Forums > General Industry > Do you love or hate freckles?


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

I love freckels depending on where on the body they are.

Aug 16 06 09:50 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

They haven't seem to have hurt me. If the photographer doesn't want them in the image, they get photoshopped out.

It depends on what they want, but no one has ever complained. Most who have commented tell me they're cute.

Aug 16 06 09:52 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Well being a redhead as well, I have freckles tho not really dark ones! All the photographers I've worked with so far love them........ so I think we rule the world don't ya think??

Aug 16 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Depends on who has it...

Aug 16 06 10:43 pm Link


Divo Models

Posts: 5469

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I love freckles.

Aug 16 06 10:45 pm Link


dexter fletcher photo

Posts: 397

Atlanta, Georgia, US

freckles are tha bomb

Aug 16 06 10:45 pm Link


ash smith

Posts: 327

London, England, United Kingdom

i loooooooooooooove freckles!

Aug 16 06 10:46 pm Link


Ronnie Werner

Posts: 87

Portland, Oregon, US

Love the freckles.

Aug 16 06 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

*whispers*  i hate my freckles

My mother found me in the garage when I was very young with bloody cheeks and sandpaper.  I was trying to "get rid of the dirty spots".

But I am loving all of these comments! I'm the kind of redhead that can look outside and have a freckle explosion and I admit I've spent a small fortune trying to find concealers to cover them up.

Aug 16 06 10:53 pm Link


Mandy Y

Posts: 174

Los Angeles, California, US

I LOVE freckles smile
i want somee!

Aug 16 06 10:54 pm Link



Posts: 272

Albany, New York, US

freckles can be awesome....or not....
depends on who they are on....and how the girl pulls it off ....look wise..
i think they are adorable on many girls....

Aug 16 06 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 268

Woodford, Virginia, US

I Loooooooooove freckles!!!

Aug 16 06 10:58 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I give freckles a thumbs up. I did a shoot with a freckled model (face, body), and my wife has freckles (upper chest) - no complaints here.

I could see where they might be a distraction on some particular shots, but under normal circumstances, I haven't had any problems. Usually, they're cute!

Aug 16 06 11:03 pm Link



Posts: 156

Atwater, California, US

Sinsazia wrote:
*whispers*  i hate my freckles

My mother found me in the garage when I was very young with bloody cheeks and sandpaper.  I was trying to "get rid of the dirty spots".

But I am loving all of these comments! I'm the kind of redhead that can look outside and have a freckle explosion and I admit I've spent a small fortune trying to find concealers to cover them up.

I went through something similair... I used to rub lemon juice on my face hoping to get rid of them. Concealer never seemed to help.

I have freckles EVERYWHERE Face, arms, chest, legs... dont think I have any on my butt.

Aug 16 06 11:10 pm Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

Cindil wrote:
I have freckles EVERYWHERE Face, arms, chest, legs... dont think I have any on my butt.

ever asked a photographer to check?


Aug 16 06 11:22 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

QuaeVide wrote:

Redheads are proof that god is a man. (And Irish, at that.)

Too bad red hair is a sign of Scandinavian Ancestry...

Aug 16 06 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 156

Atwater, California, US

Karl Blessing wrote:
ever asked a photographer to check?


No. However I have asked my boyfriend... and this pic proves it:

SEE! no freckles on butt.

Aug 16 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

Cindil wrote:

I went through something similair... I used to rub lemon juice on my face hoping to get rid of them. Concealer never seemed to help.

I have freckles EVERYWHERE Face, arms, chest, legs... dont think I have any on my butt.

Mine are limited to my face, upper chest, arms and shoulders.  I try to stay out of the sun as much as I can.  As I'm sure you do, I burn too dang bad!  I am also interested in the un-freckled butt comment...hahaha

Aug 16 06 11:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Being a freckle-covered redhead, it took me years to come to terms with my freckles.  Now I love them.

When I was in school, the red hair and freckles were two strikes against me!

I've had loads of moles removed, so I don't go out in the sun much anymore and it makes me sad that my freckles are fading some.

Aug 16 06 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

Cindil wrote:
No. However I have asked my boyfriend... and this pic proves it:

*photo snipped*

SEE! no freckles on butt.

What in the world are on your legs??

I love the cameras on the tables.

Aug 16 06 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

i don't think anyone would really come into this thread and announce, "I HATE FRECKLES."

but yeah, i like em.

Aug 16 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
i don't think anyone would really come into this thread and announce, "I HATE FRECKLES."

but yeah, i like em.

I did.  But the ones I hate are mine and only mine, so I am biased.


Aug 16 06 11:39 pm Link


Bella Luce

Posts: 8

Highland Park, Texas, US

I love freckles on a woman  .. like I love sex with a gorgeous lady; enough said. ...capisce !

Aug 16 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Le Beck Photography wrote:
Too bad red hair is a sign of Scandinavian Ancestry...


I've also seen it claimed by Persians.

The version I've chosen to believe is that it came from the Celts' progenitors (the Picts):

Aug 17 06 12:24 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I don't have any, so I think they are cute.  I'm sure if I had them, I would hate them since it seems like we are never happy however we are!  LOL

Aug 17 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 91

Chicago, Illinois, US

I hate my's rare to see an Asian girl with freckles. I think I'm the only one I know of in my group of friends. Mine aren't small and cute, they're kinda blotchy and spread out unevenly. sad I'm using a product called Solage to try to get rid of them...does anyone have any experiences with that?

Aug 17 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

I seem to see more advertisements out there where they are using models with freckles....
i love 'em!
mine only show on my face when i tan.....and i dont do that anymore....;(

Aug 17 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

I am a freckle.

Aug 17 06 01:57 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

I think they're cute. Keep em.

Aug 17 06 04:39 am Link


Emma Rice

Posts: 30

London, England, United Kingdom

I love my freckles and I get lots of job because of them! Although it does make me laugh in the middle of winter when clients are shocked that I'm not as freckly as some of my images - they cant understand that I'm much more freckled in the summer!

Aug 17 06 04:50 am Link


Maxim V

Posts: 224

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Aug 17 06 05:02 am Link


Liquid Warehouse

Posts: 12

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Cindil wrote:
I was told by a photographer at a shoot  last week that a lot of photographers consider freckles to be like tattoos, and thus undesirable. And a lot of times they refuse to work with some who has more than a fair amount of the specs.

Though I realize this is (for the most part) true, the thought never occurred in my mind until then. Is it just a standard of beauty issue? Is the ‘generic’ pretty face always going to win out? Do photographers really stay away from someone with ‘unique’ looks?

Except of course when they’re doing ‘character’ studies?

However, my freckles have never gotten in the way of modeling, I’m curious to see if it one day will.

But with people like Lindsey Lohan owning the scene, will that change ?

Hmm must ponder...

I have to say I love em they add so much character to a face, sholders etc they can look really sexy regardless of how many but I do have to admit sometimes your don't want them in a photo it just depends on the look your going for. Having said that despite not having that much experience with models I don't often cover up natural marks like beauty marks etc only the odd skin blemish or scar. Personaly i'd love the chance of doing an interesting shoot with a freckely girl smile

Aug 17 06 05:22 am Link

Makeup Artist

Born to Makeup

Posts: 48

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

i love freckles , they are naturally beautiful , for all those that have them love them !!

Aug 17 06 05:23 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Reflections of the Soul wrote:
Freckles are tiny kisses from God!

You said it best!  I wish I had said that!

Yes, like spots on a leopard.  I LOVE freckles.  One of these days I am going to cause one of my makeup artists' heads to explode by requesting that they put freckles on an un-freckled girl!  I want to marry a girl with freckles so that I can have kids with freckles!!!

JAY carreon

Aug 17 06 05:34 am Link


Joe Trombatore

Posts: 2

Mandeville, Louisiana, US

Tell the photographer's (with a small p) that have issues with your freckles to stick to "still life" and  to quit using their cameras to be with women. 

As a "Professional Photographer" (with capital P's) I take the woman and emphasize their real beauty.  Red hair, freckles and green eyes (blue in your case) are like as natural as you can get.

Don't let those photographer's (again with a small p) get to you.  Your photos are great.  Wish I still lived in Anaheim to make them better!

Joe T

Aug 17 06 05:36 am Link



Posts: 779

Flushing, New York, US

gavin oneill wrote:
i dont have any, but i LOVE them on models....

You make me feel so much better! Have them on my upper chest - sometimes I feel self conscious about it.  I LOVE when photographers say they love them!

Aug 17 06 05:39 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Cindil wrote:
I was told by a photographer at a shoot  last week that a lot of photographers consider freckles to be like tattoos, and thus undesirable. And a lot of times they refuse to work with some who has more than a fair amount of the specs.

Though I realize this is (for the most part) true, the thought never occurred in my mind until then. Is it just a standard of beauty issue? Is the ‘generic’ pretty face always going to win out? Do photographers really stay away from someone with ‘unique’ looks?

Except of course when they’re doing ‘character’ studies?

However, my freckles have never gotten in the way of modeling, I’m curious to see if it one day will.

But with people like Lindsey Lohan owning the scene, will that change ?

Hmm must ponder...

I think you are an absolute DOLL!  With or without freckles, that would still be the case. smile

Aug 17 06 05:55 am Link


Goldblade Photos

Posts: 57

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

It's sort of funny because for the longest time I wasn't a big fan of freckles, but now I think they're kinda sexy on a girl. In fact, two models I worked with recently were very freckle-faced, and I sort of debated trying to get them together for a "freckle contest" shoot.

Aug 17 06 05:57 am Link



Posts: 156

Atwater, California, US

AngelWings wrote:
I hate my's rare to see an Asian girl with freckles. I think I'm the only one I know of in my group of friends. Mine aren't small and cute, they're kinda blotchy and spread out unevenly. sad I'm using a product called Solage to try to get rid of them...does anyone have any experiences with that?

I haven't any, but out of curiosity, let me know how it works out.

As for azns with freckles, I think its awesome! Someone told me once that if you have a unique look, stick with it.

Aug 17 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 156

Atwater, California, US

Sinsazia wrote:

What in the world are on your legs??

I love the cameras on the tables.

Those would fuzy leg warmers. Quite the rage in The UK.

Aug 17 06 11:54 am Link