Forums > General Industry > Best way to approach a random person?


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am always looking for more chances to take photos to rebuild my portfolio that has gotten a little old and also for the bit I lost in my recent studio fire. Plus I am looking to take my personal style in a new and different direction.
What is the best way you have found to walk up to someone randomly, like for example at a mall or a park, and express interest in having them model, without getting slapped or maced? Granted I would also like them to think I am for real rather then some sleazy guy, but haven't approached anyone randomly yet, thinking I might get slapped or just ignored(figuring I am just trying to get them naked).
Models I would also like to hear back from you as how would be the best way for someone to walk up to you with their business card and get you to model.


Jun 23 06 09:06 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

Yes!!! This would be helpful to me as well. Living in NYC, there are hundreds of GORGEOUS girls that I would love to photograph. The hardest thing is approaching them and asking them that very question, and I'm a girl!!!! I too would love to hear some suggestions. Of course having a business card and website does help.


Jun 23 06 09:11 am Link


Fantastique Marie

Posts: 339

Columbus, Ohio, US

I pretty much ignore alot of people when they try to get my attention because there's alot of old men who like to act sleezy about it.
But I'm sure if you use 'excuse me miss' and explain who you are and what you're about..and show them a business card.. you might have a chance of getting somewhere.
It's very doubtful that any approch would work though now days because ...well look around..there's too many sleezy men giving photographers in general a bad name..
but it's only the people who hae been exposed to this industrythat know it's not ALL photographers who are bad.
Sorry I could'nt help you more sad

Jun 23 06 09:21 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Staci Marie wrote:
I pretty much ignore alot of people when they try to get my attention because there's alot of old men who like to act sleezy about it.
But I'm sure if you use 'excuse me miss' and explain who you are and what you're about..and show them a business card.. you might have a chance of getting somewhere.
It's very doubtful that any approch would work though now days because ...well look around..there's too many sleezy men giving photographers in general a bad name..
but it's only the people who have been exposed to this industry that know it's not ALL photographers who are bad.
Sorry I could'nt help you more sad

See I thought my age(26) worked against me because they would figure I am just trying to hook up, but I didn't even think about the old guys, who they would think of a just old sleazy guys(sorry guys didn't mean to make you soung ancient).

Maybe just going to a huge mall and practicing my approach is the only way, just be prepared to get a lot of weird looks, but those are nothing new.

Damn this is an uphill battle huh?

Jun 23 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 3702

Fresno, California, US

You have to open your mouth to get feed.  If you don't ask, you don't get.  So, you have to ask.

You will get a no or a yes.  That simple.  The real trick is to increase the number of yeses and decrease the number of nos.

That is largely in approach. Over time and with practice, you'll learn what works and what doesn't.

At a high level, what seems to work best is to be as un-treatening as possible.

If I have my wife or my daughters with them, I have them ask.  It goes something like "Excuse me, my husband/father is a photographer and I bet you would be a great model for him .... "  In fairness, my wife is a flight attendant and has this gift of being able to talk to anyone . . .  Even me.

If they aren't around, I introduce myself and hand them a card with my contact information and a few portfolio links (like mm) and ask them to contact me if interested.  And I leave.  No pressure for a yes or a no. No discussion about nudity.

It works for me.

Jun 23 06 09:32 am Link



Posts: 37

Seattle, Washington, US

I agree with Ed on this one.  This is exactly how I do it.  I have been able to approach a number of random people in regards to photography with decent success.

Business Cards and a website are critical.  You have to be able to show that you are a legitimate, non-creepy photographer.  The more you can do to show that to any potential model, the better.

Just my two cents.


Jun 23 06 09:36 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

This is how I got into modeling.  I was working in a supermarket and the guy came up to me and asked if I would be interested.  He gave me his card and I thought about it and then I rang him.

I had never thought about modeling before that.

You people are on here because you are interested in being models or taking photographs of models.  It just wouldn't occur to some people (like me) that they would be any good at modeling and they might be very interested in modeling once it has been suggested.

Jun 23 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 297

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

Business cards are also a must because it gives you a chance to give them all the information they need to be able to contact you, without you having to stand there and be pushy. Keep your pitch short and tactful (if you shoot stock, for example, "I'm a freelance photographer and thought you'd make a great model" works better than, "Hi, I sell pictures of people on the internet and think you're hot"), give them your card, and go. No need to stand there pushing or overselling yourself. If they are the type of person who is comfortable shooting with a relative stranger who approached them in public, they'll call. If they aren't, no amount of awkward chit-chat is going to get them to change their mind, and you might end up giving off an inadvertant creepy vibe. wink

Jun 23 06 09:43 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Ed Stevenson wrote:
You have to open your mouth to get feed.  If you don't ask, you don't get.  So, you have to ask.

You will get a no or a yes.  That simple.  The real trick is to increase the number of yeses and decrease the number of nos.

That is largely in approach. Over time and with practice, you'll learn what works and what doesn't.

At a high level, what seems to work best is to be as un-treatening as possible.

If I have my wife or my daughters with them, I have them ask.  It goes something like "Excuse me, my husband/father is a photographer and I bet you would be a great model for him .... "  In fairness, my wife is a flight attendant and has this gift of being able to talk to anyone . . .  Even me.

If they aren't around, I introduce myself and hand them a card with my contact information and a few portfolio links (like mm) and ask them to contact me if interested.  And I leave.  No pressure for a yes or a no. No discussion about nudity.

It works for me.

I agree I do need to just go out and do it, practice, practice, practice.

I love the no pressure approach idea, just excuse yourself in, hand them a card and excuse yourself away. Or Ed can I borrow your wife and/or kids to try the other approach?

Jun 23 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I had 4x6 club cards made with a glamour shot on one side and info on the other. They tend to work best in social situations (clubs, parties, etc.), but they also work well when a conversation has been struck up tangential to the modeling issue. When things come around to that, I give 'em a card and say, "hey, if you're serious, so am I."

Jun 23 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

make sure your zipper is pulled up
drop that dufus look
hide your copy of Hustler
dont say " you are so hot"
dont say "nude" until the session starts
inquire if the BF is an ex-con
tell her your name is Udor Talbot
wear cool shades

Jun 23 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

c'mon, this is actually much easier than you are making it.  I am here in Cleveland with you and finding subjects is easy as f**k.   

Take the $45 and run an ad in the Scene Mag or ClevelandFreeTimes.  I listed a while back that I was re-shooting my portfolio and ask models to create their own shoot, and many of them offered to cover their expenses.  Put up a site and refer people there to see your work.  If you dont have a site, you I can help you on the cheap with one.

This site, OMP and MuseCube have models who need work in building their portfolio.  By asking them to design their needs, they tend to give you a list of their needs and you can then pick and choose the best ones that you want to work with.

I took my site down 2 years ago, but I referred people to it and it was a great billboard.   I was so successful before, I am about to do it all over again.

Jun 23 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

PS - I usually approach a woman with a simple  "... I need your help ... I am re-shooting my portfolio, and I specialize in portraits.  I like your (eyes, hair, smile, blah blah blah).  Can I use you for a portrait on my web site or my portfolio?   Here is my card and the link to my site ... I want you to see my work before you decide.  Of course you will receive prints for your time ... just take a look and call me in the next 2-3 days or better yet, e-mail me."

Jun 23 06 10:21 am Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
Maybe just going to a huge mall and practicing my approach is the only way, just be prepared to get a lot of weird looks, but those are nothing new.

Damn this is an uphill battle huh?

Just to warn you Lazi, the mall that is attached to my office now specifically targets this type of behavior.  Part of it is the perceived safety issue, and part of it is the kiosk lease that they just signed with some franchised "talent and modelling agency".  The rent-a-cops are out in force...BEWARE.

Jun 23 06 10:24 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Carpe Imago Photography wrote:
Just to warn you Lazi, the mall that is attached to my office now specifically targets this type of behavior.  Part of it is the perceived safety issue, and part of it is the kiosk lease that they just signed with some franchised "talent and modelling agency".  The rent-a-cops are out in force...BEWARE.

Ha, not around here. If a rent-a-cop came up to me about doing that, I would walk that rent-a-cop to 100 places around the mall where a crime or safety issue is, and then to quote "That 70's Show" put my foot in his ass. Ok, I like that reference, but seriously no around here, they concern themselves with theft, fights, underagers smoking(in Ohio it is a more serious crime to smoke a cigarette underage, then to smoke "other" substances) or something even better is the rent-a-cops are just sleeping.

As for everyone else that keeps telling me to not bring up the nude thing right away. I'm not even looking to get them nude, I can find plenty of those models here and other places, I am looking for heavily tattooed goth people, which the model sites lack(at least in this area of ohio).

Jun 23 06 10:33 am Link


JJD Productions

Posts: 573

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Jun 23 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 3702

Fresno, California, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
Ed can I borrow your wife and/or kids . . .?

uummmmm let me think about that one.

I picked her out over 15 years ago and I've had to live with her ever sense.  And any husband knows how much fun that is.

If that wasn't enough she gave me three gorgous daughters and any dad knows what kind of fun that is.

After all the hard work I've invested in grooming them, and any male knows how much fun that is.

Nope.  Not sharing .  .  . No Sir . . .

You'll have to find your own wife and make your own kids (just practice alot first). 

Of course you'll have to open your mouth to find that too. (ducking . . .)

Thank again, my wife meet me on a church canoe trip.  I liked her (thought she was HOT anyway) and walked up behind her and just stood there too shy to ask.  All the other guys thought she was with me (fools - look at her and look at me and I clearly over married).  Finally after everyone else paired up and we were standing on the bank alone looking at one canoe . . . She turned around and said "We'd better get in the canoe before they leave us . . "  I than spent the rest of the three day trip trying to loose everyone else.  And the rest is history.  So much for opening my mouth.

Another funny part of that was that we had just pulled away from the bank, everyone was waiting for us to catch up and I started my J Stroke (canoer will know what that is - the rest of you can get your minds out of the gutter) to turn the canoe and she said "Wow, it sure is hot" and proceeded to peel of her shirt.  Somehow I forgot all about J Stroke and dumped the canoe - right than.

Sorry about the trivia . . .

You still can't borrow her though.

Jun 23 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

I just walk up and say Hi to any girl I would like to do a photo-shoot with.
I have no idea why but if I have a camera in my hand I always get a better responce.
Girls from small towns are always more skeptical.

Jun 23 06 10:45 am Link


Steven Barrett

Posts: 561


The card is a must.

Don't be pushy, just say someting like

I'm a photographer, I would love to have you model for me.

Hand them the card, pause for a moment and be prepared to leave it at that.  Answer her questions directly and honestly. 

My only other tip would be to not stand in a public place and approach 100 different people a day.   If the person sees you doing this, then they don't have that "I'm special" feeling.

Jun 23 06 10:45 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Ed Stevenson wrote:
uummmmm let me think about that one.

I picked her out over 15 years ago and I've had to live with her ever sense.  And any husband knows how much fun that is.

If that wasn't enough she gave me three gorgous daughters and any dad knows what kind of fun that is.

After all the hard work I've invested in grooming them, and any male knows how much fun that is.

Nope.  Not sharing .  .  . No Sir . . .

You'll have to find your own wife and make your own kids (just practice alot first). 

Of course you'll have to open your mouth to find that too. (ducking . . .)

Sorry about the trivia . . .

You still can't borrow her though.

It's ok ED, I don't think my fiancee would appreciate me borrowing someone's wife. But my fiancee doesn't have that approachability like flight attendents do(I work at an airport they have some sort of magic skill), besides you said I had to open my mouth to get fed, so I figured I would ask.

Jun 23 06 10:46 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

With business card in hand, reaching out............
Hi, I'm Jeff Marsh and I'm a photographer and I think you have a wonderful face. If you think you might be interested in doing some headshots, at no cost , give me a call"

Card has main image on front, six thumbnails on back showing range of work and web address and phone number.

Key: smile and walk away unless they ask questions.

Jun 23 06 10:58 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Carry a small (4X5 or 5X7) hand made book of ink jet prints that show the progression of your style. If it looks worn out don't worry because it will look like you've been showing it a lot. Don't try to schmooze them with statements such as "I love your eyes, etc.." because they see right through that. Approach them with the book in hand and tell them that you think they might make a quality addition to your portfolio. Ask them if they would mind taking a look at your work. From this fresh honest approach you can make many connections.

Jun 23 06 11:02 am Link


Jared H

Posts: 603

Well I suppose the very first thing you should look to do is give them a card, show some ID, point them to your site, have a registered business name for your studio, encourage them to call the better business bureau or whatever they should call to check up on you and ask them to give you a call if they would like to work with you.

Jun 23 06 11:14 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Carry a small (4X5 or 5X7) hand made book of ink jet prints that show the progression of your style. If it looks worn out don't worry because it will look like you've been showing it a lot. Don't try to schmooze them with statements such as "I love your eyes, etc.." because they see right through that. Approach them with the book in hand and tell them that you think they might make a quality addition to your portfolio. Ask them if they would mind taking a look at your work. From this fresh honest approach you can make many connections.

Awesome idea. I really like that idea, especially I usually think about approaching people at the coffee shop I hang out at, lots of the look I am going for. Wow, I never would have thought of that idea.

Jun 23 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I always keep my full-genre book in my car. 25 images that show my style in all genres I shoot, including nudes. If anyone wants to see it, I bring it out.

And yes, I've had someone I met that night look at the book, see one of the nudes, point to it, and say, "I want to do that. Can we do that?"

Always keep your book handy.

Jun 23 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Staci Marie wrote:
I pretty much ignore alot of people when they try to get my attention because there's alot of old men who like to act sleezy about it.

A lot of "old men"...MMMmmm...does that mean the young men are not sleazy??....

I'm an "old man" of 59....have the grey hair to prove it.....I don't consider myself "sleazy".....I have a business card....consider myself fairly well spoken and have pretty good intelligence.....and great communicaitons skills......

How about if I said..."there are alot of young morons with cameras"????....

Jun 23 06 11:32 am Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

I don't think there is away of doing that that doesn't seem like you're some creepy person.

Alot depends on, appearence, carisma, how you handle is etc etc.
If you can sell snow to eskimos, then you can do this. Otherwise. I wouldn't.

Jun 23 06 11:34 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

You would think since I am a woman I would have an easier time at this, huh? Sadly, I get a bit shy when it comes to this particular aspect of building up my porfolio and skills. I think that Jeff M.'s advise would work best with me. I have the website but that card idea w/some thumbnails on the back was just perfect. Thanks you guys, there are some really helpful and empowering tips here.


Jun 23 06 11:36 am Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

the worst thing that will  happen to u is  NO BUT NO THANKS...... and also  make some 6X4 prints or 2 4X3 on a 6X4  with  one of or many of your shots with your web address on it and
a phone # come sheap if u print in bulk in some place online make that thing look nice like the mini flyers for happy hour!!! do u see what i am saying .... and it works so they could see 1st hand the kinda things you do..... dont put no booty stuff on it..... or it will end up on the side walk... and most of all dont be pushy

Jun 23 06 11:37 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
Best way to approach a random person?

I’ve found that stalking for a few days then throwing a rock at their skull from behind a tree is a great way to approach a potential model.

That way you run up about 3 minutes later, totally out of breath saying how you saw the guy that threw the rock and then ask if they want to model for you because chicks with gaping head wounds are hot wink

Jun 23 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

C R Photography wrote:

I’ve found that stalking for a few days then throwing a rock at their skull from behind a tree is a great way to approach a potential model.

That way you run up about 3 minutes later, totally out of breath saying how you saw the guy that threw the rock and then ask if they want to model for you because chicks with gaping head wounds are hot wink

Sounds like a good plan!!....personally I like to lure them with my nice dog routine....throw a bag over their heads and drag them to a secluded location....because I'm doing a "terror" shoot that day.....

Jun 23 06 11:54 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

CR, up your dosage, now!

Jun 23 06 11:59 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Introduce yourself, be honest, tell them what you're thinking what you'd like to do, & then give them your card to let them mull it over.

Of that, 8 out of 10 people will have no interest in doing so whatsoever. It could be a number of reasons ranging from "I'm not photogenic" to "I don't think my BF would approve" to "this is a lame attempt for this creep to pick me up." Nothing you can really do about that though. 1 in 10 will sincerely want to do it but any number of things will happen where it won't pan out or a shoot never occurs. Of those 1 person will actually end up shooting w/ you...but all you need is that 1 person, right?

You also have to think of it as a numbers game like at a club. The more girls you ask for their number, the better the likelihood you'll receive one that's legit.

Oh! Don't ever mention the phrases "pose" or "art" pictures. For some reason, these automatically (at least in my experience) scream porn or at least nudework...even when it was the farthest thing from my mind in what I wanted to do.

Jun 23 06 12:08 pm Link


Fade To Black

Posts: 411

Baltimore, Maryland, US

C R Photography wrote:

I’ve found that stalking for a few days then throwing a rock at their skull from behind a tree is a great way to approach a potential model.

That way you run up about 3 minutes later, totally out of breath saying how you saw the guy that threw the rock and then ask if they want to model for you because chicks with gaping head wounds are hot wink

That is total Class! big_smile

Jun 23 06 12:12 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

JJD Productions wrote:
Are you a photographer or an agent?  Photographers don't scout talent, agents do.

I have to fiercely disagree w/ this statement. If a person catches a photographer's attention, they shouldn't be afraid in asking said person. Its always going to be a no unless you try.

Besides countless models (& actors for that matter) have been discovered in non-professional settings BECAUSE they had a certain look or whatever to them.

Jun 23 06 12:13 pm Link


Mark Heaps

Posts: 786

Austin, Texas, US

Well for myself and my friend Steven Gelberg here on MM I designed biz cards...but a little different than the traditional ones.  They are double sided  and on the back is a full bleed print of one of his photos showcasing the work.  On the front is a fade from a second photo with a nicely designed logo/typography and hsi contact information.  It works well to be able to hand a card that also showcases your work instantly.  Picking the right photo is also key!

I would suggest making the biz card or just a contact card with a link to a website that has your photos on it.  I know for another associates talent agency (he gets spokes models for booths at tradeshows) we made a contact card with a link/web address on it.  It's a hidden page that only you could find if you get the card.  If they go there it reads, "you were given this card...blah blah...want to model and we liked your, money...if interested...yada yada".  It's actually worked very well for him.

I think the key is the approach...the "excuse me" and eye contact.  But timing is probably hte most important thing. Don't interupt a conversation, don't walk up and stand there until they are done doing what they are's all life rythmic and vibe conscious.

Jun 23 06 12:17 pm Link


Mark Heaps

Posts: 786

Austin, Texas, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
Oh! Don't ever mention the phrases "pose" or "art" pictures. For some reason, these automatically (at least in my experience) scream porn or at least nudework...even when it was the farthest thing from my mind in what I wanted to do.

Absolutely the truth!

Jun 23 06 12:20 pm Link


Fade To Black

Posts: 411

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
Its always going to be a no unless you try.

Exactly. How many guys have ever gotten a date without asking for it?

In sales training, you are advised to "Ask" for the sale, it pushes people into the direction you want them to go, if you know how to play the cards beforehand. Of course it doesn't always work, but the worst thing you lose is a few minutes of time.

Jun 23 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

i used to try this approach on various levels and very  different styles with no success in the mid 80s, to 90s, when i was much younger and a little less rotund,even with a business card clutched firmly in your now sweating hand it made no difference, card ended up in the street, mall, wedged in the crack of your shorts, on one occasion i remember handing a card out to a girl by the name of tracey, she ripped it up called me every name under the sun in front of about 100 people, then turned up at my studio to test shoot for playboy, the look on her face when i opened the door less than 48 hours later was priceless. give it a miss, they did not carry mace back then.

Jun 23 06 12:31 pm Link


John Bishop

Posts: 298

Nashville, Arkansas, US

Not all of us have an agency to do our dirty work.

If you're approaching someone who hasn't thought about modeling before, you're better off showing them pictures on the spot.

Excuse me miss, do you have a minute?
I am a freelance photographer and I was wondering if you have any interest in modeling.
Here is a book with a bunch of examples of my work.
Here is my card.
Get a hold of me if you're interested, and if you have any questions, please ask.

I approached a girl at starbucks a while back and she was actually looking for a photographer, so they ARE out there. The vast majority of people will simply say they're not interested, and you can move on to the next one. Being friendly and as non-pushy as possible is your best way to go.

Jun 23 06 12:36 pm Link