Forums > General Industry > BBW's as fine art models


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

This is what the great artist painted. What are your thoutgts in Photography. Open to all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs

Leave the equiptment , lighting and any techo chat OUT OF THE SUBJECT
Mike B

Jul 16 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Would love to, but most BBW I've met aren't comfortable doing nudes.

Photography has given me an appreciation for slender women.  But my own personal preference tends to hefty nordic.  Would love to work with some.

Jul 16 06 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 235

Austin, Texas, US

reference:  Irving Penn

He shot Vogue models for years - and as a personal project did a series of portly women nudes. Fantastic work. Saw it at the MOMA a few years ago. … index.html


Jul 16 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 39

Hector, Arkansas, US

I have to agree- Romanesquely shaped women are works of art that deserved to be dispalyed proudly alongside their slender counterparts.

Jul 16 06 05:15 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

I've photographed a few reubenesque models in my time.   Like the models you see everywhere else on the internet if they have a strong spirit and are comfortable with who they are you can get some excellent images.

Jul 16 06 05:20 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

Let see some of the work Guys and ladies

Jul 16 06 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

There aren't nearly enough fat art models in the world.  They keep getting sucked into glamour and paysite work.  The only one I know of other than me, now that I think of it, is the utterly wonderful Mockingbird Girl.  Are there any others around here that I should know about?

Jul 16 06 05:22 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

Shyly wrote:
There aren't nearly enough fat art models in the world.  They keep getting sucked into glamour and paysite work.  The only one I know of other than me, now that I think of it, is the utterly wonderful Mockingbird Girl.  Are there any others around here that I should know about?

Nice portfolio

We need more BBW Fine art models

Where are you?????????

Jul 16 06 05:49 pm Link


Jason Fassnacht

Posts: 437

Sacramento, California, US

BIG Girls ??? Figure Models ??? Timeless Works of Art ???

You bet cha Boots PHAT Girls Rock !!! smile  But our society kinda puts the heavy crush on people of size - so I've encountered that many more shaply peoples don't really feel as comfortable disrobing for the Lens.

Photographics & Tradional Art media though ??? Ha !!! =P

There is a very strong division here, on this topic & matter ....(MMwwAAHHaaa - HaHaHaHa - I dare anyone this time to pull the whole whinny "Photography is too a REAL Art form" this time !!! MmWwahahahaha !!! smile .....

Because *Artists* ... at least all the Art Cats I know, which reaches well into the hundreds - EASY .... when a very Plus Sized model would show up to a Nude Life Drawing class ...... Almost every single Artist in the room would be excited & pumped because of the dynamics & very paticular power that a Big Ole Nekid person can generate .... & some of my very favoritest drawings that I've ever been apart of are of really, really curvy peeps.


Whilst - if we took every single Photographer here on MM, OMP, SoloModels, DA etc, that shoots Figure Works & put em in a Nude Shoot Out & didn't tell them that it was a PHAT Model that was showing up ???  How many of them would be pumped & floored to create some "Art" when the Muse came in ???  How many would be able to divine the essence of what gives that Muses Life .... Magic ???

For the sake of & by the power of Art ....

Seriously ???

Photographics - Photographers - Classically trained Fine Artists & tradional works of Art are, for the most parts, very, VERY different.

If your feelin' me ???

As for other Plus Sized Figure models ???

There's Ronny here on MM & she's a super sweetheart too ....


Jul 16 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I know for sure that sometimes society makes me feel as if I shouldnt appreciate all my plumpness! *smiles*  But thats why I take my hat off to Shyly!  She's quite an inspiration.  I've actually thought about doing nudes, or atleast implieds.  I love art, but I just cant seem to nix the inihibitions that society has given me.  Thus being the reason I feel more comfortable in my clothes then completely nude.

Jul 16 06 10:31 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US


Jul 17 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 558

Well, as I see it.

Trying to find a BBW nude model is almost impossible. I would love to shoot a BBW art nude but there arnt any.

If there are any in the UK, that wish to step up and be counted, let me know.

Jul 17 06 10:57 am Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

in my last year of high school we did a lot of nude figure drawing and painting. the models we hired were evenly split between large, skinny, curvy women and men..

the onl;y thing of value i can add to this discussion is that i enjoyed drawing large, curvy women a lot more than the skinny ones.

Jul 17 06 11:00 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Mike Bell wrote:
This is what the great artist painted. What are your thoutgts in Photography. Open to all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs

Leave the equiptment , lighting and any techo chat OUT OF THE SUBJECT
Mike B

This is the only BBW image on your MM page. Is this an example of the Big Beautiful Woman fine art that you're talking about?  Or is this another genre?  Thanks for leaving this open to "all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs."

Jul 17 06 11:01 am Link


Mockingbird Girl

Posts: 193

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:
There aren't nearly enough fat art models in the world.  They keep getting sucked into glamour and paysite work.  The only one I know of other than me, now that I think of it, is the utterly wonderful Mockingbird Girl.  Are there any others around here that I should know about?

You darling, are an absolute sweetheart!...

Jul 17 06 11:38 am Link



Posts: 76

Rocky Mount, Virginia, US

I've been drawing, painting and photographing the nude for the last 20 years and have worked with models of every size and shape. From women of statue who were perfectly at ease to thin models who worry about every little skin fold (and vice versa). A model who is comfortable with herself is far more important to me than size or shape.

Have Fun,

Jul 17 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

There is also.. Lynda Lee also here on MM

She is a lovely and wonderful person and I hope that I get to shoot with her soon.. I just cant afford to pay models right now..

Jul 17 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

what exactly consitutes a BBw? what are the requirements besides not being skinny?

Jul 17 06 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

dee740 wrote:
what exactly consitutes a BBw? what are the requirements besides not being skinny?

I think when it was first coined as a term it might have actually meant something.  Now, though, it's just a euphemism for "fat."  I think it's a more comfortable way of speaking for people who are not yet able to say the word "fat" without hearing condemnation and judgment in the word.

Jul 17 06 07:34 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

This is the only BBW image on your MM page. Is this an example of the Big Beautiful Woman fine art that you're talking about?  Or is this another genre?  Thanks for leaving this open to "all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs."

I Photographed her IN MAy of this yr and will be doing a series soon of her

Jul 17 06 08:32 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

This is the only BBW image on your MM page. Is this an example of the Big Beautiful Woman fine art that you're talking about?  Or is this another genre?  Thanks for leaving this open to "all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs."

I only post photograph that I shot and I resent you comment.

Jul 17 06 08:33 pm Link


Harry Young

Posts: 744

Los Angeles, California, US

I like shooting the full-figure model .... the very few I can find who have the confidence to even try it!  maybe this model (not on MM) is not a size to qualify ... but I liked shooting with her!!
see url ... … 3259c7.jpg

Jul 17 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shyly wrote:

I think when it was first coined as a term it might have actually meant something.  Now, though, it's just a euphemism for "fat."  I think it's a more comfortable way of speaking for people who are not yet able to say the word "fat" without hearing condemnation and judgment in the word.

ok, well i thought i was going to use this term in reference to myself, but i'm not yet ready to admit i'm fat.

Jul 17 06 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

dee740 wrote:

ok, well i thought i was going to use this term in reference to myself, but i'm not yet ready to admit i'm fat.

Definitely don't, you're not fat.  You are, however, gorgeous!

Jul 17 06 09:13 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

Shyly wrote:

Definitely don't, you're not fat.  You are, however, gorgeous!

LOL  thanks

Jul 17 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

There's beauty in all women for those who choose to see rather than just look.

(Note: the links below are 18+ by MM standards.) is one of my all-time favorites (I was told on photosig that this image was a failure from the start because the model was too fat!)

Jul 17 06 09:48 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Mike Bell wrote:

I only post photograph that I shot and I resent you comment.

Ok, Mike. How about you translate this for me??

This is your photo, so ... ?

what is it that you're "resenting"?  I'm just asking you a couple of questions.  You can answer them or not, but don't waste your energy resenting things.

I've outlined them below. You can indicate by number which one you're resenting which might make it a little easier to follow your reply. If you do reply, please indicate what the heck your resentment is about. (thanks!)  The questions still stand, btw.


Curt Burgess wrote:
This is the only BBW image on your MM page.


Curt Burgess wrote:
Is this an example of the Big Beautiful Woman fine art that you're talking about?


Curt Burgess wrote:
Or is this another genre?


Curt Burgess wrote:
Thanks for leaving this open to "all hobbist, amature and pro's both models snd photographs."

Jul 17 06 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shyly wrote:
Definitely don't, you're not fat.  You are, however, gorgeous!

I appreciate the compliment (especially since it's coming from you :-). You have the courage to do things I can't and you are very well respected in and out of the mm community. Forget the  BBW , you just are a beautiful , talented woman period.

I just don't really know where the line is when one becomes fat, or full figured and all that, but that's for another thread.

Jul 17 06 09:57 pm Link


Klassic Photo

Posts: 1308

Bullhead City, Arizona, US

Just my opinion and I'll no doubt get thrashed or ridiculed by someone for it.. but I see a grace and inner strength and inherent grace, charm and beauty in ALL women. ... regardless of age, weight, race or height or any other factors..

It's primarily what interested me in photography in the first place.  The drive to try to capture that.. even a tiny fractional bit of it somehow...and be able to hold it in place.. frozen in time forever.... I may do a poor job of it at times but it still drives me...

To me God created nothing more beautiful than woman.  The look a woman gives in a lowered eyelash sideways glance that speaks volumes...    the inner strength that comes of motherhood...   and I think that it (beauty)  is also in how a woman makes others feel by her actions as the "care giver" and how she treats others and that it shows in lines of her face and set of her jaw.

I see posts that say "the model has dead eyes" but I never see that.. I see the same shot and ...and yes perhaps artistically the photograph could have been captured in a better or more technically correct way..but the beauty and grace of being a woman is still there and if the shot was close enough .. you could see it shining in her eyes.

They are all beautiful to me.

Jul 17 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Art is truely a function of the artist, not the subject.

Jul 18 06 01:50 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

I always though this project was very interesting:
Leonard Nimoy's Full Body Project. Beam them up Scotty  >)

Jul 18 06 09:12 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

Fuzzybear Photography wrote:
I always though this project was very interesting:
Leonard Nimoy's Full Body Project. Beam them up Scotty  >)

Agreed, I absolutely love this!!!

Big people [i]are[/] a lot of fun to draw!  Both are actually.  With thin people the lines are interesting, with fat people the curves are interesting.  Personally, I prefer the second one, as there is a more pronounced and exagerated (rather than muted) shape of the body.

Jul 19 06 03:57 am Link



Posts: 7

Romulus, Michigan, US

Im a BBW and I dont mind doing nudes.  Most of us are unformfortable doing nudes because we dont want to be known for how large we are but how beautiful we are.  As long as its done in a tasteful way and not taking pictures strickly of our rolls.

Jul 19 06 08:56 am Link



Posts: 7

Romulus, Michigan, US

P.S. Im open to do photoshoots too ***smiles***

Jul 19 06 08:57 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jason Fassnacht wrote:
Photographics & Tradional Art media though ??? Ha !!! =P

There is a very strong division here, on this topic & matter ....(MMwwAAHHaaa - HaHaHaHa - I dare anyone this time to pull the whole whinny "Photography is too a REAL Art form" this time !!! MmWwahahahaha !!! smile .....

Because *Artists* ... at least all the Art Cats I know, which reaches well into the hundreds - EASY .... when a very Plus Sized model would show up to a Nude Life Drawing class ...... Almost every single Artist in the room would be excited & pumped because of the dynamics & very paticular power that a Big Ole Nekid person can generate .... & some of my very favoritest drawings that I've ever been apart of are of really, really curvy peeps.


Whilst - if we took every single Photographer here on MM, OMP, SoloModels, DA etc, that shoots Figure Works & put em in a Nude Shoot Out & didn't tell them that it was a PHAT Model that was showing up ???  How many of them would be pumped & floored to create some "Art" when the Muse came in ???  How many would be able to divine the essence of what gives that Muses Life .... Magic ???

For the sake of & by the power of Art ....

Seriously ???

Photographics - Photographers - Classically trained Fine Artists & tradional works of Art are, for the most parts, very, VERY different.

If your feelin' me ???

No Jason, I'm not "feelin'" you...cause that's the biggest bunch of crap I've ever heard.

Yes you get a bunch of GWC wanna be glam photogs together they're going to shrivel up and gag if a rubenesque model walks through the door.  On the other hand if you get a group of actual artists together, they're going to be excited no matter what the size of the subject walking through the door is.

I've photographed plenty of larger women, unfortunately I've also found the problem that many women are entirely too self-conscious to disrobe and the self-consciousness goes up exponentially with dress size.

Jul 19 06 09:19 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Fuzzybear Photography wrote:
I always though this project was very interesting:
Leonard Nimoy's Full Body Project. Beam them up Scotty  >)

I'm in there.  smile

Jul 19 06 10:14 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

~Krista~'s portfolio has a few beautiful pics of Mockingbird girl. She radiates sensuality. I posed with her when I was in new york and as soon as I get my crap together there will be more images out there.

Jul 19 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Lapis wrote:
~Krista~'s portfolio has a few beautiful pics of Mockingbird girl. She radiates sensuality. I posed with her when I was in new york and as soon as I get my crap together there will be more images out there.

And now your job is to come WEST for a change, so we can add some Shyly to the mix.  Yesyes.

Jul 19 06 10:25 am Link


Split Images Studio

Posts: 456

Seattle, Washington, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Would love to, but most BBW I've met aren't comfortable doing nudes.

Photography has given me an appreciation for slender women.  But my own personal preference tends to hefty nordic.  Would love to work with some.

I have found that all the BBW women I have ever worked for were some what shy at first. But they warmed up to the idea that they are beautiful and showed that they really did feel good about themselves after 15 or 20 minutes in front of my lens. I usually shoot a bit then come up into the computer studio and do a show n tell. This is usually the time they begin to relax as they see the lovely images we have created together!!! We then go back to the photo studio and have a really great session and all have gone away feeling really great about themselves and see that they are as lovely as any of the thinner models I photograph. We all have a great time!!!


Jul 19 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

watching a fat woman take off her clothes and experience an interaction with a photographer who is excited and grateful to share this experience can often be more intense than traditional art models, who are often very blase' about getting naked.

I feel it is a much more intimate and often erotic experience when a fat woman shares her body with you, because often, she is baring her soul as well.

While I am not a fat model, I definitely do not fit the definition of anything other than art model, because compared to many nude and all fashion models I am short, fat, and old. However, the artists love me, and I love the artists, and I have made both art and money in this field. In fact, a friend and I went through the number of photographers and shoots I have had, and there are more than 40,000 images that have been taken of me.

Sure, most of them are not good (no photographer or model hits a 'great shot' every time, or even most of the time), but the percentages are pretty amazing. There is so much great work I have done with great photographers, that to cut down the images to the best of the best is often grueling and hard work. Even with 2 portfolios with 2 different bodies of work, I try to change and add new images often, as I have been getting so much great stuff that I have to rotate it.

I am good at posing and emoting, and having so many photographer excited about photographing a model who is comfortable going beyond traditional images of beauty to create art. Not all the photos I do are 'complimentary' to me (i.e. make me look thin or young or 'pretty'), but they are fantastic collaborations and I am proud to have them in my collection of images.

Jul 19 06 10:55 am Link