Forums > General Industry > A Little Fun: Most common things asked . . .


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

What are some of the most common things asked of/told to you when you're out in public with your camera? Here are some of my favorites:

1. "Are you a photographer?" (The Mamiya 645 apparently is just enough of a hint versus the guy with the throw-away kodak.

2. "Are you from [local paper]?"

3. Are you out here taking pictures?

4. I have an [insert relative/friend/friend of friend/etc] who is a [photo major/photographer/held a camera once and liked it]

5. I have a great idea for a photo for you

6. If I wanted to have some photos that were  . . . a little less than tasteful, could you develop them for me? (No sh!t I've had this asked of me at least five times in the past year.)

7. Why don't you shoot digital?

8. Why is your camera so BIG?

9. (upon practically thrusting some cheap camera into my hand at some out-of-the-way remote but still visited by tourists location) "Would you take [my/our] picture.

Post your own, or relate humorous stories.

Remember this is mostly for fun . . . maybe a little venting too . . . but let's try not to flame.

Jul 02 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

10. What's the event?

11.  Is someone famous coming?

12.  Not so much a question but I enjoy the fact that I can get 1-2 dozen people to crane their heads by pointing my 70-200 (the big gray one) up at a rooftop or a bird in a tree or something..

Jul 02 06 01:07 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Sometimes not words exactly, but I hear ...

13. oink-oink, .... snort

14. gurgle

15. oh!

And I feel the sound of eyes behind me

Jul 02 06 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

lol... ohh fun
while shooting models on location some of these comments has been made to me or the model...some are silly lol

1. Pose the model like this (usually guys driving by or stopping to look)

2. Are you a photographer? wow thats cool...

3. I'd like some pictures can you call me baby(lol, this one makes me laugh)

4. You must be really creative and brave to shoot people outside

5. Do you not have a studio, is that why you are shooting her in the middle of the street?

6. Can I pose with the model? (usuallly a guy)

7. Is she someone famous?(usually a guy again or tourist)

Jul 02 06 01:31 pm Link


Travis Feisthamel Photo

Posts: 671

Watertown, New York, US

I have had most all the ones you mentioned plus....

16. Is that digital - I didn't know they made digital cameras like that. (Referring to a DSLR)

17. Wow you have lots of money in that setup, don't you?

18. Hey, will you take my/our picture?

Jul 02 06 01:33 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Wow, some really great stuff here. Anything else from anyone?

Jul 03 06 03:11 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

WG Rowland wrote:
12.  Not so much a question but I enjoy the fact that I can get 1-2 dozen people to crane their heads by pointing my 70-200 (the big gray one) up at a rooftop or a bird in a tree or something..

Oh yeah, I've been there. It doesn't even need to be a zoom, if there are people present it happens.

I was out doing some landscape one day, and when I was crouched low shooting an interesting log from what I considerred to be a unique vantage point, suddenly I had a small crowd of people standing behind me.

I s**t you not, every person in that small crowd got down low to the log like I was when I shot it and looked after I walked away. Ironically not one of them asked me what I was looking at.

Jul 03 06 03:16 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Oh, another fun one:

"My [insert relative here] is really attractive and would make a good model for you . . ."

Which would be fine, except most of the time the [insert relative here] doesn't feel the same way.

Jul 03 06 03:20 pm Link


J Andrescavage Photo

Posts: 3339

San Francisco, California, US

On one occasion a few creepy looking teenagers walked by when I was shooting with a model at a fairly remote location and asked "Can we watch?"  Ummmm... no.

It wasn't a question, but on another occasion with the SAME model (DOH!) some crazy/tweaking homeless lady told me to get out of her yard (The Presidio) and to take my "Trophy Wife" someplace else. 

Sometimes I wish I liked studio shooting more.

Jul 03 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 142

Brooklyn, New York, US

Are you guys shooting a movie?
  I guess my digital camera is so big that it looks likea movie Camera!

Jul 03 06 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

"So, you guys doin' a photo shoot?"

No duh, Sherlock.

Jul 03 06 05:37 pm Link


G Katsis Photography

Posts: 49

Camanche, Iowa, US

Good thread!

1. Crash. Sound of one car behind me sideswiping another. Happened twice in the last 6 years. The model was fully clothed both times. Can't imagine what would happen if she was scantily clad. Have to try that some time . . .

2. "I think you should have her (fill in the blank)." Once in a while the speaker is even sober.

3. "Are you a photographer?" In my case this may be legitimate; if the model appears to be under forty years old it looks like I'm her grandfather. My age is bad enough, but I look a solid ten years older.

4. "Why isn't she facing the sun?" Always fun, because I get to face the person into the harshly direct sunlight and ask them to open their eyes wide. (Use this one when you encounter it. Watching them blindly stagger away is fun for you and the model!)

Jul 03 06 07:39 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Breakfast with Angela in St. John's on a Sunday.  Waitress asks what we wanted and I defered to Angela.  The waitress said I can order first because it's Father's Day.

I replied, "I'm not her father."

Waitress blushed nicely and scurried away.


Jul 03 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

photogeek wrote:
Oh, another fun one:

"My [insert relative here] is really attractive and would make a good model for you . . ."

Which would be fine, except most of the time the [insert relative here] doesn't feel the same way.

I had one of those recently... told the woman that I would rather shoot her than her recommended niece. I am shooting her in three weeks.. (hopefully)

Jul 03 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

photogeek wrote:
What are some of the most common things asked of/told to you when you're out in public with your camera? Here are some of my favorites:

1. "Are you a photographer?" (The Mamiya 645 apparently is just enough of a hint versus the guy with the throw-away kodak.

2. "Are you from [local paper]?"

3. Are you out here taking pictures?

4. I have an [insert relative/friend/friend of friend/etc] who is a [photo major/photographer/held a camera once and liked it]

5. I have a great idea for a photo for you

6. If I wanted to have some photos that were  . . . a little less than tasteful, could you develop them for me? (No sh!t I've had this asked of me at least five times in the past year.)

7. Why don't you shoot digital?

8. Why is your camera so BIG?

9. (upon practically thrusting some cheap camera into my hand at some out-of-the-way remote but still visited by tourists location) "Would you take [my/our] picture.

Post your own, or relate humorous stories.

Remember this is mostly for fun . . . maybe a little venting too . . . but let's try not to flame.

Oh man, the opportunities to be Bill Engvall abound...

Answer to #3:
"Nope, my camera was getting cabin fever, so I'm taking it for a walk.  Here's your sign."

Answer to #8:
"It's big because I need to overcome some of the shortcomings of the people around me.  Here's your sign."


Jul 03 06 09:02 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Breakfast with Angela in St. John's on a Sunday.  Waitress asks what we wanted and I defered to Angela.  The waitress said I can order first because it's Father's Day.

I replied, "I'm not her father."

Waitress blushed nicely and scurried away.


LOL! Now that is funny!

Jul 03 06 09:03 pm Link


Ian L Sitren

Posts: 434

Palm Springs, California, US

Take any good pictures? - always my favorite, I usually say "no".

And I have had to forcefully, physically remove a somewhat beer induced overbearing individual who insisted on helping with posing concepts as he came in too close.

Jul 03 06 09:07 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Moraxian wrote:
Oh man, the opportunities to be Bill Engvall abound...

Answer to #3:
"Nope, my camera was getting cabin fever, so I'm taking it for a walk.  Here's your sign."

Answer to #8:
"It's big because I need to overcome some of the shortcomings of the people around me.  Here's your sign."


Amen! I've been so tempted to say things like that . . . Unfortunately I live in a smallish city and being an asshole to anyone (even if they deserve it) could cost me much needed business in the future.

I really have to thank everyone here, I'm getting such a laugh out of this thread!

Jul 03 06 09:12 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I really don't get asked must when I'm shooting which I attribute to the palces I'm shooting.

If anything sticks in my mind it's "who or what is this for"

Jul 03 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

haha these are freakin great!

I was out with a designer from Michigan and she had the model (not me) wearing a green fur bikini.  Ha! You should have seen the looks on this little girls face as she wrinkled her nose and told her daddy she didnt wanna look like that when she grew up.  Everyone that walked past proceeded to inquiry as to what we were doing?

I love when people ask, are you a model?  No I'm Barney just in a mini dress.

They ask the photographer while he/she is in the middle of shooting me, "Do you think I can model?  Will you take my picture?"

Guys ask, "Do you wear a faux hawk all the time?"  Suuure do, and all this heavy dark eye makeup.  Oh and don't forget the homecoming dress too.  I wear them every other sunday just because I wanna feel good.

Jul 03 06 09:21 pm Link


Seattle Next Door

Posts: 161

Seattle, Washington, US

"Man, how do I get your job?"  (multiple times)

"Are you famous?" (they ask ME - wtf)

"Do you mind if I watch?"

"Are you shooting Hot Scientist Monthly Magazine?!"  (said while shooting a scientist themed shoot)

"Do you mind if I take a picure of her too?"

"Where can I see these pictures?"

"Do you do headshots?"  (multiple times)

Jul 03 06 09:21 pm Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

I like the "yeah, my (insert relative) is a photographer, and he has the top of the line, most expensive and expansive setup youve ever seen and he puts most everyone's work to shame"


since Im nice, I dont respond with what I want to say.... which would be... I dont give a shit, go away and let me get my damn assignment done, I dont want to be at this stupid ass (insert event) anyway, only dumbasses like you would waste your time coming here and not getting paid for it. 


but generally I just get the usual, so what you shooting with?  -- yeah, Im a photographer too.  And the wow thats a big camera. 

actually, I really enjoyed one recently at a wedding a guy came up and we talked for a little while, he seemed to know what he was talking about which was a suprise! and he continued to talk my ears off...  --  then he asked me about the 70-200 .... and in a way that questioned my judgement and very snub..., he said why in the world would you bring that to a wedding?? 

alright dumbass, Im the one getting paid to shoot.... I think I know what equipment I want to shoot with.  -- 

but no, I cant say that....  so instead all I can do is say...for shots like these.... and point them out.   

or.....  using a wireless strobe at a reception....  -- Hey man, I dont know if you know this or not, but everytime you take a picture, this light over here is going off.  -- I was just going to unplug it, but I thought Id let you know first.

What I wanted to say....  WTF... thats what its supposed to do dumbass.... touch my light and Ill kick your ass.

what I had to say.  -- Yeah, I know -- if its bothering you, I can move it over about 5 feet. 

alright, Ill stop rambling now.

Jul 03 06 09:31 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

I may not stop laughing until next tuesday!

Jul 03 06 09:48 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Ooh! Just thought of a good comeback for the "Why is your camera so BIG?"

"Well, you know what they say about the size of a photog's camera . . ."

Oh another fun experience . . . the prosumer with the Canon Digital Rebel (complete with the "pro" battery grip) who tries to convince me I'm making a mistake by not dumping my Mamiya for a digital rebel or similar DSLR right NOW! His most creative picture (saw his website) was of his three year old and that was out of focus.

Jul 03 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

a somewhat, but not dangerously, crazy, man started telling my model how beautiful she was, and how i have to take a lot of pictures: how you've got to take 300 pictures to get one good one. he then told me to take pictures of him... started dancing in front of the camera. i took some photos, like he said, and then he said that i should come back to the same spot in an hour, and he'd buy 8x10's from me of the ones he liked of himself.

Jul 03 06 11:01 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Friendly homeless drunk passing by:

Him: "Woah taking pictures huh?"

Me: "Playing a game of state the obvious and I'm losing right?"

Him: "What?"

Me: "Nothing.. just taking pictures"

Him: "Where are they going?"

Me: "Probably into my print portfolio and my portfolio on the Internet"

Him: "The Internet?  I hear that's pretty big!"

Me: *speechless*


Jul 04 06 12:32 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

So?? Did you sell him any 8x10's???


Jul 04 06 12:33 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

"OHh i love your costume!" *looks around uneasily* When im having my pics taken people dont seem to realize i dress this way everday LoL

"So like... you doing porn?" Yes. Yes , right here, right now with this here street light !

"*looks at the cam* Id take photos like that as well if i had rich parents to buy pro gear*bitter*" lol which kills me, it was my sweet sixteen present to me, from me ....and..its beyond the outdatedness LoL

(oh nooo! i broke the question trend.*model&photographer* lol)

Jul 04 06 12:35 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Him: "The Internet?  I hear that's pretty big!"

Dear PD Digital Imaging:
     You do not know how close you came to owing me a new laptop. You see, while reading your post I was drinking milk, and had a big mouthful when coming across this line. Fortunately for you, I turned my head just as the quoted line hit my brain. I am seriously considering having this quote put on a t-shirt, coffee mug, or bumper sticker.

The Photogeek

Jul 04 06 12:37 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

photogeek wrote:
Dear PD Digital Imaging:
     You do not know how close you came to owing me a new laptop. You see, while reading your post I was drinking milk, and had a big mouthful when coming across this line. Fortunately for you, I turned my head just as the quoted line hit my brain. I am seriously considering having this quote put on a t-shirt, coffee mug, or bumper sticker.

The Photogeek

Now you know how I feel reading about 80% of WG Rowland's responses to questions/critques.  I'm still trying to clean Pepsi out of the edge of my screen where it joins the bezel.  His advice to me.. and I'll pass it on to you... "Buy a spit guard"


Jul 04 06 12:43 am Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

photogeek wrote:

Dear PD Digital Imaging:
     You do not know how close you came to owing me a new laptop. You see, while reading your post I was drinking milk, and had a big mouthful when coming across this line. Fortunately for you, I turned my head just as the quoted line hit my brain. I am seriously considering having this quote put on a t-shirt, coffee mug, or bumper sticker.

The Photogeek

"So, computer's are on the internet now?" -Homer Simpson

Jul 04 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 172

San Francisco, California, US

photogeek wrote:
1. "Are you a photographer?"

I would try a reply of
"Are you a rocket scientist?"
(or brain surgeon, genius, etc)

Or even a simple, "How could you tell?"

Could be fun smile

Jul 04 06 03:47 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

(Not a photographer, but heard this asked of the photographer du jour a few times):

"Can I take a picture with her?"

Jul 04 06 03:56 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Aww, my beautiful thread seems to have died. sad

Jul 05 06 07:25 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

photogeek wrote:
1. "Are you a photographer?" (The Mamiya 645 apparently is just enough of a hint versus the guy with the throw-away kodak.

3. Are you out here taking pictures?

heh. "Here's your sign."

Jul 05 06 07:28 am Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"Can you send me a signed copy?" (Tries to give me contact info)
"Um, no."

Jul 05 06 07:30 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Moraxian wrote:

Oh man, the opportunities to be Bill Engvall abound...

Answer to #3:
"Nope, my camera was getting cabin fever, so I'm taking it for a walk.  Here's your sign."

Answer to #8:
"It's big because I need to overcome some of the shortcomings of the people around me.  Here's your sign."


damn it moraxian you beat me to it!

Jul 05 06 07:31 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Yay! It lives.

It's amazing what amuses me . . .

Jul 05 06 07:33 am Link


ken daugherty

Posts: 226

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Ought to try painting in public!   People are downright rude and EVERYONE is an art critic.  They seem to think a painting should look like a photograph or it isn't "good".

Jul 05 06 07:37 am Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

the crippled weasel wrote:
Ought to try painting in public!   People are downright rude and EVERYONE is an art critic.  They seem to think a painting should look like a photograph or it isn't "good".

Different topic but- where did you come up with that/your name??

Jul 05 06 07:40 am Link