Forums > General Industry > A Little Fun: Most common things asked . . .


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Wow that sucks man, I never thought of that, but I can see people doing that.
Kinda reminds me of people's attitude in "mainstream" photography (at least around here) about digital manipulation of photos . . . if it's anything more than color correction, it's a no-no.

Jul 05 06 07:42 am Link


Mark Fortenberry

Posts: 500

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Some of my favorites from my Photojournalism days.

Yo, Mr Kodak......... Take my picture !!

Are we gonna be on TV?

What station are you with?

While rewinding the film I was asked if I was winding up the Motor Drive.

And my all time favorite............ Will my Polaroid land Camera work on a Boat?

I told them ........ only if you have Boat Film............. they seem satisfied with my answer.

Jul 05 06 07:59 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

photogeek wrote:
1. "Are you a photographer?"

Ok.. I gotta relate this one...

4th of July and birthday party for a friend...

Sitting at patio table with people sharing conversation with about 8 people...

My camera on the table as my friend had asked me to shoot some pictures of the party (it was her 50th Birthday). New couple comes in.. sits down.. sees camera and asks.. Are you a photographer?

Before I can answer.. a few people told him yes.. and point to me..

His next remark after looking a my 4x6 "brag book".. so how long have you been taking pictures?

My friend tell him...

3 days.. that is why he has such an expensive camera..

Everyone was cracking up at this..

hmmmmm... ok.. not so funny if you werent there.. and no.. not everyone was drinking alcohol..

Jul 05 06 08:02 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Mark Fortenberry wrote:
And my all time favorite............ Will my Polaroid land Camera work on a Boat?

I told them ........ only if you have Boat Film............. they seem satisfied with my answer.

OK.. I need a spit and coffee gaurd for my keyboard... ROFLMAO

Jul 05 06 08:03 am Link


Barbarian Photography

Posts: 395

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

At a beach shooting two models in "siren" costumes, as we walked from one location to another I heard a very little girl say to her older brother, "See?!  I TOLD you there were mermaids!"

Shooting a model in a cemetery last summer we were watched by three different police cars.  As the third one pulled up he said to us over his PA system, "So, who says you only see cops in the donut shop?"

Jul 05 06 08:08 am Link


Eye of Sicari

Posts: 37100

Toledo, Ohio, US

So what do you shoot with that big damn camera of yours? asked by a cop

Jul 05 06 08:24 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Last night, at a fourth party, had these hit at me by friends of my parents:

"You must really enjoy what you do."

What I wanted to say: "Yeah lady, the 18 hour days spent mostly in class and studying are FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC . . . I rarely see my family and I'm lucky if I tuck my little boy into bed one night a week, but hey, the photography is great when I have time."

What I said: "Yep. It's wonderful."

"I have a friend who's photographed famous people and they've taken pictures of Ronald Regan and [insert stream of semi to really famous people here] and they took pictures of my kids once and I'd really like them to take pictures of my kids again but they live in texas and I don't want to have to go all the way to texas just for some pictures!" (I swear, this was all in one breath and spoken like a chipmunk on speed.)

What I wanted to say: "Well thanks for qualifying that someone much more talented than I took your kids photograph while strongly hinting you want ME to photograph your kids."

What I said: "Well any time you want, just let me know and I'd be happy to photograph your kids."

(While looking at me load a roll of 120 into the camera) "Now that's not digital, is it? But it's not 35mm either . . . what the heck is that?"

What I wanted to say: "Actually, it is digital. It's new 'digifilm' that stores the photos digitally on a special roll of film so you can use a standard film camera. It's only available for really good photographers right now, but don't worry, they're making a version for consumers . . . you'll just need to makes sure your processor in your computer is at least a 486DX2 Pentium IV with at least 12 bytes of RAM to use it."

What I said: "Uh, no, it's called 120 . . . it's a larger frame size than 120 so it produces better photos when you enlarge it."

Jul 05 06 08:27 am Link



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

I had a 5x7 view camera (vintage 1920's Seneca) set up in the street as an attention getter for a recent local art fair. Someone asked me how it works and when they looked at the ground glass image - they said "Wow! just like on my digital camera screen , I didnt think they could do that back then."  Then they asked if it only shot black and white film.

Jul 05 06 08:34 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

CAP210 wrote:
I had a 5x7 view camera (vintage 1920's Seneca) set up in the street as an attention getter for a recent local art fair. Someone asked me how it works and when they looked at the ground glass image - they said "Wow! just like on my digital camera screen , I didnt think they could do that back then."  Then they asked if it only shot black and white film.

What I would have liked to say:

"Actually, it used to shoot only black and white film but I had it upgraded to color digital."

Jul 05 06 08:43 am Link


Klassic Photo

Posts: 1308

Bullhead City, Arizona, US

"So how long you been taking pictures?"

Me:  "Oh about 30 minutes now"

Jul 05 06 09:02 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Again with the off topic, but your avatar creeps me out man.

Jul 05 06 09:44 am Link


Dogbone Alt-Process

Posts: 1016

Llano, Texas, US

CAP210 wrote:
I had a 5x7 view camera (vintage 1920's Seneca) set up in the street as an attention getter for a recent local art fair. Someone asked me how it works and when they looked at the ground glass image - they said "Wow! just like on my digital camera screen , I didnt think they could do that back then."  Then they asked if it only shot black and white film.

I had a similar experience while out with my view camera. The passer-by wasn't at all disconcerted with the ground glass image being upside down but was amazed that it was in color.

Jul 05 06 12:01 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

the crippled weasel wrote:
Ought to try painting in public!   People are downright rude and EVERYONE is an art critic.  They seem to think a painting should look like a photograph or it isn't "good".

lol, really fry their mind and paint a city scene while you stare at a mountain landscape.

Jul 05 06 12:05 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US


when i shoot at the beach , there is always somebody who is quick to tell you that it is public property and they do not have to walk 15 ft around where you are shooting and then demonstrate by walking  right through the set,  same thing happens on sidewalks,  i dont argue,  I fire off a shot when they pass through and have everybody clap. 


Jul 05 06 12:13 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

parkus photography wrote:

when i shoot at the beach , there is always somebody who is quick to tell you that it is public property and they do not have to walk 15 ft around where you are shooting and then demonstrate by walking  right through the set,  same thing happens on sidewalks,  i dont argue,  I fire off a shot when they pass through and have everybody clap. 


The last time that happened to me the guy kept moving between me and the model.
I wanted to shove the camera where the sun don't shine, but instead I just started telling him to "work it" and "give me sexy" and such.

He realized I wasn't intimidated and stopped.

Jul 05 06 09:25 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

I remember a shoot years ago on a WA beach by Deception Pass. I was wrapping a model portfolio shoot, and she and I, her girlfriend, and my friend (acting as an Assistant) were getting ready to head in off the beach. A group of older elementary age kids walked up in time to see us folding reflectors, packing up cameras/etc, and one boldly ran over and asked if the model was someone famous. With my most incredulous and shocked face, I replied "You don't recognize her?? Don't you watch MTV???" Then I herded everyone past the kids saying loudly that we needed to get her back to the studio... The look on the kids faces was PRICELESS! :-D

Jul 05 06 09:58 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i live in santa barbara. loads of tourists with camera. everybody else has a camera, and about 3,000 Brooks students. nobody says anything to me. :*( hell, half the people i point my camera at on the main st. just start posing for me.

Jul 05 06 10:09 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i live in santa barbara. loads of tourists with cameras, everybody and their dog has a camera, and about 3,000 Brooks students. nobody says anything to me. :*( hell, half the people i point my camera at on the main st. just start posing for me.

Jul 05 06 10:09 pm Link