Forums > General Industry > Smoking in Studios?


randy wolf

Posts: 56

Seattle, Washington, US

like a chiminey. yes yes, Im a bad boy, but then again, if I didnt have good old cancer stick to calm my nerves,
models would be in tears....but then again that could be a good thing too.

Aug 23 06 12:00 pm Link


randy wolf

Posts: 56

Seattle, Washington, US

Aug 23 06 12:01 pm Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
[Cigarette smoke is acrid, funky, and offensive just like many, many of the other odors in this world.  I for one, would prefer to never have to deal with any of them ever again.

And the thing I love about a free country is your have the freedom to turn yourself into a "bubble boy" and live in a sealed, streril enviornment if you wish. Nobody is forceing you to go into anyplace you do not like for the smoke, b.o. and random farts that may be drifting around. You have the freedom to lock yourself into large plastic bubble where nobody can offend you. Just remember not to fart in your own little world.

Aug 23 06 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

Both my parents were smokers. I never realized how disgusting the house smelled until i left for college and came back to visit 4 months later. I took one step in the house and went right back outside cuz it was so nasty. that's when i understood why my friends didn't like to come over often.

after my dad quit, he started to notice how bad smokers smell to non-smokers.

I was so happy when i moved to california and learned that smoking was not allowed in restaurants, etc.

is smoking fun? how do you convince yourself to keep doing if it's an acquired taste? i tried it one time and it was not pleasant at all to suck hot smoke into my lungs.

i believe in personal rights, so if people want to smoke, that's fine with me. just as long as they respect my right to breathe clean air.

Aug 23 06 12:06 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
And that is one of the reasons I choose to no longer live in Cali. I admit, there are some rude smokers. There are also polite smokers. There are are polite non-smokers and there are rude non-smokers. The rude non-smoker is the one I have little sympathy for. The ones that go out of their way to approach a smoker smoking in an area it is legal to smoke in and then bitch about the smoke. I didn't ask them to join me and they were not there when I lit up. They made the choice to approach a smoker (and I'm not referring to me standing in the doorway of the entrance to a public building) and then complain.

Besides, you and I have gotten away from the topic of smoking during photoshoots.

Agreed.  There are rude people on both sides of the issue, and you get to tell some of them to go F themselves.

The legal place to smoke(a sidewalk in some states for instance), may not be the polite place to smoke though.  You are entitled to smoke nearly anywhere you want outside, but.. are you polite enough to make a little extra effort to make sure it bothers the least amount of people possible?

To the OP(to get back on topic): I really don't even want them to smoke outside my door, and I'd be even more happy if they'd make an effort to get rid of the funk before they came back in, just like I would if they had bad BO or crapped their pants.

Aug 23 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
You keep your offensive odors to yourself, and I won't fart in your face and rub my BO on your forehead. smile

Why so many people use perfume then? The smell of perfume is sickening to me. At least cigarettes have a purpose other than the smell. The purpose of perfume is to just smell bad.

Aug 23 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bohan Photography wrote:
is smoking fun? how do you convince yourself to keep doing if it's an acquired taste? i tried it one time and it was not pleasant at all to suck hot smoke into my lungs.

You tried it once? I'm afraid acquiring a taste and an addiction takes more commitment than that.

Aug 23 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bohan Photography wrote:
is smoking fun? how do you convince yourself to keep doing if it's an acquired taste? i tried it one time and it was not pleasant at all to suck hot smoke into my lungs.

You tried it once? I'm afraid acquiring a taste and an addiction takes more commitment than that.

Aug 23 06 12:18 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
And the thing I love about a free country is your have the freedom to turn yourself into a "bubble boy" and live in a sealed, streril enviornment if you wish. Nobody is forceing you to go into anyplace you do not like for the smoke, b.o. and random farts that may be drifting around. You have the freedom to lock yourself into large plastic bubble where nobody can offend you. Just remember not to fart in your own little world.

Haha.  I just knew that writing that sentence was going to leave an opening for someone(simple?) to take what I said out of context and try to jump on it dramatically.  I even considered writing: "I realize of course that this is an unrealistic expectation in the real world", but.. I like to be right.  Thanks for being predictable smile

I like you though, so I'll give you an opportunity to go back and respond to the entire argument rather than taking the tiniest piece of it out of context to try to make yourself look good.

I'm waiting.... *taps foot*  hurry along now...

Aug 23 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
To the OP(to get back on topic): I really don't even want them to smoke outside my door, and I'd be even more happy if they'd make an effort to get rid of the funk before they came back in, just like I would if they had bad BO or crapped their pants.

If you are so concerned with the smell of your friends why do you invite them at all? What if one of them passes gas or, what's even worse, comes wearing perfume?

Aug 23 06 12:22 pm Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
I'm waiting.... *taps foot*  hurry along now...

Actually it has been quite fun discussing this topic with you. I can tell you are an avid non-smoker but you had the ability to see some of my point. As I did see some of yours. To keep with the original thread, I do not smoke during a shoot if it bothers anyone in the room. Outdoor shoot I stay downwind during my smoke breaks. If nobody is bothered during a studio shoot then all are welcome to smoke as they wish as long as it does not interfere with the photos. Have a good day. I am lighting up and off to work.  smile

Aug 23 06 12:26 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:

Why so many people use perfume then? The smell of perfume is sickening to me. At least cigarettes have a purpose other than the smell. The purpose of perfume is to just smell bad.

To most people perfume smells good.  Cigarette smoke is offensive to nearly everyone who doesn't smoke.

They're(cigarettes) like farts.  Everyone hates your fart but you.

Aug 23 06 12:27 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
Actually it has been quite fun discussing this topic with you.

Agreed friend.  Have a good day at work. smile

Aug 23 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:

You tried it once? I'm afraid acquiring a taste and an addiction takes more commitment than that.

what made you want to commit to it though? after i tried it once, i decided i never wanted to do it again. obviously millions of people had a different first impression from mine. so what makes people keep at it til they like it?

Aug 23 06 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
Everyone hates your fart but you.

I think that is a gross generalization. You are projecting your views and feelings on others.

Aug 23 06 12:30 pm Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

One last little note. Even as an avid smoker, I have never tried to smoke during an underwater shoot. I have too much respect for the fish.

Aug 23 06 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I use a smoke machine while shooting sometimes.  Does that count?

Seriously though, I smoke, but I always either wait tillt he model leaves or do it during outfit changes  after I've set up the lights, or while the model is getting MU done or touched up.

Aug 23 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bohan Photography wrote:
what made you want to commit to it though? after i tried it once, i decided i never wanted to do it again. obviously millions of people had a different first impression from mine. so what makes people keep at it til they like it?

I thought it made me look cool and if you saw my pictures when I was 18 you would understand why I needed all the help I could get.

Did you like olives or cheese when you tried them for the first time?

Aug 23 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

i'm pretty sure i did. i don't really remember that long ago though.

anyway, not trying to put you down or anything. i'm just curious about it.

Aug 23 06 12:37 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:
If you are so concerned with the smell of your friends why do you invite them at all? What if one of them passes gas or, what's even worse, comes wearing perfume?

I was responding to the original post, and that concerned smoking during shoots.  With the exception of a few people.. I'm not working with friends.

On that note though.. if a friend did fart in my apartment, I'd tell them(in a good natured fashion) that they need to take that shit outside, or go to the bathroom, or *something*.  Wouldn't you do the same?  If not, how many farts would it take before you did?  Be careful in your answer.. we *may* meet someday lol.

As for perfume.. I'll just have to realize that they're wearing perfume to make themselves more appealing to the opposite sex, and that they probably feel good, powerful, and sexy at that moment.  Unless the smell is terribly offensive, I'm going to turn my thoughts towards.... uhm... other activities.  I'd rather moan than bitch. smile

Aug 23 06 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
Unless the smell is terribly offensive, I'm going to turn my thoughts towards.... uhm... other activities.  I'd rather moan than bitch. smile

Like those activities are not smelly. I think you are just an anti-smoking bigot.

All I'm asking is that you people leave us alone. We don't smell any worse than other people or their activities and the health threat issue is just nonsense.

Aug 23 06 12:42 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:

I think that is a gross generalization. You are projecting your views and feelings on others.

It is gross.  That's for sure.

Awww c'mon Fott.  Admit it.. sometimes you fart and sit there to see what it smells like.  You also scratch your balls and smell your fingers, pick your nose and look at the booger(just before you wash your hands I hope heh), etc, etc, etc.

We're all just animals baby.  I'm over the denial and on to acceptance.. join me.

Aug 23 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:

It is gross.  That's for sure.

Awww c'mon Fott.  Admit it.. sometimes you fart and sit there to see what it smells like.  You also scratch your balls and smell your fingers, pick your nose and look at the booger(just before you wash your hands I hope heh), etc, etc, etc.

We're all just animals baby.  I'm over the denial and on to acceptance.. join me.

Sorry, don't know what you are talking about.

I don't think I want to continue this thread.

Just remember this before you turn up your nose at us smokers: you stink too.

Aug 23 06 12:46 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:
Like those activities are not smelly. I think you are just an anti-smoking bigot.

All I'm asking is that you people leave us alone. We don't smell any worse than other people or their activities and the health threat issue is just nonsense.

Hahah. Badussy is one of the worst smells in the world lol.  Are you willing to give them up?

Bigot huh?  You're the one who thinks that it's your right to smoke around other people whether they like it or not.  Maybe you need to go back and re-read the definition of that word.

You can't do something around other people that they find offensive, and then humbly request that they leave you alone when you instigated their response.

I support your right to smoke, but I don't agree with you that nobody else should be bothered by it simply because you have the right to do so and *you* don't find it offensive.

Aug 23 06 12:51 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Fotticelli wrote:
Sorry, don't know what you are talking about.

I don't think I want to continue this thread.

Just remember this before you turn up your nose at us smokers: you stink too.

Sure you don't buddy. smile

When I stink I take a shower(so as not to offend anyone else with my odor).  When you stink you expect other people to enjoy it as much as you do.

Aug 23 06 12:54 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yep, I do and I'm unaplolgetic about it. If if bothers someone, well they are free to leave and find another photographer.  If I go to your place, I'll accept your ground rules, but when you come to my place, you accept mine. Just one exception, if the model/client is pregnant and the smoke bothers them, then I'll hold off.  I don't want them puking in the studio. As for the lenses and other gear, well that's why they invented lens cleaner, besides modern lenses are too sharp for my style anyway so a little softening can be a good thing.

Aug 23 06 01:00 pm Link


Matt L Miller

Posts: 58

Southend-on-Sea, England, United Kingdom

If the model and MUA I am working with smokes .. I'll smoke to .... thats why I insist that everyone I work with smokes  ... 
I also Smoke heavily when im editing in front of the PC ... I recently cleaned my screen and discovered to my surprise and delight thet Im actually a colour photographer and the internet is not actually sepia as I had first assumed ....

Aug 23 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Matt the Viking wrote:
I also Smoke heavily when im editing in front of the PC ... I recently cleaned my screen and discovered to my surprise and delight thet Im actually a colour photographer and the internet is not actually sepia as I had first assumed ....

I find that cigarette smoke puts a nice patina on my umbrellas and softboxes and as a result the light has this unique warm, golden quality to it.

Aug 23 06 01:12 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

Digital Basement Studio wrote:
People still smoke?????

Maybe they haven't heard.

Yes, the Hated French smoke like chimneys, eat cheese, fatty foods, and drink a bottle of wine a day, have four times the vacation time, a 35 hour work week and they live more than a year and a half longer than we do (in statistical terms, that's a lot). The Japanese smoke even more and they have the highest life expectancy in the world. Stress is the killer, not tobacco.
Don't get me wrong, I don't smoke myself, it just makes you feel like S*^t all the time, but I find the witch hunt mentality to be disturbing. Puritans and zealots never want anyone else to have anything they deny themselves.

Aug 23 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 31

Mount Vernon, Washington, US

As an avid smoker, I just must comment.  I love cigarettes.  Love love love them.  Sure, they smell bad and are expensive and will likely be the cause of my early death.  But cigarettes are your friend.  Cigarettes will never leave you, they will love you forever as long as you have enough money.

If it's possible for me to smoke at a shoot, I will.  If the photographer or other people in attendence mind, I'll wait for a break and go outside.  Shooting can be a bit stressful, especially if you're as new to this as I am.  If I'm fiending for a cigarette, it will show in the picture.  Smoking calms me down and loosens my nerves.  Because I'm hopelessly addicted. 

Besides, I've gotten a lot of commenbts and messages from people about my pictures in which I am smoking.  Apparently some people have a big fetish for that.  tongue

Aug 23 06 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

no smoking in my studio,period, i have a covered outdoor smoking area and allow my models regular coffee and smoke breaks.

Aug 23 06 03:49 pm Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Einstein smoked, Freud smoked...I don't have the time right now, but a little research will reveal an amazing number of VERY intelligent people who used tobacco to relax their minds, and concentrate their thoughts. You non-smokers enjoy all those fine electronic appliances around you putting off low dosages of radiations year in and year out, keep your eyes glued to that radiation producing tv, keep those microwave emitting cell phones stuck to your ears, keep breathing city air filled with pollutants that make cigarette smoke seem like lung candy. We monkeys have no idea of what a cancer producing world we have created. Sorry you don't like the smell. That's the least of your worries. Take a shower...oh yeah...god knows what's really in that water tongue

Aug 23 06 04:08 pm Link