Forums > General Industry > Boundaries



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I have nothing against.....isn't that a word we use so freely as an artist or just a jelly bean(human). Don't  take my rights away as to what my work relates to. So pushing the boundaries is what makes  our work so bold and out there as we sometimes shock those around us. I am not here to draw a line in the sand, for at times I have crossed it as much as the next. I met Maplethorp and talk with him long before his death and I understood his work. I will not agree on everything that I have seen of it. Letting our voice be heard in our works is what it's about at time and titillation does get my heart pumping at time even for this 50yr old. So why then was I shocked by one image on here.

Apr 24 05 06:40 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

If you are referring to the image shot in a mirror of the naked guy, with a woman on her knees in front of him, I actually found it to be tasteless. Well done,planned out, tasteful nudity has SO much more of an impact on me than the raunchy stuff. The raunch is just done for shock value,, and who CAN'T do that, it's not art.

Apr 24 05 06:50 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Some people have no idea what it means to practice discretion.  It all comes back to the "anything goes" mentality of popular culture.  There are a lot of out of control people out there.  These people help to provide "justification" for many of the things that Bush and company and the Christian right are doing to the country.

Apr 24 05 09:02 am Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Now I haven't seen the image you guys are talking about, but its funny how closed minded artists can be. Tell me where the line is between what's art and whats not. Can you tell me the line or is it more of a call it as you see it thing? what about Joel peter Witkin, is he art with his freaks and dwarves? Who gets to say what art is and isn't. it's funny the more things change the more they stay the same, was never more true.


Apr 24 05 11:21 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
Now I haven't seen the image you guys are talking about, but its funny how closed minded artists can be. Tell me where the line is between what's art and whats not. Can you tell me the line or is it more of a call it as you see it thing? what about Joel peter Witkin, is he art with his freaks and dwarves? Who gets to say what art is and isn't. it's funny the more things change the more they stay the same, was never more true.

It's not policing one' art that is done's working in the guidlines of images on the site. I have more books on Maplethorps works than you will know. Art for art sake is that what you are asking of my statement to just one image here. It's not a battle line that I draw upon here..but a questioning of just one image..I am blessed by so many others work here that I have found new desires as to if you can find that image I talk about and tell me what it is that says anything about this site.


Apr 24 05 11:26 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
Now I haven't seen the image you guys are talking about, but its funny how closed minded artists can be. Tell me where the line is between what's art and whats not. Can you tell me the line or is it more of a call it as you see it thing? what about Joel peter Witkin, is he art with his freaks and dwarves? Who gets to say what art is and isn't. it's funny the more things change the more they stay the same, was never more true.

The picture contained no artistry whatsoever and was done with a poor quality digital. The human body is a miracle and to display it in such poor taste is disrespectful to everyone,,it's just my opinion. I do not believe in censorship, because we live in a free country and I cherish the right to express myself freely. So I guess there will always be people expressing themselves in ways that I don't like, thank God I have the right to complain about it though! lol


Apr 24 05 11:35 am Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

good point chill. It is good to be able to voice our opinions. Like I told Alex, I bring up Joel Peter Witkin, because I personally don't get his work and think it's baseless. I'm just saying we all have our own tools and our own line. It's funny cause we know when our own personal line has been crossed. But again it was just a question that came to mind, when I read this post. If I see the image, I'll post here again and let you know what I think.

Stay cool Chill ( ohh thats bad. lol )


Apr 24 05 11:45 am Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

I have seen lots of images on here and quality is the least of the issues. How about taking a 16-year-old girl and making her sexy, is that not wrong? How about when a photographer turns there own fetish into art, is it still art if it is filling a personal need driven by sexual desires? I dunno. I say that if someoen is tying up girl taking pictures of them with the look of fear on their face with a HP 4mega pixel, I do not see it as art. I see it as soem guy that has found a way to turn his sexual disires into work feeding the market for others like him.
When someone takes a 16-year-old girl and makes her sexy and desirable, it adds to an on going problem of preditor pedifiles. There are so many girls being taken form their families, rape and murdered in this country everyday. We have a responsibilty to be responsible.

Apr 24 05 11:48 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Steven LaMarco: 
I have seen lots of images on here and quality is the least of the issues. How about taking a 16-year-old girl and making her sexy, is that not wrong? How about when a photographer turns there own fetish into art, is it still art if it is filling a personal need driven by sexual desires? I dunno. I say that if someoen is tying up girl taking pictures of them with the look of fear on their face with a HP 4mega pixel, I do not see it as art. I see it as soem guy that has found a way to turn his sexual disires into work feeding the market for others like him.
When someone takes a 16-year-old girl and makes her sexy and desirable, it adds to an on going problem of preditor pedifiles. There are so many girls being taken form their families, rape and murdered in this country everyday. We have a responsibilty to be responsible.

You have brought up SUCH a crucial point Steve! I recently was contacted by a 'photographer" wanting me to do something similar,,,how many younger women have taken the bait then ended up among the missing?

Apr 24 05 11:52 am Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US
This type of stuff
I do not like to do this, but I just do not see this as art.

On the under age note:
This guy Ray out of the north east also seems to like to photograph under age girls like they are in Maxim, this should not be the case at all. Look how many women of age are out there. So why would one choose an under age girl, unless thats what they were really looking for. Its not right.

Apr 24 05 11:59 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Chill Factor: 

Posted by Steven LaMarco: 
I have seen lots of images on here and quality is the least of the issues. How about taking a 16-year-old girl and making her sexy, is that not wrong? How about when a photographer turns there own fetish into art, is it still art if it is filling a personal need driven by sexual desires? I dunno. I say that if someoen is tying up girl taking pictures of them with the look of fear on their face with a HP 4mega pixel, I do not see it as art. I see it as soem guy that has found a way to turn his sexual disires into work feeding the market for others like him.
When someone takes a 16-year-old girl and makes her sexy and desirable, it adds to an on going problem of preditor pedifiles. There are so many girls being taken form their families, rape and murdered in this country everyday. We have a responsibilty to be responsible.

You have brought up SUCH a crucial point Steve! I recently was contacted by a 'photographer" wanting me to do something similar,,,how many younger women have taken the bait then ended up among the missing?

This touches on my point about the "anything goes" mentality of popular culture.  I, just recently, rejected the request of a 16 year old model to include me among her friends on this site.  You can't be too careful.  There have to be some kinds of boundaries.  It's not about right or wrong.  It's about appropriateness.  Simply put, behavior that may be appropriate in one context is not appropriate in another.  This is the principal that popular culture seems to be unable to connect with.  The wilder things get, the greater will be the repression to come.  The situation is dangerous.   

Apr 24 05 12:09 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Allright, I'm probably going to get slaughtered for this. The reason there is a law against statutory rape, is because there's a desire there. If there was no desire, then there would not be a law. Now don't take this wrong, because I know someone is going to start chanting perv or something on me. But when you make a law against it human nature says ohhh I can't do it I want it even more. Now most of us have enough self control to check that portion of ourselves. But some choose not to. And when you violate the law, they will come down on you.

As artists, it is sometimes our job to question or bring satire to society's rules. Unfortunately our society in the states is puritanical so its really easy to find crap to satire. But again I'm going to restate my earlier statement who draws the line? If no law has been broken, who draws it? Have you ever seen the sculptures that are a buch of crap welded toghether. Some of that sells for more than small houses, why. I don't know, I don't get it personally I think it looks like someone raided a junk yard. But to someone it's art.

Just my rant, lol


Apr 24 05 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
Allright, I'm probably going to get slaughtered for this. The reason there is a law against statutory rape, is because there's a desire there. If there was no desire, then there would not be a law. Now don't take this wrong, because I know someone is going to start chanting perv or something on me. But when you make a law against it human nature says ohhh I can't do it I want it even more. Now most of us have enough self control to check that portion of ourselves. But some choose not to. And when you violate the law, they will come down on you.

As artists, it is sometimes our job to question or bring satire to society's rules. Unfortunately our society in the states is puritanical so its really easy to find crap to satire. But again I'm going to restate my earlier statement who draws the line? If no law has been broken, who draws it? Have you ever seen the sculptures that are a buch of crap welded toghether. Some of that sells for more than small houses, why. I don't know, I don't get it personally I think it looks like someone raided a junk yard. But to someone it's art.

Just my rant, lol


If something is not right its not right no matter what the reason that it exists is. It would be like saying in a murder trial its ok, since we have all said at one time :Man I coudl kill someone" When in fact the defining fact is we do desire at some point to kill, but we do not because it is not right.

Apr 24 05 12:26 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 
Allright, I'm probably going to get slaughtered for this. The reason there is a law against statutory rape, is because there's a desire there. If there was no desire, then there would not be a law. Now don't take this wrong, because I know someone is going to start chanting perv or something on me. But when you make a law against it human nature says ohhh I can't do it I want it even more. Now most of us have enough self control to check that portion of ourselves. But some choose not to. And when you violate the law, they will come down on you.

As artists, it is sometimes our job to question or bring satire to society's rules. Unfortunately our society in the states is puritanical so its really easy to find crap to satire. But again I'm going to restate my earlier statement who draws the line? If no law has been broken, who draws it? Have you ever seen the sculptures that are a buch of crap welded toghether. Some of that sells for more than small houses, why. I don't know, I don't get it personally I think it looks like someone raided a junk yard. But to someone it's art.

Just my rant, lol


I dont intend to slaughter you Shawn but I do question your notion as to why we have laws on statutory rape. It could be simply that there are and always have been underage girls who LOOK of age? That being said, we live in a culture that for some reason thrives on violence towards women with sexual connotations. To feed those kinds of appetites really doesn't do anyone any good.

Apr 24 05 12:29 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US


Of course I agree. I think it's a travesty the way society as a whole views women. I am currently working on two series of artwork that relates to that. As far as I'm concerned the woman is the best creation in existence. Whole societies used to worship the woman. Our society sees that and attempts to hold it down. If their was no fear of women, there would not be this problem. it goes again to my statement of human nature though. especially male nature. Males are hunters, in general they want what they can't have and hunt it down. Once they have it they're not so interested in it anymore. On a base levels men don't understand women and that breeds fear.

Now that said the mere perception of impropriety is not enough to have someone burned at the stake. The Catholic church did enough of that years ago. I won't stop anyone on here from being my friend, age, sex, personal views, or religion aside.If we do that then we lend credibility of societies views that minors ideas and opinions are invalid, because their too young or a womans view is unimportant because they're the weaker sex. I think we all bring something to the table of value and it's our job as members of society to find the value in what other members are saying. Even if we disagree with their statement, it's our job to foster the idea that all opinions are valid, otherwise it's just repression.

To quote the great philosophers (Monty Python)

"Help, Help I'm being repressed!"

I love these dicussions. Chill you are a worthy adversary. lmao. Thanks for the response

Apr 24 05 12:49 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
...I met Maplethorp and talk with him long before his death and I understood his work. I will not agree on everything that I have seen of it. ...So why then was I shocked by one image on here.

I had to look up Maplethorp in order to get some context. … ts_4a.html

I can only assume you were shocked, because of the obvious, the photographer of the image you saw took the subject matter even further than Maplethorp would dare.

Apr 24 05 01:23 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Shawn Kuck: 

Of course I agree. I think it's a travesty the way society as a whole views women. I am currently working on two series of artwork that relates to that. As far as I'm concerned the woman is the best creation in existence. Whole societies used to worship the woman. Our society sees that and attempts to hold it down. If their was no fear of women, there would not be this problem. it goes again to my statement of human nature though. especially male nature. Males are hunters, in general they want what they can't have and hunt it down. Once they have it they're not so interested in it anymore. On a base levels men don't understand women and that breeds fear.

Now that said the mere perception of impropriety is not enough to have someone burned at the stake. The Catholic church did enough of that years ago. I won't stop anyone on here from being my friend, age, sex, personal views, or religion aside.If we do that then we lend credibility of societies views that minors ideas and opinions are invalid, because their too young or a womans view is unimportant because they're the weaker sex. I think we all bring something to the table of value and it's our job as members of society to find the value in what other members are saying. Even if we disagree with their statement, it's our job to foster the idea that all opinions are valid, otherwise it's just repression.

To quote the great philosophers (Monty Python)

"Help, Help I'm being repressed!"

I love these dicussions. Chill you are a worthy adversary. lmao. Thanks for the response


Omg this stuff is good! LOL Shawn please do not view me as an adversary!  Men are afraid of women Shawn? What? LOL I never knew that,please tell me why! If men are "hunters" then women must be? what? Gatherers? LOL. I view and try to treat everyone as an equal.People who believe that they are superior to me, find this irritating,,lol. On the other hand it is what endears me to just about everyone else,,,,,I think.

Apr 24 05 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

OK, here is McKenzie's thought on the whole thing, since well...I used to be an exotic dancer too, to get myself through college and children.  OK..well, I don't think that tasteless images are great.  I think things should be done in a tasteful manner.  Implied and some nude are great, but why not leave things as a mystery, not dangling out there?  No offense to the girls that do artistic work, that is fine, but too many girls are eager to take their clothes off for adult related things, they think that is the way to go.  Why be remembered for an image like that?  Why not be more artistic with it, not raunchy?  Why not be nude, but be tasteful about it??  Ok, I think I am done venting.  I think.


Apr 24 05 01:44 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

From what i heard she was only 16 and his penis was 4 feet was horrible!!

Apr 24 05 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

OK, well see, that ticks me off worse is these photographers who think they are photographers getting women or GIRLS into shoots and pressuring these girls to do things.  I think any girl well, hell, I am 28 and I still bring people with me to shoots, all women especially  under the age of 18 NEED to take a chaperone with them.  These girls get talked into doing too many nasty things and they are not "smart" enough yet to see what the consquences of those actions could result. 


Apr 24 05 01:49 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

WOW, Looks like political mayhem today, awesome. What I really like about this thread is that there are a lot of respectful and thoughtful responses. To me, the true nature of art is just to do that, invoke thought and response.

Now, my thoughts. I do not and will never beleive art to be a driving factor in the mind of a preditor.

Violence was around long before motion picures and photography. What we as artist forget is that we are inspired by our enviorments, and yes our inner dersires. Sadly some people are just born evil. And sometimes those peopple happen to be talented and bring that mind set to their work. They have that right.

Do, I find these types of works tatseful? Hardly. I did just see that exhibit using real Human bodies. I found it diturbing and quite interesting at the same time.

So, I dont know where to draw the line.

I can play video games all day long and rack up a mean body count. It does not mean I am getting ready to pull off a school shooting.

Evil people exist, good people exist too. All in all, we live in a pretty balanced world. You cant have a heads with out a tail. Meaning, there can be no good without evil, no life without love without hate...This is the balance of the universe.

This thread is a part of that balance...

In the end, each must be true to themselves, and pray we do not tip the balance so far in the direction of destruction that we lose all we as a scociety have created.


Apr 24 05 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 94

Escondido, California, US

Unfortunately, this particular site is not about the fine art merits of photography.

Neither is it about the values a society should uphold.

It's about an industry. A business.

Steven mentioned photog #193

I don't like his photos. There's no craft to them, obviously, they are about the subject, only. Not driven by lighting or environment.

But this person is a photographer.

His business is to take pictures of girls in distressing positions, and charge other people to look at them. He is on this site because he is honestly looking for talent.

The fact is, if there's a market for it, it will be shot. and if it's shot, it will most likely be shown.

People can be bothered about 15 or 16 year olds being portrayed sexually, but it's not wrong. That's a subjective statement. In many countries, 16 is the legal age. In a number of countries, people don't actually keep track of their age. This is true.

So as long as people want to see pictures of fresh faced, young bodied girls looking like a sex machine, It'll be shot. and certain people will enjoy the pictures, and certain others will be offended.

I just think it's important to remember this:

You can't give offense. You can only take it.

Apr 24 05 01:55 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Emac, I agree with all yusay except for one thing. You can never remove politics or societal veiws from any endeavour people undertake. This site included.

Yes, we are here looking for talent.

Yes we are here to shocase and shhare our works..

Yes we are here to market.

But it is the nature of man to communicate and share thoughts and ideals as well.

I appreciate the thoughts and opinions of my colleagues.

Thoughts that provoke introspection and inspiration.

I quite enjoy this.


Apr 24 05 02:04 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

I agree Vance. To gloss over the fact that people are uploading perverse imagery on this sight or any other with "  that's just someone just doing their job" is a rather apethetic reaction. Our words, deeds and artistry are statements of who we are as PEOPLE. The perversion that has been passing for "art" is lame, unimaginative, and again I say done only for the shock value. As my father used to say,"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything",,,, me I'll apply that to the so-called artists that only wish to shock and offend anyone with a conscience.

Apr 24 05 02:28 pm Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

I would VERY much be interested in knowing what images you guys are referring to, as I respect all of your opinions and would like to investigate this matter.

We don't want MM to be restrictive...don't want the Model Mayhem SS going around and policing every little thing...but if there was an image (or more) bad enough to start this thread, and keep it going, I'd like to know about it.


Apr 24 05 02:32 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

If you look at my first post Matthew you'll see a description of it. I saw one a week or so ago that was too graphic for the pages of Huslter. Alex and I saw one this morning that began the thread. I dont even remember the photographers name, if I find it Ill forward .

Apr 24 05 02:36 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Chill Factor: 
I agree Vance. To gloss over the fact that people are uploading perverse imagery on this sight or any other with "  that's just someone just doing their job" is a rather apethetic reaction. Our words, deeds and artistry are statements of who we are as PEOPLE. The perversion that has been passing for "art" is lame, unimaginative, and again I say done only for the shock value. As my father used to say,"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything",,,, me I'll apply that to the so-called artists that only wish to shock and offend anyone with a conscience.

Well said, Chill!

Apr 24 05 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Wow! I didn't   note that I would draw this much attention. It does matter what all of us think. I just saw the photographers images while I was just going through some  images and saw the shot...

Apr 24 05 03:06 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

"I dont intend to slaughter you Shawn but I do question your notion as to why we have laws on statutory rape. It could be simply that there are and always have been underage girls who LOOK of age? That being said, we live in a culture that for some reason thrives on violence towards women with sexual connotations. To feed those kinds of appetites really doesn't do anyone any good."

I have an 18 year old daughter, and I'm totally opposed to violence against women (against men, too, for that matter), but I question what the participation of women is all about.  What I'm referring to is how, as I browse the portfolios of female models on this site, on MuseCube, and on OMP, I'm shocked to see how many of them contain images of bondage/implied torture.  Clearly these women have not been forced to post these photos.  What's with women's apparent fascination with this fetish and where's their sense of responsibility for contributing to the atmosphere of violence against women?  Just a few weeks ago, at the end of what I thought was a classy artistic nude shoot, the model pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her bag. 

Apr 24 05 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Posted by Emac: 
Unfortunately, this particular site is not about the fine art merits of photography.

Neither is it about the values a society should uphold.

It's about an industry. A business.

Steven mentioned photog #193

I don't like his photos. There's no craft to them, obviously, they are about the subject, only. Not driven by lighting or environment.

But this person is a photographer.

His business is to take pictures of girls in distressing positions, and charge other people to look at them. He is on this site because he is honestly looking for talent.

The fact is, if there's a market for it, it will be shot. and if it's shot, it will most likely be shown.

People can be bothered about 15 or 16 year olds being portrayed sexually, but it's not wrong. That's a subjective statement. In many countries, 16 is the legal age. In a number of countries, people don't actually keep track of their age. This is true.

So as long as people want to see pictures of fresh faced, young bodied girls looking like a sex machine, It'll be shot. and certain people will enjoy the pictures, and certain others will be offended.

I just think it's important to remember this:

You can't give offense. You can only take it.

As Photographer 193, I suppose it's time I said something here.  I am not going to talk about anyone's opinion of my work.  It's their opinion and they're entitled to it.

I will say this:

1) All of the models on my website and in the photos are over 18, and I have all of the appropriate documentation for them in compliance with US Code 2257.  For every model I photograph, I have their ID photos and signed releases clearing me to use the photographs.  Even though I do not photograph ladies who are undressed in any way, I still need to have this information.

2) Most models who have worked with me, have worked with me more than once.  Why?  I suppose they find the work not all that difficult.  The hardest part is looking scared in front of the lights and camera.

3) At most shoots, the model is accompanied by an escort, and at a lot of them, my wife accompanies me.

As to whether what I do is art is left up to the beholder.  Emacs is right, I am here legitimately looking to find models to generate "Damsel-in-distress" content for my websites.  (Thanks Emacs for not panning me as to why I am here...)  Are my photos "art" or not?  I suspect that is an opinion as well.  And as I stated above, everyone is entitled to theirs.  I have mine as to whether it's art or not, but sharing it is moot, as that will open another can of worms.

One more thing and I'll shut up on this, please do feel free to express your opinions on my photos.  Constructive criticism is always welcome, and despite the fact that I do the photos for my adult websites, I am always looking to improve the quality of my work.  I'm not expecting to be Ansel Adams, but ideas, thoughts, and hints are always appreciated.

Apr 25 05 06:18 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

       Have you ever seriously asked yourself,WHY there is any kind of market for the kind of 'work" that you are doing? Why does anyone find the image of a tied up, bound and gagged terrified female interesting or erotic? I know the answer to that question, and quite frankly find it infuriating. People that get turned on by the expression of FEAR on the face of someone who is in most cases younger and more vulnerable is MOST likely to be a depraved PREDATOR.

Apr 25 05 06:55 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Chill Factor: 
       Have you ever seriously asked yourself,WHY there is any kind of market for the kind of 'work" that you are doing? Why does anyone find the image of a tied up, bound and gagged terrified female interesting or erotic? I know the answer to that question, and quite frankly find it infuriating. People that get turned on by the expression of FEAR on the face of someone who is in most cases younger and more vulnerable is MOST likely to be a depraved PREDATOR.


I wish you'd respond to my post from yesterday about the role that women voluntarily play in all of this.  I'd like to hear from other females, too.

Apr 25 05 07:10 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

ok Herb, I will attempt to,lol.
  I do not know what would posess a woman to bring handcuffs to a shoot lol. Getting into the subject of consensuality could lead into a very dark muddy, unproductive place. Me personally? I would not do it for ANY amount of money or compensation, for two reasons, those being, it feeds sick appetites and is very VERY dangerous.

Apr 25 05 07:19 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Chill Factor: 
ok Herb, I will attempt to,lol.
  I do not know what would posess a woman to bring handcuffs to a shoot lol. Getting into the subject of consensuality could lead into a very dark muddy, unproductive place. Me personally? I would not do it for ANY amount of money or compensation, for two reasons, those being, it feeds sick appetites and is very VERY dangerous.

Now, Chill, you don't impress me as one who's into copping out.  We can't deal with the subject without discussing "consensuality."

Apr 25 05 07:31 am Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Posted by Herb Way: 

Posted by Chill Factor: 
ok Herb, I will attempt to,lol.
  I do not know what would posess a woman to bring handcuffs to a shoot lol. Getting into the subject of consensuality could lead into a very dark muddy, unproductive place. Me personally? I would not do it for ANY amount of money or compensation, for two reasons, those being, it feeds sick appetites and is very VERY dangerous.

Now, Chill, you don't impress me as one who's into copping out.  We can't deal with the subject without discussing "consensuality."

You are correct about the cop out part Herb! Lol! don't you think this could wind up being longwinded with the end result being BLAMING THE VICTIM? lmao! Like I said I can't speak on behalf of women who supposedly enter into this "consensually". The whole idea conveyed by the images is to make the viewer BELIEVE that there is a LACK of consent. I am CERTAIN that the facial expression on my current main image would be a total turn off to the consumers of such material lol. Think I'll keep it there for awhile!

Apr 25 05 07:38 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

This is the post that we're referring to if anyone else would care to say something about this matter.

Posted by Herb Way: 
"I dont intend to slaughter you Shawn but I do question your notion as to why we have laws on statutory rape. It could be simply that there are and always have been underage girls who LOOK of age? That being said, we live in a culture that for some reason thrives on violence towards women with sexual connotations. To feed those kinds of appetites really doesn't do anyone any good."

I have an 18 year old daughter, and I'm totally opposed to violence against women (against men, too, for that matter), but I question what the participation of women is all about.  What I'm referring to is how, as I browse the portfolios of female models on this site, on MuseCube, and on OMP, I'm shocked to see how many of them contain images of bondage/implied torture.  Clearly these women have not been forced to post these photos.  What's with women's apparent fascination with this fetish and where's their sense of responsibility for contributing to the atmosphere of violence against women?  Just a few weeks ago, at the end of what I thought was a classy artistic nude shoot, the model pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her bag.   

Apr 25 05 07:42 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Chill Factor: 
If you are referring to the image shot in a mirror of the naked guy, with a woman on her knees in front of him, I actually found it to be tasteless. Well done,planned out, tasteful nudity has SO much more of an impact on me than the raunchy stuff. The raunch is just done for shock value,, and who CAN'T do that, it's not art.

At the risk of sounding and looking like a perve. Curious minds want to know where this photo can be viewed...

Apr 25 05 08:37 am Link



Posts: 23

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There certainaly is no accounting for taste as evident by all our unique views on what each of us finds acceptable or tasteless. Defining art is an age old debate and a very challenging thing to do effectively. I feel as long as there is a purpose that drives the artist and they can explain and or defend their work on an intellectual level not a strickly perved out sexual one then I would find it acceptable and note worthy. Sadly most really do not have this purpose behind their desires for creating such disturbing images as apparently some have seen here. I haven't really seen too much here that was disturbing but...

  Moraxian... I dunno man I'm fairly old school and dont see much need for a whole book on such work and to echoe Chills comments I would worry about the end user of such images and what the heck is going on in their heads. I mean your gonna do whatever floats your boat I guess and it sure is your call for doing such work but I would like to hear what exactly you are trying to express or say by producing such images? Or more specifically what good comes from it? I could care less if your married or not that in no way solidifies your staus as an upstanding member of the creative community to me. Paul Bernardo was married too you know.

  As for the purpose behind my work? If its not fun I'm not interested simple as that. You wont find nor see any negative aspects to my stuff now or ever. Theres enough crap thrown at us without one more guy creating subversive derogetory junk and then try to justify it. I just like to capture real moments and add a little positive vibe to everywhere I go.

Seriously the problem isn't so much that someone is shooting tasteless negative crap... its the fact that there is a market for it. Everone has to pay the bills and can choose their own method for doing so but no one whos promoting such trash will ever get an ounce of respect out of me for doing it. There are reasons why most of these hurtful works are done in such a piss poor lame ass manner. Anyone with real talent wouldn't go anywhere near it.

Violence sucks! Viloence towards women and children? Plain ol sick IMO. Anyone who has a problem with my opinion on that can meet me on the sidewalk and we can solve it there. lol.

Apr 25 05 01:25 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Everyone seems to be afraid to address the issue of the voluntary paticipation of women in activities that contribute to the desensitization to violence against women.  Why do so many models, especially the twentysomethings, have in their portfolios images of bondage and implied violence? 

Apr 25 05 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 23

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Herb $$$$$$$

Apr 25 05 01:49 pm Link