Forums > General Industry > Why don't photographers give model photo credit?



Posts: 1040

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
I don't know. I've noticed that some models don't give proper credit and the same with MUA/stylists. So it's just laziness is my guess. They don't want to look up the MM# to put in and make it official who worked on the images.

But really it's not right since it's only fair to share who took images of you that you thought were good enough to post on your portfolio.

-- Molly

That's exactly right. I've posted photos that appeared tempoprarily without credit while I had to look for the model's MM#. Others I've shot with aren't MM members. Unless I paid for exclusive rights, the model and I share rights to the photos and both our names appear in the copyright mark. If I pay a model, I get all rights and give her a free license to use the screen-res pics in her port. She does not have permission to print anything. If she paid me, the level of rights to the photos varies according to the fees paid. For TFCD shoots, I have an agreement to share non-transferrable rights to the photos for purposes self-promotion or exhibition. Any commercial use requires renegotiation.

Aug 19 06 08:01 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Dax wrote:
they wont let the girl open her own eyes, cuz she will see the truth and get away.


Aug 19 06 08:12 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I did a shoot yesterday with a model I have shot before (and who is on my MM profile uncredited).  Her agency required her to remove all pictures from model listing sites and her myspace site.  She doesn't mind (likes, actually) that I have a picture of her here, but I'm not allowed to give a photo credit. 

Most of the models on my profile are agency girls, and are not credited for similar reasons.

Aug 19 06 09:04 am Link


Tiffany Morgan

Posts: 264

Santa Monica, California, US

tripstar wrote:
Ever notice that everyone always assumes the negative instead of considering the positive? That's a little arrogant or pessimistic or a closed mind at work. There are a number of reasons why someone might not be credited. Not on the site, not wanting credit, or simply overlooked  (unintentionally). Mistakes happen, it isn't always a grand conspiracy. But what I see is everyone assuming it is a lazy photographer, or an unethical photographer, or possessive photographer, or a unprofessional photographer. Stop assuming the negative unless you know a situation. Learn the facts and take the high road... ask, learn, and then draw a conclusion.

What about the models that don't credit? Or who list images as under their copyright? Where's the uproar? Where's the angry mob with torches and pitchforks? Doh! Too cute to be nefarious and evil... Let's just burn down the photographer's house for dragging us out her in the rain.

Someone asked me why I didn't give credit to my models once. Which was surprising because I do, when appropriate. But I work with a lot of models not on MM and some not anywhere. So if you want to contact them you'll just have to ask me who they are. I'm not holding them hostage.

I agree it's not only photogs that do it, it's models as well, along with many others involved with this site. Give credit to where credit is due, unless an arrangement has been made stating otherwise.

~Tiffany C.

~Tiffany C.

Aug 19 06 05:21 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Doug Sampson wrote:
I've run across several photographers port on MM and none of the models are given credit. I know some are not on MM but I know most are as I have found their profiles. Probably a few models may not want that info giving but I doubt it.

So why don't some photographers want to give the model the credit for the photo?

I ALWAYS give the model credit especially if it's a MM model.  I think it's wrong that models don't give photographers credit whether they liked the photographer or had what they felt was a bad experience or not.  I credit models I wouldn't reccommend to anyone or ever work with again.

Aug 19 06 07:00 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Doug Sampson wrote:
So why don't some photographers want to give the model the credit for the photo?

I shot a vase the other day.  A damn pretty vase.   I spent a day and shot one sheet of film.  The vase will not get any credit for the picture because it didn't do a fuckin' thing to compose it, arrange the lighting, clean dust off itself, dull down that annoying little shine, lighten that upper contour, process the film, or make the final print.  About all the vase did was show up on time.  Lazy fuckin' vase. 

But, you can bet that vase is braggin' to all the other vases, that it was photographed by me.  I may not be much for models, but I shoot a mean vase.

Aug 19 06 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

That Look Photo wrote:
If a model has public profile for the world to see. It's a good guess she wants to find work from the people she has done shoots with. I can see not giving out a persons info if they are not looking to be a model but I think by not giving credit to a model that has an online port you are holding her or him back.


A model having a public profile is none of my responsibility or concern. Neither is the promotion thereof.

I'm not holding him/her back at all. But, I am not nor do I have to push him/her forward.
I have enough things to worry about myself.

Aug 19 06 07:54 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

I shot a vase the other day.  A damn pretty vase.   I spent a day and shot one sheet of film.  The vase will not get any credit for the picture because it didn't do a fuckin' thing to compose it, arrange the lighting, clean dust off itself, dull down that annoying little shine, lighten that upper contour, process the film, or make the final print.  About all the vase did was show up on time.  Lazy fuckin' vase. 

But, you can bet that vase is braggin' to all the other vases, that it was photographed by me.  I may not be much for models, but I shoot a mean vase.


Can I have the name and e-mail address of the vase?
I am starting a new project next week and I think the vase would be great for my project.

Aug 19 06 07:57 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US

Because Im old and forget to add it.............maybe I should go back and look and fill in the blanks

Mac Wolff

Aug 19 06 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

If I don't give credit, I give dollars.
And my models and artists have freaky names (like $GSDWE0.2 ) !! They aliens from another planet, that's why they are better and professional. Check out my portfolio, you'll see!

Aug 19 06 08:06 pm Link


Warren Leimbach

Posts: 3223

Tampa, Florida, US

Most of the people in my portfolio were portrait clients, not models.

Those models (and other creatives) with a MM number will receive credit on my page.

Aug 19 06 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 6129

if only the ego expressed in this thread was matched by the quality of the work from those expressing such ego.

Aug 19 06 08:19 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Yuriy wrote:

That Look Photo wrote:
If a model has public profile for the world to see. It's a good guess she wants to find work from the people she has done shoots with. I can see not giving out a persons info if they are not looking to be a model but I think by not giving credit to a model that has an online port you are holding her or him back.


A model having a public profile is none of my responsibility or concern. Neither is the promotion thereof.

I'm not holding him/her back at all. But, I am not nor do I have to push him/her forward.
I have enough things to worry about myself.

With all due respect, Yuriy, I have to say that I find your attitude a bit appalling.. The last time I checked any shoot involving individuals is made or broken by the efforts put forth by all parties. You seem to come across as if the only reason the image is a success is because of you. If that's the case, please try shooting a model without the model. I'm thinking you're not going to be too successful.
And really, if you thought enough to work with that individual, or individuals in the case of MUA and or stylist, why not give credit? After all, it is a team effort. I mean, I bet in your quest to increase your photography business you're hoping to have a great deal of referrals. Well, what's the difference between a referral and giving credit for being apart of a team? How much business do you think you will get if nobody tells who took their images? I know most of my business is from word of mouth and not advertising in the traditional sense. Perhaps Jersey is different.

And anyway, your giving credit isn't going to help them get work, their talent will do that. Just consider the credit a referral. I know I love my referrals..

Aug 19 06 08:23 pm Link


Jerel J

Posts: 201

Baltimore, Maryland, US

i was wondering the same thing.....

i think they are scared i will contact their models and photograph them better....

to be totally honest.....

Aug 19 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:
With all due respect, Yuriy, I have to say that I find your attitude a bit appalling.. The last time I checked any shoot involving individuals is made or broken by the efforts put forth by all parties. You seem to come across as if the only reason the image is a success is because of you. If that's the case, please try shooting a model without the model. I'm thinking you're not going to be too successful.
And really, if you thought enough to work with that individual, or individuals in the case of MUA and or stylist, why not give credit? After all, it is a team effort. I mean, I bet in your quest to increase your photography business you're hoping to have a great deal of referrals. Well, what's the difference between a referral and giving credit for being apart of a team? How much business do you think you will get if nobody tells who took their images? I know most of my business is from word of mouth and not advertising in the traditional sense. Perhaps Jersey is different.

And anyway, your giving credit isn't going to help them get work, their talent will do that. Just consider the credit a referral. I know I love my referrals..

I appreciate your candor, and I am quite glad that you put it so tactfully.

I apologize if my responses were misunderstood. I do agree that referrals are very important to my business and the businesses of people I encounter. I do believe greatly in the referral system and will give referrals where referrals are due.
I have commercial portrait clients that will go to no one but me and recommend no one but me for commercial portraiture and I am very glad that is the case.
My main point is that I am in no way obligated to refer anyone to anybody just like no one is obligated to refer anyone to me. I work for my referrals and my business and unless I suddenly am hired to promote models (people here call those photographers sluggos I believe) I will take no responsibility for their marketing.
Just because a model stood in for my image does not mean I will go and market her to every photographer I meet.

I work hard to meet and exceed my client’s expectations, I ask for referrals, and I work especially hard for those referral clients so that it makes my referrer look good.

The models who work hard, market themselves well, and I enjoy working with I will recommend to colleagues without question.
But most importantly you must remember, any time I give someone a referral I put my name on the line. If I give someone a referral and they screw something up it will negatively impact my relationship with that person. As such, I am very careful over the referrals I give because my businesses relationships are more important to me than a model getting a job.

Aug 19 06 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 6129

i reference my earlier post.

Aug 20 06 12:07 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i reference my earlier post.

Reference what you wish but remember that just because you disagree with someone’s business practices does not invalidate their use or practicality.
To assume such would be ignorant and involving more ego than any of my opinions listed thus far.

Aug 20 06 12:22 am Link



Posts: 6129


Aug 20 06 12:23 am Link



Posts: 12

Houston, Texas, US

Or it could be that they have people that are not on MM... The majority of the MUA's/Models/Stylists I use are not on MM...

The people I have met off MM rarely come through... Making shoot times & not showing.... Having dates to see theri work & they dont show... People are just shady... So, I rather use people I know in "real life"

Other photogs could be lazy... or be lacking on the professional side... but most I know work with people they know...

Best shoots or with people you can think outside the box with & just click!

Aug 20 06 12:34 am Link

Hair Stylist

Hair by Nedjetti

Posts: 1123

New York, New York, US

Michael Hall wrote:
As a professional, I'm a firm beliver in giving everyone credit.  Regardless if I have to or not.

If nothing but just out of professional coutesy.  Just personal preference for me.


co-sign, anything else is an act of selfishness, period. Protecting 'the model' theory by not giving out her name is garbarge in my opinion, but hey, something has to be said to counteract the 'selfish' behavior...


Aug 20 06 02:34 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Does it make me an Internet model if I worked with too many MM users? Hmm.

Aug 22 06 08:36 am Link


Lightwave Photography

Posts: 585

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I try to always give every model I photograph credit on my modelling sites and my large pbase site.

The nice thing for aspiring models is once they have a credit on my site they get alot more traffic and recognition for their professional names.

However, I do have some ladies on my sites that were either assistants of mine, friends or portrait clients and I respect their privacy by not plastering their names on the pics as they are not looking to be professional models wanting exposure and credits.

In my experience, not sure of the reason, I have seen alot more model ports not crediting photographers than photographers not crediting the models.

Aug 22 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Could it be because they don't want to make it too easy for other photographers to contact the models?

Aug 24 06 04:05 pm Link


Pixel-Magic Photography

Posts: 666

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yuriy wrote:

Reference what you wish but remember that just because you disagree with someone’s business practices does not invalidate their use or practicality.
To assume such would be ignorant and involving more ego than any of my opinions listed thus far.

Speaking of Ego

That's doubtful -you appear to have enough for 50 people.
I'm glad that not too many people on MM have your attitude about common courtesy.


Aug 25 06 02:55 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

So mommy, daddy, boyfriend and hubby don't find out.

Aug 25 06 03:03 am Link



Posts: 18

Ross-on-Wye, England, United Kingdom

Photos By Deej wrote:

I ALWAYS give the model credit especially if it's a MM model.  I think it's wrong that models don't give photographers credit whether they liked the photographer or had what they felt was a bad experience or not.  I credit models I wouldn't reccommend to anyone or ever work with again.

its not just wrong when i signed up on mm im absolutely certain that i had to agree to a thing that said you had to credit people youve worked with.  I try my best and i would give links if i could but the guy who did most of my work said he didnt want that because his main job is a wedding photographer and he doesnt do models that often and doesnt want people contacting him.  Which is fair eough but i still put his name down so that he does get the credit.  Sometimes its hard to give detailed credit but at the very least you should put their name down.

Aug 25 06 06:05 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Like a lot of people have said, most of my models are not on MM.  Only one of them happens to be, and he is credited, but he worked for me a couple of years ago, before I joined MM.  Most of my models are either local to me, passing through, or don't have an MM port.

I see no problem in crediting people where I can.

Aug 25 06 06:11 am Link


Christopher Lewis

Posts: 220

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US

If the model or MUA is on MM, then credit is and should always be given. It is a simple courtesy and acknowlegement of their contributions to the photographs.

    I also give models a non-exclusive release to use the images for their purposes, and from the strongest images in the shoot after Photoshop attention, a) one set of TIF files (34mb to over 100mb, depending upon the number of layers), and b) a second set of the images in monitor size jpg files.  The models like this, and they keep coming back.

Aug 25 06 06:46 am Link