Forums > General Industry > Are instant messangers professional?



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I dont say it for my own sake, but someone just contacted me through msn, said some stuff about if I would like to do print or go to europe. here.

guy-hey r u ok 2 chat.?
Me-i guess
guy-great ..where r u.?may ia sk what area of modelling do you do.?
Me-sorry im spacing out cause im sleepy
Me-alt modeling
guy-wherer r u.?we need to chat...

Thats part of it..but am I living in like another world is it really normal to introduce themselves as a professional, have an e-mail address that doesnt show up anywhere on google, or use "u" and "2" instead of spelling the word. Not to mention said person "couldnt remember where they found my e-mail address" but knew I did modeling...Am I totally out of it? Do people do this?

Aug 11 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I think it's safe to bet that he/she/it isn't legitimate.  Messengers are notorious delivery tools for scammers.

Aug 11 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

No, it's not professional AT ALL.

Aug 11 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

i get this sometimes, and its ridiculous, i normally block them, they talk like u r ok and do ya do modelin?

Its a joke! Also when i ask where they got my address from, they make up some rubbish excuse!

Aug 11 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Oh not to mention the guy is ridiculing me for not being "open" when I "need" that for alt modeling and I said if you mean photographer I have to be comfortable with the photog (this is just me so we dont have to argue) and I said if he means personal life then I dont know anyone who is and he said "you'd be suprised about that its standard in europe" I dont know if thats red flag to anyone else but I think he is assuming Ive never been.

Aug 11 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

im not purposly bumpig this but now he has been in every country in europe twice and was born in london!

Aug 11 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

I think it would be interesting and funny if P Diddy, Snoop Dogg, and their crew were actually very erudite, well spoken business types when they interviewed their "ho's". 

Do you have a resume and references for your prior work?  I see, this is quite impressive.  Dogg, I think we might invest in Ms. Cheri here, she seems like she has all the proper credentials for our new "Slap Dat Ho" video.  Would you like to pontificate on your impression?


Aug 11 06 09:25 am Link



Posts: 545

Sterling, Virginia, US

I would say they are not professional, as a first means of introduction...

To discuss things later after you have met, I think its ok...

But not as an intro:

HEY, wanna shoot...

Never that


Aug 11 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

i think its twisted transiter or something where like these rapper switch place with snoop and 4 other rappers and they are in a meeting and the rappers are pretending to be metallica or korn... i forget.. but they are talking about doing metal and said rock band is like "no no no hip hop is in" I dont like either artist that much but the video is hilarious

Aug 11 06 09:31 am Link


A Errico Media LLC FIT

Posts: 456

Newtown, Pennsylvania, US

If you use them professionally it is professional and just another means of communication, who wants to wait for an E-mail? You would never leave a phone number just anywhere as well. I use it all the time and include my web site address, my link here and the best E-mail to use so Models can in fact look around before responding.



Aug 11 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Me says:
hey who have some of your clients been?
guy says:
K...I gotta go now ..have a great day....byee..

Aug 11 06 09:35 am Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

Posting his IM name may be a good way of warning people who to look out for.  Obviously, he doesn't sound legitimate so sharing his IM name shouldn't harm his already very questionable credibility.

Aug 11 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Its not an aim name its through msn the e-mail is [email protected] I searched on google and cant find a single thing on it unfortunately for me I come up alot with my e-mail address...I probably should have considered the fact that exodia is a yugioh! card....ugh

Aug 11 06 09:42 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Tikal wrote:
I dont say it for my own sake, but someone just contacted me through msn, said some stuff about if I would like to do print or go to europe. here.

guy-hey r u ok 2 chat.?
Me-i guess
guy-great ..where r u.?may ia sk what area of modelling do you do.?
Me-sorry im spacing out cause im sleepy
Me-alt modeling
guy-wherer r u.?we need to chat...

Thats part of it..but am I living in like another world is it really normal to introduce themselves as a professional, have an e-mail address that doesnt show up anywhere on google, or use "u" and "2" instead of spelling the word. Not to mention said person "couldnt remember where they found my e-mail address" but knew I did modeling...Am I totally out of it? Do people do this?

OK -- let's think about this -- when was the last time you talked to your doctor or ob/gyn on an IM? How about your car repair guy? Ever used one to talk with a lawyer? Your hairdresser?

I rest my case. IMing is NOT a "professional" means of communication.

Aug 11 06 09:47 am Link


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Who cares! It's fun. I have a few photographers and models on mine. We talk shop and ask each other questions: I am located here:

[email protected]


Aug 11 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

I actually worked on an engineering design across the country communicating with my counter part with IM.

Of course, that may explain why I'm no longer in the field, LOL.

Aug 11 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Yeah the title of the forum was more of an eye catcher and like "do ya'll think it is" I thought it was a fake from the second he said "r u in 2 modeling?" but I didnt know if other people used it as a professional means of communication.. or think that other people do. Trust me Im a skeptic.

Aug 11 06 09:52 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

DarioImpiniPhotography wrote:
I actually worked on an engineering design across the country communicating with my counter part with IM.

Of course, that may explain why I'm no longer in the field, LOL.

Well, very true -- it gets used by coworkers all the time. But that is typically a case where you have a previously-established working relationship.

Still, I think it's telling -- very few of the "professions" use IM on a regular basis.

Aug 11 06 09:56 am Link


Miguel Book 1

Posts: 1473

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Are instant messangers professional?

Depend on the circumstances
Who is IM you?

I feel the question should be:
It is appropiate to get an IM from people that don't know me and try to hire my services as model ?
I will say yes.

But has nothing to do with IM.

Aug 11 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Yeah I agree with that like I said the topic was mainly an opener because 'do you think Im is professional?" is a more logical topic then say "Do you think this guy from msn is a fake" but I kind of wanted everyones opinion on the matter also... so I guess that was my question, but I understand for some people its cool and its totally one thing if your screen name (not that it should hold more value one way or the other) is something like cpfeast compared to im convo in questions yugioh screen name.

Aug 11 06 10:01 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

The only time I've used IM for business, was when I worked for an ISP, and we all had an instant messenger client because it was quicker than walking to someone else's desk for intra office communication and even then, imortant communications were always by email.

That was over a decade ago. I have since used messaging maybe a half dozen times.

I have ranted many times about how instant messaging is a pain, and I wish it would go away.

Other than the above example, I have never encountered an industry that considers instant messaging a professional means of communication.

Aug 11 06 10:02 am Link


A Errico Media LLC FIT

Posts: 456

Newtown, Pennsylvania, US

bang bang photo wrote:

OK -- let's think about this -- when was the last time you talked to your doctor or ob/gyn on an IM? How about your car repair guy? Ever used one to talk with a lawyer? Your hairdresser?

I rest my case. IMing is NOT a "professional" means of communication.

being one-sided is not being professional in this and many other ever changing industries.

Aug 11 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 1412

Columbia, Maryland, US

Well I wouldn't say its a "professional" means of communication - at the same time IM does not represent a distinctly unprofessionial medium.  Obviously the story from the OP illustrates a fairly unprofessional scenario.  I can't beleive the "photographer" didn't want to immediately establish legitimacy by sending a link to a strong portfolio (presumably his own!).

I communicate with several business colleagues via IM (at times).  The model I worked with most recently wanted to touch base with me after the shoot via IM - we talked about how things went and then I sent her a link to the finished (web sized) images.  I don't think those scenarios represent unprofessional practices just because we used IM. 

Perhaps the difference is that we had already established legitimacy with face to face communication as well as phone calls etc.  Work had been seen and trust had been developed.

I don't think the rules are hard and fast ("IM is not a professional means of communication!") but the PRINCIPLES of professional practices are.

Aug 11 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 317

Richardson, Texas, US




Aug 11 06 10:08 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Please- everyone knows the only professional method of message delivery is parchment scroll delivered via horse drawn carriage.

Dont be afraid of technology people- any technology in the world- there is misuse- dont blame the medium.


Aug 11 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Photofurnace wrote:
Well I wouldn't say its a "professional" means of communication - at the same time IM does not represent a distinctly unprofessionial medium.  Obviously the story from the OP illustrates a fairly unprofessional scenario.  I can't beleive the "photographer" didn't want to immediately establish legitimacy by sending a link to a strong portfolio (presumably his own!).

I communicate with several business colleagues via IM (at times).  The model I worked with most recently wanted to touch base with me after the shoot via IM - we talked about how things went and then I sent her a link to the finished (web sized) images.  I don't think those scenarios represent unprofessional practices just because we used IM. 

Perhaps the difference is that we had already established legitimacy with face to face communication as well as phone calls etc.  Work had been seen and trust had been developed.

I don't think the rules are hard and fast ("IM is not a professional means of communication!") but the PRINCIPLES of professional practices are.

See thats the thing he isnt a 'photographer" hang on Ill pull up what he said ...

exodia says:
well we must talk!!!..could i see some images of you.?edgy as you have.!!
Tikal says:
do you have an mm account im assuming thats where you got my msn name
exodia says:
i dont have....I'm not a tog I have a media business...!
Tikal says:
do you have a website? or an account on omp?
exodia says:
no no account..we work for others so our stuff tends to be used as live work..some recorded and that may be on clients sites..but unless its pruduct its unlikely

and as I posted earlier

Tikal says:
hey who have some of your clients been?
exodia says:
K...I gotta go now ..have a great day....byee..

Aug 11 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

A. KAYE wrote:



Does she mean "flip-side" cause I think I have heard that on tv at least... never flip flop...

Aug 11 06 10:09 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

FitDistMediacom wrote:
being one-sided is not being professional in this and many other ever changing industries.

How is it being "one-sided" to simply point out that in a wide range of "professions," that IM is not utilized? I think it's a fairly relevant point.

For every legitimate agency, client, photographer, and model who use IM regularly to book work and make new contacts, I'll bet there are 1000 who never use it at all for that purpose. Call it one-sided if you like - but that's the way it is. If you find that it works for you, great! But don't try to sell it as a commonly-accepted practice. I just don't think that's supportable.

And it has nothing to do with technology acceptance either. The fact is, a lot of sleazy and questionable people like to hide behind IMs and emails as they play around in cyberspace. If you're here for the game, that's cool -- enjoy. But if you're here to work, I think you'll find that generally, the initial contacts you make via IM are going to generally be of a fairly low quality.

Aug 11 06 10:10 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I prefer emails so I have an easer time and record of what was said but ten years ago emails were not profesional.

I use IM to chat with friends and to chat with other photographers I know before hand. it is faster than emailing back and forth and enables me to comunicate while doing other work on the computer and multi task.

I do not post my IM anywhere I have to give it to you if I want to. My email is public enough for me.

Aug 11 06 10:24 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

I swear, this is all one guy. He always says he is not a photographer (great - now he's using the jargon "tog") - convenient that, so he doesn't need to show any examples of his work. He is always someone who "hires" models.

Aug 11 06 10:25 am Link


PPRO Analyst

Posts: 149

Chicago, Illinois, US

IM is just a means of communication, how professional it is depends upon the person using it.

I wouldn't use IM as a means of introduction any more than I'd "cold call" a model on the phone for a shoot. 

I'm an IT analyst in the "real world" and we use IT as our primary communcation link, it's fast, you have a hard copy record and it's FREE!


Aug 11 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

We used IM frequently in my previous job as an IT anaylist for an international corporation. A quick way to brainstorm, share a link or just a little watercooler talk with someone in another location. It can definitely used professionally, but so far, only when I have an established rapport with someone.

I do not share my IM with anyone until a rapport has been established. To me having a stranger contact me on IM is like having someone solicit at my front door. I prefer more privacy...

Aug 11 06 10:42 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Tikal wrote:
I dont say it for my own sake, but someone just contacted me through msn, said some stuff about if I would like to do print or go to europe. here.

guy-hey r u ok 2 chat.?
Me-i guess
guy-great ..where r u.?may ia sk what area of modelling do you do.?
Me-sorry im spacing out cause im sleepy
Me-alt modeling
guy-wherer r u.?we need to chat...

Thats part of it..but am I living in like another world is it really normal to introduce themselves as a professional, have an e-mail address that doesnt show up anywhere on google, or use "u" and "2" instead of spelling the word. Not to mention said person "couldnt remember where they found my e-mail address" but knew I did modeling...Am I totally out of it? Do people do this?

Did he ask you to test on a web cam?

I don't like "cold calling" people via chat or phone (some of you list your numbers!! wow!).  I send a simple e-mail that way you can respond or not respond at your leasuire.

Aug 11 06 10:44 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

I've started using IM more, but I always start my emails the same as I start my IMs.
"Hi this is Kevin Schmidt with Lazyi Photography(MM # ******), I saw your profile(under the name ________) on ModelMayhem and was wondering if you had a moment to talk."

IM can be professional if you treat it professional. I mean, does it make the phone unprofessional when I answer it "City morgue, you stab 'em, we slab 'em." IM is just another step in technology, it just needs a bit more time to be fully accepted. Always act professional, and it doesn't matter how you get the message there.

Aug 11 06 10:47 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

bang bang photo wrote:
OK -- let's think about this -- when was the last time you talked to your doctor or ob/gyn on an IM? How about your car repair guy? Ever used one to talk with a lawyer? Your hairdresser?

I rest my case. IMing is NOT a "professional" means of communication.

I disagree with this.  The only reason you don't IM your doctor, car repair guy, lawyer, or hairdresser is because they are not available to you.

Are you telling me that if you had a way to IM any of these professions, you wouldn't?  I'd LOVE it!

Hey car guy, can I schedule maint. for Saturday morning? thanks!

Hey hairdresser, I saw this cool hairstyle, here's the link, can you do that?

Hey Doctor, I just got kicked in the nuts, and I can't breath, should I go to the hospital?

There's nothing unprofessional about that contact...unless...

Hey car guy, can you fix my car while wearing a speedo, does that cost extra?

Hey hairdresser, will you do my hair while topless and can I pinch your nipples?

Hey Doctor, I just got kicked in the nuts, and I can't breath, will you come rub them for me?


Aug 11 06 10:51 am Link


Bryce Productions

Posts: 75

Dallas, Texas, US

bang bang photo wrote:

OK -- let's think about this -- when was the last time you talked to your doctor or ob/gyn on an IM? How about your car repair guy? Ever used one to talk with a lawyer? Your hairdresser?

I rest my case. IMing is NOT a "professional" means of communication.

I don't see how you can say this is not a means for professional communication.  Its the same as e-mailing or calling someone.  This business is all about how you present yourself.  If your legit you will have a portfolio to backup what you are telling the model.

Aug 11 06 10:55 am Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

Tikal wrote:
I dont say it for my own sake, but someone just contacted me through msn, said some stuff about if I would like to do print or go to europe. here.

guy-hey r u ok 2 chat.?
Me-i guess
guy-great ..where r u.?may ia sk what area of modelling do you do.?
Me-sorry im spacing out cause im sleepy
Me-alt modeling
guy-wherer r u.?we need to chat...

Thats part of it..but am I living in like another world is it really normal to introduce themselves as a professional, have an e-mail address that doesnt show up anywhere on google, or use "u" and "2" instead of spelling the word. Not to mention said person "couldnt remember where they found my e-mail address" but knew I did modeling...Am I totally out of it? Do people do this?

Why don't you simply delete your IMs (AOL and MSN) from your profile to stop the madness? LOL
I deleted mine and will only give out in an email IF I'm interested in working with someone.

Aug 11 06 10:55 am Link


Dogbone Alt-Process

Posts: 1016

Llano, Texas, US

I don't feel  IM is a professional method of making an introduction or first contact. E-mail or the MM messaging system is better for that.

I do feel the IM has its place as a useful tool for hashing out details or brainstorming. Like any other form of electronic communication, the level of professionalism is dependent on who is bashing the keys.

If you need or want  a more lasting record of the conversation, simply follow up with an e-mail detailing the highlights of the IM, much as you would for a telephone call.

Aug 11 06 10:57 am Link



Posts: 7840


e-string wrote:
No, it's not professional AT ALL.

no way
its just not neccessary to go that route, its untrackable, un retainable and way too casual / immediate for an prof intro.

Also , wejj, personally i never IM...
i have talked to 4 people ever in my life on IM

only one ever on Yahoo...

and 3 additionally on myspace it is just a minefield for miscommunication

especuially the way i type!!
and cant wait for a reply
i have no idea what the etiquette is supposed to be
but EVEn if i liked it and used it with friends all the time or whatever
it is NoT acceptable way to introduce any professional service
- let alone one where you want the gal to pose for you!

thats MY Opinion   -   and i AM from Europe


Aug 11 06 10:59 am Link


D Fish

Posts: 316

Springfield, Missouri, US

IM is not a professional method of contacting someone.
To many fakes in the internet world.
Back before the internet we used a thing called a telephone

Aug 11 06 11:02 am Link