Forums > General Industry > Group shoots any thoughts?


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

I'm organizing a group shoot on the the 6th and I was wondering if any had any thoughts on the pros and cons of a group shoot.

6 models, 4 photogaphers, a MUA and a coupld of assistants.

Have you had any good or bad experiences with something like this?

Was it worth your time?

Jul 29 06 08:14 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I've attended several group shoots in the past.  Personally groups shoots were more effective for networking than getting good shots for me.  And that's not a bad thing.  Occassionally I got some good images out of a groups shoot, don't get me wrong.  However, the connections I made were way more valuable and many of those connections I hooked up with again down the road for one on one shoots. 

So in a nutshell, I enjoyed the group shoots but more for building relationships with people I could work with again...and many of those people have become good friends.

Jul 29 06 08:19 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm with Suzi on this one.  They are more about networking then getting good
shots.  Try and get a few more models also.  Its important to make things flow.
For example have most of the models ready to shoot before the photographers
arrive.  Have each models outfits prepared and ironed.  Provide cold drinks
for all as well as a snack.  If this is a TFP shoot make sure you are aware of the
flake factor.  I think in these cases its best to pay the models something.  What
tends to happen is that one or two of the models will work better then the other
models but try and mix it up.  Each photographer works a specfic amount of time
with each model no more.  If the models are to get a cd of images if you are in
charge try and make sure that you have some of those images from each shooter
so theres less of a problem later.  You don't want to have to chase them down.
Have some good music and it sounds like fun enjoy yourself.

Jul 29 06 08:52 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Not sure if you can consider it a group shoot.....

Back in New Jersey I had gotten together with five other photographer of various experience.....and we formed a group.....Image35....because we all shot with 35mm slrs.....we'd meet twice a month.....once to plan a shoot and second time to actually shoot......we had a ball......we'd set up model safaris all over the place......

Eventually we did some "day in life" of some smaller towns in the area and having photo exhibits in good coverage from newpapers, radio stations and TV.....

By the time I re-located to Florida our small group had grown to 45-60 members....all very active.......I sure do miss those days......

Jul 29 06 09:35 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Group shoots can be fun.  I've got several good shots out of group shoots.  But there are a couple things you should consider.

Assume about half of your models won't show up, for whatever reason.

It will take longer for the MUA to get the makeup done than you think.

Wardrobe changes will take longer than you think.

Don't commit this screw up:  I was at a group shoot where only half the models showed up, which left not enough models to go around.  The organizer of the event took a couple of the "choice" models off somewhere and had his own little photo shoot with them.  Leaving some of us who had paid to be there with nobody to shoot.  This is not a way to endear yourself to your customers.

Keep things moving, make sure all the photogs get the chance to work with each model.  Change the backgrounds up, and if you're providing lights or other equipment, make sure it all works.

Good luck, have fun.

Jul 29 06 09:55 am Link


Jason Colvin

Posts: 32

Saint Paul, Minnesota, US

I'm in the final stages of arranging one in August here, which will be my second. Here's what I found during the process:

*Previous poster is right, 1/2 or more of the models won't show. Shoots are now invitation-only, and models are invited based on their interest in the idea, and their dependability, as well as aesthetics.

*Having photographers agree on a simple combination sign-in sheet/model release simplifies that matter greatly! EZ to copy and distribute, and everyone's contact info is right there.

*Most people are more than happy to help donate to the cause. I ask photographers and models to pitch in for space rental.

*No matter how well-organized it starts, it's total chaos within 20 minutes.

I think they're fun. I managed to get at least 5 usable photos from each model during the last one; with 4 models, it lasted about 3 hours. And as was mentioned, it is a great networking/scouting opportunity.

Jul 29 06 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 15005

Tonasket, Washington, US

Most of the ones they have around here seem to be in the middle of the day/middle of the summer. Unless you are ready with scrims, flash and assistant they are pretty tough going.

Jul 29 06 11:26 pm Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

I'm burning candles, saying prayers, and whatever else I can do to avoid the flake factor.  I've worked wifh all but one of the models and with only one exception they are all relaible and dependable. 

I do have snacks, drinks, and I'm buying lunch too.

no sleep till next Sunday.

Jul 29 06 11:27 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Michael Thayer wrote:
I'm organizing a group shoot on the the 6th and I was wondering if any had any thoughts on the pros and cons of a group shoot.

I'll provide you with a whole bunch of 'pros'.  Read the 'credits section' on my MM page.  Fourteen years and 130+ group shoots with thousands of models and photographers attending.  Largest event was in 1995 with 91 models and 311 photographers at the 5 acre Humphries Mansion in Temecula CA... that was INSANITY... no more plans for any event that large again.  Yep... 14 years of some outragous fun with 5 more events before the end of this year... wink

Jul 30 06 02:57 am Link


Ben Lovejoy

Posts: 5

London, England, United Kingdom

They can work well, but you have to be very disciplined. In the studio, rotate photographers with each model, and give each photographer a set time slot - keeping it short so nobody gets bored waiting. Whether the photographer poses the model for most of their time and takes a single shot, or fires off a dozen, is up to them.

Outdoor, although it's possible for several photographers to shoot simultaneously, you still want to give each photographer the opportunity to direct the model - so still rotate and tell the others it's ok to shoot without flash while waiting provided they stay out of the way of the main photographer (ie. they need to be aware of the direction the main photographer is shooting in to avoid getting into the background).

Mostly, I think they're a good way to quickly try out a number of models, and also test out those little ideas you have that don't justify an entire shoot.

Jul 30 06 04:50 am Link



Posts: 572

Lakeland, Florida, US

I wish someone would do one down here in Florida!

Jul 30 06 05:29 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

Wow!  I didn't think this was possible on MM:  a forum thread with thoughtful, intelligent, mature input, that hasn't (yet!) been raided and contaminated by a bunch of amoeba-brained juveniles that insist on being obnoxious in forum posts.  I hope it continues, and there may be a faint glimmer of hope for forums on MM, after all!

Jul 30 06 05:41 am Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

Group shoots can be great.  I like the unstructured one's that people are free to shoot anyone anytime.  My avatar and several other pics are from group shoots.

Jul 30 06 05:41 am Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Stevens Photography wrote:
Wow!  I didn't think this was possible on MM:  a forum thread with thoughtful, intelligent, mature input, that hasn't (yet!) been raided and contaminated by a bunch of amoeba-brained juveniles that insist on being obnoxious in forum posts.  I hope it continues, and there may be a faint glimmer of hope for forums on MM, after all!

I know what you mean.  Some of threads do become like a playground, where a few members run wild having their fun.  It may be laughs for them, but it often makes for boring reading.

Jul 30 06 06:15 am Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Several factors can contribute to a great group shoot.  Good organization, photographers that cooperate and respect each other, and models that are comfortable with the situation, are a few.

Unlike a regular shoot, many factors are not under your control at a group event.  You may not get exactly what you want, so you have to adjust your expectations and do the best you can.  As some have said, these events can be more a chance to meet models, and possibly set something up for later.

An uncool situation is when photographers pay to attend an event, where the models are not paid by the organizer of the shoot.  The models think of it as like a mass TFP, and are looking for pics.  The photographers assume that since they paid, they don’t have an obligation to the models, and want to get a model release to use or sell the pics.  It can get messy!  Event organizers should make the conditions of the shoot clear to everyone, and not cheat models or deceive photographers.

Jul 30 06 07:15 am Link



Posts: 742

Blacksburg, Virginia, US

Ive never participated in a group shoot.. I wouldnt be opposed to it however, but the challenge I suppose would be to get different shots than everyone else it.. Which could be easy or hard for some people.

- Dave

Jul 30 06 08:59 am Link


CBs Photography

Posts: 1110

Ontario, California, US

I attended one of Gary's (Select Models) group shoots earlier this year and hope to attend at least one more before year end.  I got some great shots with several modles and got to network with several of the photographers and models.

Jul 30 06 09:25 am Link



Posts: 57

Angier, North Carolina, US

I attended a group shoot a couple months ago.  I was SO excited b/c we were going to model clothes for this *awesome* local designer.  Out of 33 models, 2 showed up (myself and another very svelte, petite girl).  It was very disappointing b/c the only thing missing was the other 31 models.  Since we were both on separate, extreme ends of the size spectrum (she a 00 and myself a 16) we had limited clothing choices the designer could showcase.  But apparently the photogs had been pre-paid by the designer, so we still had the whole day pretty much.  Five hours in 90 degree weather at a downtown art/street festival, with my big self parading around in heels, hair and long flowing garments, and I never saw a single photo.  sad  I wonder what ever happened to them... perhaps all the images were destroyed by the designer in a fit of outrage?  Either way, I did sign a release giving the designer ownership, but agreeing that I could use any of the pictures for portfolio purposes.  It still sucks that I never even got to see them.  I am not sure whether or not I'll sign up to TFP/CD another group shoot again.

Make sure that the models are getting paid.... or that the models are paying you (or at least splitting the cost) and if it's TFP/CD invite way more models than you think you'll need.  Good luck!  Hope it turns out well smile

Jul 30 06 09:45 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

CBs Photography wrote:
I attended one of Gary's (Select Models) group shoots earlier this year and hope to attend at least one more before year end.  I got some great shots with several modles and got to network with several of the photographers and models.

Hey CB... thanks for the kudos and attending our 'Rockstar Paradise' shoot in the spring of 2006.  It looks as though you have some great comments on some of the images (especially Nikki & Jeska's shots) you captured up there at the former home of THE CARS band member Benjiman Orr.   You are definitely invited back to any future event.  Hope to seeya soon... wink

Jul 30 06 10:33 am Link


James Graham

Posts: 741

Brooklyn, New York, US



Jul 30 06 10:39 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Edit: this is a repost from another forum from a few months ago on this same site.

I like the group shoots I've been hosting as I get to interact with so much talent at the level of equality.

We have seasoned pro’s working side-by-side with newer photographers.

We have organized shoots that now include themes.
We started out with about 6 members in June 2005 and are about 45-55 members in attendance a few months back.

I think what makes a group shoot worthwhile is the organization and planning. We have structure and a team of volunteers that make for a solid foundation.

At the meetings we have two studios set up with strobes and backdrops to use for test shooting.
We try to cover topics like lighting, location vs. studio, makeup, wardrobe – owned vs. rented.

We’re kicking around the idea of staging a fashion show with a runway set up to give both models and photographers the feel of shooting a live fashion show.

I’ve been contacted by other MM photographers that wish to start group shoots in their area, which is quit encouraging.


This is just the people that have replied not able to attend the Jan 14th group shoot I host:

·     (01/11) Craig, I just had a paid gig come through that I didn't think would. Surprised me. I gave them a price I knew they wouldn't want to pay... gotta do it. I'm sure that I'm more disappointed about this than you are but, I hope you have a great night. Tim
·     (01/11)
I cant make it this time but i would love to in the future.... 
·     (01/10)
I'm sorry to say I'll have to miss yet another meet & greet. I'll be in New York from the 12th through the 24th. Hopefully I'll make it to the next one.
·     (01/10)
I will be at work 
·     (01/10)
Think I'm going to have my first magazine shoot this weekend. YIPPEE. Hopefully can make it next time. Have a great time. Danielle 50064
·     (01/9)
Sorry I can't make it that night. But thanks so much for the invite
·     (01/8)
Nooo! I can't make it! I am closing that night . What a bummer...I was so looking forward to it.
·     (01/8)
Thanks for the invite...Unfortunately, I must attend another engagement in the Seattle area...maybe next wishes to all of you and a Happy New Year!
·     (01/7)
Sorry I can't make it this time. Have two tests to shoot that day.
·     (01/5)
Wish I could attend. Got my weekends mixed up. I have out of town company in that weekend. I was looking forward to getting to know people. 
·     (01/5)
Marissa, JD, and I won't be able to attend as Jeven will be working the Portland Bridal Show that entire weekend. Thank you for inviting us! Always, Dani
·     (01/3)
Wish I could but I am hosting my friend Wendy's (the friend I brought last time) 30th Birthday party that night!! Have a great time though guys and see you in February!!
·     (01/3)
I'm shooting at Bell Harbor on the 14th. Thanks for the invite. Look forward to nextime.
·     (01/3)
Sorry, I have a shoot scheduled for that day!
·     (01/2)
I am going to be there the weekend before... I can't afford to come back up the next weekend.
·     (01/2)
I am at Rusty Con that weekend and will not be able to attend

Jul 30 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 14

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

I was a part of a group shoot before and didn't like it at all. I like the intimacy of being one on one with the photographer, I don't believe you can get really good shots from those events.

Jul 30 06 10:43 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Aleksandra_A wrote:
I don't believe you can get really good shots from those events.

Would have to disagree with you on that comment... as EVERY image on my MM page was taken at a group shoot.  Read comments on the images captured... they speak for themselves... wink

Jul 30 06 11:06 am Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

I usually shoot with another photographer almost always. It is fun and the models seem to enjoy it. Two views and twice the number of shots for the model..

Also I am planing on a camping trip up above the Kern river (lower Peppermint Falls) where we are inviting photographers and models to come. Many locations and a lot of fun, good food and hopefully some great shots.

Jul 30 06 11:16 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Went to one cluster-shoot.  Saw a gaggle of "photographers" crowding the same vantage point to shoot one poor girl in a wet t-shirt.  I rudely suggested that one guy take the picture and distribute prints.

I was ejected from the shoot by mob action and won't go to one again.

Life is too short to do something so unproductive.  Photographers should just go find a model and shoot.  Models, similarly.


Jul 30 06 05:06 pm Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Went to one cluster-shoot.  Saw a gaggle of "photographers" crowding the same vantage point to shoot one poor girl in a wet t-shirt.  I rudely suggested that one guy take the picture and distribute prints.

I was ejected from the shoot by mob action and won't go to one again.

Life is too short to do something so unproductive.  Photographers should just go find a model and shoot.  Models, similarly.


Don I agree with you 100% on this, and I refuse to allow this to happen at my event.  I've kept the numbers low so that it will be 1 photo and one or 2 models at a time.  I would hate to try and work more than one photog per model.

Jul 30 06 09:46 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I've been to a bunch. They've ranged anywhere from being an absolute waste of my time to enormously productive.

Some things that I've found...

- Best to have way more models than photographers.
- The better the organization of the event, the greater the likelihood the photographer will walk away w/ some useful images.
- If possible, try to have the photographer shoot the model(s) in shifts. That way, it decreases the parpazzi type feel to the shoot.

Jul 30 06 09:55 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Good way to get way behind on editing images.  I know some guys who shoot group stuff very often and I hear models who have worked with them complaining that they have not received images after several months. If you are caught up on your present work, cool.

Also keep in mind that other photographers will be shooting the same models in the same outfits in the same locations.  I've seen two photographers shooting the same model at the same time and from the same angles, which I will never understand.

Good way to work with models and styling talent you may not have otherwise had the chance to.  If organizing such an event, consider the level of talent behind and in front of the lens.  Bringing great models to shoot with hack photographers or vice-versa is doing a disservice to the other. Think about parking, food, shooting space, makeup/hair/wardrobe area, costs and what to charge.

Also think about insurance for where you are shooting. I shot at a place in WI which was extremely dangerous to shoot in (razor blades, nails, glass, tacks and such all over the floor, floors that broke easily, bats flying around, flaky rooftops...). I asked someone about insurance and they were not too sure.  Is the building owner responsible, the organizer or the photographer? Lots to keep in mind for a successful group shoot.

Also make sure to NOT insist on asking models for social security numbers. There is NO reason for you to get this. You will need more than one MUA and they should be compensated adequately by yourself or models wanting to use their services. Never overload a MUA!!! They are golden. Also there should be hair styling and possibly wardrobe. Why arrange this type of thing without proper styling? Otherwise, it's a wank-fest.

Jul 31 06 07:31 am Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Good way to get way behind on editing images.  I know some guys who shoot group stuff very often and I hear models who have worked with them complaining that they have not received images after several months. If you are caught up on your present work, cool.

Also keep in mind that other photographers will be shooting the same models in the same outfits in the same locations.  I've seen two photographers shooting the same model at the same time and from the same angles, which I will never understand.

Good way to work with models and styling talent you may not have otherwise had the chance to.  If organizing such an event, consider the level of talent behind and in front of the lens.  Bringing great models to shoot with hack photographers or vice-versa is doing a disservice to the other. Think about parking, food, shooting space, makeup/hair/wardrobe area, costs and what to charge.

Also think about insurance for where you are shooting. I shot at a place in WI which was extremely dangerous to shoot in (razor blades, nails, glass, tacks and such all over the floor, floors that broke easily, bats flying around, flaky rooftops...). I asked someone about insurance and they were not too sure.  Is the building owner responsible, the organizer or the photographer? Lots to keep in mind for a successful group shoot.

Also make sure to NOT insist on asking models for social security numbers. There is NO reason for you to get this.

Your right about behind on editing and from the shoot in Wi ( I still have three to do ) . The insurance would also be a concern of mine and once again Wi made me think the same thing .
The up side is that shoots like that are a great way to meet models and photographers .

Jul 31 06 07:36 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Depending on the professionalism and the organazation they can be great things for models- I like that I can work with many photographers and build a varied set of prints in one day(as long as I am prepared to change looks during the shoot)....the best way to run one is pairing photographers with modls an varied locations and everyone involved different images.

Just my 2 centgs from a model standpoint who organizes these occasionally and am alwayhs getting asked to organize more....

Oh and I am also having one on August 6th in Atlantic City NJ-looking for some more models as we have alot of photographer interest......

Jul 31 06 07:39 am Link



Posts: 1004

Aurora, Illinois, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Good way to get way behind on editing images.  I know some guys who shoot group stuff very often and I hear models who have worked with them complaining that they have not received images after several months. If you are caught up on your present work, cool.

Michael you already know about this but...

Jim: I completely agree. I went to a shoot in JANUARY that Michael was actually at. The lead photographer was great, but the person who actually turned out the best at the shoot was Michael. We shot in the freezing cold snow in a summer dress, but guess what? I actually RECEIVED the images: EDITED! It took over 4 months to receive an UNEDITED CD from the lead photographer, whose studio we were using.

Michael's got a great rep, but make sure you don't make the same mistake as you know who!

Jul 31 06 12:22 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

jasonc wrote:
I think they're fun. I managed to get at least 5 usable photos from each model during the last one; with 4 models, it lasted about 3 hours. And as was mentioned, it is a great networking/scouting opportunity.

Majorly fun fur sure... our July 30th 'Laguna Beach' shoot lasted 3 hours also... had 10 models (including MM avatar model Lacie Marie)... loads of networking no doubt... ALMOST all models that were invited showed up.  If you promise some pretty strong cash (and of course DELIVER)... they will be there... wink

Jul 31 06 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 59

Acworth, Georgia, US

I guess my only thought about it would be let me be in it!!!! yikes)

Jul 31 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 293

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

I'm a social butterfly and working in groups generally makes me a lot more comfortable, and I have a lot more fun. Just one way of looking at it.


Jul 31 06 07:53 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Keeper wrote:
I'm a social butterfly and working in groups generally makes me a lot more comfortable, and I have a lot more fun.

Right on Keeper... group shoots are all about bein comfortable... havin fun... makin some new friends... creating some great images... using them on your port... takin home some spending cash... a 'win-win situation' for invited models fur sure.  Avatar pic of Cesilie captured during our last group shoot in Laguna Beach... wink

Jul 31 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Went to one cluster-shoot.  Saw a gaggle of "photographers" crowding the same vantage point to shoot one poor girl in a wet t-shirt.

kind of like a, ummm, gangbang?

Aug 01 06 03:18 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

i wouldn't share model, location, and lighting with another photographer. if i set it up, i'd ask him to leave - and if he set it up, i wouldn't ever get my camera out. those "workshops" are pretty ridiculous - but i guess they're a great way to make money if you have a studio that you're not using! just get 5 GWC's to pay $200 for the chance to take pictures of a cute girl with no clothes - and if the model takes home $50/hr, you just made $800!

Aug 01 06 03:23 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Hate 'em.  I'll only condier them if there's a whole lot of money involved, because I won't be getting good pictures or "networking."

Aug 01 06 08:55 am Link



Posts: 301

Cary, Illinois, US

The MUA is where you get bogged down - only 1 to 6 models?  Each model may get one set of shots...   I would get another one if you could.

Aug 01 06 08:58 am Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

Michael Thayer wrote:
I'm organizing a group shoot on the the 6th and I was wondering if any had any thoughts on the pros and cons of a group shoot.

6 models, 4 photogaphers, a MUA and a coupld of assistants.

Have you had any good or bad experiences with something like this?

Was it worth your time?

Of your 6 models, 2 will show. Of your 4 photographers, 10 will show.

I usually attend local group shoots, but rarely do any shooting.

Aug 01 06 09:13 am Link