Forums > General Industry > Group shoots any thoughts?


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

And here's how it went down.

2 of the scheduled models didnt show up, one called me at 10pm the night before and told me that she had to work.  And another just didnt show.

But I had 2 extra models on hand, and they stepped in and filled the gap quite nicely.

The biggest disappointment was that the MUA was a no show, we had even agreed to pay her almost double what she was sking for her kit fee.  She didn't call and didnt answer her phone. 

BUT once again, I had a back up plan, and one of the model's mother stepped in and did the make up for us.

All of the photographers showed, plus 2 assistants.

So basically in all ways possible we had our bases covered.

The only thing that went wrong that we couldnt control was the weather, since it started raining we had to cancel our beach shoot plans and spent the whole day at the studio.

On other thing for fututre planning is that it was on a Sunday, and most of the models were pretty tired.  Probably too much fun on Friday and Saturday, so for future group shoots, i'll do my best to encourage the models to take it easy and get some rest the night before.

Aug 07 06 11:49 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I don't like "gang bangs," as group shoots are often called.  First, because the models and photographers tend to be rank beginners; second because the photographers at gang bangs have no control over the lighting; and third because I can't make money from the photos.  These days if I can't make money from a photo then I don't want to bother cleaning my camera sensors.

Instead of shooting a gang bang I'd rather go out and photograph a park statue.  At least then I'll be able to control the lighting to the extent of waiting for it to change, and I'll have a choice of more than one shooting angle, and if I get a really good photo then maybe I can sell it as a post card.

Aug 07 06 08:36 pm Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

phcorcoran wrote:
I don't like "gang bangs," as group shoots are often called.  First, because the models and photographers tend to be rank beginners; second because the photographers at gang bangs have no control over the lighting; and third because I can't make money from the photos.  These days if I can't make money from a photo then I don't want to bother cleaning my camera sensors.

All of our photographers ranged in experience from 25 years, to 1 1/2 years.  The models were all mostly new and for 2 of them it was their first time in front of the camera, and their lack of experience didnt take away from the experience.

Im not sure what the situation at your "gang bang" was, but each photographer had a set of lights to work with in a darkened studio, so as far as I know everyone had total control of the lighting.

Aug 08 06 05:40 am Link


Peggy V

Posts: 378

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Great for networking..generally not good for getting great images...AND...if your models are flaking, perhaps they have done OTHER group shoots and worked their cute little butts off, and only received a few images for their work.

The biggest problem I have seen is photogs never getting images back to the models.  Aside from a couple great - and reliable - photogs, I am actually quite disappointed at the followup after these shoots.

Sometimes I wonder if the photographers just do the shoots to be around cute girls...because I rarely see the edited images showing up anywhere...

Again, there HAVE been exceptions...Gary's Shootout had a couple great (and responsible) photogs and I got some amazing images.  Mikey's Shootout, had similar results.

CONCLUSION:  if you want models to show up....make sure, at the end of the day, the model has some benefit from her efforts, as well...

Aug 08 06 06:06 am Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

they are good for networking and thats about it........go to one thinking your going to shoot anything great is just hard to come by

Aug 08 06 06:22 am Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

Great for networking..generally not good for getting great images...AND...if your models are flaking, perhaps they have done OTHER group shoots and worked their cute little butts off, and only received a few images for their work.

Peggy Vee wrote:
The biggest problem I have seen is photogs never getting images back to the models.  Aside from a couple great - and reliable - photogs, I am actually quite disappointed at the followup after these shoots.

Sometimes I wonder if the photographers just do the shoots to be around cute girls...because I rarely see the edited images showing up anywhere...

Again, there HAVE been exceptions...Gary's Shootout had a couple great (and responsible) photogs and I got some amazing images.  Mikey's Shootout, had similar results.

CONCLUSION:  if you want models to show up....make sure, at the end of the day, the model has some benefit from her efforts, as well...

I just want back up what Ms. Vee said above. Group shoots can and should be a great way to network.......and for people on both sides of the camera to build there portfolios. But geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........some photogs really are VERY bad about getting images back to the models........not all.....some. It seems some photogs just shoot and shoot and shoot. What the hell are they doing???? Do your shoot......THEN edit..........then you go on to your next shoot.....just don't leave models constantly wondering "Where are my pics?"

Aug 08 06 06:24 am Link


Miss Emma

Posts: 312

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I got some great images from a smaller group shoot, and I'm starting to see some images from a HUGE group shoot I did a few weeks back, but it was a whole weekend and I got paid.
Group shoots are tough for some models who may not be as strong or confident as others. I did one shoot with only 2 other models, but one was a guy in which this was his first real shoot. I'm sure he felt awkward and the photos didn't come out as well as they could have.

Aug 08 06 06:32 am Link