Forums > General Industry > Hello..Hello..Hello They must have left already.


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

So my first experience with a Mayhem model went something like this, We were at the coffee shop at 8:00 am this morning. This model was to meet us there. At 8:35am we left. She was a no show, no call,no email no nothing.
I even spoke to her on the phone thursday to confirm. 
So now I would like to say to those who have contacted me on the NYC shoot next Sunday..I will not work with anyone who pulls this in the future. It's rude and plain unprofessional. She contacted me about shooting her and then fails to even cancel.
In response to her contact I wrote
  "If you would like to work with me prior to NYC lets have a look at you.
Can you get to New Haven on Sunday morning? Say about 730?
  If so let me know. You will need jeans,various tops and assorted Dresses.
Dont go overboard with the clothes,I just need to have a look at you on camera. I have seen your page and I like what I see there. The swimsuit shots are for the most part good,except for photographer flaws not yours. Casual will be the idea here. You will have to do your own makeup but nothing crazy,just clean and fresh,no heavey eye makeup please,no dark colors in the eye either. Shirts should be white or light colored.
Various shoes sneakers sandles etc".
Let us know at
Thanks Hadyn
And she replied
Taryn Breen
08/07/06 4:19 PM
"absolutely i can be there...i have the clothes...where in new haven. If you want you can call me on my cell xxx xxx xxxx"

Aug 13 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It doesn't seem to me that posting her cell phone number is a good thing to do.

Aug 13 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 558

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
"absolutely i can be there...i have the clothes...
where in new haven. If you want you can call me on my cell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Did you actually tell her which coffee shop or is being psychic a requirement to shoot with you smile

Aug 13 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 558

a note to models. This guy does not understand the idea of anonimity and what a screwed up idea it is to post real names and phone number on the net.

So if I were you, I would give him a wide berth.

Aug 13 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Oops. How high can a cell phone bill be?

Aug 13 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 558

I've mailed her to let her know. I think the mods should edit this quickly.

Aug 13 06 11:08 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

taken care of.  very unhappy mod, here.

Aug 13 06 11:08 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

My aploogy for the cell number here. I didnt take notice of it at the bottom of the message. As for the correct coffee shop yes I did inform her. As for the rest of it if you book someones time and blow them off I dont see what the problem is with people knowing that this is what you do. I dont really mind if this type of model gives me a wide birth at all. I am a proffessional and I expect the same from people who book my time and talent, I did not ask her to shoot she asked me. Telling others to give me a wide birth is a bit over the top, just fulfill your end of the deal and there is no problem.
Thank you

Aug 13 06 11:34 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Fluffytek wrote:

Did you actually tell her which coffee shop or is being psychic a requirement to shoot with you smile

Yes it was given in the phone conversation we had where and when and what we would do. Directions as well. This guy understands people keeping their end of a bargain. I am glad that you emailed her for me. So now that we have that cleared up we can talk about people not showing up, I would think that as the MOD took care of the phone number and I thank them for that, it was an inexcuseable lapse on my part that this issue was of more importantce to this group. If my first booking through MM is a blow off I feel a certain amount of pique is justified. But thats just me.

Aug 13 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

The message you sent her would have put me off; there's a weird and demanding tone there. Of course, a more professional model would have just cancelled rather than no-show, but I can't say I fully blame her.

Aug 13 06 12:20 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

If you search the forums you will find that not showing up is one of the most popular themes on MM. It seems to be part of the internet culture. So responses to your posting are going to vary between "another drop in the bucket" and "Not this again". While it lacks professionalism, so does posting specifics with regards to the info of the no-shower. So you cannot win, there is no joy to be had by posting this sort of thread. Welcome to MM!!

Aug 13 06 12:22 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Aug 13 06 12:25 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Catriona wrote:
The message you sent her would have put me off; there's a weird and demanding tone there. Of course, a more professional model would have just cancelled rather than no-show, but I can't say I fully blame her.

How so? I asked her to just be casual nothing over the top as its the first time working together. "She" contacted me through myspace first and then through MM. I dont read anything demanding in the message I sent to her, quite the opposite actually. I asked her to not go overboard on clothes and makeup. Maybe thats wierd?? Which part did you find wierd and demanding?

Aug 13 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 558

The world of the internet model is such that you will get flakes, no shows and wierd excuses. Its the (broken) way it works.

Either accept it or go to an agency.

Either way. Posting personal details is just plain wrong on a public forum.

Aug 13 06 12:46 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Yup its was a mistake to place her number here, I dont think it was a mistake to place her name here as a no call who contacts photographers to photograph them and then does not even have the courtesy to call and cancel. This cost me time and money
I have read many calls for  people who have done this kind of thing to be named here.
And I feel they should be both photographers and models/stylists etc. Its not ok to do ,and its wrong to just glaze over it as bussiness as usual here at MM. I work with agencies and newbies both as you can see in my portfolio. I dont run my studio in this fashion and dont expect others do as well, not if your doing it for a living or to improve your level of talent. You accept it thats your deal.

Fluffytek wrote:
The world of the internet model is such that you will get flakes, no shows and wierd excuses. Its the (broken) way it works.

Either accept it or go to an agency.

Either way. Posting personal details is just plain wrong on a public forum.

Aug 13 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
... I asked her to just be casual nothing over the top as its the first time working together.

Maybe that's the problem?  She doesn't want to shoot topless.

(refer to

"She" contacted me through myspace...

'nuff said.

Aug 13 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

theda wrote:
taken care of.  very unhappy mod, here.

unhappy mods should get a shrimp dinner !

Aug 13 06 01:22 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Welcome to Model Mayhem...I emphasize the Mayhem part.

Aug 13 06 01:24 pm Link


Taryn Breen

Posts: 26

Cromwell, Connecticut, US


Aug 13 06 02:38 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Aaa, my ears... please don't shout!

Aug 13 06 03:29 pm Link


Taryn Breen

Posts: 26

Cromwell, Connecticut, US

J Schumacher wrote:
Aaa, my ears... please don't shout!

sorry ima little upset

Aug 13 06 04:06 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Ah, much better. Now I can hear what you're saying.

Aug 13 06 04:07 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

I was very polite on the phone. I gave you directions to Starbucks there is only one in downtown new haven right off the highway where I said it would be. I used a thing called mapquest once.
I dont blacklist anyone and your "OH well" comment pretty much speaks for itself.
I thought it was next week? Thats original.
Just say you wanted to go to a show and be honest and that you were to selfish to call and cancel.
Anyway its over and it wont be a problem again with you.

Aug 13 06 04:41 pm Link


Taryn Breen

Posts: 26

Cromwell, Connecticut, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
I was very polite on the phone. I gave you directions to Starbucks there is only one in downtown new haven right off the highway where I said it would be. I used a thing called mapquest once.
I dont blacklist anyone and your "OH well" comment pretty much speaks for itself.
I thought it was next week? Thats original.
Just say you wanted to go to a show and be honest and that you were to selfish to call and cancel.
Anyway its over and it wont be a problem again with you.

POLITE MAYBE...but you were not inviting and you did not make me want to shoot with you...what do you think your doing posting my name and number and basically telling photographers not to work with me...a little thing called oh well comment is because there is nothing i can do u basically ruined my reputation before I have even begun to model...i have never had this kind of problem with a photographer before but thank you for giving me an experience from for my thinking it was next week being original...believe what you want I know the truth I also know it's possible for us humans to make mistakes....please do not post again I'm done with with this whole thing

Aug 13 06 05:21 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This should go in the zone..

Never put a persons name in a flame! basic common is just not cool.

Aug 13 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
How so? I asked her to just be casual nothing over the top as its the first time working together. "She" contacted me through myspace first and then through MM. I dont read anything demanding in the message I sent to her, quite the opposite actually. I asked her to not go overboard on clothes and makeup. Maybe thats wierd?? Which part did you find wierd and demanding?

The whole thing. She had just contacted you, right? And you come back saying, I want you to meet me here, at this time, and you must bring these clothes, and you must do your own makeup but do it like this, and so forth. It's too much. Generally, if a photographer has a very specific idea of what they want to do, they'll meet me at a coffeeshop first, not with me fully made up and carrying half the shoes I own with me, and we'll discuss it and then schedule the actual shoot. Dictating to her when, where and how the shoot was going to go as a first response is a little intense, and it's also not smart to go in fully expecting to shoot the very first time you meet someone, because yes, people flake. If you just schedule a casual meeting at a coffeeshop and they don't show, after all, then you know they wouldn't have shown for the actual shoot, and there's less to be disappointed over. Does that make sense?

Aug 13 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Well if you get a bunch of GWC stalkers calling your cell phone you'll know who to blame.  God that's so messed up!  I would have harcore flipped out if my cell phone number was posted...

Aug 13 06 07:08 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Catriona wrote:

The whole thing. She had just contacted you, right? And you come back saying, I want you to meet me here, at this time, and you must bring these clothes, and you must do your own makeup but do it like this, and so forth. It's too much.And now from your wealth of experience in the fashion world we have your take on how the industry works.
Generally, if a photographer has a very specific idea of what they want to do, they'll meet me at a coffeeshop first, not with me fully made up and carrying half the shoes I own with me, and we'll discuss it and then schedule the actual shoot. Dictating to her when, where and how the shoot was going to go as a first response is a little intense, and it's also not smart to go in fully expecting to shoot the very first time you meet someone, because yes, people flake. If you just schedule a casual meeting at a coffeeshop and they don't show, after all, then you know they wouldn't have shown for the actual shoot, and there's less to be disappointed over. Does that make sense?

I asked her to bring basic clothing..I take what I do very seriously,its why I have had the career I have had. I show up when I say I will and I deliver the image I said I would. I see from your portfolio that you have only done novice work and dont understand the message I gave to her. Read it again. I could have been in NYC creating images with people who want to work, yet I made a commitment to her and I kept it. Your whole response is lame and quite frankly stupid. I apoligize for the error I made, I have not heard the same in return. Nor do I want to at this point. Its not smart to work with novice models or photographers and I now realise this site is about novice wanna bes for the most part. Mixed in are a select few who actualy make great images and work very hard at what they do. I am one of those people.
So as the world turns and you are not a real model your point is worthless. This is the real world and we are grownups here. Complete the job as and when you say you will,collect the check and move on to the next project. Your still in kindigarten as far as modeling goes and I doubt you will move on to the next level. Look at the images in your portfolio, there rubbish plain and simple,nothing more than high school year book images. My daughter who is 13 takes better images with her phone,so why on earth would I even consider what you have to say?
Good night.

Aug 13 06 09:34 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
My daughter who is 13 takes better images with her phone,so why on earth would I even consider what you have to say?
Good night.

Ohhhhhhhh chicken noodle soup! I'm a novice with bad pics, and all that jazz. But  i DO know how to use the edit button.....! i hope this is zoned.

Aug 13 06 09:42 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Taryn Breen wrote:

POLITE MAYBE...but you were not inviting and you did not make me want to shoot with you...what do you think your doing posting my name and number and basically telling photographers not to work with me...a little thing called oh well comment is because there is nothing i can do u basically ruined my reputation before I have even begun to model...i have never had this kind of problem with a photographer before but thank you for giving me an experience from for my thinking it was next week being original...believe what you want I know the truth I also know it's possible for us humans to make mistakes....please do not post again I'm done with with this whole thing

Ummm what? oh next week yeah ok sure ummm ok well sure its ...well ummm
bullshit. Move on. What reputation? Oh all those photographers you had to cancel on because of your skin condition which never came up in our conversation on the phone, those same people who you called to cancel with yet didnt bother to do the same for me,yet it was supposed to be next week, quit while you have a shred of dignity left.

Aug 13 06 09:44 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Isys Entertainment wrote:
This should go in the zone..

Never put a persons name in a flame! basic common is just not cool.

This is not or was not a flame it was a simple staement of fact. Someone made a committment and failed to keep it. Didnt bother to call or email just blew it off.
This person made the original contact not me. That is it. Keep your word or dont give it, if you dont or cant understand that your in the wrong field.

Aug 13 06 09:57 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

So let me sum up and get this straight...

Photographer has model's cell phone number.

Model has photographer's number.

NEITHER used said numbers.


Aug 13 06 10:02 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
So let me sum up and get this straight...

Photographer has model's cell phone number.

Model has photographer's number.

NEITHER used said numbers.


Point taken, I can only say I was where I was supposed to be when I was to be there. I gave her 1/2 hour past the meet time. In fact we were there 1 hour before hand as she was coming from about a 1/2 hour drive away. A call would have been nice,it did not happen,it wont happen again. I dont expect to have to call people when they make an agreement with me. They have a phone use it. Her story keeps changing as the thread goes on,more excuses more reasons. More drama. I simply said she did not show did not call. ???

Aug 13 06 10:10 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

*shrug* I would rather have a port fuill of "worthless" images that I find interesting than one full of cheezy booty-magazine covers. What constitutes "real" anything is all perspective - but pulling out the "well, your [blank] is crap, so you have no right to an opinion" argument doesn't make you look mature or professional. If the world of Internet modeling strikes you as so pointless and "lame," you're free to leave.

Aug 14 06 01:57 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Catriona wrote:
*shrug* I would rather have a port fuill of "worthless" images that I find interesting than one full of cheezy booty-magazine covers. What constitutes "real" anything is all perspective - but pulling out the "well, your [blank] is crap, so you have no right to an opinion" argument doesn't make you look mature or professional. If the world of Internet modeling strikes you as so pointless and "lame," you're free to leave.

Well you certainly have what you would rather have. You also would give your left eye to be on one of those covers. In this world (photography) your reputation is built on being on time...creating the image asked and paid for... being easy to work with and never letting your crew down. The cover of any magazine is a prize sought after by most photographers..let alone ones that are sold the world over. So really your opinion of me and my work is of little value in my world.
Thank you for giving your deep insight into how I should proceed in this and have a good day.

Aug 14 06 06:20 am Link



Posts: 558


Your new here, and your doing what a lot of noobies do:
"I work in the real world so I know what its about and you Internet models and hobby photographers are full of crap....."

"My shit doesnt stink and your does ......."

"I earn money from photography so all you others should get lost and stop calling yourself photographers ......"

Well you can search the forums regarding all of these. Basically, this is Model Mayhem. Its open to all types of all levels of experience. Its not an agency. Its not a site for badmouthing (which will probably get you banned). And your shit will always stinks to someone.

Chill out. Take a pill, whatever.

If you came here to find models you are presently doing exactly the opposite by acting in a vindictive manner and then attacking other posters.

Some advice:

Never post personal details. Sure you can rant, but never be personal.
Defending yourself by saying "Your work is crap" is not a defence its just an insult, dont do it.
Be NICE. People only work with unpleasent people if their work is outstanding.

You have a nice port, but, in comparison to some of the people here, its not so good that you can badmouth with impunity.

Aug 14 06 07:37 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Fluffytek wrote:

Your new here, and your doing what a lot of noobies do:
"I work in the real world so I know what its about and you Internet models and hobby photographers are full of crap....."

"My shit doesnt stink and your does ......."

"I earn money from photography so all you others should get lost and stop calling yourself photographers ......"

Well you can search the forums regarding all of these. Basically, this is Model Mayhem. Its open to all types of all levels of experience. Its not an agency. Its not a site for badmouthing (which will probably get you banned). And your shit will always stinks to someone.

Chill out. Take a pill, whatever.

If you came here to find models you are presently doing exactly the opposite by acting in a vindictive manner and then attacking other posters.

Some advice:

Never post personal details. Sure you can rant, but never be personal.
Defending yourself by saying "Your work is crap" is not a defence its just an insult, dont do it.
Be NICE. People only work with unpleasent people if their work is outstanding.

You have a nice port, but, in comparison to some of the people here, its not so good that you can badmouth with impunity.

My shit stinks ok glad we got that out of the way. I never said that it didnt, I also never said that "you internet models and hobbiest should get out " So dont put words in my mouth(keyboard). I assume her saying that I sounded creepy and untrustworthy and that pro models would have canceled as she would have was ok because she felt my message was demanding,when it was not.
I did not bad mouth her I said the "images" were rubbish and her opinion was worthless to "me".
My work gets me published and paid, that is the only requirement for me. I see some very beautiful images here,outstanding work by very talented people. I see also some who are trying to be good or great at what they do. I also see alot of tits and ass shots that are pure rubbish,period.
I have not one single model or client who who would say I was unpleasant in anyway to work with or be around. Should someone decide to give me advice on my career I look at what they have done with theirs first. I understand that you do not agree with putting someones name on the did not show list..ok that is your right. I made my apology for my mistake,I cant and wont do any more than that.
There should be a MIA list here, if people knew that they could make that list there might be less of this. To those who have a hobby in photography and dont pay their bills with it its ok to get blown off and just move on to the next disaster. You and this other young lady seem to forget that the problem here is that someone booked my time and failed to show up. Or call, your hung up on my mistake and thats fine with me but I dont agree with it. This young lady who says my message was demanding is off the wall. She wanted to jump on the band wagon for whatever reason and this is the song thats being played. This site is great for putting up images that the world might otherwise never see or care about, its also a tool for working people to get the job done and as such has to be reliable. You dont take a misfireing camera to work do you. Reliability is the word here and you seem to be missing it. What good is MM if you cant rely on the people that place themselves up here? As I said I look at the work of each poster who comments here and I take the opinion of those who have talent,style and drive.
My portfolio speaks for itself yours speaks for itself as well and so does the "model" who seems to know all about this industry.
Me and you have gotten off on the wrong foot due to missed emails,ok thats all good I have no issue with you. She on the other hand wants to be the "I tell it like it is" person well so do I.
I believe people will work with me because I know what I am doing. I show up when I say I will and I create beautiful images. I give everyone who works with me respect and those who dont I respect as well. You get what you give from me.
Hard work,honesty,drive,creativity and a good time doing it. That is my work ethic whats yours?

Aug 14 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

A big prob with MM is internet models not showing up, whatever the reasons.  I think what everyone is trying to tell you is that you're condescending without the goods to back it up.  Clearly it is unprofessional to post someone's very private info in a very public place.  I think your pics are chill and it would have been nice if you could have worked with the model.  Your message to her said Sunday, and Sunday only, so unless you called her and said "the shoot is tomorrow" I would have been confused as well.  I guess just make sure you are very clear in your messages, and expect to get no shows if you are booking using MM, it just happens.

Aug 14 06 09:00 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Christine Summers wrote:
A big prob with MM is internet models not showing up, whatever the reasons.  I think what everyone is trying to tell you is that you're condescending without the goods to back it up.  Clearly it is unprofessional to post someone's very private info in a very public place.  I think your pics are chill and it would have been nice if you could have worked with the model.  Your message to her said Sunday, and Sunday only, so unless you called her and said "the shoot is tomorrow" I would have been confused as well.  I guess just make sure you are very clear in your messages, and expect to get no shows if you are booking using MM, it just happens.

The phone conversation made it clear enough for anyone to understand when and where.
  I have more than enough "goods" to back up who I am and what I say,do you?
MM must be a reliable tool if it is to have a crediability on the street,that is the issue. When you get your first cover or paying commercial work let me know so I can see it. Clearly there are alot of people who know how I should act when they have no "goods" at all to show.
Clearly it is unprofessional to blow off a booking you made,as for personal info that was an error of which for the umpteenth time has been pointed out.

Aug 14 06 09:10 am Link


Rachel Leah

Posts: 303

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
Clearly there are alot of people who know how I should act when they have no "goods" at all to show.

Are you implying that only those who are at your level of professionalism can criticize you for the way you're acting?  Clearly there are a lot of people here who recognize that you're acting unprofessionally by attacking people just because you don't think their work is as good as yours. You posted in a public forum on a site that has people of all levels and abilities.  You will get all types of responses, many of which you will not agree with them, but when you discredit someone's response because they don't have your abilities, that is unfair and uncalled for.

Aug 14 06 09:20 am Link