Forums > General Industry > DO any photographer offer PAID WORK?



Posts: 275

Detroit, Michigan, US

I thought folks pay for rights?? if you pay a model and she wants a cd, to go off and promote herself to make money off the images, as well, if the model pays, and the photographer goes off and makes money off the images is wrong correct?

this is how it works through companies. If you shoot for a mag, you don't get a cd. EVER. You may get a email with a few of the test shots or shots they may use, but thats about it.

Jul 03 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 275

Detroit, Michigan, US

Jul 03 06 06:29 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28728

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Yes I do. Go read my bio.

Jul 03 06 06:29 pm Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 382

Sacramento, California, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:
Maybe it's just me and that I'm new to this but it seems like almost all photographers are either asking to GET paid by the model or only off TFP.  No photographer want to PAY the model.  Maybe I'm one of the few though I'm on a budget and  not making money off this who are Willing to pay the model.  Maybe I'm stupid for it seeing models willing to pay others who ARE making money off this. 

Can someone speak on this topic?  also some of my experiences I offer paid work to models who've done NO CALLS no SHOWS, yet the TFP models SHOW UP or at least call to say they won't make it.  But EVERY model claim she want to get paid.  wassup with that? 

someone speak on this

I pay models all the time. In the last year I've paid anywhere from $150 for a simple shoot to as much as $5500 plus expenses for a recent shoot aboard a cruise ship.

Jul 03 06 06:36 pm Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 382

Sacramento, California, US

Stephen Moskop wrote:

These guys are right.  Most professionals worth their salt will NOT sell copyright.  We will sell exclusive rights- i.e. won't sell the image to a competitor for instance, but won't sell copyright and "buyout" is no longer used- Clients, for 2 or 3 times my day rate, will buy unlimited usage rights.  That's how it goes.

Exactly. My clients pay for the shoot and they pay for the exclusive right to use my images for a set period. I own the images unless they pay to own them.


Because my residuals add up to about $7500 per month for the most part.

That's why.

Jul 03 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

Do any Photographers get paid ?

Manny D.

Jul 03 06 06:41 pm Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 382

Sacramento, California, US

Also, no offense, but "CandyBBaddphotos" sounds a tad ghetto and is not likely to attract the same attention as, say, "Lone Star Photography".

A ghetto name would also incline one to conclude that you have no education and are, as another poster put it, just a "playa" looking for a hookup.

Call me politically incorrect, insensitive, or what ever you want. I am trying to help.

A more professional name for your business will attract professionals to your doorstep and, more importantly, paying clients. Ethnic pride is fine and dandy but money pays the bills. There's certain parts of the country where being out front about being Irish isn't professional and I have to keep that in mind myself.

Unless the clientele you're after is gangbanging drug-dealing thugs who drive around in crappy cars with grossly expensive rims I'd work on changing my image.

Best of luck to you.

Jul 03 06 06:55 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

Yes.  We offer paid work all the time.

Jul 03 06 06:58 pm Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 382

Sacramento, California, US

Manny Desalamanca wrote:
Do any Photographers get paid ?

Manny D.

Yep. My recent gig was a wedding on Saturday. I'm not so proud that I won't do weddings.

The whole shoot was twelve hours and I made $3500.00 which will net out to about $2,900 in my pocket after lab costs and framing.

I never figured out why some people will stand on their pride and refuse to do weddings while someone else is earning that money.

Some of my best work has been at weddings.

Jul 03 06 07:00 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28728

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Manny Desalamanca wrote:
Do any Photographers get paid ?

Manny D.

Yessiree. I just sold the first two accounts for my "Hot Wing" concept last week. Checks are in the bank. And the great thing is it's a recurring sale since they have to go through me to get the menus reprinted.

In a sense, I took a creative approach to my business. My business model is very unconventional.. But it works for me.

It's come down to this. If I want to work with the models from this site, I will need to pay them. Then it's up to me to use the photos taken for some sort of marketing scheme.

All this said, I would never pay a model simply to update my portfolio. That's just plain rediculous to me.

Look at it this way. It's either get creative and make a fun business out of this or shoot weddings. I don't want to shoot weddings.

Jul 03 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

RELIABLE models get paid.

Jul 03 06 07:07 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

keep focus on your portfolio , in due time everything will come to pass my son , and you to will come to the darkside !

Jul 03 06 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
The only time I actually pay a model is when I set up a stock shoot.

If you don't mind my asking, how much?

Jul 03 06 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

dude , find a mentor who knows the buisness , there are really cool teachers out there wiling to teach. perhaps you should seek one out !

Jul 03 06 07:14 pm Link


G Katsis Photography

Posts: 49

Camanche, Iowa, US

So far this has been an interesting and wide-ranging thread. I'll see if I can add more light than heat.

I hire models under any of several conditions. If I'm shooting for a client who wants me to supply the model, then I hire. Most of the time that is body part work, usually hands due to the nature of the business that I have. There are times where the model is hired for more than that, but this is a little more rare and usually involves training materials for industrial use. Again, this is client supported, and is anything but the type of high-profile/fashion/glamour work that most aspiring models seek. It is pure bread and butter work. The model is paid in cash, and there are no electronic copies given. You won't find this on the cover at the news stand.

A second cause for hiring is if I am shooting something that is artistic and/or on-spec. This is similar to stock work in that I intend to sell prints or rights. This work is paid in cash, and under no circumstances does the model get electronic copies and usually no more than one print of my choice. Copyright means everything in this, and licenses are sold for hard cash, not given away.

In each of these areas there is no doubt; the model is being hired to execute either my client's vision or mine. The failure to understand this has caused me to walk away from more internet models than any other factor. Many new models have the impression that it's about them. For the most part, it's not. This is a service business on both sides of the camera; the client has something they specifically want to achieve and our job is to achieve it.

The third circumstance under which I hire, and the only one I offer TFP in, is when I am trying something new to extend myself. When performing this I will either hire or offer TFP, but the TFP is rare.

The "trying something new" scenario is once again something where hiring internet models has blown up in my face a couple of times. Not so much the no-show, but from newbies who think that they have been hired to tell me what to do and how to do it, or who cannot think past "TFP" where the model's input is totally justified.

When I want to be told what to do and how to do it, I go to a peer (many) or superior (many) in the photography field, and have them mentor me. Or, I hire a genuine professional model with hundreds of highly successful shoots under her belt in the area where I am the newbie. I've been extremely fortunate to have two models who have taught me a great deal, each of whom is an established professional. (They know who they are and how grateful I am to them.)

So are there photographers who hire models? Yes. Are there times when the model hires the photographer? Yes.

And in each case, it is the job of the person being hired to deliver the service they are being hired for.

My two Lincoln's worth.

Jul 03 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Yessiree. I just sold the first two accounts for my "Hot Wing" concept last week. Checks are in the bank. And the great thing is it's a recurring sale since they have to go through me to get the menus reprinted.

In a sense, I took a creative approach to my business. My business model is very unconventional.. But it works for me.

It's come down to this. If I want to work with the models from this site, I will need to pay them. Then it's up to me to use the photos taken for some sort of marketing scheme.

All this said, I would never pay a model simply to update my portfolio. That's just plain rediculous to me.

Look at it this way. It's either get creative and make a fun business out of this or shoot weddings. I don't want to shoot weddings.

I long to be JJ.  Ditto was his name Oh.

Jul 03 06 07:16 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Just to add my 2cents.  Please keep your style.  I notice a lot of photographers are not fond of diversity of any sort and to me that just gets old and boring.  My photographic style has been critisized.  You can't try to guess what people are gonna think.  You just have to know your true intentions.   I, myself have PAID 10 out of the 12 models I have posted in my portfolio. 

Jul 03 06 07:17 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

So if a model wants certain pictures of herself to either A) make calendars and sell or B) give to her husband and let no one else see, what would that be?  Would it be a buyout?

Jul 03 06 07:17 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Just to add my 2cents.  Please keep your style.  I notice a lot of photographers are not fond of diversity of any sort and to me that just gets old and boring.  My photographic style has been critisized.  You can't try to guess what people are gonna think.  You just have to know your true intentions.   I, myself have PAID 10 out of the 12 models I have posted in my portfolio. 

Jul 03 06 07:18 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Just to add my 2cents.  Please keep your style.  I notice a lot of photographers are not fond of diversity of any sort and to me that just gets old and boring.  My photographic style has been critisized.  You can't try to guess what people are gonna think.  You just have to know your true intentions.   I, myself have PAID 10 out of the 12 models I have posted in my portfolio. 

Jul 03 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

see told ya , find you a mentor ! seek out your feelings ........ yes feel the darkside of the force .............luke im your father   nooooooooo!

Jul 03 06 07:20 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28728

Phoenix, Arizona, US

OC Girl wrote:
So if a model wants certain pictures of herself to either A) make calendars and sell or B) give to her husband and let no one else see, what would that be?  Would it be a buyout?

Well, with my "Hot Wing" concept, giving the models some shots is not an option. I promise the clients that they will have exclusivity over the image they choose for their menu. My integrity would be compromised if the model had copies of the photos as well.

So far, what I have done is I promise the model that IF one of her images gets picked for a menu, she will get one of the actual final products. But only if one of her images sell.

So far, I haven't had any models give me a hard time about this since I usually mix in the hot wing shoot with a couple of sets for her.. In other words, I'll shoot a warm-up set or two in outfits of her choosing.. She can have those.

Jul 03 06 07:23 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Well, with my "Hot Wing" concept, giving the models some shots is not an option. I promise the clients that they will have exclusivity over the image they choose for their menu. My integrity would be compromised if the model had copies of the photos as well.

So far, what I have done is I promise the model that IF one of her images gets picked for a menu, she will get one of the actual final products. But only if one of her images sell.

So far, I haven't had any models give me a hard time about this since I usually mix in the hot wing shoot with a couple of sets for her.. In other words, I'll shoot a warm-up set or two in outfits of her choosing.. She can have those.

I was talking about if the model hired the photographer.

Jul 03 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

seriously , seek out your feelings ....................

Jul 03 06 07:27 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

Lots of photographers pay models, they just don't talk about it much.  They pay because 1) a client is paying them, 2) they prefer not to have to provide prints or a CD, 3) they have too much money, 4) they fear rejection, 5) it's less aggravating and less time consuming to offer pay rather than endure lengthy tfp negotiations, 6) nobody will do what they want without being paid for it, or 7) any of a number of other reasons I haven't thought of.

In the shooting-for-gallery-exhibit world where I live, TFP/CD is the norm.  Here, both parties are interested in the creative product or in updating their book, and money is not the primary motivator.  Folks in this category also generally aren't interested in providing a product for a client, because that gets in the way of their own creative vision.  No data to back this up, but I suspect that here you'll often find a dichotomy of starving artists who can't afford to pay each other at one extreme, while at the other extreme are people with a good income from some other source who view photography or modeling as a creative diversion or sanity valve, thus there is actually psychological incentive *not* to take or offer money.

There's no shortage of models willing to do TFP/CD, *if* you're good, or if you have name recognition (that is, if having shot with you might bring her more credibility and thus more work), or if you hang around with potential clients and are thus a networking source.  Attitude has a lot to do with this also; people who are sure of themselves at a level in balance with the quality of their work without being rude, uncivilized, or demeaning tend to have plenty to pick from, although this doesn't happen overnight.  On the other hand, people with swollen egos out of proportion to the level of their work (all too common in photography, which after all is an ego-based game) or who treat others poorly wonder why they get turned down a lot.  Bad behavior often isn't intentional, sometimes it's just ego driven, almost lustful... which is why an occasional reality check is helpful.

As for photographers getting paid... getting money from models never struck me as a very lucrative market, but yeah, that happens too.  If they're willing to shoot what the model wants rather than what they want, and if they can get people to want to pay them, then hey, go for it.  That's just not where I want to go... tried it 20 years ago, got bored with it quickly.

Now I need to go cash this check from a magazine for an old image (not of a model) that they bought.

Jul 03 06 07:27 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

I offer payment to models and I really think more photographers should too.
If you are willing to invest in equipment, etc.  Why not invest in the most important aspect of the image.  I'm not suggesting pay every model but if I
have a great ideal and location, maybe a MUA, do I trust all that to a TFP model
who may or may not show?  Again I'm not saying to pay every model you shoot
as that would get very expensive but I am saying be willing to invest in your art
and for sure if you are planning to be a fashion/beauty photographer then its
a smart thing to do.  This changes if you are near a modeling agency or have
easy access to attractive women or models.  Then TFP will work.  Several months
ago I shot a model in Houston.  The image is on my profile.  Its the Asian model
posed in what looks like yellow string.  The model I planned to pay couldn't make
it so I used this model.  Its not a bad image but she's short with a bit of a tummy
and her panty lines are showing.  She was kinda shy and I wasn't comfortable
asking her to emove them.  Would this have been a better image with the model
I planned to pay, yes.  Photography is about what works for you.  It may not
work for other people but if its working for you then its effective.

Jul 03 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

yes.......... your feelings ........ see the power of the darkside ...................

Jul 03 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

well, i'm justarting so no, I haven't paid any of my models. everything's been tfp. I'd like to pay but I can't afford it.

Jul 03 06 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

well, i'm just starting so no, I haven't paid any of my models. everything's been tfp. I'd like to pay but I can't afford it...atleast not yet.

Jul 03 06 07:37 pm Link


Stephen Moskop

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

OC Girl wrote:
So if a model wants certain pictures of herself to either A) make calendars and sell or B) give to her husband and let no one else see, what would that be?  Would it be a buyout?

It seems this might be an issue for a different thread, but as a professional... A) in my world, a model would not be able make calendars to sell- not without paying the photographer for the usage rights.  If not, how could the photog stay in business?  and B) if the model intends the shot NOT to be seen, he/she would have to pay the photographer for that priviledge.  As photographers, we NEED to be able to show our work.  How else do we get the next job?

Jul 03 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

well, i'm just starting so no, I haven't paid any of my models. everything's been tfp. I'd like to pay but I can't afford it...atleast not yet.

Jul 03 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

well, i'm just starting so no, I haven't paid any of my models. everything's been tfp. I'd like to pay but I can't afford it...atleast not yet.

Jul 03 06 07:38 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

jackfrost wrote:
yes.......... your feelings ........ see the power of the darkside ...................

he must be initiated first. I don't think it's going to happen tonight. Must wait for a full moon! wink

but we will see how the force goes tonight. lol

Jul 03 06 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

oh yeah forgot about that ! ok then go to seeking out a mentor !

Jul 03 06 07:43 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I offer nothing but paid work!

Jul 03 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 317

Richardson, Texas, US

i'm with mike.
do any models actually pay for porfolio work ?

Jul 03 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
RELIABLE models get paid.

We are all so happy that they are reliable that we just send them money.  That's why reliable models never have to work.

Jul 03 06 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 37

Zion, Illinois, US

I just want to say this....I can't speak for noone but Yummee. As an amateur model coming into the business I am interested in doing paid assignments, TFP/TFCD with selected photographers. Modeling is where my heart is at....So rather the assignment is paid or not my face is on it as well as my name. I may not have alot of pics in my port or the experience with posing (as some of these models on here do) but what i do have is Integrity, Pride, Determination and a burning hunger for this art. Yes, I want to get paid but how many gigs will I land off of that paid photos as apposed to the unpaid ones? Really, shouldn't matter if I was paid or not to do a shoot------and it shouldn't reflect that in my pics either. If you dont give a 100% in what you do EVERY time you do it then maybe you should pick another profession! Again I can only speak for Yummee, Yes I'm sure there may be times that you may not feel the "scene", or "photographer", but rather he is paying you or not he is doing his best and so should you. Certain art is priceless. No, don't misconstrue what I said----(not saying you should work for free models) .....just use your heart for your talent and you will have a better understanding of what im talking about. This was about myself! I wasn't talking to anyone in particular but if you feel some sort of way by what I said by all means address it! ~Yummee~

Jul 03 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

OC Girl wrote:
So if a model wants certain pictures of herself to either A) make calendars and sell or B) give to her husband and let no one else see, what would that be?  Would it be a buyout?

I think you are making this too complicated.  We'll make up some numbers to make it easy.

You tell the photographer you want portfolio test images for your book and your non-commercial web site.  He says $500.

You tell the photographer you want images for your commercial web site.  He says $1000.

You tell the photographer you want images for your commercial web site and prints to sell.  He says $1500.

You tell the photographer you want images for your commercial web site and prints to sell and you want useage to produce your own calendar.  He says $5000.

Any time a model wishes to make money off of the images created by a photographer, his rate will usually increase accordingly, as the useage increases.

No matter how much money the model pays the photographer, however, she always has the right to use the image for her own personal promotion, with the limitation that she's not making money.  That, she is not allowed to do without written permission by the photographer.

Jul 03 06 08:13 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Well, with my "Hot Wing" concept, giving the models some shots is not an option. I promise the clients that they will have exclusivity over the image they choose for their menu. My integrity would be compromised if the model had copies of the photos as well.

On the rare occasion that job images have been kept from the model, I warned her of this ahead of time and she was compensated extra for the lack of access for her book.  In this case, the model herself would have to agree to this and allow client useage while she herself is denied access.

Jul 03 06 08:17 pm Link