Forums > General Industry > Vancouver Youth Hostel...


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Hey to you lovely Canadians. So I am broke and wanting to come up to Vancouver to do some shoots. I want to stay for a night or two but even the Travel Lodge is a wee bit too expensive. Do you guys know anything about the Youth Hostels, what they're like, or even if I would be able to take a shower and do my makeup and stuff there. Or do you know of any cheap motels in or near Vancouver? I'll need a good nights sleep and a shower. Am I asking the impossible?

Thanks for your ideas!

Jun 19 06 11:32 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Maybe you can find an extra room with a photographer or model in Vancouver.

Jun 19 06 11:45 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

I can't speak for Vancouver, but I bicycled all over Europe staying at youth hostels (I was in my 40s at the time.)  and it was one of the real highlights of my life.
I met great people who were thrilled to talk with an American (one who was just as poor as they were.) and as long as you are willing to pull your weight with the chore, etc. you will look far to find a more congenial way to spend your nights.
I am sure Canada would be no different.

Jun 19 06 01:33 pm Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

There are chores?  I wouldn't stay with a model or photographer unless I knew them very well. Hi Terry!

Jun 19 06 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Tessa Haviland wrote:
Hey to you lovely Canadians. So I am broke and wanting to come up to Vancouver to do some shoots. I want to stay for a night or two but even the Travel Lodge is a wee bit too expensive. Do you guys know anything about the Youth Hostels, what they're like, or even if I would be able to take a shower and do my makeup and stuff there. Or do you know of any cheap motels in or near Vancouver? I'll need a good nights sleep and a shower. Am I asking the impossible?

Thanks for your ideas!

That's for one of the better hostel companies I've stayed at. I love hostels and stay there when I can ... it's far more fun to hang out with backpackers than business people.

If you're ever in Ottawa, you can even stay at an amazing jail!

Jun 19 06 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Lens N Light wrote:
I can't speak for Vancouver, but I bicycled all over Europe staying at youth hostels (I was in my 40s at the time.)  and it was one of the real highlights of my life.
I met great people who were thrilled to talk with an American (one who was just as poor as they were.) and as long as you are willing to pull your weight with the chore, etc. you will look far to find a more congenial way to spend your nights.
I am sure Canada would be no different.

true, but instead of chores we make you practise saying "a-boot" all night.

Jun 19 06 05:33 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tessa Haviland wrote:
Hey to you lovely Canadians. So I am broke and wanting to come up to Vancouver to do some shoots. I want to stay for a night or two but even the Travel Lodge is a wee bit too expensive. Do you guys know anything about the Youth Hostels, what they're like, or even if I would be able to take a shower and do my makeup and stuff there. Or do you know of any cheap motels in or near Vancouver? I'll need a good nights sleep and a shower. Am I asking the impossible?

Thanks for your ideas!

I am a Vancouver based photographer and my view is that the Youth Hostel may be a bit sketchy ...We have a fairly new and nice YWCA Downtown ) and then there is the University of British Columbia that rents out its dorm rooms during the summer for summer students , japanese exchange students etc ..Its a nice campus .Drop me note if you need more info ,,,,,,

Jun 19 06 05:34 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Tessa Haviland wrote:
There are chores?  I wouldn't stay with a model or photographer unless I knew them very well. Hi Terry!

But you'd stay with a collection of broke strangers???


Jun 19 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 170

Bloomfield, Connecticut, US


Very cool site for travelers on a budget.

Jun 19 06 05:53 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Do my dishes and you can sleep in my tub.

I agree with Garry K.  The Vancouver Youth Hostal is sketchy.  And was recently invaded by bed bugs.  (I thought that was a children's fable but apparently not so)

The U.B.C. dorms would be your best bet.

Or even better, get some of those photographers shooting you to pitch in some cash to pay for your stay.  You can get some pretty nice places for $180CDN/night.  I had a model come from Victoria and I put her up in the Pan Pacific (4-5star) and it only cost me $200.

Jun 19 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 26

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

You're probably best to try either the Jericho Beach Hostel or else the more centrally located Vancouver Downtown.

Both are Hostelling International approved places, so they'll live up to an acceptable standard of accomodation. I've heard that the Jericho Beach one is very nice; however, it's a bit of a ways from the city centre, so it's a longer bus ride to get to the downtowan area. The Downtown one is within walking distance of the main part of the city, but is more expensive ($30 or so versus $20 for Jericho). There's also a hostel on Granville Street, which is right in the city centre, but you may want to avoid that as the area can be a bit unseemly smile

You'll be able to shower and get cleaned up at the hostels, although privacy may be an issue. They have separate womens and mens dorms, but depending on the room you get you may be sharing with up to 5 other people. As for having to do chores, I've read about that being the case at some (smaller) hostels overseas, but I've yet to encounter it...especially not in hostels located in larger cities.

Jun 19 06 06:03 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

In Europe we were expected to help prepare and clean up after meals and help with the cleanup. The price then was about $5 a night, inc.uding dinner. You didn't have to help, but you felt like freeloading ass if you didn't.

Jun 19 06 06:32 pm Link



Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Do my dishes and you can sleep in my tub.

I agree with Garry K.  The Vancouver Youth Hostal is sketchy.  And was recently invaded by bed bugs.  (I thought that was a children's fable but apparently not so)

The U.B.C. dorms would be your best bet.

Or even better, get some of those photographers shooting you to pitch in some cash to pay for your stay.  You can get some pretty nice places for $180CDN/night.  I had a model come from Victoria and I put her up in the Pan Pacific (4-5star) and it only cost me $200.

HAHA... I would like to visit BC... espacially in a nice hotel....interested??? lol

Jun 19 06 08:32 pm Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Hell, I'll take the cheap-o travel lodge for $80 if you want to shoot with me. hahaha. Ah, one day!

And I am fluent in Canadian, I go oot aboot ina boot - very tricky, that translates to out about in a boat.

And, for some reason, broke backpacking strangers seem to be the nicest people, a little smelly, but so nice!

Jun 19 06 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I dont know tessa I would feel much safer if you were with a photographer or a model. To many unkowns at a hostile for such a young and pretty lady. Hi back at ya smile

Jun 19 06 08:52 pm Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

But couldnt it be just as bad to go to a photographer's house...all alone...sketch. I'm not a big trust person. The thing about a hostel it that there is safety in numbers. But I would really just prefer to have a friend's place to crash at or a hotel, but I don't have friends or money. How sad sad  hahaa. Ok well, no friends in Vancouver. Somebody nice and trustworthy should be my friend. ya know, I can't even bring my pepper spray into canada, WTF? or a slim jim. Now you know... smile

Jun 19 06 08:58 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tessa you are beautiful and have great height (off topic)

(on topic) Maybe you should stay with a photographer or a model as mentioned above. I am sure that they would be happy to give references and as long as you have the address and correct info, plus your family knows where you are, then this might be a better bet.

Maybe you should put up a travel notice of casting call, I think you will be suprised at how many (NICE, RESPECTABLE) photographers are willing to give up their left eye to shoot

Or use the Browse function and try talking to the photographers that catch your eye. I am sure you will have fun and be safe and take some fantastic images.

Good luck,


Jun 19 06 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

LOL smile well if you give the address and phone number to your parents and he knows that you should be safe besides I think us photo guys are pretty good people. Sure there are some nasty examples but for the most part we just love our craft and are good people. We need to get that project in Seattle going don't we.

Jun 19 06 09:03 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kiska wrote:
HAHA... I would like to visit BC... espacially in a nice hotel....interested??? lol

Sounds great!!  Let me do some math...

Victoria model was visiting a friend so travel expenses = $0
Shoot was TFCD but I threw in $150 just for giggles.
Since I was taking up most of her time here in Vancouver and she had to spend the night.. 1 night Pan Pacific... $200.

Total cost for me... $350.

Kiska from Toronto
TFCD but since she's coming all this way $200.
2 nights Pan Pacific... better get a suite $900.
Flight for 2 (assuming an escort) return from Toronto $1,915.04

Total cost to me.... OMFG!!!!   o.O

... uhh... uhmm....   *bolts from the negotiation table*

Jun 19 06 09:22 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PK Digital Imaging wrote:


Total cost to me.... OMFG!!!!   o.O

... uhh... uhmm....   *bolts from the negotiation table*


Jun 19 06 09:35 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:

Total cost to me.... OMFG!!!!   o.O

... uhh... uhmm....   *bolts from the negotiation table*

Isys Entertainment wrote:

Is that Candian "bolts" as in Le Jets?

Jun 19 06 09:38 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tessa Haviland wrote:
But couldnt it be just as bad to go to a photographer's house...all alone...sketch. I'm not a big trust person. The thing about a hostel it that there is safety in numbers. But I would really just prefer to have a friend's place to crash at or a hotel, but I don't have friends or money. How sad sad  hahaa. Ok well, no friends in Vancouver. Somebody nice and trustworthy should be my friend. ya know, I can't even bring my pepper spray into canada, WTF? or a slim jim. Now you know... smile

If you are a young woman travlleing unnacompanied  to another  city , advertising it to the world , and willing to work with unknown photogrphers - you are setting yourself up for trouble ......You are providing way too mcuh inormation about yourself to people you dont even know...

Further you could try contacting Seattle MM model Victoria ( mm 1466) or Vancouver /Seattle based model Lebrone (mm 5110 ) for some advice >Both are very experienced with respect to the working on the road ......

Jun 20 06 12:14 am Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Aww thanks you guys. You're all so sweet and yet goofy. I LOVE IT! simply fabulous. So I will quit the idea of a youth hostel, do a travel notice, and contact those models. And I will stay away from the scary side of Granville. And Terry, we do need to do a shoot in Seattle. I do have friends in Seattle, so I can stay with them.

Thanks everyone!

Jun 20 06 09:52 am Link



Posts: 405


I have always found The Inn at New Westminster Quay a great deal. If you communicate with them directly, your stay can be very economical. Also, there is a public market right next door. Beautiful views as the hotel overhangs the Fraser River. I've gotten rates as low as $65 per day (USD) by dealing directly with them.

They also have rewards program punchcard. I've gotten blankets, pillows, maple syrup, bathrobes, beer, chocolates, paté, sports bags, dufflebags, wine, free accumulating stays.

Jun 20 06 10:01 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

orinxpress wrote:
I have always found The Inn at New Westminster Quay a great deal. If you communicate with them directly, your stay can be very economical. Also, there is a public market right next door. Beautiful views as the hotel overhangs the Fraser River. I've gotten rates as low as $65 per day (USD) by dealing directly with them.

They also have rewards program punchcard. I've gotten blankets, pillows, maple syrup, bathrobes, beer, chocolates, pat鬠sports bags, dufflebags, wine, free accumulating stays.

THe Inn at the Qauy may be ok but its in a sketchy area . You would need to walk a couple of blocks to teh Skytrain to get downtown . The New West SKytrain station is not a good plaace to be - a lot o not so nice people hanging round there .....

Jun 20 06 10:47 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tessa Haviland wrote:
Aww thanks you guys. You're all so sweet and yet goofy. I LOVE IT! simply fabulous. So I will quit the idea of a youth hostel, do a travel notice, and contact those models. And I will stay away from the scary side of Granville. And Terry, we do need to do a shoot in Seattle. I do have friends in Seattle, so I can stay with them.

Thanks everyone!

Downtown Granville is not  the best place to stay but it is a good place to party ...There are a lot of newer upscale niteclubs on the downtown  granville strip
( ie Caprice , Tonic ,Roxy and  others ) plus theatres and our symphoney hall  ( the Orpheum ) plus our worlld famous live music venue - the Commodere ( you gotta see a show there - if you can )  adn there are buses that will take you riight to UBC and back

The Real street you need to AVOID like the plague is East Hastings which should  be renamed Crack alley ( but it wont because then all the heroin addicts would complain )

Jun 20 06 10:54 am Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Tessa Haviland wrote:
Aww thanks you guys. You're all so sweet and yet goofy. I LOVE IT! simply fabulous. So I will quit the idea of a youth hostel, do a travel notice, and contact those models. And I will stay away from the scary side of Granville. And Terry, we do need to do a shoot in Seattle. I do have friends in Seattle, so I can stay with them.

Thanks everyone!

Thank goodness you saw the light.

Jun 20 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 405


Garry k wrote:
THe Inn at the Qauy may be ok but its in a sketchy area . You would need to walk a couple of blocks to teh Skytrain to get downtown . The New West SKytrain station is not a good plaace to be - a lot o not so nice people hanging round there .....

Point taken, but it's not a bad area. Two blocks to the skytrain, antique alley one block away. I would not in any way compare it to East Hastings, or Kingsway Motel Row, where even the hotel clerks say be careful. New West is a good area around the hotel and I have never felt less than comfortable there. East Hastings I turned around just on gut instinct. I have had Vancouverites tell me I know the area more than they do. That is not to say Kingsway is bad to visit, great food and shops, but I wouldn't stay there unless you are really on the cheap.

Jun 20 06 11:59 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

orinxpress wrote:
Point taken, but it's not a bad area. Two blocks to the skytrain, antique alley one block away. I would not in any way compare it to East Hastings, or Kingsway Motel Row, where even the hotel clerks say be careful. New West is a good area around the hotel and I have never felt less than comfortable there. East Hastings I turned around just on gut instinct. I have had Vancouverites tell me I know the area more than they do. That is not to say Kingsway is bad to visit, great food and shops, but I wouldn't stay there unless you are really on the cheap.

MOst of Kinsway is ok - just a series of strip malls and small stores but as Kingway wings from Vancouver into Burnaby /New West - things go downhill

Jun 20 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 405


Motel row on Kingsway has hookers at night, but during the day it's fine. I had a friend who told me she wasn't fond of the area, but I personally haven't had problems. Metrotown is nice, I even took a friend there to China Herbs for a school project, and we stayed in New West. She loved it, and aced her project.

Admittedly, New Westminster is a rivertown, but the boardwalk to one side and the public market is nice, and a pretty walk by all the riverfront condos, and it beats downtown by the courtrooms. The manager at the Inn at the Quay is a doll, I sit and visit with her every time I visit.

I've been through Bellingham WA too, and it has some gritty, run-down spots, but for the most part it's a nice border town. I remember being in one of the antique stores, and suddenly realising I was all by myself. As I left, I saw the store attendant coming back up the street, bringing back a piece of pie. I guess he wasn't concerned about me shoplifting.

Jun 20 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Some hostel sites you can check out are...

I've stayed in the Malibu Hostel in New York a couple times, which was about $30 per night.  Hostels aren't as nice and cozy as regular hotels, but when you're on a budget or just don't feel like spending $100+ on a room, hostels can be convenient...and spending the $30 a night instead of $100+ is so nice.  smile

Jun 20 06 06:59 pm Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

So... who's got a couch for me to sleep on? (I sleep with pepper spray in hand)....

Jun 20 06 07:04 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tessa Haviland wrote:
So... who's got a couch for me to sleep on? (I sleep with pepper spray in hand)....

Me thinks you are really just looking for a free place to stay with some assurance that you will be safe . The only answer to this - is that you need to develop some trustworthy friends in this  town first ,,,,,

Jun 20 06 08:56 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tessa Haviland wrote:
So... who's got a couch for me to sleep on? (I sleep with pepper spray in hand)....

I do but I sleep with a gas mask on.  tongue

21st floor of a high rise in the Metrotown area but you'd have to sleep on the balcony.  Not too cold at night.  It's a long climb down if I have to leave the place before you and I lock my door.

Seriously however, why wouldn't the photographers you're working with put about $50 each into the pot and just get you a place?  Doesn't have to be 5 star but for about $110CND/night you can stay at the Holiday Inn - Metrotown.  Your hotel is in BC's largest mall with theaters/shopping/asian kids who smoke and spit a lot/... and more shopping.

Jun 20 06 09:20 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Seriously however, why wouldn't the photographers you're working with put about $50 each into the pot and just get you a place?  Doesn't have to be 5 star but for about $110CND/night you can stay at the Holiday Inn - Metrotown.  Your hotel is in BC's largest mall with theaters/shopping/asian kids who smoke and spit a lot/... and more shopping.

I told her the same thing smile see Tessa us Canuks  do make sense sometimes but we usually bolt from negotiation tables first... smile

It may be our need for beer... Beer first,than negotiate, ancient Canadian

Jun 20 06 09:37 pm Link


Stan Trac

Posts: 1

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Whenever I travel, I usually stay in youth hostel. I have stayed in Vancouver youth hostel by Jerico Beach which is beautiful. Click on the link for hostel info: … ouver-4320
If you don't mind sharing the room with two or three people, you only need to pay $23.50 Canadian per night. If you want to get a private room, you will pay about $58 Canadian. At one time, I shared a room with a Japanese, a German and a French tourist. This hostel is by the beach. While staying at this hostel, I woke up early in the morning to take a walk on the beach and took some sunrise photos. It was a very nice experience.

Jun 20 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Tessa may I take this chance to publicly ask you to come here and shoot with me. You can stay here and you can bring a friend for your own comfort. I promise you will leave with a gazilion artistic shots for your port.

Jun 21 06 12:38 am Link


Jim Duvall

Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

Its only a 1 hour drive including the border from Bellingham. I live here too and drive up there and shoot all the time and drive back the same day. No need for an over night at all. It seems farther because its a foreign country but actually its closer than Seattle.

Jun 21 06 12:44 am Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

You know what...

You're too scary for this business.

Jun 21 06 08:20 am Link



Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Sounds great!!  Let me do some math...

Victoria model was visiting a friend so travel expenses = $0
Shoot was TFCD but I threw in $150 just for giggles.
Since I was taking up most of her time here in Vancouver and she had to spend the night.. 1 night Pan Pacific... $200.

Total cost for me... $350.

Kiska from Toronto
TFCD but since she's coming all this way $200.
2 nights Pan Pacific... better get a suite $900.
Flight for 2 (assuming an escort) return from Toronto $1,915.04

Total cost to me.... OMFG!!!!   o.O

... uhh... uhmm....   *bolts from the negotiation table*

HAHAHAH smile I prefer the cash and stay here in TO smile

hold on... 1 night is 200$ and 2 nights 900? doesnt add up.. so

2 nights hotel 350 (2 nights is a deal) ( no need fancy rooms-but wouldn’t mind)
flight 2 people: CAD $187.92 (probably can get better last minute deals )

= 537.92

wouldn’t mind extra money.. not a necessity

more reasonable?

Jun 21 06 08:39 am Link