Forums > General Industry > Best Photog that doesnt know what they're doing!


The Polaroid Guy

Posts: 5606

Grand Prairie, Texas, US


All in good fun, but let's face it, there are plenty of photographers on this site that don't have any gear whatsoever, shoot MySpace style, don't know a thing about lighting or composition (i mean, formally trained, of course) and are not 'professionals' in any sense, and ARE STILL DAMN GOOD.

So who do you think fits the bill. (Remember folks, these are COMPLIMENTS TO YOUR UNIQUE STYLE, not put downs)

I vogte for Le Art Throb -- MM #6599

Aug 16 06 11:07 am Link


Art Of Imaging

Posts: 13136

Brooklyn, New York, US

ooo pick me smile

Aug 16 06 11:10 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I vote for lighthouse studios

MM 118803

The guy is crazy uses tons of tiny lights  shoots way long exposures because lights are weak, ties you up, covers beautiful girls in goo and makes them super ugly, he shoots upside down, sideways, backwards...

shoots in his tiny apt, or bedroom,
he is a tatto artist by trade and just takes images for fun and art because tattoing is no longer fun and art if people tell him what to do.

One of the most crazy fun shoots I have ever been a part of.

Aug 16 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

I vote for myself, I have absolutely no clue what I am doing and have NO equipment other than a tripod yet I like what I come up with...I swear I am not trying to come off as big headed either by placing myself in here , just fessing up that I generally dont have any REAL photography knowledge other than doing what I think looks good.

Aug 16 06 11:25 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I have no clue as to what I'm doing.

Aug 16 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

AdamtheJohnson wrote:
shoot MySpace style, don't know a thing about lighting or composition (i mean, formally trained, of course) and are not 'professionals' in any sense, and ARE STILL DAMN GOOD.

I guess that depends how easy you are satisfied with a photo. Btw, I am by no means formally trained and surprise myself often enough how my photos come out! I, somehow, just "feel the photo" when it's right to push the shutter.

But, "MySpace" style, no clue about lighting, no clue about composition, I wonder if you and I speak the same language (English is my second language!) where "still damn' good" has a similar meaning...


Aug 16 06 11:29 am Link


KF Photography

Posts: 71

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

definitely me...., yep..., gotta be me.

Aug 16 06 11:32 am Link


Josue Pena

Posts: 595

Los Angeles, California, US

I have no clue wath I am doing either!

Aug 16 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

i rarely have a clue here either.

Aug 16 06 11:38 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Clues are for LOSERS!

(And Blue.. I like his clues..)

Aug 16 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 70

London, England, United Kingdom

AdamtheJohnson wrote:

All in good fun, but let's face it, there are plenty of photographers on this site that don't have any gear whatsoever, shoot MySpace style, don't know a thing about lighting or composition (i mean, formally trained, of course) and are not 'professionals' in any sense, and ARE STILL DAMN GOOD.

So who do you think fits the bill. (Remember folks, these are COMPLIMENTS TO YOUR UNIQUE STYLE, not put downs)

I vogte for Le Art Throb -- MM #6599

Well I have a bit of gear, my own basic lights, an EOS 20d (but most of my stuff was done on an EOS 300 film camera) and now two decent lenses. I didn't spend a fortune on it, but it works. No idea what myspace style is so I'll skip that one. I've had no formal training just a one day course to find out what all the number meant. I'm not a professional i have a day job, but i try and take the best picture I can, and I have a professional demaour to the models.

Am I damn good. Well I have a few adoring fans, is that good enough smile so can I vote for me smile) please!!!!

Aug 16 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i couldnt be less aware if i was comatose and shot up with thorazine

Aug 16 06 11:55 am Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

i have never seen so many people wanting to be clueless! usually alot of people think they know everything!

Aug 16 06 11:59 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
i have never seen so many people wanting to be clueless! usually alot of people think they know everything!

No, Lexi;

I think it's more about the very technical aspect of photography.
Where most people want to give the impression of being knowledgable is aspects of the "industry"...

Oh... and if I knew every little technical aspects of photography... I could teach photography as a side income... but since I can't always explain how I am doing it..., that could be ending up in an unruly class, with me stuttering and stumbling, gasping for words... big_smile

Aug 16 06 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

Id just rather be honest with people and myself, I figure I am doing something right, since I have had in depth discussions on some of my work with people who really actually DO seem to like it. I know I could be much better by learning all the technical aspects and so forth but I dont have the patience and am more of a trial and error type of learner anyhow. I just like my style and feel its unique enough, especially on here.

Aug 16 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

At the risk of sounding arrogant, nobody on MM has made serendipity and happenstance the core element of their work the way I have.  I defy you to find anyone who relies more on random chance to acheive their creative goals.

Aug 16 06 12:56 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, nobody on MM has made serendipity and happenstance the core element of their work the way I have.  I defy you to find anyone who relies more on random chance to acheive their creative goals.

i don't come close to rivaling your quality and probably not your spontanaiety either, but i have begun to make a pattern of "winging it" with decent results. so *thumbs up* to serendipity. big_smile

Aug 16 06 12:58 pm Link


Photo Girl Raquel

Posts: 170

Canby, Minnesota, US

cluless here!!!!!! But not good enough yet to be happy!

Aug 16 06 01:02 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Remember the really good photographers don't need all that gear. It's provided by the clients. I myself have little more than my camera. And I don't shoot 'myspace' photos. (Although some might end up there) teehee big_smile

Aug 16 06 01:03 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

It's all the same to me.

Aug 16 06 01:04 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
i have never seen so many people wanting to be clueless! usually alot of people think they know everything!

I don't know everything, but I am always right.

Aug 16 06 01:05 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

I don't know everything, but I am always right.

Amen. Working for me so far.

Aug 16 06 01:07 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

There's a somewhat well known photographer on this site.  He knows photography
at least from the technical side.  I believe he attended a photography school.
His work is always well exposed and sharp and he produces the same life less
crap each and every time.  I rather watch paint dry then see his work.  At times
he asks for critiques and I truly want to say,  this image is the same as the other
hundred you showed us.

Aug 16 06 01:07 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
There's a somewhat well known photographer on this site.  He knows photography
at least from the technical side.  I believe he attended a photography school.
His work is always well exposed and sharp and he produces the same life less
crap each and every time.  I rather watch paint dry then see his work.  At times
he asks for critiques and I truly want to say,  this image is the same as the other
hundred you showed us.

Good God, I hope it's not me. Oh wait....that's right, I never had the pleasure of being stuck in a box through 'schooling'. smile

Aug 16 06 01:09 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
There's a somewhat well known photographer on this site.  He knows photography
at least from the technical side.  I believe he attended a photography school.
His work is always well exposed and sharp and he produces the same life less
crap each and every time.  I rather watch paint dry then see his work.  At times
he asks for critiques and I truly want to say,  this image is the same as the other
hundred you showed us.

Why not?  Do it, but be nice about it.  Challenge him and may be he'll try pushing himself and do something new.

Aug 16 06 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

Yeah there are alot of really boring images on here but someone else may like em. I just like photos that evoke something or are really hot or make me say "damn thats cool"

Aug 16 06 01:17 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Good God, I hope it's not me. Oh wait....that's right, I never had the pleasure of being stuck in a box through 'schooling'. smile

Mike, your work has life and energy.  The person I'm speaking of never leaves
his studio which is cool but give us something besides a different background.
Don't get me wrong he's a master of what he does and I'm not saying I'm a
better photographer.  He reminds me of those sharp dressed guys.  Who
have the same suit in mostly the same color.

Aug 16 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, nobody on MM has made serendipity and happenstance the core element of their work the way I have.  I defy you to find anyone who relies more on random chance to acheive their creative goals.

Well, Melvin;

I am not sure if I understand what exactly you are doing... but when I go on a shoot, especially my editorial fashion shoots, I usually have only a faint concept of what I am going to do, and get inspired by the environment as we walk by.

That's pretty random for me!

Aug 16 06 01:20 pm Link


Lo Fi Art

Posts: 1311

Alice Town, Biminis, Bahamas

T H Taylor wrote:
It's all the same to me.

When it can be replicated in masses, it loses some of the artistic quality.

"No art without chaos, no life without art..."  - Someone

Aug 16 06 01:21 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

....and on the 8th day God said "Let there be photographers and they shall wander around in darkness"

and so it was.....

Aug 16 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

UdoR wrote:

Well, Melvin;

I am not sure if I understand what exactly you are doing... but when I go on a shoot, especially my editorial fashion shoots, I usually have only a faint concept of what I am going to do, and get inspired by the environment as we walk by.

That's pretty random for me!

Granted, but you actually use cameras that were made this century...While I, for the most part, do not.

Aug 16 06 01:22 pm Link


Rasmussen Photography

Posts: 51

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I love that this has become a photographer confessional. "I have no idea what I'm doing... and sometimes I get paid." Ha ha. Well, let me jump on the bandwagon as well.

Aug 16 06 01:26 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I have no idea what I'm doing.  I put the camera in "drive" mode and wave it around the room while I hold down the button.  I just get lucky sometimes.  Also break a lot of stuff.

Aug 16 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 890

Houston, Texas, US

Before someone pulls my number out of the hat I guess I can nomimnate my self... No formal training but I train others on my theory of Photography...then they take that with them and run faster than me taking it to new levels and make more $$$ than me..what a satisfaction...other than that I do a little inventive shooting every time...try new things etc., now I am playing with make up a bit and see where it takes yer...MM#2600 is on the list...but I think the first one nominated still in the winning  lol


Aug 16 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Granted, but you actually use cameras that were made this century...While I, for the most part, do not.

LOL... yeah, my D70 and D70s were made in this century, but until last year April, I also shot only with cameras that were made last century... wink

Aug 16 06 01:32 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

The moment you take your camera and begin to think about different angles
or lighting or to think about the foreground or background in a image you
are on the path to becoming a photographer.  Formal training can give you
a understanding of lighting ratios or composition and knowledge of how the
tools of photography work.  For example: how to use Photo shop to improve your
images.  Many here shoot models and the results are cool but not always exact.
If you shoot products or food you have to know lighting big time and also have
a strong grasp of the technical side of photographer.  Quite often a stylist is
there to help but you must be on top of your game.  Anybody remember the
way to shoot a egg against a white background?  So that both the egg is seen
and not lost against the background.  Most of you really do know what you're
doing.  Most of you tend to use your knowledge in unconscious manner.  Its
like in Karate.  Once you've done the same block a thousand times it becomes
second nature.

Aug 16 06 01:46 pm Link


Snyder Photo

Posts: 154

San Antonio, Texas, US

I read a book on photography once. That is the only training I ever had.

Aug 16 06 01:49 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

AdamtheJohnson wrote:

All in good fun, but let's face it, there are plenty of photographers on this site that don't have any gear whatsoever, shoot MySpace style, don't know a thing about lighting or composition (i mean, formally trained, of course) and are not 'professionals' in any sense, and ARE STILL DAMN GOOD.

So who do you think fits the bill. (Remember folks, these are COMPLIMENTS TO YOUR UNIQUE STYLE, not put downs)

I vogte for Le Art Throb -- MM #6599

ummmm, I took at look at Le Art Throb and the vast majority of those images follow the basic rules of composition and the use of color is obviously well thought out, no surprise this is a painter's work. If you feel like this person does not have a clue, you should probably look again. Just because they have a snap shot feel the photographer is clueless? IMHO That feel works perfectly with the vibe and intention of this artists work.

Aug 16 06 01:58 pm Link


The Polaroid Guy

Posts: 5606

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

Daniel Norton wrote:

ummmm, I took at look at Le Art Throb and the vast majority of those images follow the basic rules of composition and the use of color is obviously well thought out, no surprise this is a painter's work. If you feel like this person does not have a clue, you should probably look again. Just because they have a snap shot feel the photographer is clueless? IMHO That feel works perfectly with the vibe and intention of this artists work.

Way to misinterpret everything I said.

Aug 16 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

I nominate Kassandra:

To my knowledge this photographer has had no formal training, uses extremely inexpensive gear and lighting, and makes most of her own backgrounds and props (as well as being her own wardrobe and makeup stylist.) Also, almost all of her images are *self-portraits.* With a timer, no remote trigger.


Aug 16 06 02:50 pm Link