone on OMP told me

Ah good.  Then it *must* be true.

Aug 23 06 11:52 am Link