Forums > General Industry > someone splain to me why bigass watermarks??



Posts: 6129

when did this start? why?
does anything think this is attractive? shows the work well?
worse still totally opaque logos...
why not eliminate the image portion altogether and just publish the logo.
is this an internet thing?

Jul 16 06 12:41 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

It's an internet thing.

I can't get anyone at MySpace to do anything about this:

Jul 16 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 6129

god bless the internet... lol
jaysus i'm bloody old

Jul 16 06 12:47 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

It is an internet thing, with the advent of digital photography and widespread image theft, photographers have to try to protect their images and reputations.

Small watermarks are just photoshopped out and so they are getting larger and larger. I have known a number of photographers who did not used to watermark images until they started gettng stolen and used without permission.

Jul 16 06 12:50 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Because people have been known to do a right-click "save as" & then pass them as their own, minus the copyright.

Jul 16 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

/incriminating evidence

Jul 16 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 6129

theda wrote:

/incriminating evidence

gotcha... guess that's why i don't bother.

Jul 16 06 12:57 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Remember back in the day, when prints from portrait labs used to have their copyright and logo on the back of every single print that left their store? Sometimes even on the front too? It was done so people couldn't legally make copies without the photographer's permission.

Welcome to the internet. Now if you post anything online, it is child's play to copy it. Thus, bigass watermarks. It is the internet equivalent of stamping the backs of prints. No, it won't prevent someone from stealing your images if they are determined (nor will stamping the back of prints, if someone is determined). But they can't claim they didn't know they were violating copyright, and it makes it really easy to prove they stole it if you manage to catch them.

As a compromise, I try to make mine as unobtrusive as possible, yet really hard to Photoshop out without f*cking up my photo. And I never post anything on line that is hi-res enough to print. If you want a better copy, I'm happy to sell you a print.  :-)

Jul 16 06 02:50 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Even with the watermark, what are you going to do when someone with a P.O. box in Bangkok Thailand steals your image? You will spend more money getting anything to happen than you will ever get out of someone like that. Let's just all take the absolute ugliest images we can and put them out of business!!!

Jul 16 06 03:04 am Link



Posts: 1308

Portland, Oregon, US


I totally understand the need for protection and the desire to safe guard ones own work, but is it really worth destroying it in the process?  I don't know, maybe I'm not cautious enough, but I'd rather my work be stolen then make it ugly on my own.

Jul 16 06 03:40 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Andrew Kaiser wrote:

I totally understand the need for protection and the desire to safe guard ones own work, but is it really worth destroying it in the process?  I don't know, maybe I'm not cautious enough, but I'd rather my work be stolen then make it ugly on my own.

I wouldn't call it destuction.  It's not like they are putting huge watermarks on the Hi Res files or the RAW's.  Just ont he web based images which routinely get stolen and re-branded.

Jul 16 06 03:44 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

I believe Tommy Hilfiger is to blame for this phenomena.  I think he was afraid of someone stealing his shirts and hence put his name on his shirt to protect it lol!  Truth is you know who he is now dont you?  Then their is that little Polo guy and alligator and DKNY and......    When I look at a models port one of the first things I notice is who she has worked with, if it is a girl I am thinking of working with, there is a reference for me if I know of the photographer.  In an age of theives and models who dont give copyright credit to the photographer on their ports, it is understandable that photographers want to protect their work.  So yes the internet is to blame for this, oh and Tommy Hilfiger!

Jul 16 06 05:15 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

big ass watermarks (and big ass SUVs) = insecure and small you know whats...

No watermarks and small sporty cars = secure and big you know what:))

and yep...I have no watermarks on my images....

Jul 16 06 05:28 am Link


Art Liem

Posts: 54

Los Angeles, California, US

The ironic thing is that many of the big ass watermarks are made using pirated software. This irony will be missed by many here though. Too funny.

Regards, Art.

Jul 16 06 05:48 am Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Jul 16 06 05:56 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

having found my images on 4 websites , I say watermark, logo, booby trap your shit!

Jul 16 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 339

Tampa, Florida, US

Too funny Uno...

Jul 16 06 09:48 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Apparently my stuff is either not good enough, or not big enough to steal, so I haven't been forced to watermark everything yet.

Jul 16 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Could someone show me an example of a "big ass watermark"..

Considering glamour stuff is most of what gets stolen.. A big, hard to remove watermark tattooing the model's keister would be a very GOOD way to thwart would-be thieves..

The models might not like it..

But talk about instant name recognition..


Ooh, and it just dawned on me.. What about the guys who eschew photoshop?  Or can't afford MUA's (as often comes up in the stylist forums..)

Then that branding could take on a whole new angle for the sake of authenticity..

What's that sizzling?  Do I smell bacon, or lawsuit?

Of course there was already a thread about male photogs who act like they own their models.. I suppose branding them might give the wrong idea...

Jul 16 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

INever wrote:
big ass watermarks (and big ass SUVs) = insecure and small you know whats...

No watermarks and small sporty cars = secure and big you know what:))

and yep...I have no watermarks on my images....

I thought it was conventional wisdom that those small, sporty cars were driven by men with tiny penises.  Hence the phrase "your car is a fiber glass penis extension."

Jul 16 06 12:23 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

theda wrote:

I thought it was conventional wisdom that those small, sporty cars were driven by men with tiny penises.  Hence the phrase "your car is a fiber glass penis extension."

Jul 16 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

This seems like such a common sense thing,I've been told by some people they are happy for my logo's on stuff it gives immediate recogintion.While I dont buy into brand names that are splashed across clothing, others are right here it's a way to protect ones labor and product it's that simple.

Jul 16 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Iona Lynn wrote:
It is an internet thing, with the advent of digital photography and widespread image theft, photographers have to try to protect their images and reputations.

Small watermarks are just photoshopped out and so they are getting larger and larger. I have known a number of photographers who did not used to watermark images until they started gettng stolen and used without permission.

Perfect explanation.

I used to not put any kind of info,  then I started seeing my and my friends images getting stolen and with the small watermark taken out.

Jul 16 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

INever wrote:
big ass watermarks (and big ass SUVs) = insecure and small you know whats...

No watermarks and small sporty cars = secure and big you know what:))

and yep...I have no watermarks on my images....

lol funny

If you have to say that u have a small car and small watermark but big u know what..then u need help lol. Usually guys with big whatever dont care to talk about it wink

Jul 16 06 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
It's an internet thing.

I can't get anyone at MySpace to do anything about this:

Have you tried to go after him for copyright theft or so?

Jul 16 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 3379

Los Angeles, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
when did this start? why?
does anything think this is attractive? shows the work well?
worse still totally opaque logos...
why not eliminate the image portion altogether and just publish the logo.
is this an internet thing?

Just an idea:

I look around MM until I see some photos I like WITHOUT a "watermark" and I save them to disk and send them to my agency in Europe, Asia or parts elsewhere, and they market them as stock photos.

Jul 16 06 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 6129

GW Burns wrote:
I believe Tommy Hilfiger is to blame for this phenomena.  I think he was afraid of someone stealing his shirts and hence put his name on his shirt to protect it lol!  Truth is you know who he is now dont you?  Then their is that little Polo guy and alligator and DKNY and......    When I look at a models port one of the first things I notice is who she has worked with, if it is a girl I am thinking of working with, there is a reference for me if I know of the photographer.  In an age of theives and models who dont give copyright credit to the photographer on their ports, it is understandable that photographers want to protect their work.  So yes the internet is to blame for this, oh and Tommy Hilfiger!


Jul 16 06 01:48 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
It's an internet thing.

I can't get anyone at MySpace to do anything about this:

Wow, that guy takes TERRIFFIC photos!

Jul 16 06 01:48 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
when did this start? why?
does anything think this is attractive? shows the work well?
worse still totally opaque logos...
why not eliminate the image portion altogether and just publish the logo.
is this an internet thing?

A view of the issues in a different context.
Thought on name/watermarks on images/art over time

And you use your avatar for what reason?\
Because it is such a great shot,  is that it?

search for watermark … mit=Search

Jul 16 06 01:49 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I'd like to mention again this's why I use Digimarc
It's an invisible (with visible option) watermark that's encoded in to the photo & is virtually impossible to remove and is easily readable with most software
They also offer a premium service where they have bots "crawl" the web looking for your digimarced work to see if it's stolen

Jul 16 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Studio Yeah-Yeah wrote:
Just an idea:

I look around MM until I see some photos I like WITHOUT a "watermark" and I save them to disk and send them to my agency in Europe, Asia or parts elsewhere, and they market them as stock photos.

Feel free. My work is recognizably mine. were you actually able to sell such a low resolution image as stock, i'd say bless you. just don't let me see it used.

I think this is more in your collective imaginations than a reality.

I do think that the copyright info we enter when posting here ought be displayed on thumbnails as well. notice thereby given for those who would attempt to license thumbnails as well.

Jul 16 06 01:59 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

WG Rowland wrote:
The models might not like it..

I actually don't mind it for the web stuff. I don't want the pics stolen anymore than anyone else. But if all I recieved was a cd of low res, watermarked pics, I'd be a bit unhappy...unless of course there wasn't anything I wanted to print. Then it wouldn't much matter...

Jul 16 06 02:04 pm Link


Rachel D

Posts: 240

Los Angeles, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
It's an internet thing.

I can't get anyone at MySpace to do anything about this:

I just wrote a message that might help let me know if the picture comes down ok?


Jul 16 06 02:26 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

I do take precautions.


Cartoon by the philosopher Bill Waterson.

I have now started to tatoo the models I work with.
The ink lasts for a month.
What do you think?
(Image edited by model except for my tatoos.)

And by the way.  Model also did her hair and makeup and helped with styling for the makeup artist was a last minute cancellation.   I was more than pleased.  Now let me get back to tatooing,  I mean editing before she hates me.)

And above all put fear of the bear into them.

Jul 16 06 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Marksora wrote:

Be careful boss.. Mosely (my bear) is on the other side of the country and I STILL had to put him in the witness protection program..

You're in New York!  There's a certain Pie Bear out there who's got some serious connections and does NOT like competition..

Don't let this be you!

Jul 16 06 02:57 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Be careful boss.. Mosely (my bear) is on the other side of the country and I STILL had to put him in the witness protection program..

You're in New York!  There's a certain Pie Bear out there who's got some serious connections and does NOT like competition..

Don't let this be you!


My bear and animals are real and magical.  They transform into different states of being.
Plus Pie Bear and her are friends.

Jul 16 06 03:14 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Okay,  I admit it.

IT is all my Dad's fault.

Jul 16 06 03:19 pm Link


Bjorn Lumiere

Posts: 816

Asheville, North Carolina, US

It’s definitely been made a necessary evil by the anonymity   & ease of pilfering images from the internet. I don’t like it either & was essentially forced to add them to my work as well about three years ago. I feel the same way about it you do.

Jul 16 06 03:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Hey OldguyzRule!!!
Yes, it is an internet thing.   It is so easy to remove watermarks so I don't bother.  It is a shame...
Hey Brian, post your concern on the stylist board and that sh*t will be down in NO time.
No prisoners taken there! :-)

Jul 16 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Studio Yeah-Yeah wrote:
Just an idea:

I look around MM until I see some photos I like WITHOUT a "watermark" and I save them to disk and send them to my agency in Europe, Asia or parts elsewhere, and they market them as stock photos.

Yeah, please let me know when you find a stock agency that buys web-sized jpgs.  Stoeln web-sized work is more often used by creepy guys posing as photographers and ugly people for misleading personal ads.

Jul 16 06 06:39 pm Link