Forums > General Industry > Best way to approach a random person?


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

I have found the best way for me to approach someone is to tell them not to go to my site for even a perv can build a website.  I tell them google search my name and you will see my work and find out that it can be found in over 10 pages of references.  I also add to not be intimidated by what they see, that I shoot to a models comfort level.  If they write to me then I will provide references of models that are in my pictures and that seems to reassure them it is ligitimate. 

Jun 23 06 01:43 pm Link


Trio Sports

Posts: 321

Wichita, Kansas, US

Interesting replies to this thread to say the least..some of which were rather funny.  I somehow think I may skip throwing rocks at people though!  Personally I don't really have an issue finding models but I could see how it could be a problem.  The easiest way I've found is trying explaining what your going to do.  Myself I just say hey I have a store and this is what you'd be doing.  Pretty simple concept.  Most girls love the idea of getting there pictures taken and for a lack of a better term playing dress up.

Jun 23 06 01:52 pm Link


Mark A Lively

Posts: 39

Frisco, Colorado, US

I had out my business card and 4x6 cards with photos on them, sometimes with my wife present, sometimes not.  The most common response to, "Excuse me, I'm a photographer and I would love to do a casual photo session with you sometime" (or something to that affect) is, "Oh, thank you, I'll give you a call".  No slaps, or rude comments.
The trick is them contacting you.  They forget, or where just being nice, or they think of all of their imperfections and just can't work up the confidence to do a photo shoot.
Works probably 1 out of 15-20 times average.

Jun 23 06 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

I've approached soooo any women in my day.

Not so much anymore,
just gets exausting.

Especially difficult in L.A.

MUCH better success rate in BOSTON.

What works for me is SINCERITY.

It simply doesn't matter what you say,
if a women/girl believes it, you're in.......................AND IT SHOULD BE REAL!

If you're a PRO,
you're projects are serious business, and should sound believable.


is KEY.

I disagree with GW, that a web-site is not a closer, if models WENT to my sites, they usually always called me.

Jun 23 06 02:18 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Living in the middle of nowhere..

I use this to get most of my models..

It helps to have another hot model always with you,but just in case you dont have that luxury..

Its Confidence #1

You are selling a product..

If you dont have confidence in your product..your gonna suck at selling it..

Its You that You are Selling!!
Photography is the medium you use.....

If they do not like You they are not gonna buy it...

In my backpack with all my gear,I carry a very large portfoilio..Its got a couple hundred  8x10s...
It goes with with me wherever i go..Except going thru the Airport metal detector,where i slide it off and feed it thru the x-ray machine..forgot to take it off last time..thought airport security was gonna tackle me..

If there are any other people in a 100 yard area..try to be descret..
Cause they will move in too see what all the excitment is about...
This can also be a plus because of other model posabillities in the crowd...
You may walk away with quite a few shoots lined up...

Oh Yea!!

"I have never had a walk up model fail to show up for a shoot"



Jun 23 06 02:49 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I find that jumping out of some bushes yelling "GIMME YOUR WALLET!!!" is a great ice breaker.

Honestly, I've approached 3 women and 2 of them did a shoot.

When I see someone I reallllly want to shoot, I'll scope them for a bit.  Make sure they're worth the humiliation of approaching.  It's VERY important to keep VERY professional.  Don't come across as cocky "I'm the best photographer you'll ever meet" or sleezy "I'll make you a star baby".

My last one was simply this... "Hi, my name is Paul.  I've been looking at you from over there hoping not to look like a stalker" (little humor).  "I'm a photographer who does portrait photography and you have a very nice look and lines.  I'm not sure if you've ever been interested in modelling for photography but if you are, please take a look at my website if you get a chance.  If you like my work, all of my contact information is there."  Simple.  Not blowing sunshine up the butt.  Not coming on to the model since you tell her to check out your portfolio BEFORE responding.  This 'model' actually turned out to be a dancer and has been referring me to other girls who work in the same club as her and I'm getting work from there as well.

Long story short... keep it on the up and up and you never  know what will happen.  Every once in a while you just have to bite the bullet and reach for that brass ring.


Jun 23 06 04:36 pm Link


Studio M Photography

Posts: 86

SOUTHWEST, Pennsylvania, US

   That's a great approach....if you ARE GW Burns.  Most of us don't have the rep you do.  Maybe one day...ahhh dare to dream.


Jun 23 06 04:48 pm Link


Bill Gunter

Posts: 547

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

At public events like car shows, boat shows, etc., the exhibitors hire models to attract people to their display and hand out literature to potential customers.

Many of these ladies would like to have new photos for their books, you might even take a camera and photograph them and offer to give them a print or two it they contact you.

And then you can talk about doing more work together.

Jun 23 06 04:52 pm Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

I'm surprised no one has said: "Another "weekly" thread. 'SIGH.' " Ok, there - I said it....

Now, having said that, this is not a method of model sourcing that's ever worked for me. I've never been slapped, maced, kicked in the groin, or even remotely "dissed." FWIW, I've always gotten polite a "thank-you" and a smile - but not one single shoot has come from it.

One of the sales people at the local Victoria's Secret knows me and frequently refers prospective models to me. That started with my giving her a card when I was shopping for a shoot earlier this year; maybe I should give the random approach another go......

Jun 23 06 05:09 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Be sincere. Others have said it, its worth saying again. This is in some ways related to picking up a girl for a date. If you try to approach her and are focused on her body, she's not going to go for it at all. If you approach her genuinely interested in HER for who she is, she'll be a lot more interested. There is a fine line between being interested in and coming on too strong. It will take practice to get right, for sure. If you've got a girlfriend or another woman you can practice on, thats probably a smart idea. Complement her, but without being gushy or overdoing it.

It'll take practice, but if you work at it you should be somewhat successful. Just be patient especially.

Good luck!

Jun 23 06 05:19 pm Link



Posts: 10

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Just talk to them like it's a normal conversation. I've had two "scouts" literally chase me once in a mall and out of Mcdonalds. Needless to say, they scared the crap out of me and I didn't want to talk to them. Introduce yourself as a photographer. Don't start out with "have you ever done any modeling" because it sounds fake from the get go.

Jun 23 06 06:57 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Of course, I've thought about this when I've seen great-looking women on the street.  But it doesn't seem worth the effort.  It's cold-calling, like selling can openers door to door.  You'll spend a lot of shoe leather for poor results.

And why, when you have hundreds of thousands of models who you know want to model on MM, OMP, etc., etc.?

Jun 23 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Just remember that you may get a "no". Don't freak out and take it personally.

Be respectful of people's space and time. Short and sweet.
Don't flatter. You have to show your worth, and being the drooling buttkisser is going to give them the upper hand.
Don't be a snob. Just be confident.

Say what you gotta say and walk away. And try to wait until that person is out of sight before trying it on another person. As a matter of fact, if you want to make a habit out of it (which is a bad habit, it should be more spontaneous), then don't make it look like a habit. Don't troll the same malls at the same times. People catch on quick and it will make you look desperate or perverted or both.

Business card. With website or MM link.

Keep that in mind, though that even if you get a yes, that person may not make a good model. A photographer can only do so much.

(But I was lucky with my Avitar Karen la Rockera. She was a waitress at a seafood restaurant. Had been dying to do this type of photoshoot.)

Jun 23 06 10:46 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
And why, when you have hundreds of thousands of models who you know want to model on MM, OMP, etc., etc.?

I can certainly understand & respect your reasonings.

For me though, part of the fun is convincing a girl who never in a million years ever thought they were "model material" (which is such a bullshitty loaded terms w/ soooooooooooooooooooooooo many conations). They always seem to appreciate (at least in my experience) the results more than those that want something out of it.

Jun 24 06 01:18 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Mark A Lively wrote:
The trick is them contacting you.  They forget, or where just being nice, or they think of all of their imperfections and just can't work up the confidence to do a photo shoot.
Works probably 1 out of 15-20 times average.

If you're at a venue where you're able to see them again (like they work at a restaurant or in my case, I bump into them on campus), don't be afraid to ask for a followup & enquire as to what they thought.

I had 3 girls reconsider (the longest one after a 3.5 year lapse) & afterwards were kicking themselves for not doing it sooner. The excuses for not doing so ranged from "In all honesty, I never bothered to look at your stuff" to "My boyfriend at the time was a complete asshole" & the most ludricous of all (from my POV anyway) "I never thought I was pretty enough."

Jun 24 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

This is a good thread. Most of my time I find my models online, but I was talking to someone casually at the cafe and tehy happened to be a beauty pageant winner and interested in being phtoographed. It helped that I had my laptop with me so I could show her my portfolio. I guess always be prepared.

Jun 24 06 11:07 am Link


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

chrisphoto wrote:
Business Cards and a website are critical.  You have to be able to show that you are a legitimate, non-creepy photographer.  The more you can do to show that to any potential model, the better.

Just my two cents.


This is so true. As far as approaching strangers, I've always been taught, "you won't know if you don't ask".

Jun 24 06 04:57 pm Link


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

C R Photography wrote:

I’ve found that stalking for a few days then throwing a rock at their skull from behind a tree is a great way to approach a potential model.

That way you run up about 3 minutes later, totally out of breath saying how you saw the guy that threw the rock and then ask if they want to model for you because chicks with gaping head wounds are hot wink

LMAO!!! C R has serious issues!!

Jun 24 06 05:01 pm Link


JJD Productions

Posts: 573

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Jun 25 06 09:11 am Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

buisiness card + website , then let them call or email

Jun 25 06 09:14 am Link


JJD Productions

Posts: 573

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Jun 25 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tell them your name is GW Burns...and give them a fake business

Have a buisness card with you. Approach them, give them the card, and tell them simply: "If you're ever interested in allowing me to take your photograph, I would appreciate hearing from you." And walk away.

Jun 25 06 10:10 am Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
With business card in hand, reaching out............
Hi, I'm Jeff Marsh and I'm a photographer and I think you have a wonderful face. If you think you might be interested in doing some headshots, at no cost , give me a call"

Card has main image on front, six thumbnails on back showing range of work and web address and phone number.

Key: smile and walk away unless they ask questions.

Best answer I have seen! And moving on quickly saves getting slapped! (Just kidding). Let the card with photos speak for your professionalism. If they have any questions fine. Otherwise no pressure and tell them to check out your site and call if interested.

Nothing ventured...


Jun 25 06 10:12 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US



Hi, I'm.....................

Jun 25 06 10:18 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jeff Marsh wrote:


Hi, I'm.....................

Damn Jeff Marsh is always stealing my ideas...hahah...J/K

Jun 25 06 10:19 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

JJD Productions wrote:
You missed my point completely.  Of course models and actors get discovered in non-professional settings and if you are an AGENT or SCOUT, it is your job to approach people with a certain look.  As a photographer,  I don't get paid to discover talent or find models work so the only benefit of approaching a person out of the blue would be help my portfolio.

Technically, you are right. Agents/scouts do actively seek talent. Yet what is low on the totem pole photographer supposed to do when he's got a project that Joe Schmoe off the street would be perfect for. Is it supposed to shell out X-amount of dollars that he doesn't have to a middle man to do the very job that is right in front of him?

If this approach doesn't suit your style, no one is putting a gun to your head & forcing you to do it. What works for you may not work for someone else & vice versa.

Jun 27 06 02:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 257

New York, New York, US

Not ONE of you said have a professional comp card. Anyone can make ink jet prints and slap thier name on it.

I approach girls with my comp.

"Any perv can have a website" someone said but, if your work isn't pervy, it shouldn't be a problem!

Jun 27 06 02:46 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

JJD Productions wrote:
Wrong, in my opinion.  You need to shoot dozens of models if you want a professional looking portfolio that will impress clients, publications, and real models.  That is why I think this is such a waste of time.

You're not looking at the big picture...

Approach model A on the street & successfully work together. She referrs 2 of her friends & you work together (so far 3 total). They each tell 3 more of their friends (8 total). Those 3 tell 2 of their friends. In just 4 rounds, you've already amassed a stockpile of 14 photosubjects all because you took the time to approach Model A while she was drinking her coffee and she was receptive.

Is this simplistic example? Of course it is. But you get the idea.

Again, what works for you very well may not work for me & vice versa.

Jun 27 06 02:51 pm Link