Forums > General Industry > DO any photographer offer PAID WORK?



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

Maybe it's just me and that I'm new to this but it seems like almost all photographers are either asking to GET paid by the model or only off TFP.  No photographer want to PAY the model.  Maybe I'm one of the few though I'm on a budget and  not making money off this who are Willing to pay the model.  Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this. 

Can someone speak on this topic?  also some of my experiences I offer paid work to models who've done NO CALLS no SHOWS, yet the TFP models SHOW UP or at least call to say they won't make it.  But EVERY model claim she want to get paid.  wassup with that? 

someone speak on this

Jul 03 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Interesting question.

Jul 03 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Interesting question.

Jul 03 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 70

Irving, Texas, US

Use correct grammar in your "About me" section. Using slang like "peeps" and "nuff"  only makes models think you are a playa looking to hook up. That could be part of your problem

Jul 03 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

well what I do is TOTALLY different from what anyone else is doing.  I know I'm probably not going to be able to "compete" with most photographers on here so I'm not trying to.  I'm trying to do my "own thang".  My own stytle.  My own ideas.  That's why my photos are natural, I use mainly everyday females.  But you may have a point on "slang".  I have to watch that.  But it still don't explain why models will pay others and do TFP yet they always claim they want to get paid

Jul 03 06 03:33 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Your images are such that you need to pay your models to get them. If you can offer something exceptional to the model the money becomes unnecessary. Most models AND photographers are herfe to build their portfilios. If you have extrodinary images in your portfolio, model or phtotgrapher, then you have bargening power as to pay vs TFCD. I have always found money to be a bad motivator to making art. And art is all I really care about. When a client pays me then I hier and pay a model. I myself never pay for any other type of work other than commercial useage. Why? If the model doesn't care about the iamge and REALLY want them for his/her book then it wuill show in the resulting images. If they want them as much as the photographer that too will show and then come the question of why one of us (Model or Photographer) is worth more than the other and should recieve money for work that is not generating income?

Jul 03 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe it's just me and that I'm new to this but it seems like almost all photographers are either asking to GET paid by the model or only off TFP.  No photographer want to PAY the model.  Maybe I'm one of the few though I'm on a budget and  not making money off this who are Willing to pay the model.  Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this. 

Can someone speak on this topic?  also some of my experiences I offer paid work to models who've done NO CALLS no SHOWS, yet the TFP models SHOW UP or at least call to say they won't make it.  But EVERY model claim she want to get paid.  wassup with that? 

someone speak on this

I pay models whenever a client is paying me. Most of the time, I pay both the model and a photographer, so I can do the art directing .. so year, we pay.

Jul 03 06 03:37 pm Link



Posts: 70

Irving, Texas, US

Once you have established yourself you will find that models will either pay you or ask for TFP/TFCD. At least that is what has happened to me. I started out with having to pay models, wether they were professional or not. Now I have models asking me "How much do you charge for a portfolio session"

Jul 03 06 03:37 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Aside from your port comments made already, getting paid is the whole point of being a model or photographer. The TFP only gives either a road to travel to the paid gigs and possibly more of them. TFP is for a purpose and has to be done at some point, that will never go away but it will fall by the wayside for paid gigs eventualy if all goes well.

Jul 03 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Im probrably gonna say what most models and photographers say to thise phtoographers that whine fuss and cuss about internet models and or real models who flake out on TFP work..


Money makes a hell of a difference when it comes to creating good images and also getting the shots that is needed...Just like paying a photographer to get the good shots and also the photographer paying the model for the shots they need...there will always be models to to TFP, but then you will just have more complaints about not showing up on time, not showing up at all, or the continous escort problems youll see from time to time...

Jul 03 06 03:39 pm Link


Dariana Torres

Posts: 27

New York, New York, US

i know what you mean,
i am one of the few models that does nudes and th ey  always want me to do it for tfp/tfcd and i can't
they never wanna pay so i know how you feel girl

Jul 03 06 03:39 pm Link


Dariana Torres

Posts: 27

New York, New York, US

i know what you mean,
i am one of the few models that does nudes and th ey  always want me to do it for tfp/tfcd and i can't
they never wanna pay so i know how you feel girl

Jul 03 06 03:40 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

I think it's fair to say that EVERYONE wants to get paid. Photographers, models, makeup artists, stylists -- very few want to keep pumping $$$ in to an activity that never brings anything back in to your wallet. If no one wants to pay, one offers TFwhatever in the hopes that they will at least get the joy of creating. Some think they should be paid from the outset, without experience, skills, or an unusually great look/style etc. Others think they should be paid because they've put $xxx into equipment, supplies, etc. In reality - commercial clients pay the bucks that most want, individual artists don't have that kind of coin. After all, we're starving artists, no?


Jul 03 06 03:41 pm Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

Yeah let's all bitch a while about photographers not paying models.......

But before we do a quick survey of the 'moedls' on MM that would part with a modest sum..... say $200 to one of the many talented photographers here to have their book updated by a pro.  Whatever the answer, take the amount that say they will / have/ would....shave off 95% of that number and we're a little closer to the truthful number!

As for you being 'Totally Different' in your earlier commenet.....well your port really does not show anything so drastically original that a model would be finding themselves tripping over each other to get to you.

You make some pretty rash claims with not much back up!

But I wish you luck in you endeavours all the same.

Jul 03 06 03:44 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this.

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

Well, theoretically, the model pays the photographer for VALUABLE pics, (key word valuable), and then in turn uses them to make money herself, i.e print a comp and land work through an agency or attract paying jobs online.

that's just one scenario in a huge well of possibilities

Jul 03 06 03:46 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

The only time I actually pay a model is when I set up a stock shoot.

Jul 03 06 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

Im like westout photography in Dallas.  same principle.  My photos are natural.  I'm not into all the photoshopping that half of yal do.  but thank's for the critique.  However there have been couple of models who've used my pictures and gotten plenty of work.  I guess the exception right.  of course they forgot about me then when they got with the big boys

But back to the subject ain't that's a reason to PAY.  I mean I know others in my boat, starting out needing quality faces, so they willing to PAY also.  You got to start somewhere.  and I never lied and say Im' the best or anywhere close.  I'm not.  It DO say SEmi-AMATEUR on my profile.  so there's NO confusion on where I"m at.  But again we got to start SOMEWHERE.

Jul 03 06 03:50 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

CristinaLex wrote:
Im probrably gonna say what most models and photographers say to thise phtoographers that whine fuss and cuss about internet models and or real models who flake out on TFP work..


Money makes a hell of a difference when it comes to creating good images and also getting the shots that is needed...Just like paying a photographer to get the good shots and also the photographer paying the model for the shots they need...there will always be models to to TFP, but then you will just have more complaints about not showing up on time, not showing up at all, or the continous escort problems youll see from time to time...

Just my opinion here CristinaLex, but I would never pay a model who told me that the pay was the difference between getting her full effort or not.  Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but it sounds like what you're saying here is that while you make an effort at every shoot, you work harder when there is money on the line.  Personally, I want to work with models (paid or unpaid) who go with all out effort every single time.  To me, that's what distinguishes a professional from someone who is just trying to cash a check. 

Again, if I'm misunderstanding you please feel free to set me straight.

Jul 03 06 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

Angel Tara wrote:

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this.

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

Jul 03 06 03:52 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

Angel Tara wrote:

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this.

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

No you missed it.  I'm saying maybe I'm dumb, desperate or whatever you call it to PAY models even though I'm NOT making a dime.  Though most of the SAME models will pay another photographer who is making PLENTY of money from their pictures.  Granted they've done this longer, improved on their work, so I guess they can do that now.

Jul 03 06 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

Well, theoretically, the model pays the photographer for VALUABLE pics, (key word valuable), and then in turn uses them to make money herself, i.e print a comp and land work through an agency or attract paying jobs online.

that's just one scenario in a huge well of possibilities

Pure Wisdom right there.

Jul 03 06 03:54 pm Link


Nigel Aves Photography

Posts: 82

Longmont, Colorado, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
I'm trying to do my "own thang".  My own stytle.  My own ideas.  That's why my photos are natural, I use mainly everyday females.  But you may have a point on "slang".

Please do not read this as a slam. It's not meant to be at all. When you say your own style what do you mean? I hate saying this but your port looks similiar to so many others. To be really successful you have to develop a unique style, something that lets people remember your photography.

What a lot of people forget is that as a photographer you are competing against all other photographers. So rule one is , you must sell yourself first, is this someone that I really want to work with. I'd loose all slang when working. It can upset many people and put them off in a heart beat. Hate saying this but it's true.

Paid / Un-paid.

When I'm working on a particular project (typically an explicit nude piece) then I will offer payment for a models services, if it's a commision piece then I will always pay the model. This project will be most likely for print or a pay site. The model release form in this case takes away all models rights and I can use the photography in any way I like. The model will not get a CD or prints (read never if it's a commision shoot) unless purchased seperatly and with knowledge that they can not use it anywhere, even for self promotion.

TFCD/P is different. This is typically for self promotion of the model and the photographer. The model will expect either a CD or high quality prints in return. I typically do both. I never do a TFCD/P shoot and then sell the pictures (as specified in this model release form), if a sale is possible then I contact the model to get permission and cut them in.

So, a lot of models even though they want to get paid will do TFCD/P shoots so that they can enhance their portfolios in both on-line and print. As a model it's really important to stay up to-date and different photographers will show them off in a new way. 

That's what happens here.

Take care and Great Shooting ....


Jul 03 06 03:54 pm Link


Johari Davis

Posts: 170

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I for one have never paid a model, for the same reason McDonalds wont pay you to eat a meal. Dont get me wrong I do think models should get paid for all that they do, but in turn photographers should too. I can say that I have done more TF shoots than paid shoots, because true enough you have to build a ""name"", get a following.. Alot of people will say what they will say about your work but when all boils down to it, it all about what you want out of what you are doing. I do photography because I love doing it, I love art, I love bringing life to an image, but also I love to eat, have shelter (6 bedrooms to be exact)lol, and drive a some what fancy car.. All I can say is DO YOU..

Jul 03 06 03:54 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Angel Tara wrote:

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

Well, theoretically, the model pays the photographer for VALUABLE pics, (key word valuable), and then in turn uses them to make money herself, i.e print a comp and land work through an agency or attract paying jobs online.

that's just one scenario in a huge well of possibilities

You know Angel, I have one recurring problem with you.  Between your eyes and your intelligence, I can't tell for the life of me which I find more attractive.  I think I'll just respectfully appreciate both, if you don't mind.

Jul 03 06 03:58 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
No you missed it.  I'm saying maybe I'm dumb, desperate or whatever you call it to PAY models even though I'm NOT making a dime.  Though most of the SAME models will pay another photographer who is making PLENTY of money from their pictures.  Granted they've done this longer, improved on their work, so I guess they can do that now.

Ok. I'm confused today...think I need more caffeine. smile

But I see what you are saying. As I said before, there are so many possibilities. Some new or semi-new photographers shoot tfp and others just pay the models to ensure they get what they want, like you. Same for models. So maybe the models you are speaking of pay the photographer because they are confident that they will get what they want/need? It doesn't matter how much the photographer is making off the pics, but how much the model think she can make, or increase her value.

Others shoot tfp, and slowly climb the ladder, often times just taking what they can get. I know if I had more disposable income, (or lived in a better city), my book would have been done much more quickly. Need money to make money...

But the question was "do photographers pay models", and yes, some do, for various reasons. smile

Jul 03 06 04:01 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Let me last statement "The only time I actually pay a model is when I set up a stock shoot".

Models pay to get pictures for thier books/portfolios. Then they get agents when they want to start getting paid for thier 'use'. Clients pay models. Clients pay photographers. With a site like this, photographers such as myself can do TFP's to get a certain type of photo that they may need for whatever reason. Just like what I am doing now for my summer TFP shoots. I am looking to build up my fashion book...but it could be anything. I would never pay a model for this. I would pay a model when setting up my own stock shoot because I will get that money back (probably tenfold) anyway. Spend money to make money in that instance. But a site like this is basically an easy way to tap in and get what you need for a specific function via TFP's.....for the photographer and model alike. However I just don't do the TFP's unless I need a certain look for something. I am sure there are photogs that are happy to do TFP's for models to build thier books up but I get paid for this type of stuff outside of internet sites. Basically what I guess I am saying is that I use this site when needed for a specific function but in the real world I have an hourly rate.

Jul 03 06 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe it's just me and that I'm new to this but it seems like almost all photographers are either asking to GET paid by the model or only off TFP.  No photographer want to PAY the model.  Maybe I'm one of the few though I'm on a budget and  not making money off this who are Willing to pay the model.  Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this. 

Can someone speak on this topic?  also some of my experiences I offer paid work to models who've done NO CALLS no SHOWS, yet the TFP models SHOW UP or at least call to say they won't make it.  But EVERY model claim she want to get paid.  wassup with that? 

someone speak on this

I will not pay a model or anyone on the team to test.  On my tests we're after images to land paying gigs.  These shoots are worth so much more than a single job.  If one of the team is only in it for the money, it is unlikely I will get his/her best work. Tests are too valuable to get money involved!  Most of my income is ad agency or client direct.  I generally don'y do paid testing.

Jul 03 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US

My two cents... I only offer models paid work IF they have done TFP work for me. I used to offer paid work, but had models not show up, or show up and be as unprofessional as they possibly could be. (ie, wasting time when we're on a limited time shoot, refusing to do the agreed upon work, etc...) I have no use for a model whose agreed to a paid shoot where they will be posed in underwear, and when the time comes to take those shots, the model refuses but still expects to get paid. I'm a small-time photographer and artist, and I just can't afford to hire unprofessional models. I'd rather work with the TFP models. It works out much better for both me and the model. The model gets some experience, and they get their portfolio done without having to hire a photographer. If the money is there, I call them back for a paid shoot. If they flake on me, all I've lost is some time.

For models, I believe that when they are getting started, they should do some TFP shoots with a couple of different photographers. After that, they should only do TFP if they really want to work with a particular photographer. I've had some models who had no need of a TFP shoot choose to work with me. I've had others who have gone beyond it, so we didn't work together. As long as people are polite, it's all good. (You would not believe some of the rudeness I've encountered! Don't want to work with someone - for whatever reason - a polite no thank you is all you need.)

That's all I have to say for now I guess.


Jul 03 06 04:09 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Carpe Imago Photography wrote:

You know Angel, I have one recurring problem with you.  Between your eyes and your intelligence, I can't tell for the life of me which I find more attractive.  I think I'll just respectfully appreciate both, if you don't mind.

lol, scared me for a minute there, after "recurring problem with you." but thanks!!

::slow my beating heart::


Jul 03 06 04:09 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Daguerre wrote:

I will not pay a model or anyone on the team to test.  On my tests we're after images to land paying gigs.  These shoots are worth so much more than a single job.  If one of the team is only in it for the money, it is unlikely I will get his/her best work.  Tests are too valuable to get money involved!  Most of my income is ad agency or client direct.  I generally don'y do paid testing.

And that is an example of something I'd value far greater than an hourly rate...


Jul 03 06 04:13 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Daguerre wrote:
If one of the team is only in it for the money, it is unlikely I will get his/her best work.


Jul 03 06 04:15 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:

If I am reading this right, you think it is stupid for models to pay a photographer, who will then use the pics to make money?

Well, theoretically, the model pays the photographer for VALUABLE pics, (key word valuable), and then in turn uses them to make money herself, i.e print a comp and land work through an agency or attract paying jobs online.

that's just one scenario in a huge well of possibilities

When models hire photographers to shoot them, the model usually gets the copyright.  That way, in addition to marketing themselves with comp cards, etc., they could sell the photos.

Jul 03 06 04:31 pm Link


Stephen Moskop

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think there are a lot of misconceptions here about the business of photography.  As a professional, I never pay for models- my CLIENTS do.  It's that simple.  High-end agency models are happy to do TFP with me because they know that if they make it into my book, they will get their faces in front of art directors and they will have a greater chance of getting hired- by art directors- not photographers.  I am here to find art models who are not concerned with money and business, but just enjoy the creative process and like cool images.  It may lead to paying gigs, but that is not really the point.

Jul 03 06 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

OC Girl wrote:
When models hire photographers to shoot them, the model usually gets the copyright.  That way, in addition to marketing themselves with comp cards, etc., they could sell the photos.

No they don't.  It's very rare for a model to get the copyright to pictures she paid a photographer to take.

Jul 03 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

OC Girl wrote:
When models hire photographers to shoot them, the model usually gets the copyright.  That way, in addition to marketing themselves with comp cards, etc., they could sell the photos.

You would have to get the copyright change in writing, and very few photographers would be willing to do that.  When I was into paid testing I used to charge $1200 per shoot.  If the model also wanted copyright, then my fee jumped to $3600.

Commercial day rates for photographers in New York & LA are between $2,500 and $10,000 depending on the photographer.  But if a client wants a buyout, then the photographic day rate will usually at least triple.

Generally speaking, when you hire a photographer, you are paying to liscence the useage of the images, not gaining copyright control.  Unless it is in writing...

Jul 03 06 04:46 pm Link


Stephen Moskop

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Daguerre wrote:

You would have to gey the copyright change in writing, and very few photographers would be willing to do that.  When I was into paid testing I used to charge $1200 per shoot.  If the model also wanted copyright, then my fee jumped to $3600.

Commercial day rates for photographers in New York & LA are between $2,500 and $10,000 depending on the photographer.  But if a client wants a buyout, then the photographic day rate will usually at least triple.

Generally speaking, when you hire a photographer, you are paying to liscence the useage of the images, not gaining copyright control.  Unless it is in writing...

These guys are right.  Most professionals worth their salt will NOT sell copyright.  We will sell exclusive rights- i.e. won't sell the image to a competitor for instance, but won't sell copyright and "buyout" is no longer used- Clients, for 2 or 3 times my day rate, will buy unlimited usage rights.  That's how it goes.

Jul 03 06 04:51 pm Link



Posts: 7

Tampa, Florida, US

I never charge a model to shoot... the client pays... as far as tfp! I only do it as part of the package sort of like saying thank you for helping with a paying project to complete on time and with positive energy.

Jul 03 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 7

Tampa, Florida, US

I never charge a model to shoot... the client pays... as far as tfp! I only do it as part of the package sort of like saying thank you for helping with a paying project to complete on time and with positive energy.

Jul 03 06 04:58 pm Link


Steve Campbell

Posts: 25

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I am a stock photographer.  So, I hire models on a regular basis here in Kentucky.   Any locals looking for paid work?

Jul 03 06 05:09 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

I offer pay work when clients offer me money to pay. Otherwise I'm broke.

Jul 03 06 05:49 pm Link