Forums > General Industry > Please. . .STOP Faking It



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Now I know what you may be thinking.  "Duh Jayne. . .don't Yahoo w/GWC's"  Well reader. . .according to the MHana guide to GWC threads, they weren't.

Since when did MHana become the GWC expert?  He's just a Stylist!

Anyway, what you can do is let all your friends know that this guy is a LOSER.  Make sure word gets around.  You can also post a very condensed version of your story on your BIO PAGE!  This is okay according to Model Mayhem Rules. 

You can write, "Photographers NOT to work with:____"(eMail for more info)

Just look around at some of the models and photogs now doing this.  If you need a list of examples, email me in private and I'll forward you a list.

Aug 21 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 988

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

In the future, you should probably avoid Photographers who call for:

Missouri - Models needed professional, semi-prfessional, amateur, beginner, or no exp req, 18+, creative and experimental style shoots. Shots are tasteful art photgraphs. Model should be willing to disobey most of the Ten Commandments.  She should not believe in the G-spot, but be willing to do research on that subject.  She should like disco, and enjoy tongueing other women.

Call 555-123-4567 and leave description of yourself, include your interests, turn ons, turn offs, and description of your last sexual incounter.  Speak slowly(as my answering machine is old and does not work well)


Aug 21 06 10:30 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Jayne Jones wrote:
For the record: I detest being hit on by someone that anticipates me paying them to shoot my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless your penis is a cleverly disguised Polaroid camera. . .I ain't interested in seeing it!

Sounds small.

They tell me it fits just about everything. Something to do with protuberant optical symetry.

Aug 21 06 10:32 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Jeanette Thompson wrote:
This is a modeling website, not a dating service.  Just because a girl is a model doesn't mean she's on the prowl.  Dude wants to get laid, go to a bar and pick up a girl there.  Whoever this photographer was, Jayne, I hope you warn other models about that behavior.

That's funny? MM seems to be refered to as the Photog/Model pick up site. I've heard it before. So many of the professional and non-professional (GWCs and such) are out for a little action.

I've also heard that if they really piss you off with their insistance after you tell them to get lost that you should contact a mod.

Timeless Productions wrote:
MY pictures suck, but I'm working on it! - Truth.

I'm like the poor bastard quoted here. I'm more the GWC level, but have gotten better lighting lately and an offer of the use of a studio, also. I can't get any models working with me because of this dating/abuse bullshit, and all I want to do is get better.

I wish it were more professional here also. Wich means newbees wouldn't be treated like shit and all of the comments would actually be honest. Go figger. You got MySpace for snotty snooty Photogs and "to good for the world" am models.

Oh well. Back to shooting my loverly wife.

Like I said. If they're too much a problem, contact a mod.

Aug 21 06 10:58 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

My God, I go away for a few and look what happens!

Rashiid wrote:
Jayne I'm sorry that you had to go through that and keep dealing with it. I wish I knew what to tell you but things get better but it's pointless going through these circles with this B***h (rhymes with witch) who's bitter and a sad excuse for a woman who wants to be a smart ass when you are just getting things off your chest.

Actually, I am a bitch.  And I have boundaries.  And sometimes I get tired of the "everyone is out for my ass" threads.   If the WORST thing to happen to a woman in this world is that she's called a bitch, or that some internet slimbo makes a move on her CYBER, then thank your higher power you live a life so blessed.

Rashiid wrote:
So she and her relating it to starving children in Somalia self can go do a couple of things for me that involve her head and an animals rear end.

I actually addressed that issue in the Anal photography thread from a few days back.  And you give me ideas for new shots, thank you!

Rashiid wrote:
I am sorry to get so mad but I just HATE! people that are so full of themselves when really they don't need to be but I guess some people don't see the real themselves when they pass mirrors but thats her fault. Jayne you and everyone else  on this page have a wonderful day and week.

And there's something wrong with being a vampire?

Being a vampire is no indication of being full of oneself.  Starting posts lamenting about all the guys out for tail...well...

Rashiid wrote:
KM VON I apologize to you for my previous post/rant I just get worked up and my emotions got the best of me. I don't know Jayne but I feel sorry for her (no offense jayne). It's frustrating cuz I've replied to a casting and messaged (through MM) a photographer because I need to build a good port but anyway he talked dirty it'd make half if not all the people on this page blush and feel dirty and tried to find out my address talking about he couldn't wait to (I'll leave that part out). The point is KM just try and imagine how the person feels and try to be understanding because to me you are coming off as cold and bitter toward Jayne.

There is something called contact-a-mod feature.

If you or Jayne thinks that casting calls are being used just to get some, report them.  Get them thrown off the site!

And no, I'm not going to cry croc tears that there are scammers and guys who want sex out there.  I'm old enough to know that most guys like sex.  And some cross lines you feel is appropriate.

Is that the whole MM site?  Is that every contact Jayne is coming into contact with?  Or is this just a Monday morning rant to take the edge off a LONG work week.

Aug 21 06 10:59 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Rashiid wrote:
Jayne I'm sorry that you had to go through that and keep dealing with it. I wish I knew what to tell you but things get better but it's pointless going through these circles with this B***h (rhymes with witch) who's bitter and a sad excuse for a woman who wants to be a smart ass when you are just getting things off your chest. So she and her relating it to starving children in Somalia self can go do a couple of things for me that involve her head and an animals rear end. I am sorry to get so mad but I just HATE! people that are so full of themselves when really they don't need to be but I guess some people don't see the real themselves when they pass mirrors but thats her fault. Jayne you and everyone else  on this page have a wonderful day and week.

Thanks for understanding!  You have a great day too!

KM makes a valit point: there ARE much more important issues to discuss. . .but there's also another day.

Aug 21 06 11:09 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

ert3006 wrote:
In the future, you should probably avoid Photographers who call for:

Missouri - Models needed professional, semi-prfessional, amateur, beginner, or no exp req, 18+, creative and experimental style shoots. Shots are tasteful art photgraphs. Model should be willing to disobey most of the Ten Commandments.  She should not believe in the G-spot, but be willing to do research on that subject.  She should like disco, and enjoy tongueing other women.

Call 555-123-4567 and leave description of yourself, include your interests, turn ons, turn offs, and description of your last sexual incounter.  Speak slowly(as my answering machine is old and does not work well)


Truth or lie?
I actually found this funny.

Aug 21 06 11:15 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


KM von Seidl wrote:

Do  you honestly not know anyone who is dating someone from work?

If chance meetings with people who come across your path in life aren't how you want to meet people, fine.

But apparently lots of people do hookup via crossed work paths.

Chance meetings? On MM?

So I guess a photographer who says he wants to shoot me, then turning around saying "You're hot, we should go out for drinks" is a chance meeting?

If that's how you define chance meeting, then no, that's not how I want to meet people in order to date them.

And, dating people you work with...different...when a photographer makes it clear that he/she wants to work with you and then completely sidetracks with "we should go out sometime" that is unacceptable and unprofessional. Furthermore, it's not like they want to go out with you because of your brain....

I can agree to disagree with you. I'm not here to date, I'm here to work. I trust most feel the same.

Aug 21 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 988

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Jayne Jones wrote:

Truth or lie?
I actually found this funny.

Well, since this is a day of truth, I am going to say you found it funny.  and truthfully that is the way it was intended. wink

Aug 21 06 11:22 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jayne Jones wrote:
Close but not quite.  It's more like the "I want to hook up with models, so let me post a casting call." BS that goes on here.  THAT's the crap no one should put up with here. 

The random "hey baby what it do" is expected, but if you're putting out a Casting call. . .if it's for a personal porno, that should be specified in the casting call.

Hey baby what it do?

What the hell does that mean?

And no, that shouldn't be expected either. It should stop, and if it doesn't, it should be ignored. It's not English and it's...unprofessional (Which seems to be the major word of this thread..)


Aug 21 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Brian Stewart Photog wrote:
I think you should shoot with the guy, just bring some 300lbs dude with you and see how much he wants to talk dirty then.

I guess you're right on that point. I'm a 300 pound dude and no one has ever talked dirty to me. No matter how much I begged and groveled.

Aug 21 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 558

So if you go to work in an office and some guy hits on you because your attractive and single, do you label him a pervert. Most relationships start at work.

Now photographers dont get to meet people as a "day" job, because photography is the "day" job. They meet models. And if you hit it off at a shoot they might well ask you out. Its the way the world works.

If you talk about your boyfreind/husband whatever it wont happen. If you say your single then sooner or later it will.

Personally, I'm taken, so you can be sure that if you shoot with me you wont be hit on. Although some models have left my wife with the impression they would rather she was not around so they could hit on me smile

Maybe if they hit on you in IM you should reply with "My BF doesnt think that was very funny, hes reading over my shoulder"

Aug 21 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

So......anyone wanna IM?

Aug 21 06 11:28 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
For the record: I detest being hit on by someone that anticipates me paying them to shoot my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless your penis is a cleverly disguised Polaroid camera. . .I ain't interested in seeing it!

For the record, Jayne, guys trying this tack are more likely to be packing a Minox
than a Polaroid

If you know what I mean  wink

Aug 21 06 11:33 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

SLE Photography wrote:

For the record, Jayne, guys trying this tack are more likely to be packing a Minox
than a Polaroid

If you know what I mean  wink

Hey, guys aren't supposed to put the Penicam there!

Aug 21 06 11:37 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

ert3006 wrote:
Well, since this is a day of truth, I am going to say you found it funny.  and truthfully that is the way it was intended. wink

The man knoweth of which he speaketh.  smile

Aug 21 06 11:41 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Rant. . .
I'm not that fantastic a model.  I KNOW that!!  I'm learning, growing, perfecting, etc.  So right now is the time where I have to count on the expertise and professionalism of others.  Problem: shortage of professionalism!


Now the convo has taken a turn for the worst.  Instead of discussing further ideas and rates, at least one of us is talking about sex.  Because I don't want to piss off anyone, I indulge for as long as my mental capacity can tolerate it. . .which averages out to be about two IM's.  I try to steer the conversation back to business, but the only "business" on the other individual's mind evidently is getting a lil somesomethin.  Long distance at that!  Cybersex went out what. . .at least a decade ago??

For the record: I detest being hit on by someone that anticipates me paying them to shoot my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless your penis is a cleverly disguised Polaroid camera. . .I ain't interested in seeing it!

Now I know what you may be thinking.  "Duh Jayne. . .don't Yahoo w/GWC's"  Well reader. . .according to the MHana guide to GWC threads, they weren't.  Not only that, but it doesn't have to be Yahoo.  This has happened on the telephone too.  Started off as an innocent "when would you like to shoot?  what ideas do you have?  well what about ___" convo and then it suddenly takes a dramatic sexcapadic turn for the worst.

So today, Monday Auguts 21st, I have decreed as a 'day of all realities'.  Today, let us all tell each other the truth:
"I just want to jump your bones."
"I think your pictues suck ass."
"I think I'm a child molestor."
"I cry at night."
Whatever the REAL story is. . .let's tell that, if only for today.

Let me toss out this hypothesis.... I think Jayne's post is a hoax. Her rant is about "shortage of professionalism" but she talks about these interactions where "at least one of us is talking about sex". And adds that she will "indulge for as long as my mental capacity can tolerate it".  She isn't interested in being hit on unless the photographer's "penis is a cleverly disguised Polaroid camera". Then she talks about how these "dramatic sexcapadic turn for the worst."

This has got to be a spoof of the silly kinds of threads that get started here. Nobody would do all this (as many times as she implies), put up with it (as many times as she implies) and then put it in the context of professionalism! No way is this anything but a hoax. The time has come that we recognize Jayne's post for what it is - one of the most clever threads on the site. Pure comic genius! My hat is off to her!!

Aug 21 06 11:54 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Jayne Jones wrote:
For the record: I detest being hit on by someone that anticipates me paying them to shoot my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless your penis is a cleverly disguised Polaroid camera. . .I ain't interested in seeing it!

Uno. . .Pookie. . .if it's camouflaged. . .that means I wouldn't find it.

I happen to believe there is a time and place for everything.  During a conversation on the shoot is not one of them.  I also know it does not take much to spark sexual innuendos   and banter.  Here we have a thread complaining about such things.  Do we see the irony here.

Aug 21 06 12:03 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

byReno wrote:
I happen to believe there is a time and place for everything.  During a conversation on the shoot is not one of them.  I also know it does not take much to spark sexual innuendos   and banter.  Here we have a thread complaining about such things.  Do we see the irony here.

Ah, but notice this thread is NOT a casting call.

Aug 21 06 12:46 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

byReno wrote:
I happen to believe there is a time and place for everything.  During a conversation on the shoot is not one of them.  I also know it does not take much to spark sexual innuendos   and banter.  Here we have a thread complaining about such things.  Do we see the irony here.

Jayne Jones wrote:
Ah, but notice this thread is NOT a casting call.


Aug 21 06 01:41 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Hm... I have never been hit on by a photographer, actually. Like, not at all. The rare bit of sexual banter that has occured, has always been in a group situation, and hardly aimed at anyone or brought up by me - is there anyone else who has never been hit on (to their understanding?)

This might be because my profile really pushes how rarely I'm interested in sexual themes in my work, which then weeds out any shooter who might have that foremost on their minds...

...but I do understand it can be annoying if you're trying to get some actual modeling work in, and any promising "lead" turns into that tongue


...come to think of it, one male on the site may have suggested becoming friends if ever I were in Seattle. And he complimented my pictures. I dunno how to assess that. A fairly professional model, so I'd assume he meant the nice words.

Aug 21 06 01:56 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Sabina N wrote:
Hm... I have never been hit on by a photographer, actually. L

Hey, Babie!

*shit, wife just walked into room!*

Aug 21 06 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 221

Miami, Florida, US


Aug 21 06 03:03 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Daniela V wrote:
Hey baby what it do?

What the hell does that mean?

Sorry. . .just saw this.
"What it do" I guess is the new "what's happening" but from the sound of it. . .I find it offensive.  Not "what's happening" but "what it do."  Why?  Because my focus is put on the word "it" .  What "it" are you referring to. . .is what my brain asks, and further if "it" is the "it" I think it is. ..THAT is none of your business!

Aug 21 06 03:10 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Coupla things. . .
1-this is a rant. . .a free expression of thought.  Not a forum for advice, although it IS the net so interpret it as you will.  Just thought I'd clarify.

2-The scenario I'm speaking of goes like this:
--Horny photographer posts casting call for model
--Model responds to casting call, inquiring about the project
--Photographer gives some details and asks to communicate further about project either via IM or phone
--Model agrees per no "sexual" references have yet been made
--Convo betwixt model and photographer commences and at which point photographer begins sexual innuindo (sp?)

Please note that this is not a random flirtation, but rather in my opinion, a trap.  Why?  The casting call was merely a lure.

Now I'm not saying this happens every day, but tis only a matter of time before the weight of the shelf is compromised.

Aug 21 06 03:19 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Fluffytek wrote:
So if you go to work in an office and some guy hits on you because your attractive and single, do you label him a pervert. Most relationships start at work.

Oh if only that's what I was talking about.  And btw, not too many workplace relationships start with sexual harrassment.  Not many go to an office meeting and start talking about sex. . .which in essence is "sexual harrassment."

Fluffytek wrote:
Now photographers dont get to meet people as a "day" job, because photography is the "day" job. They meet models. And if you hit it off at a shoot they might well ask you out. Its the way the world works.

And in the scenario you mention, there was a "legit" photo shoot, and it was with a "legit" photographer.  Both the photographer and the model probably spoke "prior to the shoot" without any mention of sexual activity.  The scenario you speak of is not what I'm talking about.

Fluffytek wrote:
If you talk about your boyfreind/husband whatever it wont happen. If you say your single then sooner or later it will.

Personally, I'm taken, so you can be sure that if you shoot with me you wont be hit on. Although some models have left my wife with the impression they would rather she was not around so they could hit on me smile

Maybe if they hit on you in IM you should reply with "My BF doesnt think that was very funny, hes reading over my shoulder"

Those things may indeed work, but. . .to me it's the whole "she asked for it" addage.  Just like the other poster from BC said.  Something about not having "images online that depict any enjoyment of sex." 

I see it this way:
Just because a woman dresses like a slut, doesn't mean she IS a slut.  Just because a woman goes out with you and allows you to buy her dinner, doesn't mean she OWES you a little noogie.  Just because a model has naked pictures, doesn't mean she DESERVES to be treated any less than a model that doesn't.

Now I'm not naive.  I KNOW that there will always be someone hitting on someone else.  That's not the issue I was pissed about.

Aug 21 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

Let's just ALL HAVE SEX!!!!!

Aug 21 06 03:38 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

I have a penis that has to be photoshopped out.

Aug 21 06 03:51 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
oK...honesty it is....

I'm tired of reading post from women who think just because they have a nice set of tits that everyone wants to have sex with them......because they are all that! Then demanding $300 a day. If that's your criteria just go ahead and become a hooker. At least it's honest.

okay this reminds me of the thread the guy posted about how this model was stuck on her self when all she did was be uncomfortable that some old guy showed up unannounced and starting observing the shoot.

Are you TRYING to get people angry at you, or are you serious?

Aug 21 06 04:00 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Curt Burgess wrote:

Hey, Babie!

*shit, wife just walked into room!*

Aie, and now you've gone and broken my record big_smile

Nihilus wrote:
So......anyone wanna IM?

I wouldn't mind, actually - you're interesting enough and all.


Aug 21 06 04:01 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

my boyfriend would be crushed.

Aug 21 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 73

Utica, Michigan, US

Truth? Yeah that's freakin' lame. This isn't a dating website, so I don't know what the hell some "photographers" are thinking when they decide to get all cute (read: creepy) with a model they've never met before. Probably the same "professionals" who ignore "I don't do nudes so don't ask" comments on a model's page and then try and talk them into taking their top off. I don't have the right perspective I guess because I'm in this to learn more about working with models and trying to improve my photography. And since my wife is also my assistant, my peniscam remains in it's case during the whole shoot.

Aug 21 06 04:02 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Teresa Marez-Tatsch wrote:
Major red flags!  If they have the nerve to do this before you even meet face to face, do you think they be less ballsy if the shoot actually happens?  Do you want to shoot with someone who had already gotten away with this much?

I've set stuff up on IM.  It's true.  But a rapport can only be built to a certain extent through IMs.  Probably best to pick up the phone.

Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

I personally will not even entertain the idea of booking anything unless the parties are willing to pick up the phone and have a professional conversation with me.  Emails are like phone answering machines, your never quite sure if the intended party got the message.

Aug 21 06 04:08 pm Link


Thomas Landon

Posts: 516

Aden, Alberta, Canada

Miss Anya wrote:
I have a penis that has to be photoshopped out.

ahhhh haaa hahaaha .. no you dont! ok.. maybe a very little one.. haha

but i do have a lot of paperfolds and crinkles to photoshop out.. haha

I love miss Anya! muah! xoxo

Aug 21 06 04:08 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Teresa Marez-Tatsch wrote:
Major red flags!  If they have the nerve to do this before you even meet face to face, do you think they be less ballsy if the shoot actually happens?  Do you want to shoot with someone who had already gotten away with this much?

I've set stuff up on IM.  It's true.  But a rapport can only be built to a certain extent through IMs.  Probably best to pick up the phone.

David Linke wrote:
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

I personally will not even entertain the idea of booking anything unless the parties are willing to pick up the phone and have a professional conversation with me.  Emails are like phone answering machines, your never quite sure if the intended party got the message.

Different strokes.  I've scheduled shoots via Yahoo with "legit" photographers before.  My very first shoot was set up that way.  Some prefer it, some don't.

Aug 21 06 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 988

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Ahzure wrote:
Let's just ALL HAVE SEX!!!!!

What's the quickest route from Saskatoon to Phoenix?

Aug 21 06 05:13 pm Link



Posts: 988

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Miss Anya wrote:
I have a penis that has to be photoshopped out.

OK, Absolute truth of the day?  Art Models Fu@king Rock!

Aug 21 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

My boss used to prank call me and ask about sexual stuff, which was extremely akward, I would keep talking to him but wouldn't answer anything.  Finally when I hung up on him, he stopped calling me.

Yes, that is my boss.

Aug 21 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
I cry at night. lol, actually only when I've been stood up by a boy but it happens.

Dont date Boys.... date MEN... Men dont stand up a lady..

Aug 21 06 08:43 pm Link


Elizabeth Ahn

Posts: 60

New York, New York, US

hahaha, i love it!!! you're awesome! smile

Aug 21 06 08:46 pm Link