Forums > General Industry > fake covers and tearsheets....



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

this is not really a gripe, its just kind of perplexing to me,,,,,it happens both in here, and in the modelling world in general. im talking about people who put large 'GQ's and 'VOGUE's and 'Elle's on the top of their test shots and try to pass them off as real covers and tearsheets, like they think people wont notice theyre fake?
one girl on here not only has a cosmo cover that she appears to be on,  but she also has her name is splashed accross the front of the magazine like shes julia roberts or jenneifer anniston or someone......and another guy has apparently shot an 'elle' cover, and then has about 7 other shots from the same test on his port too.....?

why do people do this?? how do they expect clients to take them seriously when they do things like this (doesnt crebitlity come into your work reputation somewhere)?

and more importantly, dont they know we know???

Aug 16 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

I am thinking that maybe these people are just having fun seeing themselves on the cover and perhaps may not take doing so so seriously as you do it and perhaps they dont really view it as a negative thing when they are just trying it out for what I assume is the fun of it?

Aug 16 06 02:46 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

Inexperience mostly.  They haven't realized that this is the "kiss of death" to anyone who is looking at them as a serious model or photographer.  Ad agencies and modeling agencies will immediately refuse to work with anyone with fake images in their portfolio.  It's almost as bad as trying to pass off someone else's work as your own.

Aug 16 06 02:47 pm Link


Louis Pereyra

Posts: 97

Scranton, Pennsylvania, US

I think its just like when you go to the boardwalk and you can get your pic taken and they super-impose (sp) their image on a so-called mainstream mag. Its just for fun. I hope!

As for clients...i believe any reputable client with any sense will not base their decsion merely by what that photog has posted online but will ask that person to bring in the actual tearsheet/book. I have a couple ads that appeared/will be appearing in mainstream mags...when asked to show the proof...I can hand them the actual mags...

but for those with the "fake" tearsheets...i hope you don't actually show up with them. How uncomfortable would that situation be....ouch!!

Aug 16 06 02:48 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

We've done that at the studio I work at for little kids..yet it's not those types of magazines. It's more like faux Gymnastic and Dance magazine covers for Dance companies.The parents eat that sort of thing up and it makes the kid feel all, but yeah actual models having that is a whole other story.

Aug 16 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Amy J Jones Photography wrote:
Inexperience mostly.  They haven't realized that this is the "kiss of death" to anyone who is looking at them as a serious model or photographer.  Ad agencies and modeling agencies will immediately refuse to work with anyone with fake images in their portfolio.  It's almost as bad as trying to pass off someone else's work as your own.

thats the thing, i dont see it any differently either, its like putting an actual vogue cover up and saying its yours.
i think 'having a little bit of fun' is what u put on your wall or on the fridge, not posting in your portfolio, which by everyone elses definition, is supposed to be a collection of your own achievements, no?

Aug 16 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

There was a huge mess down here about a year or a year and a half ago ( Miami ) with that.. A couple who were married.. a female model and a male photographer.. were caught faking tears.. She had a couple of Elle and Glamour tears shot by her husband.

They no longer live in Miami LOL.

Aug 16 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US

gavin oneill wrote:
fake covers and tearsheets....

Welcome to the world of internet modeling, photography and design. It's cRazzZYYyy!11

Aug 16 06 02:54 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Cute if they're for Gramma's kitchen wall.
But if they're in your portfolio, its called deception.

Aug 16 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I always question wether any of them are real... photoshop is such a bittersweet thing... for some people it gets rid of that one pimple that shows up before a shoot and then others use it to fake work or rework the looks of a model completly. I was looking for an agency in my area and Im so suspicious of everyone(thank you internet) I wasnt sure if that agency had fake tears too.

Aug 16 06 02:58 pm Link


A Yetunde

Posts: 45

Miami, Florida, US

ouu links please I gotta see these imitators pwwwwwease link pwease lol!

Aug 16 06 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

ah photoshop, bad pic, plastic skin, fake tear, fake cover...come on, we live in Oz.

Aug 16 06 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

Honestly they dont bother me, as they dont interest me, impress me or affect me.
Most of them are boring as hell to look at anyway.

Aug 16 06 03:01 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Yetunde wrote:
ouu links please I gotta see these imitators pwwwwwease link pwease lol!

Oh, keep your shirt on Y! .......... tongue

Aug 16 06 03:02 pm Link


Rocke Photography

Posts: 683

Dallas, Texas, US

I just think that's plain funny, but I wonder:
Does that have any legal implications? I mean, is cosmopolitan look at this fake cover, could the model get in troubles?


Aug 16 06 03:13 pm Link


A Yetunde

Posts: 45

Miami, Florida, US

hahahah you got jokes lol! Howdy Brucy!


Bruce Talbot wrote:

Oh, keep your shirt on Y! .......... tongue

Aug 16 06 03:19 pm Link


Wayne Chow Photography

Posts: 586

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

gavin oneill wrote:
this is not really a gripe, its just kind of perplexing to me,,,,,it happens both in here, and in the modelling world in general. im talking about people who put large 'GQ's and 'VOGUE's and 'Elle's on the top of their test shots and try to pass them off as real covers and tearsheets, like they think people wont notice theyre fake?
one girl on here not only has a cosmo cover that she appears to be on,  but she also has her name is splashed accross the front of the magazine like shes julia roberts or jenneifer anniston or someone......and another guy has apparently shot an 'elle' cover, and then has about 7 other shots from the same test on his port too.....?

why do people do this?? how do they expect clients to take them seriously when they do things like this (doesnt crebitlity come into your work reputation somewhere)?

and more importantly, dont they know we know???

The internet is the great equalizer.  Anyone with photoshop can create fake tearsheets and magazine covers.  A letter of reference from the publisher gives you more credibility.

Aug 16 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

waynesglamgirls wrote:
A letter of reference from the publisher gives you more credibility.

its not even about needing proof, thats not the issue, their knock-offs are so bad that they can be spotted as fakes from 50 yards......

infact i would actually give them 'some' credibility if they could just make the fake look 'almost' real......

Aug 16 06 03:41 pm Link


Wayne Sclesky

Posts: 342

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Many years ago there was a photographer out of St. Louis, MO. He claimed on another forum that he shot the cover for German Vogue...there was even a photographer credit on the inside page for him. However you could tell it was faked. So I contacted German Vogue...they had never heard of the guy in Saint Louis...and told me the name of the real person who shot it. I posted on the forum that he posted on telling him he needs to check with German Vogue because they are saying someone else shot the cover besides him...that opened up a whole can of worms....and the shot he was saying was his on the cover he did not was the other photographers. I really wonder what people are thinking sometimes!


Aug 16 06 03:44 pm Link


candace marie

Posts: 822

Athens, Ohio, US

I think alot of models lie about things like this. They have a long list of credits but how can you really know if there true or not? I only put down credits that i can prove i have done. by having pics from the event or having a refrence. Ive seen 2 or 3 mag covers that have looked fake but i dont say anything to the girl or guy in case im wrong!

Aug 16 06 03:50 pm Link


candace marie

Posts: 822

Athens, Ohio, US


Aug 16 06 03:50 pm Link


Wade Henderson

Posts: 1068

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Wayne Sclesky wrote:
Many years ago there was a photographer out of St. Louis, MO. He claimed on another forum that he shot the cover for German Vogue...there was even a photographer credit on the inside page for him. However you could tell it was faked. So I contacted German Vogue...they had never heard of the guy in Saint Louis...and told me the name of the real person who shot it. I posted on the forum that he posted on telling him he needs to check with German Vogue because they are saying someone else shot the cover besides him...that opened up a whole can of worms....and the shot he was saying was his on the cover he did not was the other photographers. I really wonder what people are thinking sometimes!


I remember when that all blew up on him. Wasn't he also carrying it so far he was planning a big bash for the unveiling or something like that?

Aug 16 06 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 6129

the trademarks and tradenames are being infringed on. it is not only deceptive, but illegal. but this is the internet where all manner of phoneybaloney is encouraged and anyone who finds fault is seen as a quaint throwback to some yesteryear. lets face it, as a society we are just morally bereft.

Aug 16 06 03:54 pm Link


J Sigerson

Posts: 587

Los Angeles, California, US

I didn't know we were supposed to be fooled... now that's another can of worms.

I always thought it was just not-really-wanna-be-(but-trying-it-out-for-now) models goofing around, in a content to remain amateur way.

I guess I remember hearing about individuals trying to commit fraud with photoshop, but I think on MM it's more the former.

Yeah, it's the kiss of death for their credibility, but I don't think that matters much to the folks likely to mess with this kind of gag (whether they realize it or not).

I think of it like how Sears Portrait Studio can make your picture look like a painting on canvas, and everyone says "ooh! neat!"

I guess the great importance of this thread is that somebody who was about to step in it out of ignorance might see this first and realize it belongs on their mom's fridge, not their portfolio.

Aug 16 06 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

there is no law  - not even muslim law - that says your cover has to be real !

Vogue = Vouge

and so on...

what a country !

Aug 16 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 6129

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
there is no law  - not even muslim law - that says your cover has to be real !

Vogue = Vouge

and so on...

what a country !

made up names are a non-issue
duplication of trademark is counterfeiting
unauthorized use of tradename is infringement

Aug 16 06 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
there is no law  - not even muslim law - that says your cover has to be real !

Vogue = Vouge

and so on...

what a country !

well, funny u should say that, i saw hooded sweatshirts on sale in street markets in Turkey with JIMMY HILFIGER written on them, couldnt help but laugh  wink

Aug 16 06 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

I've made fake covers and ads, just to see how the pic would work with that kind of layout. I'd never try to pass it off at something that was actually published though.

Aug 16 06 05:12 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

easyonthe eyes wrote:
I didn't know we were supposed to be fooled...

I think that's sort of the whole sad punchline to this issue. The one's who make them up, do them so poorly, and the only one's who are fooled aren't people who would be able to help them get work anyway.

Aug 16 06 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Because they think people will believe it and then they will get more work?  Maybe they just wanna show their photoshop skills..

Aug 16 06 08:49 pm Link


Andrea Barnett

Posts: 108

Sacramento, California, US

i ♥ gavin!

Aug 17 06 01:02 am Link


Andrea Barnett

Posts: 108

Sacramento, California, US

oh damn... that doesnt work. well.... gavin i love you anyhoo.

Aug 17 06 01:02 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I JUST saw a new model over on that OTHER site who put up her port and then went back & added a faked FHM cover when she got no hits her first day
Sad, and fooling no one

Aug 17 06 01:14 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

oldguysrule wrote:

made up names are a non-issue
duplication of trademark is counterfeiting
unauthorized use of tradename is infringement

I was being facetious.

Aug 17 06 01:48 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Yup, pretty silly. I also get a kick out of the ones that are "made up" magazines. The artwork is usually crappy enough to make it very obvious that someone just used a publishing program and a pic to create a fake magazine cover. I suppose that if a person is dumb enough to do that, they are dumb enough to think that thre rest of us will think the tear is real.

Aug 17 06 01:56 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

So, how many people on here do you suppose really do have magazine covers?

Aug 17 06 01:58 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

Kizzy wrote:
So, how many people on here do you suppose really do have magazine covers?

do some math


Total Magazines times how many models they are divided by Repeated Cover Models (since some models get many covers)=Total Number of Models with a cover

*nerdy giggle*

Aug 17 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Everyone thinks my cover from "South Central Gazette" is a fake but call Lil' Train or Sir Ray Ray and get straight molded, fools.


Aug 17 06 02:02 am Link


Art Richards Creatives

Posts: 107

Bogo, Central Visayas, Philippines

Rocke - Roque wrote:
I just think that's plain funny, but I wonder:
Does that have any legal implications? I mean, is cosmopolitan look at this fake cover, could the model get in troubles?


I am certain if they wanted to pursue it they already have a scary Cease and Desist letter for just such posers.  No different than using any other brand in your imagery... Coke or whatever.  A client of mine got the legal chase because he had a monopoly board pictured in one of his ads.  They threatened to sue him for "damages".  (not my picture)  Making a photographic claim that Vogue endorsed you as a model... on the cover no less... is begging for trouble.

Aug 17 06 02:04 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Abdiel Urcullu Photo wrote:

do some math


Total Magazines times how many models they are divided by Repeated Cover Models (since some models get many covers)=Total Number of Models with a cover

*nerdy giggle*

Ok...hmmm...whatever, math never was one of my strong points!  LOL

Aug 17 06 02:07 am Link